Saturday, December 9, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 60 - One Big Boss Leads Four Losers!

 Wen Li's moving out of the Mu family was very smooth. In her opinion, the entire Mu family would not have stopped her. After all, they were not a family with feelings. No one would care where she lived.

But for the rest, when she came out of Mu's house, Lu Xue and Mu Jing'an specifically said something to her, and their general meaning was very clear. She should pay more attention to every move she makes outside, so as not to embarrass the Mu family's face.

They also warned her not to come into contact with anything related to Nan Sheng and the Nan family, otherwise, she would bear the consequences.

Today is Monday, the day Wen Li goes to school.

After the last incident, the counselor also took the initiative to contact her and sent her the class schedule. In addition, he also told her some things that she needed to pay attention to with great concern. Wen Li was not interested in those courses.

There are other more important reasons why she went to USTC. According to the class schedule, she should have a basic computer course this morning.

It's just that she went out a little late, and she heard the bell ringing just as she entered the school gate.

Post-modern buildings are everywhere throughout the University of Science and Technology. The buildings and the modern exquisite gardens are integrated very well. The greenery is interspersed among the buildings without appearing obtrusive and confusing at all.

Wen Li wore a pair of white canvas shoes, a simple sports casual suit, and a black skateboard under her feet. At this moment, she had one hand in her trouser pocket and looked lazily into the distance, putting her feet down from time to time to help speed up.

There is a small cultural square next to the No. 2 Science and Technology Building, where some school clubs usually hold activities.

Skateboard clubs and hip-hop clubs are almost regular visitors here. Don’t think that students at USTC are just nerds wearing glasses while studying. Only those who can play well can learn well.

Therefore, many students here are able to balance time both inside and outside the classroom very well. They can learn well and play well. Their after-school life is really colorful.

The president was just teaching new members how to use a skateboard in the square when he saw a girl gliding past like a ghost.

The road from the square to Building 2 has a slight slope, and there are often people coming and going, so it is not a quiet and smooth road.

The girl standing on the skateboard put her hands in her trouser pockets and skillfully controlled the skateboard to pass in front of everyone. The speed was so fast that the wind blew up the hair on the side of her face, making her breathtakingly beautiful.

"President, who is that?!"

"Skating well."

At that level, it's much better than the president.

"You guys are blind, that's Mu Wen Li, Mu Chenxing's sister." The club member sitting on the skateboard nearby sneered.

There are probably very few people in the entire school who don't know Mu Wen Li. Even people in the school who don't know Mu Wen Li know Mu Chenxing.

"It's her."

There has been a lot of news about Mu Wen Li in the past two days. Someone has already made a special analysis post about Mu Wen Li on the school forum. She is really an unforgettable face.

"She's also a good skateboarder?!"

Wen Li arrived in front of the building, got off the skateboard, and with a hook of her toes, the entire skateboard stood up to her hand.

After placing the skateboard casually next to the hall, she stood in the middle of the floor and looked at the floor diagram.

Building No. 2 adopts a patio-style architectural style. The middle of the entire building is hollow, and a ten-meter-high tree is planted. From here, looking up squarely, you can see the offices of various professors. From time to time, you can also see people going in and out of the corridors.

Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an happened to be here to do something. When they came down from upstairs, they saw the girl standing under the tree in the center of the hall.

After the last time they met, the two walked over very familiarly.

"Mu Wen Li, what are you doing here?"

Wen Li looked sideways and saw two teenagers coming in front of her.

"Which teacher are you here for?" Fang Qing guessed.

The offices of college leaders and professors are located here. Wen Li came here not for anything else.

"Let's show you the way. Which college teacher are you looking for?" Fang Qing looked particularly enthusiastic.

"No need."

After the girl in front of me said this, she took the elevator upstairs.

Tong Lin'an stared at Fang Qing amusedly, "Does this count as flattery and being ignored?"

Fang Qing watched Wen Li get on the elevator with interest. Mu Wen Li had just come to school, so which teacher was she looking for?

If she wants to find Mu Nuanxi, Mu Nuanxi is not in this building either.

"What are you thinking about?" Tong Lin'an waved his hand in front of him.

"Let's go back and tell the president that Mu Wen Li has come to the school and ask him to come and recruit people as soon as possible."

Although Mu Wen Li did not agree to their intention, and even decisively rejected the request to join their club, as long as the iron pestle is ground into a needle and they persevere, they will surely impress Mu Wen Li.

"I don't understand. Can't we switch to someone else? Must it be Mu Wen Li?"

Tong Lin'an followed him and muttered, "That's Mu Chenxing's sister."

"You think the president doesn't want to, but who in the entire school doesn't know that the president has a feud with Mu Chenxing, and who dares to blatantly come to join us? Besides, aren't all the good people poached by Mu Chenxing with money?"

As soon as Fang Qing mentioned this, he wanted to beat Mu Chenxing to death.

After years of grievances, he has always remembered them. After entering school, he always put on small shoes. After all, the president is also his senior, and he has no respect at all.

"Let's go quickly, I still have to go to class." Tong Lin'an dragged Fang Qing out.

Wen Li quickly arrived at the fifth floor following the instructions on the sign. The door of the office in the middle of the corridor was ajar. There was a metal sign beside the door. The name of the teacher in this office was clearly written on it. There was a photo in the frame on the right. 


"Come in." A female voice came from the door.

Wen Li opened the door and went in. Her sight suddenly opened up. The rows of floor-to-ceiling windows could capture the light better. There was a woman sitting at the desk in the center of the room.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looking about forty years old, she was wearing a white robe. She lowered her head and typed something on the computer, with deep concentration and seriousness.

The whole room was filled with a vague medicinal fragrance, the smell of Chinese herbal medicine.

The person behind the desk raised her head, and a strand of slightly curly hair fell from her forehead. The woman had fair skin and a slightly long chin. She was not beautiful, but she had a unique temperament.

She is a person that people cannot forget at first glance.

"Hey, you are willing to come and find me."

Wen Li, who had always been cold-hearted and cold-eyed, softened a little and said, "Aunt Jin."

Jin Lewei stood up and came over, leading Wen Li to sit on the sofa in front, "I heard that there have been a lot of disturbances in the school in the past two days. I only found out last night that the youngest daughter of the Mu family enrolled in school. Your nature really hasn't changed at all, wherever you go, it's all a chicken and dog fight."

After all, it was the child she had watched grow up. When they met again, Jin Lewei checked carefully to see if the child had gained weight or lost weight, and whether her face was better than before. It had been a year since they last met. 

Although there was constant communication during this period, Jin Lewei was still worried about not being able to see her.

"You kid, you told me you went back to Ningzhou, but you didn't tell me you went back to Mu's house." Jin Lewei looked at Wen Li.

"I went back to Mu's house for my own reasons."

Jin Lewei's father, Jin Baizhuo, picked up the wandering little girl on the street when Wen Li was seven years old. After searching for her family for a long time, he simply took her home.

Jin Baizhuo was a herbalist. He liked to travel around the mountains and rivers looking for herbal medicines, so Wen Li learned a lot from him. It was Jin Baizhuo who laid the foundation for her medicinal skills.

Jin Lewei felt sorry for this little girl as much as his father, maybe because she had been wandering for a long time. No matter how painful it was, she would not moan, she would eat whatever was given, and she never made any demands. She was so sensible and heart-warming.

"Li Li, I have watched you grow up and understand your temper. You have lived with us for so long and never thought about returning to the Mu family. Why do you choose to go back now? What on earth do you want to do?" Jin Lewei looked at Wen Li with some concern.

It was precisely because she knew this child so well that she was worried.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything. I just have some questions and I need to find answers from the Mu family."

"You want to know how you got lost back then?"

Wen Li shook her head. Her memory was very little until now, but one thing was very profound.

The day before she was lost by Mu Nuanxi, she had heard Mu Chenyu say with her own ears that she was not a child of the Mu family.

That was one of the few memories Wen Li had of the Mu family that was most profound before she was lost. During this period, those words and the vain dream kept flooding in her mind.

"You kid, there are actually some things that you are stubborn about, but we don't need to delve too deeply into them. People always have to be more open-minded in this life."

After all, Jin Lewei is also a teacher at the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine at USTC, and she knows something about the Mu family.

She had also heard about Mu Wen Li getting lost since she was a child, but she never thought that the little girl her father picked up would be a child of the Mu family. Time has changed and it doesn't make any sense to talk about it now.

Seeing the silence of the person in front of her, Jin Lewei softened her heart, "Anyway, it's good that you can study at USTC now. I had hoped you could get admitted here before, but..."

As if thinking of something, Jin Lewei paused, "You haven't gone to college seriously before. It's a good thing to be able to re-enter school. At least it can give you a feel for the current school atmosphere."

Wen Li looked out the window. On the fifth floor, she could see the stadium in the distance from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Life in the University is always colorful. At this point, there were already many students who had no classes and were playing football.

"This is for you." Jin Lewei stood up and took a black box from the bookcase on the side. "Although it is a little late, according to the trajectory of ordinary people going to college at the age of 18, you are only two years late."

Wen Li opened the box and saw a crystal necklace inside. The crystal parts were pieced together to look like a bear, which was exquisite and beautiful.

"Originally, I thought that with your ability, you would definitely be able to go to medical school and become the best doctor in the future. Although it was a little different from what I imagined in the end, it was still hard work."

"Thank you." Wen Li put the box in her arms.

Seeing her look, Jin Lewei reminded her, "The Mu family allowed you to enroll in school for the sake of the Mu family's future protection. After Professor Lei Yuan rejected three of the Mu family's children, maybe the Mu family are putting their hopes in you." 

"Lei Yuan?" This aroused Wen Li's curiosity, "What is this statement?"

"You don't know?" Jin Lewei was surprised. The Mu family could send her to school, so why didn't she know about this matter?

After briefly describing the matter, Wen Li finally understood why the Mu family had already helped her choose her major when she entered school.

This is a preparation for joining Lei Yuan as his apprentice.

"I remember when Mu Chenxing asked Professor Lei to "apprentice him", but he pestered him for a whole month. In the end, Professor Lei refused. "

After all, all the teachers in the school knew that even though Lei Yuan was at USTC, he still adhered to his own philosophy and never took any students, whether they were graduate students or doctoral students.

"But you have already enrolled in school." Jin Lewei raised her hand to comfort Wen Li's shoulder, "Promise Auntie, learn to live an ordinary campus life like an ordinary child."

Jin Lewei's eyes were full of sincerity. Compared with the purpose of those people, all she cared about was whether the child could live a happy life.

This child was obviously only twenty years old, but she had experienced things that many people would never experience in their lifetime. Jin Lewei felt sorry for her from the bottom of her heart.

"I understand." Wen Li nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I have classes later. You can go out and play by yourself first. Come to me if you have anything to do, but be obedient and don't cause trouble."

This is Jin Lewei's only request for this child.

For the Mu family, selecting the most talented children to send to school might win Lei Yuan's favor. Jin Lewei also admitted that they had a good vision.

Wen Li has traveled around with Jin Baizhuo since she was a child and was praised by Jin Baizhuo as the most talented child. Such talent refers to her talent for learning, and she can easily familiarize herself with unfamiliar things.

But they were burdened with too much and were always dragging her down. Wen Li stayed with them until she was ten years old and left. During this period, no one knew where she went.

But every year they get in touch and communicate with each other, which makes their originally uneasy hearts a lot more peaceful. This child may be different from ordinary people in the first place, and naturally, her life trajectory is also different from ordinary people.

"I'm leaving first." Wen Li nodded slightly and stood up from the office.

When they arrived at the door, Jin Lewei reminded her, "Auntie's only request for you is this, spend this time like an ordinary child."

This is her only request to Wen Li.

Wen Li's hand holding the door handle paused, "I know."

Jin Lewei stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the girl riding on the skateboard, with a gentle smile on her lips.


Wen Li walked along the Science and Technology Museum area and met many students who were doing activities on the way. Students who had no classes on Monday morning would go to the club to participate in activities.

Therefore, it is normal to see people singing and dancing along the way. For students' extracurricular activities, in addition to corresponding sports venues, USTC has specially opened four or five cultural squares.

This is where the club can move. Wen Li stopped her skateboard at the edge of the guardrail and looked at the performances of hip-hop dancers, poetry reciters, and various ethnic musical instruments in the square.

It looked lively, and Wen Li thought of Jin Lewei's words.

This is the life of ordinary college students, and it is a place like this that Jin Lewei hopes she can integrate into.

Wen Li has traveled to many places and has seen many people who have been displaced and lost their homes due to war. The peace and prosperity here are related to national strength.

It is the greatest blessing to be born in such a country and not have to bear the pain of loss.


A male voice interrupted Wen Li's thoughts. She raised her eyes and saw Xia Chen running over.

"Boss, what are you doing here?"

Wen Li felt a headache from what he called her, "Change how you call."

People come and go, so that kind of calling here will attract unnecessary attention from others.

"Ah?" Xia Chen was a little confused, what to call her? "Then... let's change it to the eldest lady?"

Wen Li glanced at him, and Xia Chen lowered his head hurriedly, her eyes wanting to shoot out knives.

It didn't seem very good to be called such a name in school. Thinking of this, Xia Chen continued to speak, "Then...Sister Li?"

Her eyes became colder and he shook his body.

"Then, call boss."

This title is quite pleasant to the ears so far, and Wen Li agrees for the time being, but he cannot be allowed to call Mother Li.

Xia Chen stood on the edge of the fence with her, watching the college students in action.

"Will all students join such a club?" Wen Li suddenly asked.

Xia Chen, who was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, suddenly heard this. After thinking about it, he said, "Not necessarily. There are many organizations in the university, such as student unions and various associations. In a place like USTC, in addition to student clubs, there are also various laboratories. The school life of the students is very rich."

In this way, many students have things they know how to do.

"Boss, do you want to join a club?" Xia Chen asked.

Wen Li turned over and jumped over the fence, sitting on the fitness equipment on the edge of the square, "I'm thirsty."

When these two words came out, Xia Chen turned around quickly, "I'm going to buy something to drink."

Wen Li raised her head and looked at the sunlight that was gradually beginning to burn brightly above her head. Such weather was the most suitable time for all kinds of people and animals to be active.

A figure blocked the sun, and the shadow fell on Wen Li. She squinted and saw the little girl who appeared next to her.

Short, ear-length hair, a round smile, and a small figure.

"You are here." She said with a smile, her fangs showing cutely.

Wen Li remembered that this was the little girl who was next to Tang Xiao.

"Hello, I didn't introduce myself properly last time. My name is Qingguo. You can call me Guoguo or Guozi. Everyone calls me that." The little girl put her hands behind her back and introduced herself warmly.

Wen Li sat up straight and looked at her level. The little girl looked quite petite, about 1.6 meters tall and very thin.

"What are you doing sitting here? Don't you have any classes in the morning?" Qingguo sat down next to her and began to get close to the girl in front of her.

"What's up?"

This little girl doesn't know how to hide at all, her purpose is so obvious, she has the words "I have something to do with you" written all over her face.

Qingguo looked at Wen Li, bit her lip after a while, and said, "I'm here to persuade you to join us."

In the past two days, she had seen Tang Xiao unable to eat or sleep, and she was really worried. The on-campus trials were about to begin, but five people were required to participate in the competition. If they did not have enough people, they would not be eligible to participate.

Moreover, her level is indeed very poor and not enough to help Tang Xiao get the ranking, so they need to use more powerful force.

"I said there was no reason why I should participate, especially in such a competition of varying levels." Wen Li said.

"I know you may look down on school competitions, and as a Mu family member you also look down on small clubs like ours, but in life, you always have to try something you haven't tried before, and people who always stay in your comfort zone can't achieve themselves." Qingguo lobbied hard.

Wen Li thought of what Jin Lewei said just now and tried to live like the children here.

"Besides, we really need your help. Tang Xiao hasn't slept well for a week. I saw him training all night long in the early morning, and I wanted to help him."

Help him convince Wen Li to join.

"The only one who can help him is himself, not anyone else."

No one can always place hope in others. The true strength is the freedom of oneself. There is no need to rely on any external force, and you will never be afraid of anyone.

"I know." Qingguo lowered her head, "But no one in the entire school is willing to join us. We don't even have enough people to participate in the competition."

Most people either knew that Mu Chenxing and Tang Xiao had an enmity and were unwilling to join their club, or they were dissatisfied because there was no corresponding reward.

This time there is a vacancy in the group because a senior has left.

They don't know how long they can last.

"Is it because of Mu Chenxing?" Wen Li looked sideways at Qing Guo.

The little girl nodded, "Well, Mu Chenxing hates Tang Xiao very much. He has always been like this, and now he is getting more and more exaggerated."

Wen Li naturally knew what kind of person Mu Chenxing was. He was a flamboyant and willful young man, and his temperament was a bit like Lu Xue's.

More small-mindedness.

"I would like to ask you to join us. As long as you agree to join us, I will promise you anything, be it a cow or a horse." Qingguo said and stood up, bowing her head sincerely in front of Wen Li.

Perhaps because of her companions, Qingguo put herself in the lowest position when she begged.

Xia Chen came back with a bunch of drinks. As soon as he arrived, he saw a little girl standing in front of their boss and bowing.

Their boss, on the other hand, was sitting in a chair with a leisurely posture, looking directly at her with a pair of light-colored eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

It looks like the boss is bullying the little girl.

"I know, you should get up first." Wen Li looked at the little girl who bowed at ninety degrees.

Xia Chen leaned over and spread the drinks in his arms. Because he didn't know Wen Li's taste, he bought a bottle of every drink in the vending machine.

It's always right to coax the boss.

Wen Li picked out a bottle of water and a bottle of orange juice and handed it to Qingguo.

"Thank you." Qingguo took it honestly.

"Where is your club?" Wen Li asked after taking a sip of water.

A bright smile bloomed in Qingguo's eyes, "It's over in Building 7, I'll take you there."

The school strongly supports club activities, especially the computer department team, which has specially set up two buildings for various club activities.

Just one building was given directly to the computer club.

Qingguo happily walked in front and took Wen Li to the club, while Xia Chen hurriedly followed with the drinks he bought.

Tang Xiao's club is on the second floor of Building No. 7. The rooms used as club activity rooms vary from large to small. The higher the floor, the more advanced the rooms are. Of course, this is also allocated based on the influence of the club.

"Here." Qingguo led Wen Li to the room at the end of the second floor.

The name of the club is written on the sign at the door. Perhaps because it is the club activity room of the Computer Science Department, the whole building is a little quiet.

"Look who I brought here!!" Qingguo opened the door and jumped in, shouting excitedly.

Fang Qing, who was sitting in front of the computer, turned around and saw Wen Li standing at the door. He stood up in a hurry and threw the potato chips next to the keyboard into the trash can.

"Lin'an, President!!"

Wen Li saw Fang Qing get up from the chair and run over. In his panic, his knees hit the low table beside him.

"Welcome, welcome." Fang Qing came to the door and was about to dance for Wen Li.

Tang Xiao came from the lounge and saw the person standing at the door. He was the first to extend his hand, "Welcome."

This time Wen Li extended her hand and shook it politely.

The smile on Tang Xiao's lips became deeper and deeper. It seemed that Wen Li had agreed to them this time.

"Come in and sit down, you're welcome." Qingguo enthusiastically led Wen Li and Xia Chen in, "Senior Lin'an has a class in the morning so he's not here. You can sit wherever you like."

The room is not big, about 60 to 70 square meters. It is divided into a lounge and a training area with a partition. Six computers are placed in the area, and a double sofa and a wooden low table are placed behind it.

There is a half-person-high refrigerator next to it, which is used to store some food, fruits, etc. Generally speaking, the entire space is not small, but it is definitely not wide either.

"Compared to other clubs, this room is much different." Xia Chen looked at it and said.

Although he had just arrived at the school, he was already hanging out with many classmates and visited the activity rooms of other clubs in the building.

The smallest one is twice as big as this one, let alone displaying computers and the like.

"The school distributes things based on the club's awards and value." Tang Xiao said this without any embarrassment.

Fang Qing, who happily took a drink from the refrigerator, turned around and saw Xia Chen holding a drink.

"I brought my own..."

Xia Chen lowered his head and looked at the things in his arms, not knowing how to explain it to him.

"Tell me about your plans and overall strength." Wen Li asked straight to the point.

Tang Xiao nodded, pointed around and began to introduce her, "You have seen the overall situation. There are four members in our club, including you, there are five. I, Fang Qing, and Qingguo are sophomores this year, and Lin An is a junior. 

Xia Chen raised his head and looked at a trophy placed over there. He knew the strength of the boss after all. He came to form a team with these people. Wouldn't it be a king bringing four bronzes?

It's dragging the boss down, right?

"But our personal rankings are not low in the school. I am third, Lin An and Fang Qing are tied for eleven, and Qingguo is twenty-one."

Every year, the Computer Science Department ranks students based on their ability level, and of course, it is limited to club members. The person who reaches the top is naturally Mu Chenxing.

"Two sets." Wen Li said and stood up.

If you want to know the opponent's strength, there is no more intuitive way than on the battlefield. This is the same situation in all industries.

Several people stood up and started a fight as soon as the occasion arose.

In a one-on-one PK, Wen Li sat in the main seat and entered the opening page map.

Fang Qing was the first to play. He was responsible for defense and Wen Li was responsible for offense.

Xia Chen stood beside a few people with great interest. Seeing the boss controlling the computer carelessly, his heart was filled with enthusiasm.

This was the first time he saw the boss controlling a computer up close. I heard Boss Shi say that during the war in S Continent, all the network security equipment of their organization was controlled by the boss herself, and no one had broken into it during this period.

For modern warfare, the most important thing is undoubtedly network security, which is very important to the boss.

So far, no one can break the boss's record.

Fang Qing manually generated garbled codes and tried to insert the virus, but just five seconds after starting, his system was already paralyzed.

The confused person sitting in front of the computer was a little dazed, "Am I being killed?"

It’s only been five seconds since the show started, and his hands aren’t even warm yet.

"Next one." Wen Li moved the mouse and spoke.

Tang Xiao followed and sat in Fang Qing's seat. Fang Qing, who had withdrawn, looked at Wen Li with admiration.

He had doubts when the president said Mu Wen Li was powerful, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly.

This is awesome.

After all, Tang Xiao is ranked third. Let's see how many seconds he can survive under Wen Li.

Tang Xiao stared at his face reflected on the computer page for seven seconds, two seconds longer than Fang Qing.

Wen Li blinked and looked at Qing Guo, and the little girl waved her hands hurriedly.

"I won't go up. Anyway, I will definitely lose in two seconds. " It's not embarrassing enough to go up.

"You are very powerful." Tang Xiao praised sincerely.

Wen Li took her hands off the keyboard and looked at the people around, wondering why she didn't feel the joy of victory.

"Oh my God, you are so awesome Wen Li. You are really a god-level existence. You are so good that you will have no problem participating in international competitions, let alone participating in school competitions." Fang Qing was excited. 

He originally thought they were picking up some silver, but it turned out to be a big shot.

"It has nothing to do with my strength." Wen Li picked up the water at hand and took a sip.

It's because they are too weak.

Xia Chen looked up to the sky and roared, this was a big boss leading four losers.

"To celebrate Wen Li joining our club, I'm going to treat you to dinner together tonight." Tang Xiao said.

Fang Qing and Qing Guo jumped up and said, "Okay."

Tang Xiao looked at Xia Chen who was shaking his head and sighing, "You can go too."

The club is recruiting new members. If you can join such a big boss, of course, you have to have a good meal to celebrate.

Tang Xiao turned his eyes to the door. The top floor here is the activity room of Mu Chenxing Club.

But Mu Wen Li's strength is not what Mu Chenxing can match.


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