Saturday, November 25, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 14 - Humiliation in Prison

 When she was held hostage by the surviving assassins, Li Su rescued her. The two also got closer to each other. 

And now, the first encounter is gone, and the time when Li Su saved her again made the second encounter gone again.

Simply, fantastic!

Murong Yun looked at Baili Shuangxue with burning eyes, successfully preventing the plot again.

Perhaps Murong Yun's gaze was too intense.

Baili Shuangxue followed her gaze and looked straight into her eyes.

This noble girl... is so pitiful, Baili Shuangxue shook her head.

She looks so miserable every time we meet.

Seeing Baili Shuangxue shaking her head, Murong Yun's alarm sounded. Suddenly something occurred to her and she hurriedly shouted: "Where is this princess' staff?!!!"

Damn, is the stick still soaking in the lake? 

Without the protection of the staff, wouldn't she be struck to death by lightning!

"Master, your thunder staff is here."

Luan Yi, dressed in black clothes dripping with water, respectfully placed a bone staff on the stretcher.

Murong Yun breathed out quickly, took the beloved staff with difficulty, and held it comfortably in her arms.

She was touched by Luan Yi's thoughtfulness.

"Well done, this princess will definitely reward you well."

Murong Yun praised him without hesitation.

As soon as the person relaxed, her head tilted in the shaking stretcher, and she finally fell into a coma.

But that night, because the Eldest prince and Princess Shaohua were both almost assassinated, Emperor Long Yan was furious.

At the court meeting, he openly reprimanded the Capital guard for their poor defense and ordered the Jingzhao Prefecture Mansion to supervise the matter with all their strength, so that the treacherous person be found out and the rebellion eliminated.

It wasn't until Murong Yun was lying on the bed recovering from her injuries that she suddenly realized what had happened.

This plot is really unsatisfactory. She was wondering why did Murong Jia disappear without even appearing?

Dare to say that he would have contributed to the meeting of Baili Shuangxue and Li Su at the Ghost Month Lantern Festival?

He kicked the bucket and the remaining assassins fled and must have crossed paths with Baili Shuangxue. She was kidnapped, rescued, and encountered the male protagonist, Li Su. They are all linked together!

So stubborn, and her cousin Melon Kid is so miserable!

Murong Yun lay on the bed and sighed.

When she thinks about the fact that Melon Kid has been giving away medicinal materials or gifts every day recently, I feel even more pitiful for him.

"Princess, Mrs. Hua is here."

Xiao Cui carried the freshly stewed Blood Swallow to Murong Yun.

"What? My eldest sister-in-law is here? Let her in quickly, and she must be supported. No accident can happen to my nephew!"

Murong Yun changed from being leisurely to ordering the maid on the bed.

"County Princess."

Li Jiang with her bulging belly is surrounded by maids. When she reached the bed, she was about to salute, but Murong Yun quickly reached out to stop her.

"My own family, what kind of etiquette are you doing? Xiao Cui, support the eldest sister-in-law to sit on a soft cushion."

Li Jiang finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw how much Murong Yun paid attention to her.

At this time, Murong Yun discovered that the pregnant woman's eyes were red.

Isn't this bad? If a pregnant woman is in a bad mood, she won't be able to eat. If she can't eat, she will have a miscarriage. She will lose her nephew in a miscarriage. If her nephew is lost, she will fail to change her life!

Thinking of this, Murong Yun quickly took the pregnant woman's hand with tenderness on her face and asked caringly:

"What's wrong, sister-in-law, are you not eating well recently?"

After saying that, she said seriously to Xiao Cui who was serving on the side:

"Xiao Cui, quickly bring over all the dishes in Liu Jing that are suitable for pregnant women! Look at my eldest sister-in-law, she is already losing weight."

Xiao Cui looked at her princess as if she was an old father and the one she was carrying was her child.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch, but she went down to prepare honestly.

"Princess, you don't need to be busy for me. Actually, it's because something happened at home."

Li Jiang couldn't help crying under Murong Yun's care:

"I came to beg the princess because I had no other choice. My husband... my husband was imprisoned in the spiritual prison early this morning... Wuwuwu."

Pregnant women are already emotionally fragile. When Li Jiang thought about Hua Fu being innocently implicated, she couldn't help crying.

"What's going on? Sister-in-law, don't worry, tell me calmly."

Murong Yun asked softly, and gently patted Li Jiang's thin back, trying to comfort her.

I was wondering why Hua Fu was imprisoned. There was no plot like this in the original book!

Li Jiang wiped her tears and choked:

"A few days ago, after the princess and the eldest prince were almost assassinated, His Majesty ordered the Jingzhao Mansion to find the murderer within three days."

"But it can't be that simple. As a young official of the Jingzhao Prefecture, my husband has been searching for the past two days without sleep, but there are still no clues."

"Today is the deadline. By doing this, the Magistrate of the Jingzhao Prefecture clearly wants to push my husband out to suffer His Majesty's wrath. This is a serious crime punishable by beheading!"

Murong Yun frowned when she heard this. Hua Fu was the boss she worked hard to improve favorability.

The plot will not let him die at all, but the cause of the incident is her...

If they suffer for this, won't the affection between these brothers and sisters return to before?

At that moment, Murong Yun took Hua Jiang's hands and promised:

"Don't worry, eldest sister-in-law, I'll go to the Jingzhao Prefecture Mansion right away and promise to bring my eldest brother back intact!"

"Then I'll leave it to the princess."

Li Jiang looked surprised. She didn't expect Murong Yun to agree so easily.

She is deeply favored by the emperor. If she is willing to help, nothing will happen to her husband!

Murong Yun carefully covered her wound and stood up. Hearing her words, she quickly shook her head to Li Jiang and said warmly:

"Don't call me princess anymore, call me Ayun. I am the second young lady of the general's mansion."


Li Jiang nodded happily, her heart filled with softness and warmth.

Seeing Murong Yun getting dressed with the help of the maid despite her injuries, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

After Murong Yun was dressed neatly, she sat on the exclusive Luan frame with great fanfare and arrived at the Jingzhao Prefecture Mansion in Liu Jing without any hindrance.

Fortunately, there is a nurse-like profession of spiritual doctor in this world, who restored a lot of blood to her, otherwise, she might have had to be carried here.

"Xiao Cui, find someone to lead the way. I want to go visit my eldest brother!"

With the support of the maid, Murong Yun arrived at the gate of the Jingzhao Prefecture Mansion's spiritual prison.

Xiao Cui took out Murong Yun's Qingluan token, and the guard at the door immediately brought the person in respectfully.

At the end of the spiritual prison, there is a single room where felons are held.

Guo Kui, the current Magistrate of Jingzhao Prefecture, threw a memorial at Hua Fu's feet with disdain and arrogance, like an old bastard who forced a good girl into prostitution.

"Hua Fu, please give me your fingerprints so that I can give an explanation to His Majesty. Don't worry, I will intercede for you tomorrow." Guo Kui opened his eyes and told lies.

"Hmph, do you think I will believe it?"

Hua Fu sat on the shabby mat and said coldly with sarcasm on his gentle face:

"This is clearly something His Majesty has entrusted to you. It's ridiculous to say you're pleading for me."

Hua Fu had always looked down on this superior who could only pat his beard and walk around.

Unfortunately, he has wasted eight years in the position of a young prefect, and now he has to take the blame for this despicable villain.

But His Majesty has long since separated from the General's Mansion, and will definitely not raise up the Hua family...

"You think if you don't give it, there's nothing I can do to you?"

Guo Kui said arrogantly: "Now that things have happened, it is no longer up to you. No one in the Hua family can save you!"

"Come here, put the fingerprints of our Young Prefect Hua!"


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