Friday, December 8, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 59 - Mu Wen Li Moves out of Mu's House

 The rain in late summer and early autumn is not as violent and violent as summer, nor as soft and sentimental as autumn, but it always has its own unique style.

Ningzhou is also located in the Jiangbei area. The autumn winds bring abundant rain year after year, making the weather here become humid. It is not like Jiangnan, but in autumn you can still feel the hazy mist and rain like Jiangnan.

Rain all day can make people who don't like rainy days extremely irritable, such as Mu Chenxing or Li Mengluo.

The people waiting in the Mu family's living room were all agitated. Mu Nuanxi sat next to Mu Jing'an and looked up at the clock on the wall.

The hour hand pointed to seven o'clock in the evening. For a whole day, Mu Wen Li had not returned to Mu's house since she made such a big noise at the press conference.

More importantly, she was picked up by people from the Nan family. It is not known how many times Mu Wen Li went to the Nan family.

Mu Wen Li went there three times and it is what they knew on the surface, and she didn't know how many times she went without them.

Even if you don't care about it, you must pay attention now. Wen Li comes in and out of Nan's house frequently. If there is any small report with ulterior motives, the problem will become serious.

"Dad, you are a little too biased. When you disciplined Nuan Xi and the others, you used all the rules of the Mu family without any mercy. But now look at what is going on. Not only does that child have no rules, but also does not know shame, even if it is at home, it is the same outside, and if it goes on like this, the face of the Mu family is about to be lost. Mu Jing'an sat opposite the old man, and her face was very unsightly when she said this.

Mu Chenxing sat next to Lu Xue, raised his hand, and pressed the remote control, and this morning's news was played.

"The work of Professor Lei Yuan of the University of Science and Technology was destroyed. The youngest daughter of the Mu family, who was originally thought to be the culprit, made a comeback and released a surveillance video to prove her innocence. Today's entertainment gossip week, let us take a look. The powerful Mu family of Ningzhou has just been recovered the youngest..."

This news headline is really eye-catching.

"Look, Dad, it's all on the news now. At this juncture, she's running to Nan's house. If reporters catch her, I'll see what you do next."

After hearing Mu Jing'an's words, Mu Nuanxi's hand holding the cup tightened, but her face was extremely calm, as graceful and generous as ever.

"Dad, Jing'an is right. When Mu Kun called me yesterday, he asked about Nuan Xi. She and Nan Sheng were getting along very well. At this juncture, Mu Wen Li was inserted into the situation. I don't know what people outside will say."

Compared to Mu Jing'an, Lu Xue now knows how to observe people's emotions better.

It's obvious to all that the old man is partial to Mu Wen Li. If she says something he doesn't want to hear, he won't listen to a word more. In this case, she might as well be gentler.

Just agree with Mu Jing'an.

Mu Chenxing snorted. Sir, you are just hypocritical. If there is anything you can't say directly, "Anyway, it is a sure thing that Mu Wen Li seduced Nan Sheng. I saw something different last time at the hot spring club. She wanted to seduce her sister's fiance as soon as she came back." 

Mu Ting on the side heard this and walked up to Mu Chenxing consciously. He raised his hand and patted his shoulder to indicate that the young master really didn't know how to avoid taboos. He just liked to say whatever the old man didn't like.

If the old man is really angered, he will be beaten again.

"Dad, you can't chill the hearts of these children, especially Nuan Xi. What do you want Nuan Xi to think? She grew up by your side, and her relationship is the deepest. Before Mu Wen Li came back, she was the most pampered. If this were back then, where would you be able to let her suffer from such a wrongdoing." Mu Jingan bitterly began to persuade.

"Even if you feel you owe the child something, you can't make up for it at the expense of your granddaughter's happiness."

As a wealthy family, there are always many things that need to be taken care of, and some things need to be resolved before bigger problems break out.

Otherwise, once it is exposed in front of others, it will bring destruction to the world.

Mu Kuiyuan received too much information this morning, and his blood pressure, which was already low, became even higher.

Aunt Ruan put the washed fruits over. The eldest lady rarely came back, and every time she came back she was happy. It had been a long time since she had spoken so harshly to the old man.

Since the third lady came back, the atmosphere in the family has changed drastically, and everyone can no longer talk properly when sitting together.

"Okay, each one of them hasn't stopped talking since they entered the door. Let me be quiet." The old man raised his hand, and Lu Xue and Mu Jing'an shut their mouths knowingly.

Mu Ting is also aware of the old man's current dilemma. He wants to protect the third lady, but this matter involves the Nan family. If the media reveals that the youngest daughter of the Mu family who has just returned has stolen his sister's fiancé. This is not good news.

"Grandpa, the matter is not as serious as what my aunt said. I asked Brother Sheng if he had other things to do with Li Li, and it was not what they thought." Mu Nuanxi explained.

Mu Jing'an took her hand and patted her gently, "My silly niece, you think of her too well. This Mu Wen Li is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She can do that quietly at today's press conference." 

I don't know whether this was meant for Mu Nuanxi or Mu Kuiyuan.

Mu Chenxing fiddled with the computer in his hand. Anyway, he had already said what he needed to say. What to do with the rest was Grandpa's business, and it didn't have much to do with him.

"Auntie, stop talking nonsense, Li Li is not that kind of person." Mu Nuanxi spoke loudly.

"Xie'er, you still have to take what your aunt said to heart. I think you should ask Nan Sheng to come out and have a talk." Lu Xue advised.

Her daughter has been mild-tempered since she was a child, and she has been well protected by her father and brother. She has never experienced any big storms, and being too simple is not a good thing.

"Mom, please stop making noise." Mu Nuanxi rubbed her temples and said.

Mu Jing'an and Lu Xue had been clinging to this matter since they entered the door. The reason was also because Li Mengluo saw the car going to pick up Wen Li at the school gate.

Mu Kuiyuan was also angry at being pestered by them, so he said such words and asked her to call Nan Sheng.

"Third Miss is back." Aunt Ruan reminded them when she saw the girl coming in.

Wen Li was sent back by Fei Ran. As soon as she entered the door, she saw a lot of people sitting there, as well as Lu Xue and Mu Jing'an who looked at her fiercely.

"You have the nerve to come back!" Li Mengluo jumped out first and shouted.

Wen Li walked to the sofa and stopped, looking at everyone inside, "Didn't you ask me to come back?"

Lu Xue looked at Wen Li strangely, when did this damn girl become so obedient?

And why do you seem to be talking so much today?

Only people who have been with Wen Li for a long time know that she is indeed a bit cold-tempered at ordinary times. If you don't like her, she won't say a word to you because she finds it difficult.

But if she has eaten sweets, especially the sweets she likes very much, it will be different.

"You went to Nan's house, right? I've warned you so many times, but you still went to Nan's house!"

Li Mengluo's teeth almost broke when she thought of her appearance at Nan's house.

Why is Mu Wen Li's life so good? Why can she be so close to the Nan family just after returning to the Mu family? She is also Mu Nuanxi's sister, so why does Nan Sheng treat her differently.

What is so unique about Mu Wen Li that makes her grandfather pamper her so much.

Seeing the arrogant girl, Wen Li raised her chin and asked, "Has your matter been resolved?"

Seeing Wen Li staring at her, Li Mengluo took a step back. This woman was threatening her.

Of course Mu Jing'an knew what happened and changed the topic away from her.

"Wen Li, it's been so long since you've been back that I haven't had time to chat with you properly. I've also heard that you've caused a lot of trouble. It doesn't seem good to be so prominent just after you came back." Mu Jing'an sat up straight. 

"I know you grew up in the countryside. Maybe the folk customs in those places are different from ours. You also know that Nan Sheng will be Nuan Xi's fiancé soon. If a sister of yours is so close to her future brother-in-law, I'm afraid people will laugh it will spread. 

"People have such things as courtesy, justice, and shame. If you know what I'm talking about, don't bring in those poor practices. Stay away from Nan Sheng and stay away from your sister's fiancé."

Mu Jing'an has said this for a long time, pointing out that Wen Li shamelessly seduced her brother-in-law.

Mu Chenxing almost raised his hands and applauded. It was indeed right to let his aunt come back. Mu Jing'an was the only one in the entire Mu family who was not afraid of Mu Kuiyuan and could speak without worrying about the old man's face.

"I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at our Mu family now. The Mu family has been criticized a lot because of you. If you cause trouble again, you will really have no shame in going out to meet people." Lu Xue said.

In the past, because of her three outstanding children, she was always the object of envy when she went out to play mahjong parties. Since Mu Wen Li came back, people have always made fun of her, intentionally or unintentionally, by saying that she has a country bumpkin daughter.

She had little knowledge and knew nothing about rules and etiquette. They almost died of laughter.

Even if Mu Wen Li opened the rare violet stone, she couldn't regain much face. Luck is nothing compared to a person's education and knowledge.

"So, Nan Sheng is already engaged to Mu Nuanxi?" Wen Li said this in a calm tone.

Lu Xue was stunned by her words. Indeed, Nan Sheng did not reveal any intention of getting engaged to Mu Nuanxi.

These are also the news that Ningzhou's Gossip Weekly publishes. The two families' intention to marry is commonplace news in newspapers.

"Sister and Nan Sheng's relationship is so good. Isn't it only a matter of time before they get engaged? Don't use this to find fault and cover up your nastiness." Li Mengluo raised her head and replied.

Wen Li nodded in understanding, "Since they have a good relationship, Nan Sheng should be able to tell her everything, so there is no need for you to ask here."

Mu Nuanxi's already pale face turned even paler after hearing her words.

No one knows why Wen Li can freely enter and leave Nan's house, and why Nan Sheng's attitude towards her is so confusing.

Mu Nuanxi admitted that she was really scared, just as scared as back then.

"For such a certain thing, people who can't see it are really stupid." Mu Jing'an replied angrily.

"Oh, so your daughter must be a fool too." Wen Li looked at Mu Jing'an and slowly uttered these words.

Li Mengluo, who was drinking water, choked when she heard these words. Even Mu Chenxing looked at Li Mengluo strangely.

What Wen Li said was profound.

Mu Jing'an jumped up immediately, "Mu Wen Li, do you understand the rules when talking to elders? Don't say such misleading words to me."

"You look like you are angry." Wen Li rested her chin in an airy manner.

It was obviously Mu Jing'an who was teaching her a lesson, but why did she feel like Mu Jing'an was half mad to death now?

"Auntie, don't be angry." Mu Nuanxi stood up and helped Mu Jing'an sit down, "Li Li is just a little arrogant, she didn't mean that."

"You're still protecting her..."

"Shut up, everyone." Mu Kuiyuan finally couldn't help but speak to stop what Mu Jing'an was about to say.

"The noise is endless. If you continue to make noise, get out of here." Mu Kuiyuan roared angrily.

The whole living room fell silent for an instant, and Li Mengluo didn't dare to breathe. Although she was half a child who grew up in the Mu family, she had never seen her grandpa get so angry before.

"You can't stop talking noisily about such a few things. You have forgotten the Mu family motto, right? If Wen Li really did something wrong, there would naturally be a way to deal with her. A group of people here quarreling can give what kind of result?"

Mu Jing'an calmed down and raised her hand to stroke her short wavy hair, "Dad, these kids are all here, you have to be even-handed."

Mu Kuiyuan also knew the reason why they made such a fuss. After so many years of ups and downs in the business, he couldn't even tell the thoughts of these people in his family, so it was a waste of time.

"Wen Li, your aunt's words are a bit harsh, but she always takes them into account. After all, your sister and Nan Sheng's situation is different now. Even if they are not engaged yet, it is a certainty. You still have to avoid suspicion."

Mu Chenxing rolled his eyes. Grandpa really treated her differently. He wanted to coax her when talking to Mu Wen Li.

If this happened to him today, if he stole Mu Chenyu's girlfriend, he would be beaten to death by his grandfather.

Typical double standards.

"The Mu family has done a good job of taking precautions."

Hearing her sarcasm, Mu Kuiyuan was not angry.

"No, Dad, you can't spoil her like this. She must promise today that she will not see Nan Sheng from now on, and she will not go to Nan's house privately." Mu Jing'an made a request.

It's always good to be prepared for a rainy day, and compared to Mu Nuanxi and Li Mengluo, Mu Wen Li's face does have the ability to captivate people.

The girl, who was only twenty years old, had already reached this point, and she had to take measures before everything was irreversible.

"What if I don't listen?" Wen Li asked.

"Then you pack your bags and move out of Mu's house." Mu Jing'an issued the eviction order without ceremony.

Li Mengluo laughed proudly. Brother Chenyu said that it was Mu Wen Li who took the initiative to find them. It was obvious that she was an old countryman who wanted to live a good life and did whatever she wanted with the help of her grandfather's favor.

She would be nothing if she really moved out, so how could Mu Wen Li be willing to move out of Mu's house? She tried every possible means to find Mu's house, but she was not willing to move out.

Mom was like a snake, pinching her vitality. Now Mu Wen Li wouldn't dare to challenge them no matter what.

"Okay, I agree."

The person in front of them answered very clearly and neatly, without the slightest delay.

"Ahem..." Mu Jing'an choked while drinking water.

Why is this different from what she thought?

Mu Chenxing held his forehead, wondering why his aunt felt that Mu Wen Li didn't dare to move out. She was the best at this kind of thing.

Grandpa couldn't bear to leave her. If she moved out, Mu Jing'an would be kicked out. Grandpa would feel sorry for Mu Wen Li even more and he would scold them all to death.

"Now that a consensus has been reached, I will move out today."

Mu Jing'an felt like she was being tricked, and sure enough, she looked up and saw the old man glaring at her.

"Why, is this old man already dead to allow you to drive Wen Li away?" Mu Kuiyuan glanced at the people in front of him.

Li Mengluo quickly lowered her head. She did not expect that Mu Wen Li would agree so readily. She just wanted to scare Mu Wen Li.

Who knew it would be like this.

"Don't mention this matter again." Mu Kuiyuan said and looked at Mu Nuanxi with a soft look on his eyebrows. "You should find a time to ask Nan Sheng to have a meal together. You still need to make things clear between you." 

There are so many rumors outside that the Nan family has no intention of clarifying or explaining anything.

It's not like the daughter of their Mu family can't get married, that she has to marry his Nan family.

"I understand, Grandpa, I will talk to Brother Sheng." Mu Nuanxi lowered her head and said obediently.

After receiving his granddaughter's words, Mu Kuiyuan raised his eyes and looked at a few people, "I think you are all free, especially you. If you have a little leisure, keep an eye on Li Wen's business ability, and don't always hold Chenyu back." 

"Dad..." Mu Jing'an was dissatisfied. She was saying that her husband was not capable in front of all the children.

No matter where she puts her face, Li Wen is indeed not a powerful person, but she still likes him.

The old man doesn't want to bicker with them, there are always some things that need to be checked clearly.

"Wen Li, come to the study with me."

Mu Ting helped the old man get up and go to the study.

Seeing the old man taking the person, Li Mengluo was so frightened that he hurried to Mu Jing'an and said, "Mom, will Mu Wen Li tell grandpa?"

If grandpa knew that she framed Mu Wen Li, wouldn't he throw her out directly?

"It's okay." Mu Jing'an comforted her daughter, "She won't tell."

The reason why Nan Sheng's incident was used to make such a fuss today was to divert the old man's attention.

She was sure that Mu Wen Li would not take the initiative to tell the old man about this matter. Besides, she had already dealt with it and found the scapegoat. Even if he had doubts, the old man could not say anything.

"Don't be afraid."


In the study room, Wen Li looked at the photo files that the old man pushed in front of him, and he remained unmoved.

"Grandpa knows that you are not very comfortable living at home now. He originally wanted you to live at home so that you could communicate with your family, but he has always ignored a lot of things. You can choose between these apartments and I will have people clean up the one you like." Mu Kuiyuan pointed to the photos of several apartments on the table.

"No, I'm staying in a hotel residence."

The old man frowned, "That place is cold. It is not a home. You have to live in your own home to feel warm."

"I don't need one."

Over the years, she had moved around and visited countless places and countries. The home that others described as home was nothing more than a sleeping house in Wen Li's eyes.

Mu Kuiyuan looked at her with deep eyes, lowered his head, and put away the documents on the table, "Since you insist so much, it's up to you. Mu has several serviced apartments under our name. You can move out if you want."

When Mu Ting heard this, his expression changed. The old man wanted the third lady to move out of the Mu family's sight.

Originally, Mu Wen Li was not an easy person to control. He could not control the children who were still living in the Mu family. If they were released like this, he didn't know how much trouble she would cause.

"But Grandpa has a request. You come back for dinner at least twice a week, and the family must always be organized. You moved out before you got along with your family, and now your dad hasn't come back yet. 

Mu Kuiyuan spoke sincerely and his eyes were full of sincerity, just like many old people who hope to enjoy family happiness.

Thinking of the results of the DNA test, Wen Li nodded and agreed.

The results obtained after taking Lu Xue's DNA were like that. When Mu Kun's DNA is taken and the test is done again, many different things may be discovered.

After figuring out the mystery of her life experience, she would be pretty much done with the Mu family.

"Third Miss, I will arrange for someone to take you there." Mu Ting said.

"No, I can choose the hotel myself."

Even if she moves out of Mu's house, it's up to her to decide where to go.

Mu Ting looked at Mu Kuiyuan, and the old man waved his hand, that's it, it's up to her to decide.

"I heard what happened to you today. You are really talented on the Internet. I will tell Chenyu that starting tomorrow you will go to Mu's to observe and study. There are many powerful programmers there and you can learn a lot. 

"No need."

So far, she is not that interested in Mushi. She has no interest in the annual income, how big it is, and how many employees it supports.

"Then..." Mu Kuiyuan looked at Wen Li and started to think of a solution.

After what happened today reached Mu Kuiyuan's ears, he was surprised for a while. He had thought that this child would have a certain talent in this field, but he did not expect that she would be so powerful.

Maybe there are some things that are really destined by God and cannot be compared to others.

Compared to the three Mu Chenyu's siblings, Mu Chenxing is the most talented, but Mu Chenxing and Mu Wenli are probably far apart.

Mu Ting handed the old man a blue rope ID, "Old Master."

That is the pass for Mushi Technology Park. With this thing, you can enter and exit the park at will, and even access to the core areas.

It was equivalent to showing the core area of ​​the entire Mu family in front of her.

"This pass allows you to visit the science and technology park. You can go and have a look. I think you might be interested."

Wen Li looked at the pass as if she remembered something.

"Mushi is most famous for its original energy microchip."

When he heard her mention this, Mu Kuiyuan was startled, then nodded, "Yeah."

Mushi is most famous for its original energy microchips. The self-developed chips that came out in that era once monopolized the market and became the chips with the highest market share.

There are still many technology companies using Mushi's original energy chips. At that time, Mushi also relied on this chip to become the technology leader in G country, laying the foundation and status it now has.

"If you are interested, go and take a look. If you don't understand anything, just ask Chenyu. Your elder brother is the most practiced in this area."

Mu Ting nodded in agreement. Although Mu Chenyu also graduated with a major in computer science, he also minored in business administration. Compared to a programmer, he is still more suitable for business.

That's why Mu Kuiyuan handed over his power with confidence.

Because Mu Chenyu looks more like Mu Kun.

Wen Li took the pass. She was quite interested in what kind of technology park a company like Mushi had.

"If nothing else, I'll go out."

Seeing Wen Li put the pass in her arms, Mu Kuiyuan finally relaxed.

Mu Kuiyuan and Mu Ting were the only ones left in the study. Seeing the old man leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed, Mu Ting sighed.

"Tell me, does she suspect something?" Mu Kuiyuan suddenly opened his eyes.

Mu Ting was stunned, "No, don't scare yourself. The third lady is just cooler and wiser than other children. You are just under too much pressure during this time."

"No, I always feel that this child knows something, otherwise she wouldn't have this attitude, and she just..."

"Master." Mu Ting sighed, "I see that you have been talking about Third Miss since she came back. She is just a child. Besides, it has been so many years. Even if you want to re-investigate, it is impossible to find any traces now."

Mu Kuiyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This child is pitiful. She was lost when she was five years old. I don't know what kind of life she lived outside. She must have suffered a lot."

People start worrying at a certain age, especially for the younger ones who are always cherished.

The reason why Mu Kuiyuan is partial is because Mu Wen Li has suffered so many years outside. This is something the Mu family owes her.

"Third Miss is back, but these children at home always don't want to see her. They made such a big fuss this time. How are you going to deal with it?"

"You're talking about Luo Luo."

"The school said that some students have already apologized, saying that they accidentally threw the iron ball while testing new equipment, and they have also made corresponding compensation."

Mu Kuiyuan snorted, "She handled the matter very quickly and wasn't sloppy at all. I don't know whether I should praise her or not."

The only person who could help Li Mengluo handle things so cleanly in such a short period of time was Mu Jing'an.

Mu Kuiyuan knew what kind of temperament his daughter had. She had learned a lot from the Mu family over the years. Unfortunately, she didn't learn any serious skills. Instead, she was a lot smarter.

"The eldest lady also loves her daughter, which is understandable."

"Her daughter is a child, but other children are not. I originally thought that Jing'an would understand what I was thinking, but I didn't expect that even if the child was making mischief, she would also follow suit, thinking that the trouble would be transferred as soon as it happened like today. 

She was so naive. With her little trick, it was strange that she could hide it from Mu Kuiyuan.

"Do we need to deal with this matter?"

People at the school are more inclined to the old man's side than Mu Jing'an, so naturally these things cannot be hidden from Mu Kuiyuan.

"Forget it, the matter has been resolved. Don't worry about her anymore."

"That's all there is to it, you have to pick a time to beat the eldest lady. ”

If Mu Jing'an keeps causing trouble like this, it will be very difficult for those children to really get along well with each other.


Wen Li walked out of the study room, and Mu Jing'an and Lu Xue had already gone out. The extraordinary place that was originally bustling now became deserted.

Mu Chenxing was the only one left in the living room at the moment. He was leaning on the sofa, with his laptop on his knees and his fingers typing on the keyboard.

When he heard footsteps approaching, he didn't stop typing on the keyboard.

"I heard that Tang Xiao invited you to join his team?"

Wen Li stopped walking in front of him. Tang Xiao seemed to be the president of the computer team this morning.

"A person like you can only deceive Tang Xiao to believe you can break into the campus system."

When Mu Chenxing said this, his face was full of disdain.

Wen Li made a comparison in her mind between the unruly appearance of the young man in front of him and the polite Tang Xiao in the morning.

"Anyway, the school competition is about to start. Since he has already invited you, you go and make up the number of people so that they can participate and make him convinced that he lost."

The servant handed over the brewed coffee. Mu Chenxing put down the computer, crossed his legs, and took a sip of coffee.

"Mu Wen Li, Grandpa just said that you are more powerful than me. I feel very uncomfortable. How about this? You join Tang Xiao's team and we will compete."

When Mu Kuiyuan said that Mu Wen Li was more powerful than him, Mu Chenxing was really angry. He enrolled in school and participated in countless competitions, won first place every time, and got countless certificates.

But Grandpa never praised him, so why was it different when it was Mu Wen Li.

This made him really unable to swallow his anger.


His long speech was only rewarded with two syllables from Wen Li.

"Wait a minute." Mu Chenxing said and was about to chase after her.

Wen Li was annoyed to no end and looked back at him very seriously.

"You can't beat me."

For Mu Chenxing, this was the most absolute sarcasm.

Mu Nuanxi came out of the dining area and stopped the impulsive person, "Stop making trouble, grandpa will be angry."

"Sister, she was sarcastic to me."

Who gave Mu Wen Li the courage to talk to him like this?

Mu Nuanxi looked at the girl walking further and further away, her face as usual, "Do you really want to compete with her?"

"Of course, I want to show Grandpa what it means to be awesome."

Mu Nuanxi thought for a while and gave him an idea, "Wen Li takes the easy way rather than the hard side. It's useless for you to use the provocation method. Find another way."

Mu Chenxing didn't bother to observe her sister's expression at this moment, and hurriedly approached her, "Tell me."

He must let Mu Wen Li be defeated by him. A wild child from the countryside has no idea what IT and network security are. This time he must watch Mu Wen Li cry.

Let Grandpa know how wrong he was.


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