Wednesday, November 29, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 18 - Dare to do Next Time



Li Su shouted in a low voice and turned away in a panic. His jade-white face was instantly stained with red, and even the roots of his ears that were infected with Murong Yun's breath turned red.

At the same time, the identity of the other party was also confirmed again, because Murong Yun once peeked at him bathing... 

She was the only one besides his mother who knew the location of his birthmark!

"What are you talking about, brother Li Su, if you act like this, the second sister will be sad."

Murong Yun took back her hand, the expression on his face was both beat up and innocent.

She has become daring and is not afraid to flirt with the male protagonist.

It must be that Heavenly Way that is so abominable that she became so desperate for death!

But Li Su paused, feeling a little dazed for a moment, and there was a fog in his beautiful gray-blue eyes.

This tone... gradually overlapped with the childish girl's voice in his memory.

"What's wrong, little brother Li Su, your elder sister is very sad when you do this?"

Suddenly, Murong Yun in front of him raised her chin proudly, and then ran away quickly, as if she had taken some huge advantage.

He subconsciously wanted to reach out and grab the other person, but a black shadow suddenly fell in front of him.

"Lord Heir, there is some movement."

Li Su's eyes flickered and his eyelashes trembled. He finally retracted his hand and ordered in a cold voice:

"Let's go. ”

Murong Yun ran quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that Li Su didn't follow her to settle the score with her.

As a vicious female supporting character, she teases the heroine's man, which is really exciting. I will dare to do it next time.

A dreamless night passed and the next day, the morning meeting in the throne room was like a vegetable market.

Jingzhao Prefecture Magistrate was carried to the morning court by his attendants. He was lying on the ground crying and complaining that he had been punished for no reason by Princess Shaohua.

He also said that the princess was unruly and willful and could represent the holy will casually, which was actually the crime of deceiving the emperor.

It happened that Imperial Censor Li seconded the appeal and said that Princess Shaohua was unqualified and was punished by thunder from the heavens. Either she was an unlucky person, or because the sin of killing was too serious. She should be sent to the temple to clean up the evil.

"And then?"

Murong Yun ate melon seeds happily with tea and she had no worries about being sent away.

Xiao Cui’s eyebrows were full of excitement as she spoke about the first-hand news:

"Then that old stubborn Imperial Censor Li, in his excitement, actually wanted to remonstrate to death!"

"Fortunately, the eldest prince knocked him unconscious, otherwise the princess would have been accused of murdering a loyal and respectable minister one day."

Xiao Cui complained indignantly.

This Imperial Censor Li, who was responsible for supervising all officials, had trouble getting along with the county princess.

He secretly stared at Murong Yun every day and tried to impeach her for every trivial matter.

He was most diligent in impeachment, Murong Yun's impeachment notes could be filled in a single basket.

"Hey, what could we do about it? Who made this princess the traffic controller of South Chu Kingdom?"

Murong Yun said without any pain or itching, anyway, we have a strong backer, and the Emperor Uncle is not too reliable at the moment.

"To say the least, the eldest prince is more powerful." Xiao Cui talked eloquently.

"After he dealt with Imperial Censor Li, he admonished His Majesty:

Not only did Magistrate Guo fail to catch the assassin within the prescribed range, but he also made things difficult for the Young Prefect. When the County princess visited her brother before she could care for her brother, he openly contradicted the Royal family and even refused to obey the discipline.  He is simply an unvirtuous official and a disloyal minister. ”

Xiao Cui spoke with adoration.

Looking at the way the eldest prince maintains himself, he is simply not much more advanced than her.

"At the end, a thick pile of evidence was thrown out. It was all about Magistrate Guo secretly accepting bribes and seizing fertile land to make money. It was really satisfying."

"He even publicly praised you, Princess, in the palace, saying that you have a sharp eye and can detect evil at a glance."

"He also said that Princess, you love your brother and have a deep brotherhood, just like the eldest princess back then..."

After hearing this, Murong Yun finally solved another case.

No wonder she hadn't woken up yet but the Emperor Uncle sent several large boxes of rewards.

It turned out that Murong Jia helped her gain a good impression.

This melon kid is not a bad boy, she did not save him for nothing!

When speaking of the devil, the devil will come, Murong Yun has just finished talking about Murong Jia when someone sent word that the eldest prince is here.

With Xiao Cui's help, Murong Yun straightened her clothes and invited the visitor to the guest hall.

"Ayun, look what I found for you?"

Murong Jia was still wearing the prince's court uniform and asked his attendants to bring a large box of treasures.

"This is a Luminous Night Pearls unique to the South Sea. It's enough for ten buckets. Do you like it? You can string it up and hang it on a curtain."

Murong Jia pointed at the beads piled randomly in the box. Luminous pearls on the market can be worth a hundred gold!

"The main thing is this, you're going to like it."

As Murong Jia spoke, he took out a brocade bag from the sleeves of his wide court uniform, pulled out the rope, and pushed it to Murong Yun.

"Wood Spirit Crystal!" Murong Yun's sharp eyes saw the crystal that exuded weak fluorescence.

What kind of magical melon kid is this? He gives you a wonderful experience every three days, no loss, no loss!

"Where did you get so many treasures? These are priceless but not marketable."

Murong Yun asked with curiosity on her face as she counted the crystal stones.

"It's from Guo Kui' Mansion. His mansion has just been confiscated by me."

Murong Jia's face was full of calmness. Murong Yun silently gave him a thumbs up.

You must continue to work hard to develop and quietly amaze everyone.

With this skill and this performance, does she need Li Su? 

When he dares to rebel in two years? He'll be rubbed to the ground!

"By the way, are you in good health? Does the previous injury still hurt?"

Murong Jia asked warmly with concern on his face.

Looking at the other person's handsome and exotic face, Murong Yun forced herself to move her eyes away, screaming like a marmot in her heart.

This melon kid is so handsome! 

"No, it's nothing. The medicine and supplements you and Emperor Uncle gave me have made me feel better these two days!"


Murong Jia chuckled seductively, making Murong Yun's ears itch.

She saw him supporting his chin with his hand and taking a closer look at Murong Yun.

Indeed, a little rounder, but:

"Ayun's national peony color, when you look at it like this, it looks even more beautiful."

Murong Jia watched Murong Yun as he complimented her with a smile.

Ever since this waste, ah no, this Murong Yun sacrificed her life to save him, he suddenly felt that it would be good to have such a cousin.

The rudeness to him in the past is not unforgivable.

"Ah, really?"

Murong Yun felt embarrassed when he looked at her, and touched her round chin, feeling happy in her heart.

"Of course, I never lie."

Murong Jia smiled again and stood up gracefully: "I have to go back to the palace to deal with some matters. I will see you next time."

"Also, you don't have to worry about Imperial Censor Li, I will stop it for you."

"Yeah, thank you, cousin." Murong Yun nodded obediently.

Although she was protected by the Emperor, if Murong Jia took action, it would definitely be better than the Emperor's pressure.

"Princess, the eldest prince treats you very well."

When Murong Jia stood up and left, Xiao Cui packed up the treasures that had been delivered and praised them without hesitation.

"I didn't expect that even when you bullied him so much when you were a child, he could still say good things for you at the court meeting."

"However, Princess, this is appropriate since you sacrificed your life to save him."

Hearing this, Murong Yun happily counting the wood spirit crystal stopped.

What? Did the original owner bullied by the melon kid?

Gan, how could there be such a mean-mouthed and mean-handed person as the original owner! 

"What did I bully him for?"

Murong Yun asked with a trembling voice.


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