Monday, November 27, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 16 -Troublesome Little Brother.

 "Fourth brother, you and I are siblings. From now on, just call me Second sister."

Murong Yun got off the Luan carriage and looked at this beautiful young man with an affectionate face.

Start thinking about how to increase your favorability.

"Princess, you are of noble birth, but Hua Zhu has a low status. How can you be called Second Sister?"

Hua Zhu gave up the courtesy, straightened up his body, and said with a fake smile.

Secretly guessing how this vicious woman would humiliate him again?

Although the eldest sister-in-law said that she was repentant, how could anyone believe the words of a person with a vicious nature?


Murong Yun hit a soft nail and searched hard in her memory.

Embarrassingly, she discovered that the original owner had reprimanded Hua Zhu in public during a family banquet because she was of humble origin and was not worthy of dining at the same table with her.

At that time, Hua Zhu, who was still a young child, had just lost his biological mother and was despised and looked down upon by everyone because her biological mother was born in a brothel.

The original owner's words can be said to be the shadow of his childhood...

It’s really hard to commit suicide. No wonder in the subsequent plot, Hua Zhu can be said to be the first to accept Baili Shuangxue and jump out to help her deal with Murong Yun.

In the end, he simply sent this biological sister to the Que Tower to become a prostitute.

It turns out that the roots were planted so early.

"Fourth brother."

Seeing this, Hua Fu said with helplessness on his gentle face:

"Us siblings haven't seen each other for a long time. When you return home this time, you have to stay longer."

"Yes, fourth brother, but you are not allowed to talk to your elder sister-in-law about money-making business. How can you make such money?"

Li Jiang also came up to intercede, for fear that the two siblings would start to quarrel.

"Since the elder sister-in-law has requested it, of course, I will stay for a few more days."

The eldest brother is like a father, and the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother.

Hua Zhu has been brought up by the two of them since he was a child, so he has a very close relationship with them.

"Hmm, what a good boy."

Li Jiang's face was full of gentleness, and her mouth seemed to comfort a child.

After hearing this, Hua Zhu shed the spikes all over his body and responded with the same soft smile.

In fact, the eldest son Hua Fu and the third son Hua Wu were the legitimate sons of the general's wife Wang Ru.

Only the fourth son Hua Zhu was an unexpected illegitimate son.

The only daughter is Murong Yun, but her biological mother is the noble Princess Jingmin, who was married as an equal wife.

Therefore, even though the whole family of the General Mansion is not favored and the Hua family head and his wife are stationed in the border town all year round, Murong Yun, who took his mother's surname, still has a transcendent status and power.

She can even walk sideways in Liu Jing.

"Ayun, it's already evening meal time, why don't you stay and have a meal before leaving?"

Li Jiang comforted Hua Zhu, but also did not forget Murong Yun who had made great achievements.

Like a big parent, trying to balance the relationship between siblings.

  "Okay. ”

Murong Yun breathed a sigh of relief. The surroundings were slowly brightened with lanterns. It was indeed time for dinner.

In fact, neither she nor the original owner had eaten at the same table with others for a long time.

She was an orphan in modern times. She finally grew up and did not dare to go out to socialize. She made a living by writing novels and renting an apartment.

She always eats simple food or instant noodles alone.

As for the original owner, although her status was noble, the eldest princess died young and she lived alone in the County princess mansion for many years.

Apart from going out to cause trouble and seek death, no one really ate with her.

"Fourth brother, this is your favorite fried beancurd roll, come and try one."

With a smile on her face, Li Jiang personally picked up a piece of the fried roll for Hua Zhu with serving chopsticks.

Looking at Murong Yun it seems she made a mistake, when she got married, Murong Yun no longer lived in the general's residence. She didn't know her food preferences...

"Ayun, have a bowl of soup."

Hua Fu picked up a white jade bowl and spooned three mushrooms stewed chicken soup for Murong Yun.

"Thank you, elder brother."

Murong Yun was simply flattered. From alienation to intimacy, she was moved to tears.

"Eldest brother, I want some soup too."

Hua Zhu chewed the fried Ling Fish in his mouth and watched his beloved eldest brother serving soup to Murong Yun, a vicious person. Suddenly it didn't taste good.


Hua Fu couldn't help but sigh at his younger brother. He didn't know what the other person was thinking, so he had no choice but to serve him a bowl.


Hua Zhu took a spoonful of soup and drank it with satisfaction. He couldn't help but glance at Murong Yun with a proud look on his face.

How to look at it, how childish.

It turns out that the future business tycoon is still a childish ghost now...

Murong Yun looked at Hua Zhu with his tail raised in silence, and suddenly realized that it was too much to please him, so she could just interact with him casually.

Anyway, as long as nothing happens to the eldest sister-in-law and nephew, the General's Mansion will not hate her so much.

So she took a big sip of the soup without ceremony and hummed back by the way.

Hua Fu and Li Jiang on the side looked at each other and smiled. Looking at the two of them, they were both still childish children.

"Eldest brother."

Li Su's clear and indifferent voice sounded outside the hall.

Murong Yun paused while drinking the soup. She turned her head and saw Li Su wearing a jade crown and a white robe under the night outside the hall.

"Little Su? Have you had dinner? Why not join us?"

Hua Fu got up and made an inviting gesture to Li Su.

When Murong Yun saw this, she realized that this couple likes to gather people together to eat...

Speaking of which, Li Su was fostered in the General's Mansion ten years ago.

Theoretically speaking, Hua Fu is also equivalent to his eldest brother.

Murong Yun originally thought that Li Su would not agree according to his character, but unexpectedly the other party actually nodded!

He happened to be sitting next to her...

"Did the eldest brother suffer in prison?"

Li Su frowned slightly and asked. In the past two days, he had been secretly chasing and killing assassins from that day.

But the person behind the scenes actually managed to remain undetected despite the search by the three forces; him, the Jingzhao Mansion, and the emperor. This handiwork was very similar to that of ten years ago.

"Not at all. Ayun came just in time today."

Hua Fu shook his head, and when he talked about Murong Yun, his face showed a rare hint of being relieved.


Li Su was surprised when the relationship between Hua Fu and Murong Yun became so good.

However, recently, reports came from his subordinates about Murong Yun's recent behavior, which is indeed very strange.

"The princess has been creating miracles lately."

Li Su glanced at Murong Yun indifferently and said something meaningful.

"That's not true, the matter of being struck by lightning is spreading all over the city." Hua Zhu snorted, describing it in terms of a divine miracle was too much of a euphemism.

"Fourth brother doesn't understand this."

Murong Yun touched the stick tied to her waist that never left her body and smiled brightly:

"Second sister holds the secret of Thunder."

As soon as these words came out, Li Su, who was standing on one side, immediately looked sideways.

That's not what she said that night.

"Hehe, princess, it's better not to call a lowly person like me your brother, lest you taint your bloodline."

Hua Zhu couldn't help but get angry at her call of fourth brother, and he had no interest in the matter of her being struck by lightning.

This childish ghost!

Murong Yun secretly ground her teeth, but she felt that Hua Zhu's words were despicable, instead of mocking her, he was only hurting himself.

Then she thought that the original owner was responsible, so she had to brace herself and try to reason with him, trying to improve his bad impression of the original owner:

"People are not noble because of birth, and people are not humble because of poverty."

"I admit that I was wrong in the past. Out of a moment of arrogance, I spoke unabashedly and called you a lowly person. I'm sorry."

Murong Yun said, stood up, bowed deeply to Hua Zhu, and apologized.


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