Wednesday, November 1, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 38 - As long as She Wants, The Whole Ning Zhou City is Full of Gold.

 Walking down the alley and out onto the pedestrian street, it was the time of night when most people were out, all the snacks were lined up in the stalls on both sides of the street but they were neat and clean. People coming and going in twos and threes all have a few shopping bags hanging on their hands, among which the names and bags of famous luxury goods are commonly seen.

In this place where every inch of land is precious, there is never a shortage of people who have no worries about food and clothing.

As soon as Wen Li turned out of the alley, where the two intersections connected, at the base of the dark wall, a faint light attracted her attention. A white-haired old man sat in a chair on the corner of a brick wall, Two lamps illuminated a small area nearby.

The old man was wearing a white coarse cloth gown, and his eyes closed seemingly meditating. There were several things on the cloth spread out in front of him, and a thick stack of books beside him.

Wen Li unintentionally glanced at the books in his hand, this time of the night he would stay in this place, it could only be one thing he came to sell things.

"Old man, how much do you sell this?" Wen Li pointed to the top book in the pile of books at his feet.

"Little girl, did you go to this place at night to buy something?"

Wen Li flipped through the booklet without lifting his head and returned, "Didn't you also run here in the middle of the night to sell things."

That's true.

The old man stood up from the recliner and said with a sigh, "I have been selling things here for three months, and you are still the first young person to buy something."

The others were all old, weak, sick, and disabled, but he didn't see many people stop to look at his little stall.

Wen Li carefully flipped through the old book in her hand. The parchment cover was still intact and the handwriting was clear. The reason why she liked this book at first glance was because of the syllable word on the cover.


If she read it correctly, this book is probably from the old days, and the texture of the book cover is different to the touch. It may have been passed down for hundreds of years.

For people in the field of ancient medicine, it is like a treasure.

"Girl, do you really want to buy it?" The old man looked at her closely.

Wen Li nodded, "Name your price."

"Okay, fixed price, five thousand yuan."

The old man stretched out his palm energetically and gestured with five fingers.

Wen Li squinted and saw the mobile phone payment next to her. This old man was considered a trendy person. She took out her mobile phone and scanned the code.

Her simple action stunned the old man who was ready to haggle.

"Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet." The old man grabbed her hand in a hurry.

This little girl doesn't act according to common sense, so she will pay such an amount?

Wen Li stopped typing and waited for the old man to finish his words.

"If you just buy this book, it's five thousand yuan, but if you buy these together, it's five hundred yuan." The old man said, pushing a whole pile of books in front of her.

Such an algorithm also stunned Wen Li. This old man was just here to relieve his boredom.

"I just need this one. "

"You little girl can't do math. You can get this pile for five hundred yuan, but you can only get that one for five thousand yuan. No matter what the deal, you only want this one?"

This is some girl.

"I only need this. As for the others, maybe someone will show up who likes them, and they won't be taken back by people like me to gather dust."

Wen Li entered the password and stood up. The old man watched her series of actions with satisfaction in his dark eyes.

"Wait a minute, little girl."

The old man took two books from the pile and placed them on her hand, "This is for you. You and I have fate.

"Thank you."

As soon as Wen Li came out of the alley, the two lights beside the old man flickered, and suddenly two young people came beside him.

"Grandfather, it's time for you to close up for the day."

The old man looked very happy and said, "Okay, let's go back."

Two young men squatted on the ground and started cleaning up. One of them quickly discovered the problem.

"Master, it seems you sold some things."

There are three fewer books than when I first came here.

They had been in Ningzhou for three months, and the old man insisted on coming over to set up a stall, saying that he would not go back until he sold something.

However, when they were watching the stalls, they were not allowed to approach, so they could only guard from a distance.

After three months, their old man finally had his first sale.

"Yuan Gui, Jin Li. Let's close the stall early today and let's go to the night market."

"Grandfather, we'll pack up, then can we go home?" Yuan Gui's voice was high, revealing the most heartfelt happiness in the past few months.

They have received several letters from the Imperial Capital to remind them. The old Master has been wasting his time here. Fortunately, he finally made a sale today. 

"No, we stay here for a few more days, and you are responsible for helping me find out the information about the girl who just bought something." The old man ordered.

The two young men looked at each other, the expressions on their faces getting worse and worse.

"Grandfather..." He opened his mouth to coax, "Didn't you tell us before we came to Ningzhou that as long as we sell one thing, we will return to the imperial capital. You have to keep your word."

The old Master couldn't stay at home idly, he had to drag the younger members of the family out for a walk. Knowing the old man's idea of ​​traveling across mountains and ridges, no one dared to take the risk and follow him out.

It was these two brothers who were completely deceived by the old man, brought to this place.

"Grandfather, at first we agreed that as long as we sold something to fulfill your wish of being a peddler, we would go back, you can't cheat people ah. "Yuan Gui tried to reason with the old man.

The old man looked at them both, those dark eyes surprisingly bright in the night, "When did I ever say that? "

Yuan Gui suddenly became anxious, "Grandfather, you can't be like this, forgetting what you said."

"As you get older, your brain gets confused easily." The old man said and turned around, "Follow me after you two finish cleaning. I still have to go to the night market."

They watched the old man walk out of the alley step by step. He was obviously eighty years old, but he still walked as fast as flying.

"Brother, can we two go back home in our lifetime?" Jin Li looked helpless as he put the antiques collected by the old man into a box.

"Why does grandfather want to find the girl who bought his things?" Jin Li was full of doubts.

The after-sales service is also great. Is the old man going to explain the book to others?

"If I could read grandfather's mind, I wouldn't be here."

"That's right..." Yuan Gui sighed.

Weren't both of them deceived by the old man?


Wen Li continued walking towards the main road after coming out of the pedestrian street, flipping through the book in her hand as she walked.

When she came back to her senses, she found that the path she had taken gradually deviated from her original path.

She raised her eyes and saw a seven-story building in front of her, with three words written in gold letters at the top.

Seeking Jade Relic

The entire outside of the building was surrounded by fences, and the surrounding area was paved with parking lots. Now rows of luxury cars were lined up.

It seemed like some activity was about to start inside, and cars kept driving in. Without exception, the people getting off the car were all dressed in gorgeous clothes and looked glamorous.

Thinking of what Lou Qing said just now, she slowly closed the book and now knew where to get money.

As long as she thought about it, Ningzhou City would be filled with gold waiting for her.

Make money online.


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