Wednesday, November 8, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 39 - Wen Li Threw a Box of Gold Bars A lot more Than the Membership Fee.

 Seeking Jade Relic is the largest antique trading house in the entire Ningzhou, and even the Jiangbei region of the entire G country. It was famous for its stone gambling in the early days. In recent years, its business expansion has also opened up many novel areas.

This place is the rich man's ghetto, the poor man's other side of the river, where there were once people who got rich overnight on a piece of ore, and there were also people who lost their homes because of a rock.

Most of the rich people in the whole Ning Zhou would also choose to walk to this place if they have no place to go in their spare time, and this place has hosted two-thirds of the families in the upper class of Ning Zhou, which can be described as very powerful.

Seeking Jade Relic has a membership system. In order to ensure the enjoyment and satisfaction of guests in this place, people who do not spend more than 10 million in this place are not allowed to enter here. However, they are able to allow access if they are accompanied by a member of a higher rank.

Wen Li didn't belong to one of them, and after confirming the membership system, she left for a while.

The waiters here are used to seeing rich people, and they can tell at a glance their annual income and family background from their clothes. They are able to differentiate the hidden conditions of the people.

"Mr. Li you go inside." The waiter bowed ninety degrees respectfully and escorted a couple into the hall.

The two waiters straightened up and glanced sideways at the almost full cars parked at the door.

Counting the hours it was almost time for tonight's event to begin.

"Where did that girl go?" The waiter with the blue tag asked to his companion.

The latter was busy fixing up her makeup during the break. When she heard this, she let out a disdainful snort, "What are you thinking about? A poor girl wants to come to this place and she may not be able to get in even if she makes a wish and is reincarnated several times." 

Hearing her words, the people opposite also sneered, working in this place, I have long practiced being able to see people and talk nonsense.

Just now, Wen Li was dressed in simple clothes, so naturally, she couldn't get into their eyes.

"Hey, who gave her the courage to dare to think of being here? If you pick any of the people here, the socks on their feet are more expensive than hers. Is she a lunatic released from some mental hospital?"

The manager, who happened to bring the guests to the hall and returned, happened to hear the words of the two and became a little interested.

"What are you two talking about? "

The manager took out the form and filled in the data. The paper here was all gilt-edged, which looked extremely luxurious.

"Manager Liu, let me tell you, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old just came over and wanted to come in. Oh my god, you didn't see what she was wearing. It looked like something she had picked out from the trash can."

"Yeah, I've been working here for so long, and I've never seen such a shabby person. Besides, is our place accessible to ordinary people? She doesn't have a recommendation from a senior member and doesn't have the money, she looks poor."

The more the two of them talk, the more excited they become. In this world, topics like this can easily arouse the resonance of others. After being together for a long time, they will always be subtly influenced to become the same person.

After hearing what they said, the manager also had a smile on his face, but one couldn't see the slightest bit of disdain, "A little girl, you didn't ask where she came from?"

"No need to ask. Just by looking at what she is wearing, you can tell that she must be a child from a poor family, but she is quite good-looking. Maybe she wants to take a shortcut?"

After hearing this, the manager finally understood that the people who come in and out here are either rich or noble. If you can hook up with one, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

Little girls these days, always thinking of shortcuts.

The two waiters were still chattering sarcastically, and the expressions on their faces were filled with unspoken sarcasm.

The two of them are dressed in decent work clothes and have exquisite makeup, and when they work in such a place, they naturally have to clean up decently.

"I wanted to ask her just now, where did that dress come from..." One of them covered her mouth and smiled, her sneer clearly evident.

"Stop talking." The people around her hurriedly stopped her and looked ahead.

The manager looked up and saw the little girl walking in from the door. Compared with the gorgeous decoration of the entire hall, she was indeed wearing something plainer, but when she looked over, her bright little face looked more beautiful than the oil painting hanging on the wall.

After working here for so many years, this was the first time he saw such a beautiful little girl.

"Manager, look at her, she wants to come in." The waiter's voice was neither soft nor loud.

Wen Li took two steps to stand in front of the three of them, lifted the half-large box she was dragging along the ground, and placed it on the glazed table.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The waitress screamed at once.

One would not know what kind of filth is in there.

Her voice naturally attracted the waiters who came back next to her. When they saw the girl coming in, the looks in their eyes were not very good, as if they were watching a good show.

This is not the first time that such a drama has been staged here. Last time, the people who tried to sneak in were thrown out by the security guards.

"10 million membership fees, there is a lot more here though." Wen Li's index finger tapped the box.

The manager looked at the half-large box in front of him, took out his white gloves, put them on, and opened the box. A burst of reflected golden light dazzled the eyes of the three of them.

"Ah!" The surprised voice of the waiter attracted everyone.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that the box was filled with golden light, and the gold bars were neatly coded.

In this box, there is a whole box of gold bars. 

That's a lot more than 10 million dollars.

"This." The two waiters who just mocked Wen Li looked at each other, and their expressions turned uglier than pig liver.

"May I ask your name, miss." The manager closed the case and half bowed, taking the membership form and handing it over, "Please write your name."

Wen Li glanced at the two waiters behind, and they quickly lowered their heads.

The manager handled it very quickly and handed over the black card respectfully.

"Here's your card, I'll take you in."

"You people here don't have a very far-sighted vision." Wen Li said lightly.

When you work in a place like this, what you see with your eyes is still so superficial, and something will happen sooner or later.

The two people who spoke just now were trembling a little at this moment.

The manager gave the two of them a warning look when he came out. The two waiters stood together, their heads lowered even further.

"Please follow me this way."

As soon as the manager took the person away, the onlookers came over.

"Who was that just now, such a big show."

"That's right, which family's daughter from Ning Zhou is she, taking so many gold bars out at once, it scared me to death just now."

The two shaking bodies were helped to sit down.

"Are we, are we going to be fired?"

The way the manager looked at them just now was clearly not right.

"Who told you to say that just now."

Now that things have become like this, aren't the two of them going to have internal strife?

If the customer was kicked away because of their attitude just now, the manager would definitely fire them.

Such a good job, it's not good to lose it.

"You have the nerve to criticize me. If you hadn't said it first, how could I have agreed with you? Now, it's all your fault!!" She roared and rushed forward.

The two argued and fought, and the waiter next to them rushed over to pull them apart.

At this time, the guests have almost entered. If someone bumps into them, won't everyone be punished?

But which family miss is the girl just now? She's a little too grand.


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