Thursday, November 2, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 7 - Lightning Protection Treasure

 "Hold the grass!!!"

Murong Yun was unprepared and was struck squarely in the face.

A head of silky black hair flew up with static electricity, and her luxurious clothes were completely charcoaled, and she fell to the ground with a black face.

Electricity surged throughout her body. Before she passed out, the thoughts in her mind were:

I'm afraid this time, it will really be spread throughout Liujing that Princess Shaohua has done many evil things and was struck by lightning, and there is even evidence!

On the eaves of the main hall of the General's Mansion, Li Su, dressed in gorgeous white clothes, looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky, with a bit of doubt in his eyebrows.

The thunder cloud seemed to have completed some mission after it struck Murong Yun, and quickly dispersed.

Only Murong Yun was left lying on the ground desolately...

In the end, it was the brave and protective Xiao Cui who carried Murong Yun back to the Princess' Mansion, when no one else dared to come close to her on the ground.

Strangely enough, the thunderbolt seemed to be raging, but it only caused Murong Yun some flesh wounds.

By the time Murong Yun got up from the bed with a sore body, it was already late at night.

She thought about the plot over and over again.

It's a pity that her brain is not good enough, and the plot becomes more and more blurry after traveling through the book.

In order to prevent her from forgetting everything one day, Murong Yun struggled to get up, took out her pen and ink, and wrote out the important plot points one by one. Until the end, she didn’t remember any reason why Murong Yun, the vicious female supporting character, was struck by lightning.

Although it was a fantasy world, it was too abnormal for the thunder to hit her every three days, right?


Murong Yun carefully sorted out everything that happened before and after, and a bold idea appeared in her mind.

Could it be because she changed the plot? 

That's right, the first thunderstorm struck Que Pavilion after changing the initial encounter between Li Su and Baili Shuangxue. The second time was today after she saved her eldest sister-in-law's child.

Not letting her have a miscarriage means that as the heroine, Baili Shuangxue has no chance to approach the general's mansion and gain favor!

That's a shame! Murong Yun put down the pen angrily, pushed the door open, and went out. Staring blankly at the bright night sky filled with stars.

Dog Heavenly Law, does this mean that she is not allowed to change her fate?

"Is that you? Do you fucking dare answer?!!!"

Murong Yun looks like a crazy two-year-old, wearing a white coat. Her messy hair looked like a golden lion shouting with her arm pointing at the starry sky.

In an instant, the bright starry sky was covered with dark clouds, and bursts of hidden thunder sounded one after another.

"It's really you!"

Murong Yun withdrew her hand and looked up at the thundercloud in disbelief.

"Can I still do this? Do I deserve to be this vicious female supporting character!!!"

Murong Yun's face was full of dissatisfaction, the thundercloud silently condensed thicker purple thunder and successfully made her shut her mouth.

Damn it, Murong Yun was going crazy in her heart.

What a kind person she is, skilled in reciting the Eight Honors and Eight Shames (moral code), a great youth of the new age.

By what right, Dog Heavenly Law.


A bolt of lightning struck in front of Murong Yun's feet, causing mud and rocks to smear her face.

Great guy, can't I even think about it? !!!!

Murong Yun cracked on the spot and went to the ground to look at the thunderclouds in the sky.

Her whole life is without love.


A cold and magnetic voice sounded, and in Murong Yun's empty gaze, a fluttering white dress fell to the ground.

Murong Yun looked up with difficulty.

"It's you..."

Li Su stood less than three steps away from Murong Yun and looked thoughtfully at the thunderclouds in the sky.

"Could it be that you've awakened the thunder attribute?" He asked again.

Murong Yun snorted, rolled on the ground, and sat up without any care for her image.

"No, it's just trying to kill me."


Li Su still looked up at the thunderclouds, and his face was as beautiful as the light moon with a trace of puzzlement.

I don’t understand what it is, but ‘it’ can actually control thunder, and it uses thunder to kill a waste like Murong Yun.

Murong Yun looked at the slender and tall Li Su, whose long hair was raised by the night wind. His whole figure exudes a faint light and is as beautiful as a god.

Speaking of which, according to the setting in the book, Li Su is a man who can control light.

That is to say, he is a genius with a rare variation of light spiritual power. According to the setting in the book, at this time, he already has the strength of eight light systems. And he is only seventeen years old, which is the ceiling of his combat power. In the later stage, he is invincible in the entire continent...

It’s so irritating that they can be so different from each other!

She just knows that she passed through inside a book just to see a Heaven-Breaking Mary Sue...

Now, she can't live and she doesn't dare to die either.

"Li Su."

After Murong Yun finished feeling sad and angry, she suddenly asked him:

"Suppose you knew a fate in advance and it ended badly. What would you do?"

As the number one male protagonist in the book and the future king of a country, Li Su's strength and means are second to none.

What would such a person choose?


Li Su was finally willing to move his gaze from the thundercloud to Murong Yun's face.

Looking at the dirty, beggar-like woman, he was stunned for a moment.

"With the power of prophecy, I will naturally change the outcome."

"As long as the result is not worse than the intended outcome, then it is considered a success."

Li Su said calmly, with both disapproval and absolute confidence on his face.

Murong Yun was stunned when she heard this, he is indeed the male protagonist.

Sure enough, her vision was still narrow, and she was instigated by the threat of Heavenly Law.

If you're going to die anyway, why don't you just fight? As long as you don't die, it's worth a fortune!

Murong Yun, who was planning to make a fortune, got up from the ground and smiled sincerely at Li Su.

"Thank you for clearing up my confusion."

Li Su's face was cold, and he just continued to look up and study the thunderclouds.

Murong Yun doesn't care about his snubbing, he's the male lead after all. As long as you don't give her that horrid medicine in the future, she will have to burn incense and worship the Buddha, where does she dare to ask people to greet her with a smile.

The rest of the night, Murong Yun slept comfortably on the couch until she was woken up by Xiao Cui early in the morning.

"Princess Princess, Your Majesty has given you a reward. Get up and take a look."

"Look at what." Murong Yun muttered in a daze, and turned over again:

"Put it in the warehouse as usual, it's not the first day you get rewarded."

"It's different, Princess. Your Majesty gave you a lightning protection treasure!"

Treasure? Lightning protection?

Murong Yun's eyes opened, and she sobered instantly, and she got up:

"Quick, bring it to me quickly!"

The treasure was in a long wooden box, but it looked a little hard to describe...

"Are you sure that this is for lightning protection?"


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