Thursday, December 14, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 65 - Intramural Selection; Kill 5 Teams in Seconds (4th Face Slap)

 The scene of the on-campus selection competition of the University of Science and Technology in Ningzhou for the National Science and Technology Competition.

To cooperate with the competition, USTC placed the competition venue in the largest cultural center in the entire school. There are indoor rows of seats that can accommodate 3,000 people, a huge LCD screen, and excellent imaging equipment, which can entertain the people at the scene. 

Display screens of different sizes were placed in four directions above the entire venue to broadcast the game most realistically.

The people in charge of the imaging equipment are students from the journalism department, and naturally, there are also media from the TV station.

This on-campus trial will only take the form of group battles. Each team must have five people, five for the official competition and two substitutes.

In other words, only teams with enough official players are eligible to participate. Other teams in better conditions will have several substitute players waiting. If the official players have problems, they can easily come on board and the game will not be delayed.

The first and second-place teams will be selected to participate in the National Science and Technology Competition, which is a ticket to the national competition.

One hour before the start of the game, 80% of the seats in the venue were already filled. This time, USTC opened the competition to the outside world, and not only students from USTC, but also students from other schools and some outsiders came.

To ensure safety, the number of security guards is more than two or three times more than usual.

In the entire network information security system, competitions of various sizes are held every year. From domestic to international, countless teams participate in competitions to win honors. As the exposure rate becomes higher and higher, the members of these teams will naturally become more and more popular. 

If the members have superb skills and good looks, then they will naturally attract many fans to gather and form a fan club.

The team at USTC are all teenagers aged 18 or 19, so they naturally attract a lot of fans to a certain extent.

At this moment, fans sitting in the entire venue were holding up support lights with the team's name, and some even made personal promotional posters for the team members.

The strongest team in the entire USTC is Mu Chenxing's team, which ranks first in the overall ranking. As the captain, Mu Chenxing's appearance and background are also first-class, and he can achieve good results in the competitions he participates in.

With such conditions, he naturally has a huge fan team, and half of the support lights that light up in the venue are for Mu Chenxing's ESD.

The school also gave them enough face. Before the show started, the big screen displayed a group photo of Mu Chenxing's team.

When young men of eighteen or nineteen years old are handsome and bold, the boys on the poster are indeed worthy of a girl's attention.

The cultural center has four entrances and exits. The entrance and exit for the participating teams are on the south side, and it is starting to become busier now.

Teams wearing various uniforms also entered the venue one after another, and there were also a small number of fans surrounding the cordon waiting for autographs.

Tang Xiao walked to the front, wearing a dark blue team uniform. Several people behind him also wore the same clothes. Compared with the flashy uniforms of other teams, theirs were more ordinary.

"We've all entered the venue. Why hasn't Wen Li arrived yet? She hasn't been late in the past two days." Fang Qing looked around and didn't see that familiar figure.

"Yes, there's no way Wen Li will be late today. After all, she didn't go back to Mu's house for dinner two days ago to accompany us in training. She won't let slip at such a critical moment," Qing Guo said.

Because Wen Li didn't go back to Mu's house for dinner, Li Mengluo came over and made a fuss at the door of the club activity room. If Xia Chen hadn't scared her away by crushing a can with his bare hands, there would have been quite a fuss.

After that incident, everyone knew that Mu Wen Li's status in the Mu family might not be very high after all.

Even a cousin can bully her and point fingers at her.

Li Mengluo was famous for being domineering in the school, with the help of the Mu family. But she never dared to be arrogant towards Mu Chenxing, let alone Mu Nuanxi.

"Let's go in and register by scanning our faces first. Wen Li has a passcode and can come in." Qing Guo said.

After this time, they all knew Wen Li's temperament, and she would never be late, especially for such an occasion.

The few people here had just finished talking when they heard the girl's scream.

It's better not to delay the game.


"Pu Xi!!!"

Several people turned around and saw several people walking over wearing ESD uniforms.

Compared with the Team Dream, ESD's posture is much stronger. In addition to a few formal players, as well as substitute players and logistics support players, more than ten people came over.

Fans stood outside the cordon and shouted excitedly, and the name signs in their hands were almost squeezed out.

"It's really huge. Mu Chenxing's popularity is incredible." Fang Qing said enviously.

"In the last two days, the school rankings have undergone earth-shaking changes. Mu Chenxing is still firmly in the number one position, and no one can shake it." Tong Lin'an said.

Tang Xiao is also in the second place. Their skills have improved through training and their rankings have also risen, but there has not been much change.

To be honest, they weren't very confident that they could win the game.

Seeing their low morale, Qing Guo smiled and comforted, "It's okay, we still have Wen Li. She hasn't used the school system during this period, so the school system can't rank her, but if she enters the system, she'll definitely be the number one."

Wen Li's operation can almost be described as miraculous. Not only is her operation smooth, but her mind in assessing the situation and formulating tactics is unmatched.

Even Tang Xiao was at a disadvantage in this regard, so the failure of the school system to enter Wen Li's information was a big loss.

"Yes." Fang Qing nodded to encourage himself.

"We can definitely do it!"

Although compared to the grand ceremony of ESD, they are a bit shabby, they are still very capable.

Besides, it's not like they don't have fans who admire them. Many girls are fans of Tang Xiao, but there are fewer of them than Mu Chenxing's team.

"What a coincidence, we bumped into each other again." Zhou Xiaoyun said as he looked at several people walking over.

"What a coincidence, if we came in from the north gate, we wouldn't have run into each other." Yan Heng came over put his arms around Zhou Xiaoyun's neck and spoke.

The north gate is reserved for school leaders and leaders of other sponsoring companies. It is cleaner than here. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a VIP channel.

Mu Chenxing glanced around and didn't see Mu Wen Li.

"One, two...three..." Yan Heng pointed at the number of people and counted them seriously, "Four, you didn't even come here without enough members for the group stage, right?"

Everyone nearby laughed loudly. Who didn't know that their club was already in a difficult situation. If it hadn't been for Mu Wen Li, it might not even be qualified to participate.

"But I remember that you seemed to have found Mu Wen Li, right..." As soon as Yan Heng said Mu Wen Li's name, Zhou Xiaoyun covered his mouth.

This big fool, although Soya would go over from time to time to watch their training in the past few days and give some advice, but that big boss often visited Tang Xiao and his club.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that Soya is attracted to Mu Wen Li. In their industry, if you offend Soya, you may not be able to join this industry in the future.

What kind of joke is this?

You can ridicule these people, but you must not touch the girl the boss likes.

Yan Heng also came to his senses and turned his attention on several people, "I advise you to withdraw from the competition."

"Are you dreaming? Are you afraid of being embarrassed by losing to us?" Fang Qing mocked.

"Hahaha..." Yan Heng laughed out loud, "Are you kidding me? Can we lose to you? It's as impossible as for Mars to hit the Earth!"

The strongest players in the entire USTC are basically gathered together. Even if only one group can make it out of the group stage to participate in the national competition, it can only be their group.

"What are you doing standing here?"

Several people turned around and saw Wen Li walking slowly over with Xia Chen. She tied her hair into a high ponytail, revealing her plump forehead. She looked a little more handsome. She was casually wearing the Team Dream uniform.

Qing Guo lowered her head and looked at the clothes on her body. Sure enough, clothes also have to be chosen. She was wearing the same ordinary clothes, but Wen Li wore them so stylishly.

"We are all waiting for you here. I just wanted to call you." Tong Lin'an said with a smile.

"Then let's go." Wen Li led Xia Chen and walked straight in without looking at the people around her.

"Mu Wen Li." Mu Chenxing, who had been silent until now, called out. He caught up with the girl in front of him and blocked Wen Li's way.

Looking at the blocked road, Wen Li looked calm and said, "Why? Do you have to say harsh words to me before the game?"

The faces of Yan Heng and Zhou Xiaoyun who were talking just now turned gloomy. Mu Wen Li was really beautiful, but her words were not pleasant at all.

"After today's game, come back to Mu's house with me." Mu Chenxing was reluctant to talk to her more, but Grandpa's orders were here, so he had no choice but to obey.

Last time she used an excuse to shirk it. This time she must not try to run away, otherwise his grandfather would be cold to him again when he goes back.

"Wait and see." Wen Li didn't pay much attention to him.

"Wait a minute." Mu Chenxing stepped forward and took two steps in front of Wen Li. "If you don't perform well in today's game, get out of the game. Don't embarrass the Mu family."

Let the substitutes come on. What does she, a wild girl who grew up in the countryside, know?

"Aren't you going to lose the Mu family's face if you run away in the middle of battle? I don't even understand your way of thinking." Wen Li said calmly and left.

Mu Chenxing stared at her on the spot, what kind of attitude was this.

Tang Xiao led his team members into the venue following Wen Li's pace, leaving only the ESD people standing messy in the wind.

Puxi was sitting in a wheelchair. Because his leg was in plaster, he had not been able to stand up and walk. Fortunately, his hand was not injured, otherwise, he would not be able to participate in the competition.

From this scene, everyone could see that Mu Chenxing and Mu Wen Li were incompatible. Mu Chenxing wanted to write the words "I don't like her" on his face, with repulsion all over his body.

But Mu Wen Li was different. Mu Chenxing was never in her eyes from the beginning to the end.

In comparison, it seems that the sister aura is more powerful.

The venues were divided into seats for the participating players, and as expected, Team Dream was assigned to the far corner.

The ESD properly occupies the C position, enjoying an excellent view and can better watch the game.

Twenty minutes before the start of the game, the school leaders were already seated. In addition to the heavyweight leaders of the University of Science and Technology, there were also representatives from major technology companies near Ningzhou.

Every year, these companies send representatives to watch the competition to prepare for future talent recruitment.

As soon as a few people took their seats, they heard the overwhelming shouts of Mu Chenxing and ESD's names in the venue.

Fans kept shaking the lights in their hands, shouting and cheering crazily.

Everyone in ESD naturally enjoyed this honor and sat proudly in their seats.

Some teams from USTC are well-known across the country, so it is reasonable to have such a welcoming atmosphere.

"The view from their location is really good, we can hardly see it here." Qing Guo said with envy.

Tong Lin'an turned around and said, "Come here, I can see here."

Qing Guo was shorter, so she couldn't see clearly from so far back.

Tang Xiao sat next to Wen Li with the manual in hand. The meeting was about to begin, so some tactical discussions were naturally made clear.

"A total of twenty-four teams participated in the competition this time. In the morning, three teams were determined through a mixed battle. In the evening, they directly entered the finals to determine the champion and runner-up." Tang Xiao introduced to Wen Li.

Twenty-four teams will determine the champion and runner-up in one day. If it is a strong team, it will definitely be fatigued after playing in one day.

"If we're going to qualify in the morning, this one has to be won."

After these days of high-intensity training, these are no longer trivial to them. Besides, this game originally had such rules.

"Take a good look." Wen Li looked at the changed words on the big screen.

These are all trivial matters, just a little fight between children.

"I will cooperate with you in a while, so you can do it with confidence." Tang Xiao looked at Wen Li.

He didn't know why, but he always had the feeling that Mu Wen Li was going to make a big splash.

Now the comparison of each team appears on every big screen in the entire club.

The huge stage in the center of the venue was divided into four areas in a cross shape. Ten computers were placed in each area, five on each side, and a transparent atomized glass blocked the middle.

"Each time a total of eight teams compete on stage and each occupies a combat zone. Whichever team wins, the name of the team will appear on the big screen at the top." Qing Guo pointed to the competition area below and introduced it to Wen Li.

In short, a game is a melee between eight teams, which requires high technical requirements for team members. It is a huge challenge in terms of offense and defense or exploring security loopholes.

"You can debug the equipment yourself before the game starts, but the school does not allow you to bring your own equipment."

To ensure the fairness of the competition and allow people from the major Internet companies here to more directly observe the level of the players in the competition, and make reference for their talent selection.

"Dear guests and fellow students, welcome to the USTC Intramurals selection competition of the 15th National Network Information Security Competition. First of all, allow me to introduce our two commentators for this competition, Xiao U and Pippi."

"Hello everyone!!"

Everyone looked up and saw a man and a woman sitting in the commentary box. The man was handsome and the girl was attractive. Both of them are commentators with a large number of active fans on major platforms and are also students of the University of Science and Technology.

After introducing the leading guests one by one, the host finally got to the point.

"After this competition has gone through the elimination system within the department, we have a total of twenty-four teams entering this competition. Until tonight, they will decide two teams to represent USTC in the National Information Security Competition!!"

The cheers of the audience in the stadium became louder and louder, each shouting for their favorite team, their voices rising and falling one after another.

"What if we meet Mu Chenxing and the others in the first round?" Qing Guo was still a little worried.

Each team fight has a decisive team, and a total of three teams are decided. If you encounter someone with ESD, it is basically very difficult to win.

"Don't let other people's ambitions destroy your own prestige. Didn't you just say that Wen Li is very powerful?" Tong Lin'an comforted.

Tang Xiao looked at the names that had begun to scroll on the big screen. The eight teams that appeared for the first time were the ones competing in the first round.

Compared to the nervousness of the team, everyone at ESD sitting in the front row was extremely relaxed and even found time to joke with the people around them.

In the first game, there were eight teams, all of which had achieved good results.

The melee this time was much more exciting. The players on the field were all wearing taller uniforms and were very easy to recognize.

"The most outstanding among these teams is An Yin. The captain of An Yin is Su Li, a senior this year. When he participated in the National Information Competition the year before last, he got tenth place." Tang Xiao sat next to Wen Li and gave her an introduction.

"What he is best at is fixing loopholes, and he can discover problems in the most timely manner and provide feedback."

What is most needed in a melee is a member who can powerfully ensure the safety of the rear. Su Li is such a talent.

"This Su Li seems to be ranked third." Wen Li looked at Tang Xiao.

The latter smiled gently, "He is indeed behind me."

Tang Xiao's overall ranking is only below Mu Chenxing. Logically speaking, the team he leads should not be this bad. At least it must have good results. However, compared with the outstanding results of others, it seems that Tang Xiao has been completely ignored. 

The melee lasted for a full hour, and under high tension among all the members, they emerged as the winners of the first game.

“Su Li!!!”

"An Yin! Fight for first place!!"

Fans screamed one after another.

When it came to the second random ranking, Pu Xi sat in a wheelchair and stared at the big screen.

"It's best if we meet them right now. I'll crush him until he calls me daddy." Zhou Xiaoyun said angrily.

"Whether they can touch us or not, their probability of qualifying is basically zero. Among Tang Xiao's people, which one is enough to watch?" Yan Heng said disdainfully.

It's not that they want to be crazy, it's because of their strength that they can't help but think about it.

Mu Chenxing turned back and glanced at Mu Wen Li behind him. He didn't know why, but when he looked at Mu Wen Li again after Soya arrived, he always had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

The feeling was strong, a strong uneasiness, with a feeling of fear of losing.

"The eight teams in this game are all powerful characters!" the commentator Xiao U has a soft voice.

Wen Li looked up and saw the word DREAM in the very center.

The second game is neither too early nor too late, so there is no need to wait.

"Come on, everyone!" Fang Qing clenched his hands into fists.

"Come on, don't be nervous, we can definitely do it!" Tang Xiao began to cheer everyone up.

Qing Guo breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't meet Mu Chenxing and the others this time, which meant that their probability of qualifying was still very high.

In the past games, they met the strongest opponents in the preliminary round, and then they were not even qualified to enter the semi-finals.

This time there is a sense of things changing for the better.

"Wen Li!" Fang Qing looked at Wen Li hopefully.

Looking at the hands of several people clasped together, with the majestic look of a young man on his face, Wen Li took a step forward, placing his palms between them.

"We can do it!!!"

Pu Xi looked back. With such a huge encouragement, it would be better not to lose when the time comes.

"You don't need to watch their game. The fifth team will definitely win." Yan Heng said.

The fifth team was the most powerful among the eight teams in the second game. Although the overall ranking of each member was not very high, they played a huge role together.

"Take this opportunity to take a good look at other teams' tactics and operations." Mu Chenxing ordered.

In his eyes, these teams are nothing. In the end, the most important thing is to achieve results in the national science and technology competition.

They need to take a long-term view to go further.

"Tang Xiao, I didn't expect us to bump into each other so soon." The captain of the fifth team stood in front of the stage and looked at the people walking over.

He is not very tall and looks a bit bloated among his peers, but he is neatly dressed.

"We don't have many games. With eight teams in a game, the probability of us running into each other is not low." Tang Xiao said softly.

"Haha, let's work hard together. No matter which of our teams wins, we must keep going well."

Cheering each other up is a sign of mutual respect between opponents and respect for each other's efforts.

"3....2.... 1......"

The game starts with a melee between eight teams. The game adopts a points system. Points will be given based on the opponent's actions for strategy and repair. In the end, the team with the most accumulated team points wins.

"We can see that each player's operations are very smooth. The fifth team took the lead in breaking through 07' system!"

"The 07 substitutes here are already fixing the loopholes, but it doesn't seem to be going very smoothly. The main attacker of the fifth team is really taking the lead!"

Xiao U's voice is very similar to the voice of many boys' dream lovers. It is gentle but not flattering. It can most directly identify the problems of each player in the game.

"The fighting is really fierce. We can see that two teams have been eliminated and the entire system has been hacked!"

"Now we have six teams left on the field. They are all of similar strength, but they all refuse to give in to each other."

The fierce fighting of many players around her soon failed to resonate with Wen Li. She sat quietly on the chair, with only the five fingers of her left hand on the keyboard, moving a few times from time to time.

Compared with the input of her teammates around her, she seemed to be aloof from the incident, quietly observing every move on the computer screen.

"Huh? A member of Team Dream doesn't seem to want to get involved. Why does it feel like she's on vacation?"

The commentator's words successfully turned the attention of everyone in the venue to Wen Li.

The installed camera also turned to Wen Li, and the LCD screen in the venue also showed Wen Li sitting in front of the computer.

"Isn't that Mu Wen Li?!"

"Yes, she is now Tang Xiao's team member, everyone is working hard, what is she doing!!"

Compared with the passion of the people around her, Wen Li's slowness seemed so out of place.

Her actions like this are obviously holding her team back in the eyes of others.

"Oh my God, what on earth is she doing! Come down here if you don't know how to do anything, please don't cause trouble to others."

"I heard that the Mu family paid for her to enter our school. Are they trying to force her, a person who knows nothing, to add something to her resume to get her into the competition! What on earth are you doing? 

The discussion in the venue became louder and louder, and some fans' insults became more and more unpleasant.

For those players who have trained hard, putting a wild girl who knows nothing into such a game is obviously a humiliation and disrespectful to all players.

Of course, the players in the competition didn’t think so.

In an eight-team melee, any situation can arise, but today all the players in the Team Dream seemed to have activated a plug-in, and no matter how they attacked their system, there were no loopholes.

But it was clear that the four of them were trying to find a way to overcome it, and Qing Guo was also responsible for repairing it.

Qing Guo knew clearly in her heart that although she was responsible for repairing it, she couldn't take care of the situation when attacks came like raindrops.

Wen Li moved her fingers from time to time to help her repair it.

Moreover, Wen Li is observing the strength of all players.

Yan Heng laughed out loud, "Mu Wen Li has offended the public. Why did she take on the porcelain work if she didn't have the diamond? Isn't it better to just be the eldest lady at home?"

The Mu family would never treat their little daughter badly, but she would run out and embarrass them.

"She doesn't know how much she weighs. She always thinks about competing with Chenxing and Mu Nuanxi, but she forgets that she is an empty straw bag, which is why she is like this." Zhou Xiaoyun felt elated. 

"Does she think she can become famous just by participating in the competition? It's really ridiculous."

"It's important for a person to know himself. Apart from bringing in the gangster vibe from the countryside, what else can Mu Wen Li do than know how to beat people? It's really laughable."

Looking at the entire Ningzhou, no rich lady would hit someone. A lady must be judged by her temperament and style.

"Mu Wen Li, come down!!"

Some people in the fan base have started shouting crazily, and Mu Wen Li must be dismissed.

"Mu Wen Li, come down!!"

The two commentators were also a little embarrassed. They didn't expect such a situation to occur.

Pippi hurriedly diverted everyone's attention, "We saw that the fifth team has successfully suppressed several teams. Captain Liu Yang is still pursuing the victory. There are currently six teams active and fighting on the field."

Xiao U brought a bottle of drink over. Just as he was about to unscrew the bottle cap, he saw Wen Li's right hand, which had been resting there, finally moving on the keyboard.

"Mu Wen Li moved. Under the enthusiastic shouts of the audience, we saw that she finally came out."

Pippi looked at Mu Wen Li with nimble fingers in surprise, "Mu Wen Li's operation is very smooth! She is attacking our network central system!!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Once the central system connecting all the computers crashed, everyone would lose the game with a black screen.

Isn’t this Mu Wen Li going to die with everyone else?

"All the players have started to stop Mu Wen Li, but with this style of play, they and themselves will be eliminated. What is Mu Wen Li going to do!!"

Fang Qing glanced sideways at Wen Li, who was serious. He knew Wen Li's character. Even if he was a little cold, he would not act recklessly because of the insults from people in the audience.

"No, the system has been conquered, but there is no impact on Team Dream's system!!"

"Mu Wen Li successfully rewrote the code!!"

The entire venue was quiet, and everyone was attentively watching Mu Wen Li, who was operating like water.

Until all the computers flashed and all generated garbled suffixes.

"Oh my God!!!" Pippi jumped up as he explained, "Team Dream successfully killed the other five teams! Comeback in one fell swoop!"

What kind of operation can separate the system in such a short time, but it is incredible to lay down the central system.

They actually separated successfully.

There is no doubt that this is Mu Wen Li's contribution.

The girl sitting leisurely on the court didn't mean she didn't understand, but she was disdainful, or she was waiting for an opportunity.

A chance to defeat five teams in one fell swoop.

At this moment, even the movement of her raising her hand seemed to be taunting everyone, with a sense of contempt for all living beings.

"In the history of the USTC Intramural selection competition, this is the first time a team has defeated five teams at the same time!" the host shouted excitedly.


The people who had just clamored for Mu Wen Li to step down began to scream, shouting wildly, and shouted Mu Wen Li's name in unison.

"Mu Wen Li! Mu Wen Li!!"

"Mu Wen Li!!"

"Chen...Chenxing..." Pu Xi shouted in disbelief.

Weren't they just dazzled? Mu Wen Li killed everyone in an instant, right?

"It's... Is this true? Zhou Xiaoyun was a little overwhelmed.

Such an operation can be said to be a miraculous skill. How did Mu Wen Li perform such an operation?

"Now I believe her statement that she broke into the campus network in five seconds."

With such technology, one could dominate the entire USTC.

"Wen Li, you are great!!" Qing Guo jumped up and hugged Mu Wen Li next to her.

"Wen Li, what you did just now was so slick!" Fang Qing was still in a state of great joy, unable to recover.

Tang Xiao stood up, raised his hand and high-fived Tong Lin'an beside him.

Liu Yang came over with his team members, his face was not filled with anger but only regret at being defeated by a strong man.

"Awesome Mu Wen Li, this is the first time I am so convinced by a loss!" Liu Yang looked at Wen Li.

She nodded slightly, "You are not bad either."

"Don't praise me. Of course I know what my team members' level is like. You are worthy of being Mu Chenxing's sister." Liu Yang praised, "I will have to learn more from you if I have the opportunity in the future."

"You're welcome." Wen Li accepted his compliment without any false humility.

Liu Yang looked at Tang Xiao who was standing aside, "Take good care of Mu Wen Li. I'm waiting to see your performance in the national competition."

Since you lose, you should lose with grace and momentum. Don't be shy and coy. If you want to blame, you can only blame your own lack of ability.

"It's time to leave." Wen Li glanced at the sea of ​​people in the audience.

"Okay, let's retreat to the lounge at the back and rest until the finals in the evening."

Everyone's faces were filled with proud smiles.

Wen Li glanced at the many spectators and contestants in the audience who had not yet come to their senses. Mu Chenxing was sitting in the middle, looking at her with shock in his eyes.

Pu Xi and Zhou Xiaoyun also froze in their positions and did not move.

Wen Li reached out and pulled down the zipper of his team uniform. There were too many people and it was a bit stuffy.

"Let's go ahead and rest."

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Tang Xiao and his team members retreated to the lounge at the back to wait for the evening finals.


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