Monday, November 20, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 41 - The Wild Girl from the Countryside may have been Frightened by the Price.

 The bronze Pixiu was finally sold for five million.

The hosts who reported the final figures on the stage smiled, gracefully pressed the button, and the platform descended.

This collection that has been sold will be placed backstage, and if the buyer is willing, it can be placed here for a second auction.

But these are all arrogant people, and there is more or less an element of showing off when bidding prices. How can the collections that have been obtained be taken out for auction again.

"Next up is our second collection."

The lifting platform next to the host rose again. This time it was a round blue and white porcelain vase with an elegant pattern. The price of porcelain is as always not cheap.

If it's well-preserved, the older it is the better.

The glass table still reaches every rest area along the track. Some buyers who are a little knowledgeable put on gold-rimmed glasses, and their eyes are already shining brightly while observing.

"This is good." Pu Jianchuan nodded in satisfaction.

There were only four collections in total that night, and the rest were spent gambling on stones and buying mines. He really liked this vase.

"Dad, there are enough vases at home." Pu Xi took a look and continued to adjust the angle of the phone's camera.

According to Mu Chenxing's request, he was asked to take pictures of Mu Wen Li's entire performance. It was probably because Mu Wen Li had just gotten into trouble at school, and the Mu family was not assured.

It was strange. If they were really afraid that she would be embarrassed, why would the Mu family let her come here?

"What do you know? Antiques from the golden age of troubled times will only increase in value and not depreciate if left alone." Pu Jianchuan glared at his unsatisfactory son.

"Just pretend I didn't say anything." Pu Xi snorted.

However, Mu Wen Li has never held up a sign until now. Forget about the previous round. If she doesn't hold up a sign this round, others will probably notice it.

The starting price of the celadon vase was five million, and almost everyone was ready to win it.

After raising the sign again and again, the price was directly raised from five million to thirteen million.

Wen Li propped her chin and stared at the excited crowd. These people were used to shouting and drinking, and it was impossible for them to be humble, especially in front of partners or opponents in the business field. Naturally, they would not give in to each other.

The price has also been driven up by the rising tide.

"Mr. Hu bid 13.5 million!" the host shouted out the other party's name.

The man on the side raised the cards again with a red face.

"Mr. Lin, 14 million! Is there anything higher than this?"

I have to say that this host also knows how to take advantage of the comparison mentality of these rich people. No wonder Seeking Jade Relic has been able to achieve the scale it is today.

After one round of bidding, the vase was sold for twenty million dollars.

The red-faced group of people who had earned it finally stopped to catch their breath.

However, after this round of bidding, no extra numbers were heard. There was another beautiful girl in the venue who they had never seen before, and Wen Li still attracted some people's attention.

"Who brought that little girl over there?"

"Whose daughter, hasn't even raised a sign in these two games?"

"What is she wearing? Did she sneak in?"

The guests who happened to be sitting in the two rest areas next to Pu Xi came with their female relatives. This woman always likes to gossip more.

Sure enough, after two rounds, she noticed Wen Li, who had never spoken a word. Women's jealousy sometimes comes without reason.

With such an eye-catching little girl sitting there and looking so good, it’s time to start looking for trouble.

"What kind of occasion is this! How could such a thing sneak in!" The woman behind Pu Xi raised her voice deliberately.

The voice is neither too loud nor too quiet, just enough for everyone to hear.

Her words naturally turned everyone's attention to Wen Li. These people could judge the identity of the other person just by looking at the material of the clothes she was wearing.

This little girl looks to have a good figure, but when she lowers her head, her duck cap just blocks half of her face, so her appearance cannot be seen clearly.

Wearing a pair of black Martin boots, she held her chin with one hand, her posture was casual, and she had no intention of paying attention to these people.

The manager on the side saw this situation and arranged for people to go to the rest area one by one to explain.

"She is Mu Wenli."

A small female voice sounded, dispelling everyone's doubts.

Pu Xi looked sideways and saw a girl sitting not far away wearing a long light blue dress. Her hair was permed, which is the most popular trend nowadays, and she had a good appearance.

He seemed to seem to remember that the woman was a good friend of Mu Nuan Xi.

"Miss Tong, are you telling the truth?" the man next to her said.

"You all know what my relationship with Nuan Xi is, and of course, I won't be wrong." Tong Jingshu raised her chin slightly, looking arrogant.

Tong Jingshu and Mu Nuanxi were a notorious pair of golden flowers, so she had naturally met the Mu family's second miss.

"What's going on? The second young lady from the Mu family has just been found."

The person who said this emphasized the words "Second Miss" in a strange way.

When the rest of the people heard the description of the second young lady of the Mu family, they didn't say anything more. Although the Mu family didn't come at this moment, it was impossible for Mu Wen Li to come by herself.

After all, it was sent here by the Mu family, so they couldn't offend the Mu family.

"I don't know if the second young lady of the Mu family can hold up a sign." The people around Tong Jingshu laughed out loud.

"I'm afraid she was frightened by the price. A wild girl who grew up in the countryside has probably never seen so much money in her life. There is no such thing as holding a sign." Tong Jingshu shook the red wine glass in an enchanting posture. 

Soon the last auction item went up, and everyone tried their best to open their eyes and see clearly the little thing in the glass cover.

"This is the last item in our collection for tonight."

A palm-sized jade product, with the color of mutton-fat jade, reflecting a round luster under the light.

When the collection was transferred to Wen Li, she saw it clearly, a piece of jade carved from a jade annulus with excellent texture was not unearthed much in country G, but the age can be traced back to the king's sacrifice two thousand years ago.

Very similar to a jade pendant, but not a jade.

"This collection, the starting bid is five hundred thousand dollars."

After the host finished speaking, no one in the entire hall had the inclination to hold up a sign.

Pu Xi noticed the quiet atmosphere and glanced at the jade ring in the glass.

"Dad, you don't want to bid?"

This is the last piece of the collection, and Pu Jianchuan hasn't bought anything all night.

"There are many jade rings of that style out there. Besides, the asking price is only 500,000 yuan, so there is no room for appreciation." Pu Jianchuan replied to him.

Although the people here don't understand it very well, they are still tactless and impulsive.

Coupled with the weird vanity, they thought half a million was too low, so this thing probably wasn't worth half a million.

Just when everyone thought the collection was about to be taken back, the host saw the girl who had been silent raising her hand and the sign in her hand.

"One million." The girl's voice was neither soft nor loud, but it was a strong voice.

Pu Xi stared at Wen Li who was holding up the sign. He was going crazy. She was spending money to buy a broken jade. She was probably a fool. She didn't see that no one around her dared to bid.


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