Wednesday, November 8, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 8 - The Real Bigwigs are Facing the Thunder Head-on

 Murong Yun hesitantly picked up the bones in the box.

On this white bone, which was as long as her arm, there was a fist-sized jet-black stone tied with unknown metal wire.

"Oh my, Princess, this is a treasure specially selected by Your Majesty from the treasure house."

The eunuch who delivered the reward pinched the orchid with his fingers and introduced the item to Murong Yun in a high-pitched voice:

"This treasure, ah, is called Harnessing Thunder, it was the weapon of a Thunder Spirit Cultivation expert in the previous dynasty."

"Your Majesty heard about the princess yesterday and asked someone to modify it for you so that non-thunder spiritual cultivators like you, the princess, can also use it."

"With this treasure, you don't have to be afraid of lightning strikes anymore."

"So powerful?"

 Murong Yun touched the smooth white bone staff with surprise on her face, it was ugly... But it’s practical!

"When you go back, tell Emperor Uncle that Ayun likes this treasure!"

"As you wish."

The eunuch gave Murong Yun a salute and with a flick of his sleeves he then excused himself.

Xiao Cui on the side stuffed a big red envelope very politely.

The eunuch took it with a smile on his face and went back to the palace to pass on the message with satisfaction.

"Xiao Cui, help me change my clothes."

Murong Yun reluctantly put down the bone staff and pushed back her messy hair.

Can't wait to try it out.

After getting dressed, Murong Yun urged the maid to tie up her hair casually, and happily climbed up to the rockery in the courtyard with a bone staff.

Very domineeringly, he inserted the bone staff into the gap between the rocks.

She put her hands on her hips, looked up at the beautiful weather, and began to narrow her eyes, teasing the Heavenly Law in her heart.

Little Heavenly Law, do you dare to respond to this old lady's call for you?

It is impossible to make me a vicious female supporting role, and the plot will not proceed!

You want me to work for the heroine, that’s impossible!

I want to live a long life and be rich and powerful, so I want to beat up the couple, the hero and heroine!


Above the rockery, thunderclouds quickly gathered in the sky as Murong Yun expected, and strong winds blew.

Murong Yun felt like a big boss at this moment.

 The successive thunderstorms over the Eldest Princess's Mansion attracted many ordinary people to watch the excitement.

At this time, due to the gathering of thunderclouds, people got together and discussed in low voices.

I don’t know when this princess who has provoked heaven’s punishment will be taken away by God.

"Come on, Little Heavenly Law!"

Murong Yun raised her head and squinted her eyes defiantly, smiling wickedly.


As soon as a purple thunder flashed, it slashed at the white bone rod on the side of Murong Yun——.

The moment the thunder fell on the White Bone Staff, the thunder stone on top emitted a deep purple light.

It easily absorbed the huge thunder power cleanly.

As for Murong Yun, except for her hair and clothes that floated up due to static electricity, she was unscathed!

"The staff is powerful! The staff is made of cowhide!"

Murong Yun fell in love directly. This is the first treasure that can directly change one's destiny.

"Little Heavenly Law, you can't do it, you're probably weak."

Murong Yun said with a mean voice that was not afraid of death. She was arrogant and savage, using her staff to bully the way of heaven.

Of course, Heavenly Law sent her a few thunderbolts that didn't hurt...

The static electricity made her slick black hair look crazy like a madman, but she didn't care.

Until a cool gaze fell on her.

Lai Su's long body stood on the wall between the general's residence and the princess's residence, and his indifferent gaze fell on Murong Yun.

Well, Murong Yun's proud expression froze. The other party probably thought she was crazy.

And what's going on with this person, he appeared yesterday and now he appears again?

It's almost like having surveillance installed.

Murong Yun silently stopped her behavior of playing with the Heavenly Law, took the white bone staff, and climbed down the rockery.

"Weird." Murong Yun couldn't help whispering in Xiao Cui's ear:

 "Why is Li Su here?"

"Princess, you have forgotten that the courtyard next to yours is the courtyard of Heir Li of the General's Mansion."

Xiao Cui likewise whispered back.


Murong Yun opened her eyes wide, and the case was solved.

She knew that Li Su had no leisure and carefree mood to look at her every day.

Sure enough, it's too embarrassing to attract thunder every day, and if she has such a neighbor, she would also want to watch the excitement.

"Then, Princess, do you want to invite Heir Li into the house for tea?"

Murong Yun vetoed when she heard this: "No, no, no, I don't know him well, let's go shopping." 

What kind of tea are you drinking? However, the heroine Baili Shuangxue did not meet him because her magpie bridge was broken. But who knew what would happen in the future, and in her experience, it was safer to stay away!

Li Su stared blankly at the woman who had kidnapped him a few days ago and was planning to do something wrong, and also the one who was earnestly shouting to save him. At this moment, she was hurriedly breaking away from him and running away...

He silently withdrew his gaze and looked at the thunderclouds that were about to dissipate in the sky. In his gray-blue eyes, there were streaks of lightning flowing under the thunderclouds.

As far as he was concerned, observing the trajectory of thunder and thunder formed by this Heavenly Law would be of great benefit to his cultivation of light spiritual power.

"Princess, why don't we take Luan Jia?

Xiao Cui suspiciously followed behind, and the master-servant duo went through the streets of Liu Jing.

If the princess goes out on the street in the past, she must be dressed up, have a guard of honor, and have a good sense of the royal aura.

Murong Yun proudly played with the white bone staff, carefully hung it on her waist, and said perfunctorily:

"Hey, as a human being, you still have to be down-to-earth so that you won't get beaten."

"Whoever dares to hit the princess, Xiaocui and the people in the princess' mansion will give him a good face!"

Xiao Cui shouted with a dissatisfied look on her face, for her, the princess was the highest among them.

"Okay, okay, why don't we keep a low profile? I, the princess, thought about it. How boring was it to show off your wealth and power like that in the past?"

"It is better to take care of people's livelihood and share the worries of the Emperor Uncle."

Murong Yun was talking nonsense, but she was actually worried that if she continued to follow the original owner's lead, she would be labeled as a villain and beaten to death sooner or later.

"As expected of the princess, she is indeed far-sighted!"

Xiao Cui blew a rainbow fart without thinking while diligently clearing the way for Murong Yun.

As for the people around, those who had seen Murong Yun, the arrogant princess, had the vision to stay away from her.

They were just worried that someone would get in the eyes of this dandy princess and would be punished on the spot.

There were also people who waited for Murong Yun to go away and discussed in low voices how this person had provoked the wrath of the sky and the thunder.

Therefore, Murong Yun had a smooth journey, turning the street into a catwalk.

Until, an intersection was blocked by people.

"Who dares to block the princess's way?!"

Xiaocui looked dissatisfied and was about to call out the hidden guards to clear the way, but Murong Yun quickly stopped her.



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