Monday, November 20, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 9 - Digging the Heroine's Corner

 "We have to keep a low profile, let's go, we're going to eat melons, ah no, we're going to watch. ”

Murong Yun found the gap and squeezed in flexibly.

"What's wrong with you, you're squeezing--" The melon-eaters were dissatisfied with being squeezed. They turned around and saw Murong Yun. They automatically muted their voices and said incessantly:

“Squeeze well, please!”

 Murong Yun smiled awkwardly.

She is indeed a vicious female supporting role, with a reputation far and wide!

"You damned slave, how dare you incite slaves to escape!"

In the middle of the intersection, a burly man with a rugged face was whipping a slave crawling on the ground.

All the while viciously abusing:

"You want to run, then keep running. Once a slave, you are a slave for generations! I will catch you even if you run to the end of the world!"

"The slaves in this slave trader shop actually dare to run away. It's pitiful. I'm afraid they will be beaten to death."

 An onlooker couldn't bear it, then he caught a glimpse of Murong Yun and he hurriedly closed his mouth and sneaked away.

Murong Yun didn't notice, her beautiful little face was solemn, and she frowned at this scene.

According to the settings in the book, the Southern Chu Kingdom and even other countries on the entire continent were still practicing slavery.

Aristocrats are born rich and noble, as long as they do not commit serious crimes, they always feel they are superior to men for generations.

As for ordinary people, life is difficult. If they make even small mistakes, they will be imprisoned and become slaves.

A slave is an existence at the bottom of the human race.

Except for being born as a human being, its value and status are not even comparable to that of an ox that can plow the land.

They can be killed at will by their masters, and this will be the case for generations to come.

It's just dark as hell.

In the original book, the heroine Baili Shuangxue was dissatisfied with this distribution of social status and used a large amount of financial resources and connections to end slavery.

Because of this, she was put up on the pedestal by the common people and the slaves and was also sought after by countless good and beautiful men.

However, when she traveled through, the book was still in serialization and did not explain the subsequent development.

But according to Murong Yun's own thoughts, where can a truly fair society exist?

It is just a change from a social system of extreme exploitation to a system of exploitation that can be tolerated.

"Heaven is unjust, why can't I resist!"

The slave who was whipped mercilessly stretched his neck to reveal a miserable face and screamed with tears.

The big man, who was in charge, smiled disdainfully, spat on the slave, and said cruelly:

"Don't think you have the audacity to show off here after stealing a few words from a book; a slave is a slave!"

"Today, I'll show you what it means to resign yourself to your fate, a disobedient slave like you deserves to be beaten to death by me!"

The big man said, pulling his whip and preparing to kill him.


After all, Murong Yun was a salted fish that grew up under the red flag, so she quickly stepped forward to stop him.

"Who are you?"

The big man had a sinister face and turned around impatiently.

Murong Yun was dressed in the splendor of gold and silver. She looked like a noble lady who was not easy to mess with. He quickly bent down and changed his words:

"What is the order of this noble person?"

"Him, this county princess wants!"

Murong Yun stood in front of the slave and gave instructions to the big man.

Hearing this, Xiao Cui behind her took out a piece of gold from her sleeve and handed it to the big man without blinking.

"It turns out it's the County princess, and this lowly one greets you."

The big man took the gold with surprise on his face, knelt on the ground kowtowed quickly, and said:

"Princess, this slave is rebellious by nature, and he is not good to be sold. I happened to bring good slaves to Liujing this time. Why don't you, Princess, take a look at them?"

"No, just him!"

Murong Yun shook her head, it was nothing more than impulsively buying, it wasn't as if there was a real shortage of slaves.

Seeing that the slave was bleeding from the whip marks, she turned her head to Xiao Cui and instructed her.

"Xiao Cui, go find a doctor to treat him, and then..."

Murong Yun said, thinking that she still had thousands of acres of land on the outskirts of the capital, and continued:

"After that, let's send him to the outskirts of the capital to farm, and give him a full meal as well."

"Yes, Princess." Xiao Cui nodded.

Seeing that the princess in front of him was so kind, the big man quickly blew a rainbow fart:

"Princess, you are really a kind lady."

After hearing this, some people who knew Murong Yun turned their faces away, fearing that they would accidentally laugh and be condemned by this vicious princess.

Even Murong Yun was almost moved to tears.

One day, some people will praise her for her kindness!

Xiao Cui summoned the guards of the princess's mansion who followed behind her and asked them to take the slave for treatment.

The slave was lifted up by two guards and he struggled to reach Murong Yun.

"Thank you... Princess for the rescue. In the future, Si Luo... will definitely repay... Princess for your great kindness!"

The slave finished speaking with difficulty. Under his dirty hair, his eyes were filled with determination.

Murong Yun nodded casually, waved his hand, and asked the guards to take people away, listening to this slightly familiar name, she was suddenly stunned.

Si Luo??

Si Luo!!!

I remember that in Changzhou, the Vermillion Pavilion was established by Baili Shuangxue in order to resist slavery in the later period, the chief steward of the Vermillion Pavilion was named Si Luo!

Could it be? It couldn't be this guy!

However, Butler Si Luo was also a slave bought by Baili Shuangxue from the slave shop, and there is no specific description in the book.

All I can say is that he is a determined man with great ambitions. That slave just now had this look in his eyes!

As she thought about it, familiar thunderclouds gathered above Murong Yun's head.

Come on, now Murong Yun is directly sure that they were the same person!

So she is digging into the heroine's corner?

It's quite exciting. This talent managed the heroine's Vermillion Pavilion very well in the later period, making money every day.

At this point, she puts people into her own property. Won't next year's performance be doubled!

Get rich immediately!

"Xiao Cui!" Murong Yun exclaimed excitedly.

"Princess!" Xiao Cui responded quickly, pointing at the thunder clouds in the sky and asking:

"County Princess, why don't we retreat first? This thunder seems to be about to strike!"

The melon-eating crowd on the side saw the thunderclouds gathering and ran away long ago.

At this time, they were hiding from a distance and looking around, hoping to witness the spectacle of Princess Shaohua being struck by lightning.

"Hey, this is a trivial matter. Please notify people immediately to treat that slave well."

"When he recovers from his injuries, he doesn't have to go farming, he can just manage my store in Liu Jing!"

Murong Yun had a grandiose look on her face as if she was guiding the country.

At the same time, she did not forget to draw out the bone staff with one hand, raised it to the side, and skillfully received the thunder blow.

The aura and the wonderful scenery made the melon-eaters open their mouths.

It is said that many years later, many in South Chu are still amazed by this operation.

When it comes to Xiao Cui, there is no doubt that she is in love. This scene happened and she is still firmly following her princess. Seeing the thunderclouds reluctantly disperse, she breathed a sigh of relief, and her admiration for Murong Yun reached its peak.

"Okay, Princess."

Murong Yun shook her head with satisfaction. When the order was given, she took the still-warm white bone staff and blew on the steaming black stone on top in a good mood.

Then she squinted her eyes and looked at the scorching sunshine as the thunderclouds dispersed and said:

"It's mealtime, Xiao Cui, let's go, have a meal" (She used a slang that literally says Cook Rice)

"County Princess, what cook rice? Is it dry rice?"

Xiao Cui asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"It just means go eat.”

Murong Yun carried the bone staff and Xiao Cui, walking on the empty street towards a building in her memory.

After the two people left with their guards, the melon-eating people poured out from everywhere with dreamy expressions.

Some people even rubbed their eyes stupidly and asked the people next to them if they were dreaming.

Finally, it was determined that everyone had the same dream during the day...

Liu Jing's Number One Building

A high-end place where aristocrats spend their time. The daily signature dishes are spiritual food carefully prepared by chefs. They are valuable, but demand exceeds supply.

And Murong Yun is a regular customer here.

However, she came late today. When the waiter saw her coming, he shook his legs and apologized:


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