Showing posts with label Master Fu's Ace Wife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Master Fu's Ace Wife. Show all posts

Friday, December 15, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 66 - Do you think I am as Gullible as the Mu Family?

 The finals of the school selection competition are scheduled to start on time at seven o'clock in the evening. This afternoon will allow the contestants to have a good rest, but the scope of the rest is limited to the school.

The venue has arranged a special lounge and buffet for the players. The players will eat, drink, and rest here throughout the afternoon, to avoid any accidents for the players before the finals.

Because there will be a total of three teams participating in the finals, they will enter lounges No. 1, 2, and 3 in order of advancement to wait for the evening game.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 65 - Intramural Selection; Kill 5 Teams in Seconds (4th Face Slap)

 The scene of the on-campus selection competition of the University of Science and Technology in Ningzhou for the National Science and Technology Competition.

To cooperate with the competition, USTC placed the competition venue in the largest cultural center in the entire school. There are indoor rows of seats that can accommodate 3,000 people, a huge LCD screen, and excellent imaging equipment, which can entertain the people at the scene. 

Display screens of different sizes were placed in four directions above the entire venue to broadcast the game most realistically.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 64 - Marrying Mu Wen Li to Soya.

 The training was in full swing for four or five days. Wen Li made certain modifications to Tang Xiao's training methods. Although the intensity was a bit higher, it did improve the overall strength a lot.

During this period, they participated in team battles together, and the entire team cooperated very well. Although Wen Li joined later, her skills and strength level determined everything.

However, Wen Li has her own way of training and is not in the school system. It is rare for them to fight against her in five days, and she has only played twice in the past few days.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 63 - Li Girl (Soya is Here!)

 The sun was shining brightly in the morning. At USTC as early as seven o'clock, students were already arriving at the library with books and laptops. There is never a shortage of people here all year round. It is no exaggeration to say that it is brightly lit.

There are many serious academics in this place, but the more powerful people are, the harder they work. The environment can affect a person. In such a learning atmosphere, even the lazy person can be driven to dance.

Monday, December 11, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 62 - Mushi and Soya Reach Cooperation

 Fei Ran and Lu Min never imagined that their young master would start acting coquettishly and pretending to be pitiful the moment he found Miss Mu, and he was getting better and better at playing this weak role.

Miss Mu's temperament is much colder than other girls, and she is not someone who will be soft-hearted casually, but their young master knows how to manipulate people's hearts very well.

If you know how to get close to her, no one will be wary of weak people. On the contrary, it will be more able to resonate with people's emotions.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

MFAW Chapter 61 - Who are You Trying to Kill? (Master Fu Protects his Wife)

 Wen Li chose to join the Dream Club, which surprised Xia Chen. The boss had such a temperament that she was not someone who would be moved at all. It was impossible to successfully convince a little girl just because he said a few words in a low voice. 

Moreover, although he doesn't know much about this industry, he also knows that there is such a thing as strength, and he also has some relevant knowledge.

These people are a bit too weak, and they are completely inferior compared to the boss.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 60 - One Big Boss Leads Four Losers!

 Wen Li's moving out of the Mu family was very smooth. In her opinion, the entire Mu family would not have stopped her. After all, they were not a family with feelings. No one would care where she lived.

But for the rest, when she came out of Mu's house, Lu Xue and Mu Jing'an specifically said something to her, and their general meaning was very clear. She should pay more attention to every move she makes outside, so as not to embarrass the Mu family's face.

They also warned her not to come into contact with anything related to Nan Sheng and the Nan family, otherwise, she would bear the consequences.

Friday, December 8, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 59 - Mu Wen Li Moves out of Mu's House

 The rain in late summer and early autumn is not as violent and violent as summer, nor as soft and sentimental as autumn, but it always has its own unique style.

Ningzhou is also located in the Jiangbei area. The autumn winds bring abundant rain year after year, making the weather here become humid. It is not like Jiangnan, but in autumn you can still feel the hazy mist and rain like Jiangnan.

Rain all day can make people who don't like rainy days extremely irritable, such as Mu Chenxing or Li Mengluo.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 58 - Miss Mu Cannot be Soya (Identity Guess)

 The noisy footsteps disturbed the peaceful night as if countless people were coming from all directions, with the sound of plant leaves scraping through the fabric of clothes. The overwhelming momentum was particularly heavy in the dark night.

The woman lying beside the table woke up from her dream. She frowned and stood up, opening the window in front of the desk. The lights under the eaves were bright. From her angle, she could see the figures walking through the rice fields in the distance.

The black clothes almost blended into the night, making it difficult to distinguish.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 57 - DNA test of Lu Xue and Wen Li (Birth Secret)

 The original arrangement was for Wen Li to apologize to Professor Lei in front of everyone, and the matter would be over. However, the school leaders and the Mu family never expected that Wen Li would be able to use the destroyed video.

And she was able to hack into the campus network and show the video for everyone to watch. During this period, she didn't tell anyone about her plan.

Wen Li's series of operations has also called for a huge reversal in the school forum. In addition, Professor Lei Yuan also showed his attitude. The school leaders can no longer cause any trouble for Wen Li.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 56 - One Minute to Restore the Video, Five Seconds to Attack (Face Slap #3)

 At the beginning of the event, the vice-principal sat at a table covered with white tablecloth. There were seven seats on the stage. The vice-principal was in the middle. There were four or five microphones in front of him. Next to him sat the department head and other members of the school's leadership team. 

In the middle of the audience, Professor Lei was sitting on a soft chair. He was wearing a smoky gray suit. The cuffs and collar were worn to a certain extent. He looked old. Compared to those glamorous and successful people, the old man was more unpretentious.

Monday, December 4, 2023

MFAW- Chapter 55 - Mu Wen Li is a Country Bumpkin who Doesn't Know What's good for Her

The University of Science and Technology does a good job of keeping information confidential. Because it involves some low-tech technologies, the network systems on campus are maintained by specialized departments.

Originally, the school had blocked information about the destruction of Professor Lei's exhibits, but for some reason, starting yesterday, related news began to spread online.

This matter has attracted a lot of attention and clicks on the Internet. Naturally, a lot of news about Wen Li, the person involved, has also been exposed.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 54 - Do you think I framed Mu Wen Li?

 Now that the old man has said it, Lu Xue can only give up no matter how unwilling she is. Since Mu Kuiyuan is determined to protect Mu Wen Li, she can't say anything.

While Mu Kuiyuan and Mu Nuanxi were talking, Mu Chenxing leaned over to comfort Lu Xue.

"Mom, grandpa is not targeting you, so don't feel bad."

"Can't I tell that your grandpa is partial? Children who grow up outside are closer than those who have been raised by him for more than 20 years." Lu Xue felt irritated in her heart and drank the juice in the cup in one gulp. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 53 - Is the Mu Family So Poor That They Want to Steal Money?

 Since the old man mentioned going to school, naturally this matter also needs to be put on the agenda.

Mu Nuanxi has been nagging behind Wen Li for the past two days, wanting her to follow her to school. Since she promised the school to deal with this matter, she should hurry up.

However, Wen Li, the person involved, has never appeared. The matter of Professor Lei's works has become very serious on the school forum. If it is not resolved, the problem may become more and more serious.

Friday, December 1, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 52 - Wen Li's Money is the Mu Family's Money.

 At seven o'clock in the morning, the Mu family villa started to become lively.

Everyone who goes to work and goes to school has already gotten up. Mu Kuiyuan had very strict requirements for his children in the early years. He had strict standards regarding food, clothing, housing, transportation to how to behave, so the three children of the Mu family did not have the habit of sleeping in.

Except for Mu Chenxing, who was in school and slept a little longer on weekends, the other two were able to sit at the dining table and have breakfast at 7:30am.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 51 - Twenty years ago, Mrs. Mu Gave Birth to a Baby Girl

 The black car was driving on a straight road. At midnight, there were no people on both sides of the road, not even cars. Only the street lights on both sides of the road were still working hard.

The dim car lights in the back seat were on. Wen Li was sitting on the left and Fu Yuxiu was sitting on the right. There were fruits and cakes on the elevated table between them.

Both from the presentation and production, they are all very delicate snacks. The car is a closed space, and the smell of light cream lingers on the tip of Wen Li's nose.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 50 - You've Been Bullied. Do you Need Me to Help You Get Back?

 Pu Xi clearly heard it. Although Mu Wen Li's tone was gentle, the girl in front of him was definitely not a good person. The flying rocks were full of energy.

His head is still buzzing from the beating, and it must be bruised to the touch.

If it was a knife that flew out with this force, his brain would be pierced right now.

"What do you mean?" Pu Xi walked out covering his head.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 49 - If You Don't Come Over, It Won't Be a Rock That Flies.

 The whole night was full of ups and downs, and the guests who participated in tonight's auction also had an eye-opening experience.

This third young lady of the Mu family has gone from being ordinary to becoming an overnight celebrity. Not to mention how many books she has read and where she grew up, her vision is really poisonous.

With this one move, she directly became a millionaire. It has to be said that all the children of the Mu family are not bad at all.

Monday, November 27, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 48 - Mu Chenyu is Anxious, Who Allowed You to Come to this Place?

 Mu Chenyu felt a little strange, when Wen Li returned to the Mu family, she didn't bring anyone with her, and someone who protected her appeared beside her for no reason.

And this person seems to have a pretty good background.

Just by grabbing his wrist, he could conclude that this was not a person arranged by Mu Kuiyuan.

He didn't understand. The girl he picked up was obviously quiet and not very talkative. Why had Mu Wen Li changed so much in just a few nights?

Sunday, November 26, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 47 - Mu Chenyu is a Biased Brother

 "Stop it, you guys, stop it!!!"

Mu Nuan Xi ran to the middle of the bodyguards first.

However, without Wen Li's order, these people would not stop no matter what. As Mu Nuanxi spoke, Tong Jingshu's entire back was torn open.

"Stop!!" Mu Nuanxi was so anxious that tears flowed out.

Lu Min turned around and saw Wen Li's raised hand, signaling the bodyguard to stop.

Follow the Rabbit