Wednesday, November 1, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 6 - Struck by Lightning

 How dare you accept this greeting? Murong Yun felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. She quickly got up from the chair gave him a hand and said quickly:

"Eldest brother is polite, you and I are really brothers and sisters, so don't salute to me."

Hua Fu's gentle and handsome face was full of surprise, but now was not the time to dwell on this. So he just nodded eagerly and went into the inner room to see his wife.

Seeing Hua Fu's distant and cold expression, Murong Yun could only helplessly press her forehead. It was all done by the original owner.

It was okay when she was a child, but after the eldest princess died, the original owner moved next door, making it look like a separate family.

As for Hua Fu's salute to her, it was because the original owner had a high status in the past two years, claiming to be a member of the royal family, and insisted on treating the other party with the courtesy of a monarch and a minister.

Thinking of this, Murong Yun returned to the chair and sat down with a sad face. She can only hope that Hua Fu will regain the brother-sister friendship for the sake of the fetal pills she contributed.

Inner Room

Li Jiang was sweating profusely and leaned weakly on the couch. She finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Hua Fu rushing back.


"Jiang'er, are you alright?" Hua Fu rushed forward to hold his wife's hand and asked with concern.

"Nothing happened. Fortunately, the princess rescued me and gave me the pregnancy-preserving pills in time. Just now, I asked the spiritual doctor who checked me up, he said that I was a little frightened and that if I continued to take the fetal-preventing pills, I would be able to give birth safely. 

Li Jiang was filled with gratitude when she mentioned Murong Yun.

"The princess...has changed her temperament?"

Hua Fu's gentle face was filled with surprise. He could hardly believe that the person his wife spoke of so enthusiastically was the vicious princess who had always been arrogant and unkind to her brothers.

"Husband, the County Princess may have been young in the past, and since she has the heart to be close, we, as her brother and sister-in-law, should accept it."

"Husband, please thank the princess properly. If she hadn't sacrificed her life to save me, our child might have been lost."

Li Jiang touched her belly with fear, and now she was filled with gratitude when she thought of Murong Yun.

"Of course." Hua Fu wiped the sweat from Li Jiang's forehead.

Considering that Murong Yun is now favored by everyone, there is nothing for her to plot in the General's Mansion.

Maybe it was because Jiang'er was pregnant that she wanted to get close to her.

Thinking of this, Hua Fu covered Li Jiang with a quilt, comforted his wife and smiled before getting up and going out.

"Eldest brother."

Murong Yun saw Hua Fu come out and hurriedly sat up straight, like a well-behaved elementary school student meeting her parent who had just finished a parent-teacher conference.

"Jiang'er told me, is the princess physically injured?" Hua Fu smiled at Murong Yun and asked with concern.

This question was of course about Murong Yun's previous use of her body to support Li Jiang.

"Nothing is wrong, as long as my eldest sister-in-law and nephew are fine, it's all a trivial matter for me."

Murong Yun quickly waved her hands to indicate that she was fine, with a sweet and friendly look on her face. See? Elder brother, do you see this fearlessness of mine in laying down my life and forgetting myself. You will have to protect your lovely sister from now on.

"That's good."

Hua Fu waved to the servant behind him, who quickly brought the medicine bottle on the tray:

"This medicinal oil is a bruise medicine handed down by the General's Mansion, and the effect is excellent. The spiritual doctor may be able to treat external injuries, but you still have to rely on this for bruises."

"Thank you, eldest brother, Xiao Cui. Put it away quickly and use it when we get back."

Naturally, Murong Yun is extremely giving face to Hua Fu, and immediately commands the maid to put it away with importance.

The first step to rebuilding the relationship between brother and sister is perfect!

However, thinking that the male protagonist Li Su was still staying in this mansion, he asked a little cautiously:

"By the way, eldest brother, is Li Su at home recently?"

I don’t know what happened to the male protagonist after that, mainly whether he wanted to cause trouble for her or something.

Hua Fu had some surprise on her face when she heard this. Why did she think of Li Su?

He also thought about the recent rumors in Liujing that the willful Princess Shaohua has fallen in love with Prince Li and wants to eat from the side of her nest.

It nearly darkened his face, thinking that whether it was true or not, he'd better not let her see the person.

"He said a few days ago that he had a bottleneck in his spiritual cultivation, so he was in seclusion in the courtyard. He said that we haven't seen him in the past few days."

"So, I guess he is still in his spiritual cultivation."

Murong Yun breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Just stay in seclusion in the general's mansion. When he is not in the mansion, he will become a monster.

Then she turned to Xiao Cui and ordered:

"Later on, some fire crystals will be sent to Li Su from the Princess' mansion's treasury, and ah right, there are also precious medicinal herbs suitable for pregnancy to be sent together."

"I see that Elder Sister-in-law's body is a bit weak, and those pills good for pregnancy in my mansion are not used by anyone, so why don't we give Elder Sister-in-law a good tonic, some kind of Ganoderma Lucidum and ginseng, just soak it in water and drink it!"

Murong Yun said proudly, thinking in her heart that she wanted her nephew to be born safely, so that the life destined to die young in the original book could be brought to the world.

As long as the child is safe, it can be considered as giving her some comfort.

Otherwise, she is really worried that the fate of cannon fodder cannot be changed after two years.

Moreover, Lisu is a fire-element light-based aura, so she will never go wrong if she gives a lot of gifts.

As long as there are more gifts, she can become the number one big brother!

"This...thank you very much, Princess."

After hearing this, Hua Fu breathed a sigh of relief, but when he heard that Murong Yun was going to give Li Su a crystal stone, he became angry again.

However, the General's Mansion had too few rare herbs suitable for pregnant women. Since she wanted to give them there was nothing wrong with accepting. Refusing would only cause her to lose face.

After that, Murong Yun chatted with Hua Fu on a few unrelated topics.

For a time, there was a rare harmony between the brother and sister.

After a while, Murong Yun said goodbye to Hua Fu with a smile, not wasting his time with his wife.

After leaving the waiting room, Murong Yun walked onto the long corridor, admiring the flowers on the roadside in a good mood.

Just as she was sniffing a rose, the sound of conversation came from the corridor.

"No, is it true that Princess Shaohua was struck by lightning because of her many evil deeds?"

Some of the maids gossiped incredulously.

"How could it be false, according to reliable information, some time ago, one moment the County Princess came out of the Que Pavilion then another moment the Que Pavilion was struck!"

The maid said with certainty as if she had seen.

"Also, in the past two days, thunderclouds have often gathered at the Princess Mansion next door."

"Without rhyme or reason, there is often thunder, and it's always in one place!"

"Hey, she just came to the house. We won't be struck by lightning later, right?" A maid was shocked and gloated.


"Princess, Princess, these bastards don't want to live anymore! I'm going to kill them!"

Xiao Cui said fiercely on the side, rolling up her sleeves and preparing to punish them.

"Forget it."

Murong Yun pulled Xiao Cui with a bad expression.

She had just restored some brother-sister relationship with Hua Fu. If she were to deal with the people in the General's Mansion now, it would inevitably leave a bad impression.

After all, she is now the character of a willful and unruly princess who became the returning prodigal son.

"We're going back."

"Well, it's cheaper for them."

Xiaocui followed Murong Yun out of the general's mansion with her mouth raised in depression.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she stepped out of the door, the originally clear and blue sky above the General's Mansion was suddenly filled with thunderclouds...

With a bang, a purple thunderbolt slashed straight towards Murong Yun!


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