Friday, December 1, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 52 - Wen Li's Money is the Mu Family's Money.

 At seven o'clock in the morning, the Mu family villa started to become lively.

Everyone who goes to work and goes to school has already gotten up. Mu Kuiyuan had very strict requirements for his children in the early years. He had strict standards regarding food, clothing, housing, transportation to how to behave, so the three children of the Mu family did not have the habit of sleeping in.

Except for Mu Chenxing, who was in school and slept a little longer on weekends, the other two were able to sit at the dining table and have breakfast at 7:30am.

When Mu Kuiyuan came out of the study, Mu Chenyu and Mu Nuanxi came out of the gym to exercise. The old man looked up at the clock on the wall. It was exactly 7:10am.

"Good morning, Grandpa." Mu Chenxing changed clothes and came down the stairs.

Mu Kuiyuan nodded, and he and Mu Chenxing arrived at the dining table one behind the other. Lu Xue slowly came down from upstairs.

She was wearing this year's latest handmade silk cheongsam. Even though she was nearly fifty, she still looked charming in every gesture.

She has spent a lot of money on maintenance over the years, plus having several children does not bother her, and her family conditions are very good in Ningzhou, so she naturally looks younger than other women.


The servant pulled the chair away, and Lu Xue raised her hand to brush her wavy hair.

Mu Chenxing smelled the perfume wafting over, "Mom, are you planning to go out today?"

"I made an appointment with some friends to go out for a walk."

The upper-class wives' group always has activities every two days, especially rich wives like Lu Xue who have nothing to do, they have a lot of activities.

Mu Chenxing was also used to seeing Lu Xue coming back with large and small bags every two days.

"Then you have fun."

"Thank you, son." Lu Xue said, taking out her phone and checking the messages.

Mu Kuiyuan looked at the two people opposite him and put the milk glass in his hand back on the table, "You look very busy."

Lu Xue stopped scrolling through her phone and put it aside silently. The old man never liked her showing off when she went out.

"Dad, I'm just going out for a walk with a few friends, and Mu Kun isn't at home either. I'm bored by myself."

"Bored?" Mu Kuiyuan's stern face became more and more ugly, "You don't need to worry about the three of them, but Wen Li just came back. Have you, a mother, ever cared about your child's habits and how your child has been doing these past two days? 

Lu Xue's hand on her lap tightened the lace hem of the cheongsam, her face still as respectful as ever, "Dad, she hasn't been under my nose for the past two days, and I can't care about her even if I want to."

Mu Chenxing snorted, biting the bread, and said, "Grandpa, you still let Mother care about her. She is very happy every day now. Two days ago, after she went to Seeking Jade Relic and became an overnight celebrity, she came back and hid in her room for two whole days. 

Mu Chenxing gets angry when he mentions this. Grandpa has made it clear that he is partial, and all the rules of the Mu family are in vain in front of Mu Wen Li.

She sleeps until noon every day and doesn't get up until after noon. She never leaves the room in the morning. She skips breakfast and Aunt Ruan directly delivers lunch.

If it had been him, he would've been beaten to death by his grandfather.

This partiality knows no bounds.

"Dad, you are a little partial to Wen Li. They are both the same children. How could Chen Yu and Nuan Xi carry so much money when they were her age? I heard that the violet jade she auctioned were sold for five hundred and thirty million yuan." Lu Xue said with meaning.

I heard that there were a lot of people staring at the violet jade, and the people who went there were also wealthy. A jade estimated at 300 to 500 million was sold for 530 million.

Mu Chenxing echoed his mother's words, "That's right, Grandpa, the maximum limit on my card has never been higher than two million."

Mu Kuiyuan was very strict in disciplining these three children, and there was a quota for the amount of money they spent during school.

Even Mu Chenyu, who was always obedient and self-disciplined, never had more than five million in money when he was in school.

This Mu Wenli has obviously seriously exceeded the quota.

"Grandpa, don't we have to take this money back to our family?"

After all, Mu Wen Li's money was the Mu family's money. As long as he could look at her huff, he felt comfortable.

Before Mu Kuiyuan could answer this matter, Mu Chenyu had already changed his clothes and went downstairs.

The old man looked back and asked, "Where is Nuanxi?"

"In the back." Mu Chenyu said and sat down, "She went to call Mu Wen Li."

Aunt Ruan placed the baked waffles in front of the old man with a pleased smile on his face. The second young lady was the only one in the entire Mu family who cared most about the third young lady.

When she came back yesterday, she brought cosmetics and various desserts to her sister. At least in this home, Mu Wen Li could feel a lot of warmth.

"I'll go take a look!" Upon hearing this, Mu Chenxing was so frightened that he stood up hurriedly.

What a joke, Pu Xi said, Mu Wen Li is a crazy girl who bites people. If her sister knocks on the door and calls her, this person will fly out. Isn't it over.

"What are you going to see? Come back here." Mu Kuiyuan stopped him.

Mu Chenxing turned around obediently, "Grandpa, you don't know how crazy that woman is..."

"Shut up and go back if you don't want to eat."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, Mu Nuanxi walked down the stairs and saw the person blocking the stairs, "Chenxing, what are you doing here?"

"Sister." Mu Chenxing looked at Mu Nuanxi up and down, and he breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that she was not attacked.

"Wen Li, they are all sitting down, let's hurry up." Mu Nuanxi turned around and called in a soft tone.

Wen Li followed her to the dining room. When he passed Mu Chenxing, he rubbed his eyes.

This person has stayed in the room for the past two days and has not left the room. Even the meals were delivered by Aunt Ruan. What is wrong today? She actually left the room.

"Did you sleep well?" The old man looked at Wen Li, who was sitting opposite him.

Wen Li picked up the fork in front of her and said, "Not bad."

Every room in the Mu family has excellent sound insulation and is very quiet. She spent the past two days in the room and solved many problems.

"How could it not be a good rest, she hasn't been out for two days. If I hadn't gone to class for two days, I would have been in disarray." Mu Chenxing muttered.

Mu Kuiyuan glared at him, then looked at Wen Li, "Such a big thing happened just after you entered school. Your mood must have been affected. You should have a good rest for two days."

"However." The old man changed the topic, "After you have had enough rest, you still need to go to class properly."

After all, the incident that happened on Wen Li's first day of school has not yet been resolved, so this matter cannot be delayed forever.

Furthermore, Wen Li has become somewhat famous in the entire upper-class circle of Ningzhou because of her discovery of glass violet jade.

The matter at the University of Science and Technology also began to ferment, and it was time to come forward and resolve it.


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