Saturday, November 25, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 46 - I Mu Wen Li have never been a generous person.

 Glass violets are among the top species of jade, and their color is purple. To create a glass violet, it takes a long time to accumulate changes, and the requirements for climate conditions are extremely strict.

As long as it is violet, it must be valuable. This is unquestionable in the jade world. Even after Seeking Jade Relic has been established for so many years, it has only opened a piece of violet the size of a fist.

That piece of violet was kept as a seal by Seeking Jade Relic in a glass cabinet in the exhibition hall.

When the staff member who opened the stone called out the glass violet, the entire hall came over.

This is an extremely rare thing. People like them have been betting on stones for so many years. Who doesn't hope to be able to open a rare jade species in one fell swoop? Naturally, they also know what kind of existence a Glass violet is.

Maybe this wild girl who was retrieved by the Mu family is not as good-for-nothing as outsiders say.

"What's the valuation?" Pu Jianchuan asked from the side.

The appraiser observed carefully with a flashlight, with a bright smile on his face, "Originally, violets are extremely rare. The transparency and water color of this stone have reached the top level. It has no impurities and is very pure, so the valuation is not low."

"The largest existing glass violet is estimated to be worth RMB 600 million for raw materials alone, and its price after being made into handicrafts is sky-high. Miss Mu's piece of violet is about two kilograms, and the quality is top-notch. I'm afraid I can give you a three to five hundred million price quote."

What kind of experience is it to earn three to five hundred million? Mu Wen Li only spent 1.2 million to buy this stone.

This is a hundredfold increase in one fell swoop.

"How is that possible? Did you see clearly?" Tong Jingshu stood up suddenly, with a look of horror on her face.

What a joke, no matter how lucky Mu Wen Li is, it should never be like this. She can open Glass violets in an instant.

If God wants to make a joke, don't make such a joke with her.

"Miss Tong, we are professionals. If you don't believe it, come and see for yourself." The appraiser's tone was calm and he was not angry at all because of her tone.

He has been working here for such a long time, and among the people he has come into contact with, none of them have eyes on the top of their heads.

There are many people who grab their collars and vent their anger when they encounter jadeite that is not of high purity.

If you don't have the endurance, why would you gamble?

"It's not bad, and the quality is pretty good." Wen Li glanced at the piece of violet jade.

It was almost as she expected, 300 million should be enough to last through this period of time.

"She was actually able to open a violet. This is incredible luck." Ning Qi said reluctantly.

"Being able to open this thing requires a bit of luck, but what's more important is that you have high professionalism and have the vision to pick out rough stones. Not everyone can have such a vision." Pu Jianchuan said.

Pu Xi was stunned on the spot with his mobile phone. He really saw everything in this video.

Will Chenxing be mad to death when he sees this?

Cold sweat broke out on Tong Jingshu's forehead, and the glass violet came out. Even if it didn't work, she knew it was the king of jades.

She can't even compare to mining.

"Are you taking off your clothes with your back to them or facing them?" Wen Li leaned back on the sofa.

The girl supported her chin with one hand and moved her sleeves down, revealing her fair and slender wrists, allowing her to stare at the person opposite her.

Everyone knew about the bet between Mu Wen Li and Tong Jingshu. People who were about to watch Mu Wen Li's joke now turned their attention to Tong Jingshu.

They are willing to gamble they must be willing to admit defeat. They don't want to provoke anyone from the Mu family or the Tong family, so they can just watch the show peacefully.

The people around her had already started whispering, and some of the men already had obscene smiles in their eyes.

Tong Jingshu is a first-line female star, and her figure and appearance are of course needless to say. For such a person to take off her clothes in public, it is not as simple as a feast for the eyes.

"Mu Wen Li, don't go too far." Tong Jingshu glanced at the people around her.

The look in those people's eyes made her sick.

She didn't want to take off her clothes in front of so many people, even if she was beaten to death.

"I'm willing to admit defeat. This is also the bet you proposed." Wen Li chuckled, and she lowered her intertwined legs. "Either you take it off yourself, or I ask others to help you, but I don't think those who help you undress will have any regard for whether or not they've scratched Miss Tong's delicate skin."

This was a naked threat, and Tong Jingshu heard it. If she didn't take off her clothes today, Mu Wen Li would let others do it.

"Miss Mu, I know Jingshu was rude to you just now, but she is also your sister's good friend after all. I apologize to you on her behalf. Can you let her go?" Ning Qi walked to Wen Li in two steps and spoke. 

"Yes, you have to be merciful. After all, we all know each other. Can Miss Mu just be generous?" The man behind Ning Qi came out to persuade.

"Besides, I think Nuan Xi would be unhappy if she knew what happened today." Ning Qi whispered.

This was to remind Mu Wen Li that a wild girl she had found could not compare to a serious young lady.

So, don't go too far, see what happens.

Seeing their looks, Wen Li was amused. If the loser today was not Tong Jingshu but her, these people would have taken her to kowtow to Tong Jingshu.

"You are wrong. I, Mu Wen Li, have never been a generous person and there is a large number of people. You are willing to gamble you should also be willing to admit defeat and do it yourself." Wen Li smiled, but there was no warmth in her eyes.

The camera of Pu Xi's cell phone moved and focused on Wen Li's face.

"Quite cruel and doesn't give anyone a chance to breathe."

"Mu Wen Li!" Tong Jingshu raised her finger and pointed at her, "You think I would really make a bet with someone like you. It's already an honor for me to talk to you. Who do you think you are?"

The person on the sofa took a sip of tea, raised her fingers and moved, and soon a group of bodyguards wearing black clothes came in from the door. The leader walked up to her and bowed his head respectfully.

"Miss Mu, do you need anything?"

"Take off her clothes for me."

After hearing Wen Li's gentle instructions, the man turned back and looked at Tong Jingshu, who was wearing a long skirt.


As soon as he finished speaking, the three bodyguards around him had already gone up to surround Tong Jingshu.

Lu Min raised his chin slightly, and the three men quickly reached out and grabbed Tong Jingshu.

"What are you going to do? Let me go! Don't touch me!!" Tong Jingshu struggled hard, as hard as a mad woman.

Lu Min's handsome face raised slightly, and his cold eyes did not waver at all. Since it was Brother Fei who arranged for them to come here to protect Miss Mu's safety.

Then naturally he has to protect Miss Mu.

"Do not touch me!!"

As Tong Jingshu yelled, the bodyguard in black reached out and tore off a piece of her skirt.


The dark cloth was thrown to the ground, and Tong Jingshu's decorations were torn off, exposing her entire waist.

Ning Qi was so anxious that she almost burst into tears. It had been a long time, but why hadn't Nuan Xi arrived yet?

"Mu Wen Li! I won't let you go!!"

Pu Jianchuan and his friends all turned their heads in unison, not looking at the messy scene in front of them.

"Stop!!" A strong male voice came from the door.

Following the sound of two messy footsteps, they came to the front of the crowd.


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