Sunday, December 3, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 54 - Do you think I framed Mu Wen Li?

 Now that the old man has said it, Lu Xue can only give up no matter how unwilling she is. Since Mu Kuiyuan is determined to protect Mu Wen Li, she can't say anything.

While Mu Kuiyuan and Mu Nuanxi were talking, Mu Chenxing leaned over to comfort Lu Xue.

"Mom, grandpa is not targeting you, so don't feel bad."

"Can't I tell that your grandpa is partial? Children who grow up outside are closer than those who have been raised by him for more than 20 years." Lu Xue felt irritated in her heart and drank the juice in the cup in one gulp. 

Mu Chenxing didn't understand either. Mu Wen Li had a bad temper, was rude, and would hit people. She made his sister cry on the first day she came back.

It's really incomprehensible why Grandpa still loves her so much.

"I don't know what your father will do when he comes back." Lu Xue looked at Wen Li opposite, her eyes almost flying out.

Mu Kun has been on a business trip in D Continent recently, and the business cooperation is being discussed for a long time. When he comes back, she does not know how he will face the situation at home.

"Since Grandpa is protecting her, let's wait until Grandpa is away. I'll see who will help her then." Mu Chenxing gave Lu Xue an idea.

Lu Xue didn't think twice, and that's right. The old man is protecting this girl now. If the old man is not here one day, she will have to let this dead girl take a good look at her power.

"Just hang out with your friends and relax, and don't hang out with people like this."

In the end, Mu Nuanxi took Wen Li and Mu Chenxing out. As soon as they went out, the old man looked at Mu Chenyu and Lu Xue who were still at the dining table.

"Chen Yu, Grandpa has always thought that you are a sensible child. You have taken care of your younger siblings and respected your elders since you were a child. But now, Grandpa is really disappointed in you." Mu Kuiyuan sighed.

Lu Xue glanced at her son, the old man wanted to settle the score.

"Grandpa, besides blood ties, what's more important in this world is feelings. I don't have feelings for her, so naturally I can't treat her the same as I treat Nuanxi and Chenxing." Mu Chenyu said this without the slightest apology.

To him, Mu Wen Li's arrival was like a sudden intrusion of a person in his life who shouldn't have appeared. In addition, Mu Chenyu was not a person who wanted to be affectionate with others.

Mu Nuanxi and Mu Chenxing had grown up together by his side, so it goes without saying that they had feelings for each other, but for other people who suddenly appeared, for him to invest the same decades of affection as his siblings he couldn't do it.

"She is your sister! If she had not been lost, she would have grown up with you. She bleeds the same blood as you like Nuanxi and Chenxing. Her surname is Mu and she is the daughter of our Mu family!" Mu Kuiyuan said seriously. 

Although he had said this to his three children very seriously the day before he picked up Wen Li, they didn't take it to heart.

After hearing Mu Kuiyuan's words, Mu Chenyu's stern face softened a little, "Grandpa, since you said so, why did you send her there while Chenxing and Nuan Xi are still in the University of Science and Technology?"

The teacup in Mu Kuiyuan's hand suddenly flew out, and Mu Chenyu turned his head to avoid the flying cup.

The porcelain cup fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

"It's really you, right? The incident about Lei Yuan's exhibit that was broken in front of Wen Li!"

These children all knew the reason why he sent Wen Li to the University of Science and Technology. He thought about it and discussed it with them seriously. No matter what, they shouldn't stand in the way for the sake of the Mu family.

There are some things that you just need to know, and you don't have to say them.

"Grandpa, do you think I framed her?" There was a chill in Mu Chenyu's eyes.

Mu Kuiyuan calmed down and thought about it, Mu Chenyu didn't need to do this at all.

"Why do you think that Lei Yuan will definitely accept her as his apprentice? After rejecting several of us, why can Mu Wen Li win his favor?"

Several children of the Mu family have graduated from the University of Science and Technology, which is directly related to the Mu family's status in the high-tech field. However, in recent years, there have been a large number of talents in the high-tech field, but the Mu family has never been able to innovate.

Lei Yuan is one of the earliest talents in G country to develop high-tech applications of new energy. He is already a veteran in the field of chip intelligence.

However, although Lei Yuan is at the University of Science and Technology, he has never brought up an apprentice student in these years. Even if several children from his employer, the Mu family, enroll in the school, none of them can become his students.

If what Lei Yuan learned in his life can be taught to the children of the Mu family, it will be of great benefit to the future development of the Mu family.

But both Mu Chenyu and Mu Nuanxi were turned away by Lei Yuan after they entered school. Even if Mu Kuiyuan came to see them in person, they were all turned away.

Seeing that all the children of the Mu family failed, Mu Kuiyuan became anxious.

"Grandpa, Lei Yuan has never accepted a disciple so far. He even said that a child from the Mu family will never be his student. Why do you still think Mu Wen Li can be that exception? Just because she is not raised in the Mu family?" Mu Chenyu spoke without any ceremony, with the intention of poking the old master's dreams to pieces.

Mu Ting walked in from the door. When he heard Mu Chenyu's words, his expression changed slightly. The young master's words would hurt the old man too much.

"I never thought Mu Wen Li could make Lei Yuan look at her differently, and I don't bother with those little tricks."

Mu Kuiyuan pressed his thumb on his temple, and now his headache became even worse.

"Old Master, it's time for you to take your medicine." Mu Ting handed over the blood pressure medicine he took out and shook his head at Mu Chenyu.

Of course the latter knew that Butler Mu was here to help him out, so he stood up and took the briefcase from the servant.

"You have a good rest, my company still has things to do, wait until I come back to talk about anything else."

Mu Kuiyuan was still breathing heavily until Mu Chenyu went out.

"The eldest young master has never let you worry about him since he was a child. He may be angry that you are too doting on the third lady, so that's why." Mu Ting helped Mu Kuiyuan calm down.

"Ting, do you think this child is ......"

"You think too much, don't always scare yourself."

Anyway, Wen Li has offended Lei Yuan now. The detailed situation can only be known after Mu Nuanxi takes her to apologize to Lei Yuan.

However, Lei Yuan had originally said that he would not accept children from the Mu family as apprentices, and now that Mu Wen Li had broken his exhibits, the probability of her apprenticeship succeeding had gone from zero to negative.

"Make some time, I have to go see Lei Yuan." Mu Kuiyuan coughed.

"Didn't you say that children and grandchildren will have their own blessings? The Mu family has been handed over to the eldest young master. From now on, let them bear the blessings or disasters themselves. It's time for you to rest."

"But I still feel uneasy."

He always knows his own children best. Mu Kuiyuan knows them too well, so he thinks that it would be good to have another way out so that there is something to rely on when he is at the end of the road in the future.


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