Tuesday, November 21, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 42 - Drum Roll, Unexpected Reversal

 Everyone in the hall was attracted by Wen Li's words. To be honest, not all people here don't understand antiques.

There were a few knowledgeable people among them, and even they scorned the jade ring. The youngest daughter of the Mu family was really unconventional in holding up a sign at this time.

"Dad, is that something good?" Pu Xi asked Pu Jianchuan curiously.

The auction was in full swing just now, why has it suddenly cooled down?

"It doesn't have much value. It was used as an accessory for literati throughout the ages. It doesn't look like an accessory at first glance. Besides, it's not a fine jade, so naturally no one would want it."

In addition, in the early days of Seeking Jade Relic, it originally relied on gambling on stones. Now, various expensive rough stones returned from the search are still displayed in various exhibition halls next to the hall.

People here are basically tired of seeing jade, so naturally, no one will bid anymore.

"She is really a young girl who has never seen the world. I'm afraid she only knows jade and gold in this world." Tong Jingshu covered her mouth and laughed.

The man next to her glanced at Wen Li over there and saw half of the girl's face exposed in the light, with a greedy look on his face.

"But this little daughter of the Mu family looks really good."

Just sitting there makes her stand out.

When Tong Jingshu heard this, she was naturally unhappy, "What do you mean? Do you mean that I am not as good-looking as that idiot?"

"It doesn't seem right for you to talk like that." The man advised.

After all, there are so many people listening, so you can't say something too unpleasant. After all, the person is from the Mu family.

"She doesn't understand anything herself, embroidered pillows and a bag of grass but still not allowed to be said by others. In the past, Nuan Xi came here with a very unique vision, and every time she took a bid it was all good things." Tong Jingshu snorted, "If you don't understand anything, don't come out and be embarrassed." 

Tong Jingshu's words also resonated with people.

"The same goes for the Mu family. Let her come out alone without arranging for anyone to follow her."

"Look, it's such a big joke, just picking up unwanted things and taking them back."

"I heard that the second young lady of the Mu family was brought back from the countryside. She has not studied much. Naturally, she cannot be compared with Mu Nuanxi. However, a child from a remote country who is willing to buy a jade pendant worth a million dollars does the Mu Family know?"

The whispers around him became louder and louder. Pu Xi turned around and could see the disdain and gloating in the eyes of the people around him when they looked at Wen Li.

For these people, the biggest excitement at the moment is Mu Wen Li.

"Ms. Mu is asking for one million, is there any increase in price?" the host said with a smile and extremely professional quality.

People around him were talking like this, so naturally, no one would be willing to speak.

In everyone's eyes, the jade ring is deemed to be worthless. Wen Li spent one million to bring it back, which was simply being an idiot.

"One million for the first time."

"One million the second time."

The moderator begins the final call for bids.

The final clap nailed it down.

"Congratulations to Miss Mu for successfully purchasing our last piece of collection for one million. ”

Wen Li's fingertips swished at the rim of the cup. It was worth one million. According to the market price, the current price of that piece of jade is around 20 million.

Once the funds are credited, she doesn't have to touch the money in her account.

But strictly speaking, this money is still not enough.

"Come on, let's all raise a glass to celebrate Miss Mu's purchase of the treasure." Tong Jingshu stood up and raised the cup in her hand high in the direction of Wen Li.

Pu Xi looked at the woman standing in the center of the hall. It was obvious that Tong Jingshu was mocking Mu Wen Li.

A woman's jealousy and targeting never need any justification.

"What's there to congratulate? I'm afraid she will bring this thing back and make Mr. Mu mad." Said the person behind Tong Jingshu.

"Don't be like this. After all, for Second Miss Mu, who grew up in an environment like that, it is great progress for her to spend this million with her hands. Mr. Mu has always loved the younger generation, even if it is outside. 

You can faintly hear laughter from the surroundings. Which of these people have seen the excitement of the Mu family? The Mu family has strong financial resources and can dominate Ningzhou. The children are all excellent and there is almost no problem.

But for an enviable family, many people will naturally be jealous. The excitement of admiring the family is not something you can usually see.

"Isn't Mu Wen Li very favored in the Mu family? Why is she here alone?" Pu Jianchuan looked at his son and asked.

"I don't know what the situation is like in the Mu family, but Chenxing hates her very much."

Pu Jianchuan nodded in understanding. It doesn't matter if a child who has not received a good education has the blood of the Mu family in her body. The environment in which she grew up determines her vision. A family like the Mu family will not open their hearts to accept such a vulgar person. 

This kid is probably not doing well in the Mu family.

Listening to the noise of the crowd, Wen Li raised her hand to add water to her cup, and her cool eyes swept across Tong Jingshu in the crowd.

Noticing the way she looked at her, Tong Jingshu frowned. She just saw the ridicule in that wild girl's eyes.

That's right, sarcasm.

A wild girl from the poor countryside dared to look at her like that.

"Miss Mu, I advise you..."


A deafening drum beat interrupted the excitement of the crowd.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and all looked up at the big drum placed at the highest point on the third floor.

"Dad, what's going on?" Pu Xi also looked up.

In front of the five-meter-diameter drum, a well-dressed waiter turned his back to everyone and beat the drum one after another.

Pu Jianchuan was speechless, his lips moved, and he said in surprise, "That drum is not something that can be easily sounded."

Especially in Seeking Jade Relic.

"Can't beat it at will?" Pu Xi still couldn't understand.

What does this mean?

"This drum was placed here when Seeking Jade Relic was founded. If there is a ten-fold difference between the customer's auction price and the actual price of the collection, and the customer makes a big profit, it will be beaten."

This drum has never been beaten for decades. The difference between the price of the auction and the actual price of the collection by people who come here is up to one or two million.

I am afraid that none of the first-generation guests of Seeking Jade Relic have ever heard the sound of this drum.

"You mean, the thing Mu Wen Li bought is actually very expensive?" Pu Xi said and looked at Wen Li.

Is this a joke? A group of people were mocking her just now.

Now comes this big reversal, and Mu Wen Li's life is too good.


Wen Li: "Kneel down and call me daddy now."


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