Thursday, November 23, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 12 - Life Changing Process

 "Princess Princess, as ordered, Yingyue Tower has been purchased by us with a large sum of money!"

Xiao Cui carried out two boxes of gold to the shopkeeper, with a look of confidence that everything was under control.


Murong Yun nodded with satisfaction: "Xiao Cui, serve the food and make sure everyone is full. We will do something big tonight!"

"Yes, Princess, but forgive Xiao Cui for talking too much. You want to take the eldest prince tonight~!"

Xiao Cui made a surprising statement and winked at Murong Yun, looking like an experienced driver and almost scared Murong Yun.

"Ahem, Xiao Cui, why do you have such terrible thoughts! This princess is a decent person!"

Murong Yun cut off Xiao Cui's terrible thoughts with a serious face.

The original owner really did something wrong, bringing up a good maid and turning her into such a head full of disharmonious thoughts.

"Oh~ Xiaocui understands that the princess wants to catch big fish in the long run. As expected of the princess, she is really thoughtful."

Xiao Cui nodded to express understanding, but then shook her head with regret on her face:

"It seems that the medicine Xiao Cui spent a lot of money to buy on the black market is no longer needed."

Murong Yun covered her face, what kind of fairy is this girl?

Carrying aphrodisiacs with her, she had evidence to suspect that the original owner was responsible for her being so ridiculous!

And did it need to be so fierce? She clearly remembered that the original owner was a virgin ah ......

Murong Yun thought wildly for a while and counted broad beans with Xiao Cui boringly until the lanterns came on.

Because it was the Ghost Month Lantern Festival, when it got dark, the various lanterns hung in a circle around the Moon Lake were lit one after another.

There were more and more bustling crowds of vendors, and it soon became very lively.

Looking down from the Yingyue Tower, the streets are filled with long lights, thousands of households with thousands of lanterns, and the rivers and lakes reflect the bright moon and stars. It is a beautiful scenery on a good day.

"Princess, it's time."

Xiaocui reminded in a low voice, Murong Yun nodded, held up the hem of her skirt, and went downstairs, gesturing with her hands.

The Luan guards in the dark dispersed one after another, guarding everything tightly.

However, even after Murong Yun had been feeding mosquitoes at the door for half an hour, Murong Jia still didn't come.

Murong Yun's face turned serious, and she suddenly turned pale. She was really stupid.

When Murong Jia said the time to meet was the 11th hour (between 7pm to 9pm), she didn't think much about it. What if that baby had died before the 11th hour? 

"Xiao Cui, quickly ask Luan guards to search for Murong Jia throughout the city, and make sure he comes over!"

Xiao Cui's eyes lit up: "Princess Princess, do you think it would be more convenient to tie him up?"

"No! Put away your messy thoughts. I just want to have a pure chat with Murong Jia! Find him quickly!"

Murong Yun's face darkened and she made a serious statement, finally letting Xiao Cui understand that she did not have such crooked ideas.

In the darkness, a Luan guard wearing an exquisite mask quickly disappeared into the night after receiving the order.

At the same time, there was a dim grove on the other side of Moon Lake.

Murong Jia's black clothes were stained with blood, and his face was cold and solemn. He led the few remaining guards to fight with the black-clothed assassins.

"Your Highness, if this continues, it may be difficult to escape!"

The confidants were fighting bloody battles, with worried faces on their faces.

"We will arrive at Yingyue Tower soon. Murong Yun is there, and there must be Luan Guards beside her to solve this problem!"

The long knife in Murong Jia's hand was covered with golden spiritual energy. He didn't expect that someone would use his lighting of a river lantern to pray for blessings and send hundreds of assassins to assassinate him.

This is the place where he's destined to die!

I can only hope that idiot Murong Yun has brought enough Luan Guards!

Murong Jia knocked back several people with one palm, turned around, and quickly jumped onto a small boat in the Moon Lake, using his spiritual power to drive towards the brightly lit Yingyue Tower at the other end.

Murong Yun, who was regarded as a shield by Murong Jia, was walking back and forth with anxiety and sadness on her face.

At this time, a gust of wind blew up, and a white shadow floated in the sky from a distance, like a god.

Against the background of the huge full moon, it landed gracefully and lightly on the roof of the three-story Yingyue Tower.

 "Li Su?!"

Murong Yun had no time to appreciate the beauty, and her mind was full of thoughts. At this time, could he be the one who assassinated Murong Jia?

Nip potential enemies right in the bud?

So now, is the killing over?

Murong Yun raised her head and stared at Li Su from afar on the roof.

But she was too far away and couldn’t see any expressions...

Li Su also lowered his delicate eyebrows and looked at Murong Yun, who had a complex face underneath, without any unnecessary expression.

Instead, he diverted his attention and put the lights of the entire Liu Jing in front of him.

The lantern lights, and moonlight here are all of the highest quality.

Just as Murong Yun was struggling in her heart whether to go up and test Li Su.

The strong smell of blood was carried by the breeze in the air, and the sound of water breaking through the air could be heard from the lake where the lights could not reach.

Also, the sound of firecrackers and fireworks rising into the sky and exploding kept ringing from Moon Lake, covering up the movements on the lake.

This is the first show of the Ghost Month Lantern Festival provided by the palace and the fireworks display is for the enjoyment of the people.

"Cousin Ayun!"

Murong Jia's unique voice sounded, with a hurried tone, as if he was very anxious.

Murong Yun's eyes lit up and she quickly looked over following the sound. With the light of the fireworks in full bloom, she finally saw the fighting getting closer and closer to the lake.

It's Murong Jia!

He was stepping on a damaged boat, struggling to resist the assassin in black who was chasing after him on the water!

"Murong Jia!"

When Murong Yun saw that the baby was still alive, her face was filled with joy and she waved to him vigorously.

At the same time, the remaining Luan Guards hiding in the dark quickly protected her.

However, most of the Luan Guards were sent out by her to look for him... I wonder if these few left can save Murong Jia? 

Obviously, Luan Guards were even better than she thought. Luan Yi shot out a cyan firework that belonged only to Luan Guards from his hand, notifying other Luan Guards to come back to protect the master.

"I'm sorry to trouble my cousin for help!"

Murong Jia approached Yingyue Tower with great difficulty, and jumped up to the water plank in front of the building.

Unfortunately, the distance was too far and the strength was insufficient, so he was about to fall into the lake.

Seeing this, Murong Yun quickly flew forward, grabbed Murong Yun's wrist, and pulled him up with Luan Yi's help.

"Thanks a lot cousin."

Murong Jia breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that this good-for-nothing would be so bold that she would actually reach out to save him.

The innocent Murong Yun blocked the 1.89-meter baby behind her and stretched out her hands to protect the master like a chicken protecting an eagle, with firm comfort on her face.

"Don't worry, I will protect your life today, and no one can hurt you!"

She finally encountered this variable that could change her life, and no one could touch him!

This actually made Murong Jia a little more surprised by her.

Even Li Su, who was eating melon quietly on the roof, couldn't help but look sideways.

Why is this waste suddenly so kind? 

Has this wicked woman moved on to someone else?? 

Murong Jia and Li Su speculated in their hearts at the same time.

But Murong Yun had no time to pay attention to them.

She took out the bone staff she had carried on her back all morning, took Murong Jia with one hand, and ran towards the lake pavilion on the side of the water warehouse.

"What are you doing?"

Murong Jia was puzzled, it was dangerous and still, such a waste of a person dared to run out of Luan Guard's protective circle.

"This princess is going to save you, but I don't want to involve my own people!"

Murong Yun gritted her teeth and gasped because the continuous fireworks in the sky blurred Luan Yi's distress signal.

Right now, the Luan Guards who rushed back were not enough to stop the remaining assassins in black.


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