Monday, December 4, 2023

MFAW- Chapter 55 - Mu Wen Li is a Country Bumpkin who Doesn't Know What's good for Her

The University of Science and Technology does a good job of keeping information confidential. Because it involves some low-tech technologies, the network systems on campus are maintained by specialized departments.

Originally, the school had blocked information about the destruction of Professor Lei's exhibits, but for some reason, starting yesterday, related news began to spread online.

This matter has attracted a lot of attention and clicks on the Internet. Naturally, a lot of news about Wen Li, the person involved, has also been exposed.

Even photos of her is Seeking Jade Relic were leaked, but the photos were not very clear and her appearance could not be distinguished.

It goes without saying that Professor Lei's status in the scientific research community was ruined because his works were destroyed by a wealthy child who relied on connections to get into The University of Science and Technology. This will of course arouse the indignation of many people.

Now the mailbox of the USTC has received a lot of emails, all of which hope that the school can deal with Wen Li seriously.

The school forum has now exploded. Students are filled with indignation and are urging the school to speed up the handling of this matter.

The school was under pressure and had no choice but to hold a small on-campus event today to explain the matter and ask Wen Li to apologize to Professor Lei in front of everyone.

Mu Nuanxi drove Mu Chenxing and Wen Li to USTC. Mu Chenxing sat in the passenger seat with his head down and playing with his mobile phone. He had no intention of talking to Wen Li who was behind him the whole time.

"Sister, will you participate in today's event?" Mu Chenxing asked as he sat with his hands folded on his chest.

"Of course I will."

She is a school teacher and the sister of the involved party, Mu Wen Li, so she must be at the scene no matter what.

"Li Li, today's meeting is in the school's science and technology museum. Professor Lei will also go there. Then you should do what I told you and apologize to Professor Lei properly. Although he is a bit weird, he is not unreasonable. 

To put it bluntly, today's event is to clarify the growing number of rumors in the school. There will also be corresponding video recordings, and representatives of associations and students will also be present.

As long as everyone sees that Professor Lei forgives Wen Li, they will not dwell on this matter and say anything more.

"Let me warn you first. There will be a lot of people here soon. Don't bring in those unfashionable moves. Just do whatever you are told. Otherwise, don't think about continuing to study in this school." Mu Chenxing 

However, there was a hint of sarcasm in his words. If Wen Li continued to be ignorant on such an occasion, she would lose the face of the entire Mu family.

He didn't want to be pointed at by his classmates when he walked in school.

"Chenxing." Mu Nuanxi called.

"I'm reminding her..."


The person in the back seat who had been silent spoke up.

Mu Chenxing wanted to say something else but was frightened away by Mu Nuanxi's eyes and could only give up.

When the car became quiet, Wen Li closed her eyes and leaned back on the seat to rest her mind. She had been very tired from working for the past two days. If it wasn't for this matter that needed to be dealt with, she would be too lazy to accompany these people.

Mu Nuanxi also knew that this incident had indeed wronged Wen Li.

But the matter has reached this point, and if no one takes responsibility anymore, the problem will be huge.

The car stopped in the underground parking lot of the Science and Technology Museum. The originally empty parking lot was almost half full today.

In order to solve this matter, almost all the professors and counselors from the Academy of Sciences came.

"Do you want to go with us?" Mu Nuanxi looked at her brother who was following them.

"Go, why won't I go."

He also wanted to see Mu Wen Li's lowered head and let her go crazy, film this scene, and laugh at this woman.

Mu Nuanxi pulled Mu Chenxing over and whispered, "No fooling around for a while, do you hear me?"

"Sister, you should worry about whether other people will mess around. Anyway, I won't do that."

This kind of occasion where he could watch Mu Wen Li being rubbed on the ground, he couldn't even be happy about it, what's the point of making a scene? He would never mess around in this situation.

The school is making a big show out of this event. A white table was placed in the center of the hall. The University of Science and Technology even invited media from outside the school to report on the incident.

All the student clubs on campus have been replaced, five cameras are placed under the stage, and there is a whole row of seats on the stage.

It should be that the leaders of the entire Academy of Sciences have arranged their seats. There are not many seats below the stage. Some of them are people in the industry, and some are given to teachers and students.

Mu Chenxing went to sit in the first row. No one who knew him rushed him away. He was the grandson of the largest investor in the University of Science and Technology. No one dared to say anything.

"Let's see how you go about it this time." He almost laughed out loud while holding the phone.

He was extremely happy when he thought that the arrogant Mu Wen Li would lower her arrogant head.

When he went out, Mu Chenxing searched on his mobile phone, and the Internet was almost noisy.

Especially the tech nerds who admired Professor Lei, all wished that Mu Wen Li would die to apologize so that the USTC could be cleansed of her sins by splashing her blood.

Pu Xi came over slowly, signed at the entrance, and then sat down next to Mu Chenxing.

"You're here early, didn't you say you weren't coming?"

Pu Xi covered his chest and said through gritted teeth, "Of course, I have to come over."

Mu Wen Li kicked him in the chest that night, and now his chest still hurts. If he wanted to see this woman deflate this time, he would definitely be the first to arrive.

"Are you ready to take pictures?" Mu Chenxing looked at him amusedly.

"Are you still laughing at me? Who did I become like this for?"

If it wasn't for the purpose of recording a video for Mu Chenxing, how could he be like this? Even his phone was damaged.

He specifically found someone to rewrite the program so that it would be convenient to use, but Mu Wen Li broke the camera.

The most annoying thing is that he took it to someone to rewrite the program again, but the other party said that there was nothing they could do and the camera was simply destroyed.

"Okay, I think the reporters are almost in place. Just wait for the school leaders to come over. Let's wait and see the show."

Pu Xi still felt uncomfortable, "Let me tell you, even if she is your sister, I will not let her go this time and dare to fight with me."

Just let her move well enough.

Wen Li was taken to the small office next to the exhibition hall by Mu Nuanxi. Now the people outside were all Professor Lei's fans who were filled with indignation and were waiting to sink Wen Li into the pond.

Even the door was crowded with people. If they hadn't come directly from the underground parking lot, they would have been blocked at the door.

"Li Li, I have communicated the process with the school. After a while, the school leaders will go up to state the facts. Professor Lei will also be there. At about the same time, we will go on stage. You and Professor Lei should apologize more sincerely in front of everyone."

Because of poor sleep, Wen Li raised her hand to rub her temples, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth, "This is the solution everyone gave, you are really amazing."

Mu Nuanxi knew that she was sarcastic and persuaded her earnestly, "You also know how much pressure we have withstood this matter. You originally entered the school through family connections, and this matter became more and more serious when it was put online. 

It is also the most effective way to restore Wen Li's image.

"In addition, you must have a better attitude when apologizing. Keep it at 90 degrees when bowing. Try to speak as little as possible. No matter what others say, you must put up with it for the time being."

As long as Wen Li's apology attitude is good enough, Professor Lei's supporters will not be too entangled.

"You go out first." Wen Li rubbed her temples.

Mu Nuanxi sat beside her and did not move.

"If you don't leave me alone, you'll be waiting to clean up the mess."

Mu Nuanxi could clearly see the coldness in Wen Li's eyes and heard the threat in her words.

"Then I'll go out and make arrangements first, and you can think about it alone."

Mu Nuanxi opened the door and walked out with her handbag. When she closed the door, she looked specifically at the girl on the sofa who was looking down.

After the door closed, Mu Nuanxi turned back and walked towards the middle of the venue. Several teachers were busy in the venue, and there were still ten minutes until the official start.

"Sister!" A girl's voice came from afar.

She turned around and saw Li Mengluo running from the door. She was carrying a plush bunny backpack that jumped up and down with her movements.

"Here you go, your favorite coffee." Li Mengluo handed over the coffee in her hand.

"Are you tired from running so fast?" Mu Nuanxi took a tissue from her bag and gently wiped her sweat.

"Are you very busy today? Mom asked me to ask you to have dinner together after class." Li Mengluo leaned over and said.

Mu Nuanxi threw the used tissue into the trash can nearby, "I don't know, I'll see later."

Li Mengluo scanned the venue and said, "Sister, why didn't I see that wild girl?"

"She is resting inside." Mu Nuanxi responded, "Don't talk like that."

In total, Wen Li's age was not much different from that of Li Mengluo. After all, she still had to call her sister, but Li Mengluo had never called her sister.

"Tch." Li Mengluo rolled her eyes.

The female curator who was responsible for arranging the seats came over and saw the two sisters standing together happily, her voice became much louder.

"Teacher Mu." The female curator came over with a greeting, her right hand still wrapped in a white bandage, "The sisters are talking."

"Teacher Lin, are you feeling better?" Mu Nuanxi said and looked at the bandage on her hand.

This was what Wen Li interrupted last time.

"It's much better. I put a plaster on it and it will be fine after a while."

Mu Nuanxi lowered her head and said sincerely, "I'm really sorry."

Teacher Lin waved his hand, "It's nothing, this is none of your business."

If you want to blame someone, you have to blame Mu Wen Li.

She glanced at Li Mengluo and said with a smile, "You two sisters have a really good relationship."

Li Mengluo heard what the female curator meant, "Of course, I grew up with my sister."

All the students and teachers in the entire USTC knew the children of the Mu family. Li Mengluo's mother was the daughter of the Mu family, so naturally she couldn't be offended.

Compared to Mu Wen Li, a biological sister who is related by blood, Li Mengluo, a cousin, is closer to Mu Nuanxi.

"Go and sit down first, Professor Lei is already here." The female curator said and looked in the direction of Professor Lei Yuan.

Mu Nuanxi looked over and saw that Lei Yuan who didn't often appear in the school. He often stayed in the laboratory, and ordinary students didn't have the chance to see him.

At this time, a group of enthusiastic fans had gathered around the old man, holding notebooks and asking for autographs one by one.

The female curator glanced at the lounge, leaned in front of Mu Nuanxi, and whispered, "Is there nothing wrong with Mu Wen Li?"

Last time in the office, her finger was broken off by Wen Li, and she was fixed with a plaster. She rested in the hospital for two days before returning to work.

This time, let alone her, even the vice-principal was afraid that Wen Li would attack Professor Lei.

Mu Nuanxi nodded, "No problem, don't worry."

After receiving Mu Nuanxi's promise, the female curator went over to work with peace of mind.

Wen Li was the only one left in the huge lounge. She was leaning on the sofa, her fingers jumping between the laptop keyboard on her lap.

The white earphone cord hung down, and lines of code floated away on the computer screen. The girl wearing the earphones concentrated on staring at the letters floating away.

"It's done in five minutes." Su Jingjing's voice came from the earphones.

Wen Li stopped after tapping the enter key.

"How are you doing over there?" Wen Li closed the computer.

Su Jingjing laughed out loud, "No problem, I'll take action at the right moment, don't worry."

Wen Li closed the computer. The data connected by Su Jingjing stopped transmitting halfway, and the communication was transferred from the PC port to the mobile port.

"Mu Kun successfully won the communication infrastructure order from D Continent and is expected to return to the Mu family next month. However, Mu's current technical level and financial resources are not enough to support such a huge construction project, so during this period, Mu Chenyu is also busy during this time, and he is about to find SOYA. ”

Su Jingjing reminded that Wen Li had not seen Mu Kun since he arrived at Mu's house.

If the deal with Continent D is concluded, it means that Mu Kun is coming back.

"Then what."

Su Jingjing sighed, "Let me remind you, you returned to the Mu family in a high profile, and now the Internet is making a big fuss because you damaged Lei Yuan's work, and half of your face was posted in the photo.  I'm afraid your trace will be exposed soon."

A little girl who wanted to retire and raise flowers found the Mu family because of a dream.

"Actually, I don't think you should care so much about that dream. You didn't really care about where you came from in the first place, and you're not close to the Mu family. There's no point in tracing it now. Otherwise, you should come back."

Su Jingjing always felt that with Wen Li's temperament, she didn't care much about where she came from or who gave birth to her.

People like her live a free and unrestrained life, and will not be constrained by these worldly things.

But this time, Su Jingjing really couldn't understand.

"Help me look for Lao Bu. They're keeping an eye on him over there. If there's any special news, Notify me.

"I know, you'd better solve the matter in front of you first."

Su Jingjing said and sent two screenshots of web pages to Wen Li's mobile phone, "I saw some interesting things. Now Professor Lei's fan group has put forward the idea of ​​"sacrifice to heaven" for you, and they are making comments and insults than to a first-rate celebrity."

"I'm just going to give you some advice. If someone comes running towards you desperately when you go out in a while, you should be gentler and don't break your arms and legs easily. It doesn't suit your status as a country loser."

After all, the rumors on the Internet now are more about the idea that Mu Wen Li is a wild girl from the countryside, illiterate, vulgar, ugly, uneducated, and doesn't understand the rules.

That's why she broke Professor Lei's work. If she broke someone's hands and feet in front of the camera, it would be a big deal.

She is a typical representative of no rules and inhumanity.

"Nagging." Wen Li said while holding the earphones.

Su Jingjing also knew that she was disliked, so she hummed and took off her headphones. After all, Wen Li was in Ningzhou now, and there were far fewer eyes staring at her.

Most people would not have guessed that Wen Li would go to a small place like Ningzhou, and they might not even turn their attention to country G to find her.

Now her life, even if there is some intrigue, is much safer than before.

Wen Li listened to the noise starting outside the door. The sound of the microphone boomed one after another, and there were a lot of people coming and going.

She opened the office door and leaned on the door frame to look at the lively scene in the center of the venue.

"I heard that Mu Wen Li will have to apologize to Professor Lei later. Let's squeeze in front and see what she looks like." Two female classmates holding hands walked past Wen Li while talking.

They stopped five meters away from her, looked around, and started to find a good position.

"I heard that Professor Lei's fans have blocked the door. Mu Wen Li must give an explanation. If Professor Lei doesn't forgive her soon, I think those people will tear her apart."

"A person who came in through connections got into big trouble as soon as she entered school. I think the school should have expelled her. but, the Mu family did not let her drop out of school despite the huge pressure. This background is particularly important."

After hearing the weird words of the two people, the classmates on the side also came over and said, "I heard that Mu Wen Li grew up in the countryside and didn't seem to have any rules. He even went gambling on stones two days ago."

Photos of Mu Wen Li gambling on stones have been circulated on school forums, but there is very little news about her opening a Violet.

Therefore, in the eyes of many students, Mu Wen Li is just a country bumpkin who only relies on the power of the Mu family to show off her power.


"You haven't seen the pictures on the forum. She just came back from the countryside and went to a high-end club and spent millions to buy rocks. This is the most popular post!" The female classmate said and pulled out the photos on her mobile phone.

"Take a look."

The photo posted on the forum is a bit blurry. The girl in the photo is sitting on the sofa with a special price tag for "Seeking Jade Relic" in front of her.

However, the photo is too blurry to see clearly what she looks like.

"Oh my god, this Mu Wen Li is so ungrateful. I get angry when I think of Professor Lei's things."

The words of several people clearly fell into Wen Li's ears, and she knew exactly what these people were thinking.

Sometimes jealousy really comes without any reason.


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