Thursday, November 30, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 19 - One of the Original Owner's Dark History

 Xiaocui tilted her head, thought for a while, and replied:

"It's not a big deal, it's just that you said he has a low bloodline and it is an insult to the royal bloodline.".

"Then His Majesty sent him out of the palace to pay homage to the Buddha."

This...Original owner, come back, I have a meal of fried meat on bamboo boards that I want to treat you to!

Murong Yun closed her eyes sadly. At first glance, Murong Jia was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

She doesn't know if he still holds a grudge against her after saving him.

"Princess, are these Luminous night pearls going to be hung up as the eldest prince said?"

"Hang it, it must be hung! It must be hung in the most conspicuous place!"

Murong Yun was decisive. She was afraid that the other party would think she looked down on him.

Look at Hua Zhu, isn’t it the best example?

"By the way, help me find a powerful wood spiritual master!"

Relying on everyone to run, even the mountain may fall, and even Murong Jia is not a stable backing anymore.

"Okay, Princess. The palace supports many masters. Why don't you let Xiao Cui pass the message and ask the palace to send one?"

"Okay, the sooner the better."

Murong Yun made the final decision. On that day, she absorbed all the wood spirit crystals sent by Murong Jia and successfully advanced to the sixth level.

The large amount of advanced wood spirit energy instantly repaired all the scars on her body.

Moreover, Moon Rose has also unlocked new skills!

"Miaomiao, you have to be more competitive."

Murong Yun gently stroked the unchanged Xiao Miao.

Looking at the new skills, she felt a little hopeful.

The new skill is called 'Life Less’. Just look at the name, it’s so domineering.

Moreover, it is a group attack! 

Once again, Murong Yun arrived at the yard and squatted down with a hopeful face.

Touch the ground with your hands and recite the skill name silently.

This time, the wood spiritual power in her body quickly flowed out of her palms.

Within a five-meter diameter range centered on her body, green seedlings burst out of the ground, and patches of replica seedlings emerged...

"That's it???"

Murong Yun was silent for a while, looking at these seedlings leisurely relaxing their leaves in the sun, she gave up completely.

Sure enough, there was no way the vicious female supporting character could change the settings casually, so she had better stop dreaming.

The name of the domineering skill is the same as braised beef noodles. The introduction is for reference only.

"Princess, Princess, the master you asked for is here!"

Oh? That fast? I just asked in the morning, and he's here in the afternoon?

"Invite them over quickly!"

Murong Yun stood up from the seedlings. Her skills were not strong enough, but she could still learn new ones.

After all, she is now a dignified sixth-level master!

When the palace heard that she wanted a spiritual master, she picked a high-level wood spiritual master supported by the royal family without saying a word. What was rare was that she was a female master.

The female master is wearing a long blue water gauze dress and looks very elegant and beautiful.

"I've met Princess Yunhua."

The female master was polite and gentle, and Murong Yun nodded with satisfaction.

Of course, the next second.

"This!!! This is a kind of Spirit Plant!!!"

As soon as the female master got up, she saw Miao Miao on the ground and rushed up in disbelief.

She was as mad as seeing a precious treasure.

The character of the goddess was shattered to pieces.

"Princess Princess, can you allow me to touch it?"

The female master's face was full of covetous expression, and she just gave a beautiful face the look of a greasy uncle.

"Uh, it's up to you."

Murong Yun didn't know why. Could it be that this female master was not smart?

"Thank you, Princess!"

The female master received the permission, and her slender fingers touched Miao Miao carefully as if she had found a delicate treasure.

The next second, Miao Miao swayed and burst out with strong wood spiritual power.

In an instant, the spiritual energy dissipated, causing a wave of powerful spiritual pressure.

Seeing that something was not going well, the female master quickly used the wood spiritual power of the same type to resist.

When the spiritual pressure disappeared, the seedlings on the ground also turned into little fluorescent lights and flew away.

"This is not a real spiritual plant, but an offensive wood spiritual skill. It can be arranged in advance. Isn't it unheard of?"

Murong Yun also looked at Miao Miao who suddenly became powerful with a look of surprise?

It turns out that it’s really not a useless skill, it’s still a bit offensive.

"I dare to ask the princess who arranged such spiritual skills. Looking at this spiritual power, it has to be a fourth level."

The female master asked curiously, still looking at the land where Miao Miao disappeared with a searching look on her face.

Fourth level... Murong Yun was embarrassed for a while, she was at level six...

"Ahem, actually I set it up." 


The female master's face was full of disbelief. Who didn't know that Princess Yunhua's talent was... dull.

Although she was lucky enough to inherit the talent for spiritual cultivation, after awakening at the age of fifteen, after five full years, she was only at the second level of spiritual cultivation.

This kind of rubbish talent is simply scumbag to the extreme.

Especially coming from a royal family and possessing excellent resources, it highlights the waste of this scumbag.

"Yes, actually, this princess has been practicing hard recently, and now she is barely at level six."

Murong Yun smiled sheepishly, she also knew that the original owner was a scumbag.

"Level 6!!!"

The female master felt that she was dreaming.

I heard that the princess was struck by lightning one after another, maybe her head was damaged and she was hallucinating, right?

"Then... let me check the princess?"

The female master said, with a look like "Don't lie to me, don't lie to me." She bravely came up and took Murong Yun's pulse.

For masters, even if they don't fight, they can judge the opponent's strength through the spiritual energy flowing in the opponent's veins.

However, County     Princess Shaohua has a deep spiritual energy of wood in her veins, which is endless.

Surprisingly, she really have sixth-level of strength!!!


Murong Yun couldn't wait to ask. She also suspected that her perception was wrong. It was her first time practicing and she had no experience.

"Indeed, Sixth level!"

The female master was so surprised that her mouth stuck. What is the concept of sixth level?

She is forty-five years old. She has outstanding talents since she was a child. She was secretly trained and worshiped as a master by the royal family. She practiced spiritual cultivation at the age of eight and has been practicing hard day and night for thirty-seven years!

She has just cultivated to the seventh level of strength that is respected by tens of thousands of spiritual cultivators!

Now! This Murong Yun, who was known as the number one waste of the Southern Chu Spiritual Cultivation!

She actually secretly reached the sixth level of cultivation! 

The truth is, this world is fake, right? She's the one who is a waste!

"That's good. I thought my perception was wrong."

Murong Yun breathed a sigh of relief: "After all, this is my first time practicing, so I'm not very proficient."

Sorry, everyone has a first time, but you are a bit more powerful. The female master silently complained crazily in her heart.

"Master, you just said that the spiritual skill is only at the fourth level, but this princess is in the sixth level. Why is this?"

Murong Yun asked without shame, very curious as to why there was such a huge difference.


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