Tuesday, November 21, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 11 - Sure Enough, Not the Life of a Heroine

 "If Murong Jia, your eldest son, had not died during the Ghost Month Lantern Festival, with his strength, he might still be able to stop this King. It is a pity."

Such a peerless handsome man actually lives in just one sentence!

Murong Yun beat her chest and sighed, it was indeed a pity.

But then she realized that this extremely handsome man had not received his lunch box yet.

(Again, receiving a lunch box here in context means getting a boxed coffin for his or her funeral.)

Based on Li Su's regret later, does it mean that this is someone he had secretly observed and regarded as a rival!


As long as she kept Murong Jia and raised him, wouldn't he be able to compete with Li Su in two years? 

The more Murong Yun thought about it, the more excited she became. According to the available information, Murong Jia would die during the Ghost Month Lantern Festival.

At this time, there are still two years before the destruction of the country in the plot.

Since Murong Jia does not appear in the book, he must have died at the beginning, that is -

Three days later, this year's Ghost Month Lantern Festival!

Therefore, after three days, she must protect his safety!

With this idea in mind, Murong Yun pondered hard all night.

It wasn't until dawn in the morning that she had her panda eyes open and asked Xiao Cui to wait for her to wash up with water.

Then she took Xiao Cui's hand and told her very seriously:

"Xiao Cui, go to the palace immediately and invite Murong Jia to go to the Ghost Month Lantern Festival with this princess in three days."

"Remember, you must see him in person and tell him to come!"

"Okay...Okay, Princess."

Xiao Cui looked helplessly at the princess, who had become increasingly weird recently. After the other party finished speaking, she turned her head and wrapped herself in a quilt and fell asleep.

In the palace, Murong Jia was still eating when she saw Xiao Cui holding the Qingluan token...

After hearing the other party's intention, his face showed a bit of surprise.

If he hadn't known Murong Yun for a day or two, he would have suspected that she was attracted to him.

Murong Jia thought for a moment and nodded in agreement:

"Cousin Ah Yun's invitation of course I have to go."

"Go back and tell her that I will be waiting for her at Yingyue Tower by the Moon Lake three days later."


Xiao Cui bowed respectfully and retreated.

The confidants on one side waited until Xiao Cui had disappeared, and then hesitantly asked:

"Your Highness, during the Lantern Festival, didn't you promise the Imperial Concubine to put out river lanterns to pray for the people of the clan?"

"Pray for blessings. It can be done early. Murong Yun is deeply loved by the emperor. She is also very arrogant and narrow-minded. One must not offend her."

"Your Highness, no matter how favored she is, she is just a County Princess."

The confidant disapproves.

"You don't know... In the eyes of my father, all the princes and princesses bundled together are no match for the daughter of the late eldest princess!"

"Otherwise, why do you think I want to please this useless person?"

Murong Jia's eyebrows were solemn, and her beautiful face was full of displeasure.

Speaking of Murong Yun, she was quite cute when she was young.

But ten years ago, her temperament changed drastically, and she actually publicly humiliated him!

To say that his biological mother was of low status and of low bloodline and that it is simply an insult to the royal bloodline!

With just these words, his good father ordered him to leave the palace to worship the Buddha and cut off his path to the nine dragons!

Seeing the frost on Murong Jia's face, his confidant became silent for a moment, regretting bringing up this topic.

In the Princess Mansion, it was not until sunset that Murong Yun stretched out and stood up after sleeping all day.

"Xiao Cui?"

Murong Yun put on her clothes and shouted as she sat down and asked:

"Did Murong Jia agree to this princess' invitation?"

Xiao Cui trotted in with a look on her face and quickly stepped forward to help fix Murong Yun's clothes:

"Of course, the eldest prince agrees and has made an appointment with you to meet at Yingyue Tower!"

"That's good, that's good!"

Murong Yun was overjoyed. There were still three days left before the Ghost Month Lantern Festival which was enough for her to plan.

Immediately, she called Luan Wei and asked to arrange for all the elites to travel with her on the day of the Lantern Festival.

At the same time, she took out the wood spirit crystal that was kindly provided by Murong Jia and fed the rose seedling.

The two leaves of Xiaomiao swayed happily, and the spiritual power of the wood spirit crystal was continuously swallowed by Xiaomiao.

Xiaomiao breathed out more pure power and continued to pour into her body.

By the time a box of ten crystals turned into white powder, Murong Yun's spiritual power had already jumped twice in a row, easily reaching the fifth level.

Wow, Murong Yun was shocked, this was almost as fast as flying on an airplane.

One must know that Baili Shuangxue is only at the fourth level of spiritual cultivation now!

This is going against the tide!

Murong Yun's face was full of excitement, and she observed the baby little Miaomiao tremblingly.

Miaomiao still has two leaves spread out, not even a bud more.

But the amount of information has changed!

 Rose of the Moon (Seedling)

The legendary mysterious plant stained with the blood of the Elf Queen——

When the white rose begins to bloom, the killing under the moon will finally stop.

Skill 1: Unlocked - Vine Strike, Moon Rose summons a vine, which causes a flat A attack on the enemy, and the attack power is limited by aura.

Skill 2: ???? Unlock

Skill 3: ???? Unlock

Skill 4: ???? Unlock

What is this, a skill?

Murong Yun touched the seedling leaves in surprise and took Miao Miao into her body.

She ran to the yard with excitement on her face, fearing that her skills would be too awesome and the house would be destroyed.

You know, this is the top plant in the "Plant Illustrated Book"! 

A superb treasure in one server.

Murong Yun rubbed her hands together excitedly and found a suitable place.

Stretching out her slender hands, she showed off her noble and cool look like a big boss.

He shouted with vigor: "Vine strike!"

Under the moon, after a burst of green light...

Uh, where are the skills?

Looking down, she saw a vine shyly sprouting from her middle finger...

 Murong Yun was shocked, shaking the small branch that was less than fifty centimeters.

Is this thing called Vine Strike?

What about the skill of whipping the sky in all directions? 

Rubbish games, rubbish plants, regret my youth, waste my years!

She really doesn’t have the heroine’s life!

Finally, on the day of the Lantern Festival, Murong Yun honestly led fifty Luan Guard elites early in the morning and secretly went out towards the Moon River.

When they arrived at Yingyue Tower, they secretly arranged the Luan Guards throughout the Moon River and the building.

As for the reason for this arrangement, it was naturally after her careful consideration.

According to speculation, Murong Jia is in good health and will not die for no reason.

So it can only be an assassination.

Since it was an assassination, of course, the place had to be surrounded secretly.

When Murong Jia is assassinated, she falls from the sky and becomes a hero to save the beauty!

With the grace of saving his life, she would be able to keep Murong Jia to fight against Li Su.

It's perfect!


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