Friday, December 15, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 66 - Do you think I am as Gullible as the Mu Family?

 The finals of the school selection competition are scheduled to start on time at seven o'clock in the evening. This afternoon will allow the contestants to have a good rest, but the scope of the rest is limited to the school.

The venue has arranged a special lounge and buffet for the players. The players will eat, drink, and rest here throughout the afternoon, to avoid any accidents for the players before the finals.

Because there will be a total of three teams participating in the finals, they will enter lounges No. 1, 2, and 3 in order of advancement to wait for the evening game.

If you need to go out during this period, you need to report to the competition organizing committee and fill out a report. However, that process is too cumbersome, so most players will not choose to go out.

In the No. 2 lounge, Wen Li was resting on the Gui Fei couch. The current game situation was being played on the large display screen on the wall.

According to the school rankings, the last group to qualify should undoubtedly be Mu Chenxing's group.

Sure enough, after defeating the last group of systems, ESD successfully advanced to the finals.

"As expected, we have to confront Mu Chenxing and the others tonight." Fang Qing sighed.

"Three into two, our probability is still very high. As long as we perform normally, we should be fine." Tong Lin'an said.

Moreover, Wen Li's performance today was really surprising. He killed five teams in one instant. Such strength cannot be denied.

It stands to reason that Wen Li's current strength has surpassed that of all the students at the University of Science and Technology, and can even be ranked among the best in the country. This can be seen from her participation in the WFRS competition.

If she wasn't strong, she wouldn't be able to cross the threshold in such a competition.

With such a powerful cheat, they won't have to worry about winning.

"Everyone has to have something to eat and then have a good rest. There is another game in the evening." Tang Xiao looked at several people and spoke.

"Okay, Captain!"

Compared to Wen Li, who was already lying on the armchair with her eyes closed, they were much more passionate.

Lounge No. 3 became lively, and Zhou Xiaoyun threw his team uniform on the sofa as soon as he entered.

Although they won, there was always a feeling that the limelight had been stolen. After seeing Mu Wen Li's skill display, who would be interested in their performance.

After so many intramural competitions, this was the only time they were left in the cold, and they felt worse than if they had lost.

"It's really strange. Didn't Mu Wen Li grow up in Wutong Town? How could a wild girl who grew up in the countryside be so powerful!!"

"Chenxing, what's going on?" Yan Heng looked at Mu Chenxing.

"How would I know?" Mu Chenxing said angrily.

He also knew about Mu Wen Li from the information collected by Mu Chenyu. Her life experience was clearly visible at a glance. How could it not mention her talent in this area?

Why did Mu Wen Li suddenly become so powerful?

"Mu's has all the information on all kinds of competitions across the country. It's impossible that someone with skills like Mu Wen Li has never participated in the competition. Is it impossible to search at all?"

Mu Chenxing held his cell phone. After the second game, he immediately sent a message to Mu Chenyu's assistant A Jing.

No records of Mu Wen Li's participation were found in any national competition that Mu knew about.

In other words, she has never participated in any domestic competition. This is her first time participating in a network information security competition and achieving such good results.

"What a ghost." Zhou Xiaoyun snorted.

Puxi was pushed in a wheelchair. Unlike everyone else here, he had witnessed with his own eyes how Mu Wenli made a comeback in Seeking Jade Relic. This time it was another network information security competition.

It is absolutely impossible to make him believe that Mu Wen Li is an idiot who doesn't understand anything.

"Chenxing." He called out.

The person on the sofa tightened his cell phone, got up, and walked out of the lounge.

"What's wrong with Chenxing?" Yan Heng glanced at him.

Pu Xi was sitting in a wheelchair. The person who had always stood tall was suddenly pulled down from his position, and he was pulled down by someone he had never liked.

Naturally, many people can understand this feeling of falling from a height. Besides, Mu Chenxing is a child of the Mu family.

Mu Chenxing, who has always been proud and has been at the top of his game since childhood, found it normal that he could not bear his own failure.

"Have a good rest and prepare for the next game."

"But we have to face Mu Wen Li and the others." Yan Heng said.

Just with what Mu Wen Li did just now, wouldn't it mean death if they went up against her?

"If you're scared, quit now. Besides, grown men, don't let a little girl scare you so much that you lose your courage!" Pu Xi said with a cold face.

Yan Heng lowered his head. Not to mention Mu Chenxing, even they couldn't accept their failure.

After Mu Chenxing came out of Lounge No. 3, he found an empty room and sat down. He looked up at the crystal lamp above his head. The halo changed from large to small, from brilliant to closed.

Those who looked at it were dazzled.

"Chenxing." Mu Nuanxi called.

Mu Chenxing opened his eyes, sat up straight, and saw Mu Nuanxi standing in front of him with a thermos bucket.


Mu Nuanxi sat down opposite him with a gentle smile on her face and placed the white thermos box on the table.

"This is stew for you. You must be tired from the game in the morning. Have a good rest after drinking it and perform well in the evening."

As the school counselor, Mu Nuanxi was at the competition in the morning, so she naturally knew exactly what happened.

Looking at the porcelain bowl that was handed over, Mu Chenxing didn't move his hand, his head drooped and he looked very uncomfortable.

Mu Nuanxi put the bowl into his hand and chuckled, "Why do you look more sad when you win than when you lose?"

"Sister, do I look stupid like this?" He suddenly said.

Mu Nuanxi looked at the young man in front of her. Different from his usual high-spirited mood, Mu Chenxing now looked as if he had been hit hard by something, and was a little depressed.

"You are already great." Mu Nuanxi raised her hand and gently rubbed the boy's short hair.

Mu Chenxing raised his head, his eyes a little red, "I know I can't compete with her. I knew it from the look she gave me just now."

Mu Wen Li's level was superior to everyone else, and she was obviously not on the same level as them.

There is no need to compete in the next game, he knows who the winner is.

"The matter has come to this, it is useless even if you are sad, just have a good meal and wait until the game is over in the evening."

"But." Mu Chenxing wanted to say something else but was interrupted by the person opposite.

"Grandpa is still waiting for you at home. Dad will be back in two days. You don't want him to see you in such a state of despair when he comes back."

Mu Nuanxi's words successfully cheered up Mu Chenxing.

"You won't let us down, right?" Mu Nuanxi looked at her brother with the same gentle smile on her face.

Mu Nuanxi stood up with her bag, and as soon as she walked through the corridor, she ran into Nan Sheng.

"Brother Sheng." Mu Nuanxi called.

She was not surprised at all that Nan Sheng would appear here. She was able to take advantage of her position to come in and cheer for Mu Chenxing. It was not difficult at all for Nan Sheng to come in with his status.

"Why are you here?"

Nan Sheng looked back and said, "I was asked to deliver something here."

Mu Nuanxi followed his line of sight and looked over there. Over there was Lounge No. 2, the lounge of Mu Wen Li's team something to drink together." Mu Nuanxi invited.

"Okay, a beauty has sent an invitation, so I naturally won't disrespect."

Nan Sheng and Mu Nuanxi walked out side by side.

If Fu Yuxiu hadn't returned to the imperial capital temporarily due to something unexpected, he wouldn't have been arranged to come over to deliver the things.

USTC is very generous to its students. The buffet is very diverse and they will not be treated badly.

It's just that he needs to stay here for half a day, why should he bring a lunch box especially? He feels that Wen Li is not so spoiled.

But someone just wanted to cause him trouble.

At the same time, Qing Guo, who had just opened the door to Nan Sheng, came in holding a huge lunch box.

"What is this?" Fang Qing came over curiously.

"The lunch box someone just delivered was said to be for Wen Li. That person seems to be Nan Sheng." Qing Guo held the lunch box firmly to steady her steps.

The last time she met Nan Sheng was at the Imperial Seal Hotel, Qing Guo had a very deep memory of good-looking men. Nan Sheng didn't say much just now, but his men handed her the box and left.

"Nan Sheng sent it here." Fang Qing sighed, "Wen Li's popularity is really high."

Wen Li, who happened to wake up from her sleep, saw Qing Guo's food box spread out in front of her.

There are three layers of boxes, the first and second layers are filled with freshly prepared meals, and the third layer is filled with exquisite snacks, which are girls’ favorite type.

"Wen Li, try it quickly. Nan Sheng sent this to you." Qing Guo was full of envy, "He really cares about you."

Wen Li took a small piece of cake from the third layer, and it smelled very familiar.

It's probably not Nan Sheng who is afraid that she won't be used to the food here.

There is no one else but that person who can order Nan Sheng.

"You can eat too." Wen Li generously shared the contents of the box with the onlookers.

"Is that okay?" Fang Qing blinked.

Wen Li took a bite of the pastry and said, "You're drooling."

Fang Qing wiped his mouth sheepishly but found nothing. Qing Guo was made to laugh by his actions.

"Wen Li, you are getting worse and worse." Fang Qing complained.

Tang Xiao and Tong Lin'an looked at each other. After spending these days together, Wen Li became more and more accepting of their existence.

"This is delicious!" Qing Guo tasted the biscuit Wen Li handed her with a cheerful expression on her face, "I have never eaten such a delicious biscuit."

Wen Li took a sip of water. Of course, the chef next to the man was not just messing around.

"Knock knock......" There was another knock on the door of the room.

Qing Guo bit the biscuit and stood up, "Who is it?"

Wen Li spoke without raising her head, "The second person to deliver food."

After hearing her words, Tang Xiao looked at the door that Fang Qing opened, and as expected, he saw Soya coming in with the box.

"Xiao Guoguo, this is for you, thank you for opening the door for me." Soya said and handed Qing Guo an ice cream.

"Thank you, Mr. Soya." Qing Guo thanked him.

After spending the past few days together, they have become completely accustomed to Soya visiting from time to time.

"Li girl, I went here to show you. The desserts made by the chef here are not delicious. If you are locked up here for half a day, you will definitely be very irritable. This is the dessert I brought specially for you." Soya is like offering a treasure. 

Looking at the astonishing number of desserts, a few people blinked. During this time, they got to know this person better through Soya's interactions with her.

It would be better to bring more than less to prevent Wen Li from being unable to pick out what she likes to eat.

"What's wrong, don't you like it?"

Seeing Mu Wen Li turning around and leaving the room, Soya chased her out with biscuits in his hand.

"Now I have discovered the second benefit of being with Wen Li. There is never a shortage of delicious food." Fang Qing grabbed the contents of the box and took a bite with satisfaction.

These men kept bringing food to her every day as if they were afraid that Wen Li would be hungry. The quality of the food they delivered was extremely high and could not be produced by ordinary hotels.

Compared with the liveliness of the two people, Tang Xiao and Tong Lin'an seemed quieter. They sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. From this position, they could see the bright sunshine outside, and most of the University of Science and Technology could be seen.

Wen Li chose a quiet place to sit down. To make the players less bored, the players could use the sixth and seventh floors.

"Why are you running? This is for you." Soya said and handed over the biscuit, insisting that Wen Li take a bite.


Wen Li looked at the person in front of him and called his name seriously but was stopped.

"You can call me Zhizhou, Lu Zhizhou!" He said matter-of-factly.

"You are from D continent, what name do you have?"

Soya was quite proud, "It's too unfamiliar for you to call me Soya. I have to distinguish you from others."

Besides, he didn't get this name just now.

"Since last year, more and more people have been looking for you. Since you have made such a high-profile appearance, those people may have already swarmed here."

Soya nodded and slowly started counting with his fingers, "I have picked up dozens of them in the past few days. It's not that I wanted to, but they are too enthusiastic."


"There are various kinds, but there is one that I am quite interested in, molecular space teleportation."

Wen Li held her bracelet tightly, "Molecular space teleportation."

"There are only a few people in the world who have mastered this technology, and there is no peace now. That thing can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers, so the people who want to ask me to assist in research are also in high positions."

Compared with the whitewashed peace in the past two years, the turmoil in various places this year has made people's hearts flutter.

"In the second half of this national science and technology competition, the WFRS team from that year will be invited to perform an attack performance. I have also been invited to be a guest. I will watch your performance on the podium."

Thinking that he was sitting in the guest seat watching her game, Soya felt proud. He was tortured to death by this little girl back then.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up, a full-level boss returned to the pre-liberation period and started training as a first-level player.

Thinking about it this way makes me feel inexplicably happy.

"Don't you want to investigate the relevant information of the Mu family? With the extent of the Mu family's pursuit of me, if you reveal yourself, the Mu family will have a 180-degree change in their attitude toward you." Soya suddenly stood up and spoke.

"That's what I was planning to do."

If some things cannot be found out using Mu Wen Li's identity, use other identities to investigate, but this other identity still needs to be someone who can be needed by the Mu family.


In an off-campus cafe.

The place where Mu Nuanxi and Nan Sheng came was the best-rated cafe near the entire University of Science and Technology. After ordering a drink for herself, she ordered Nan Sheng's as well.

Listening to what Mu Nuanxi said, Nan Sheng raised his eyebrows. Until now, he had never noticed that Mu Nuanxi's preferences were so similar to his.

"Brother Sheng, haven't you been busy lately?" Mu Nuanxi looked at the man in front of her.

Why come here to watch Mu Wen Li's game when you don't have time?

"Why? Are you annoyed to see me?" Nan Sheng stirred the liquid in the coffee cup.

The waiter placed the last snack in front of the two of them and turned around. He couldn't help but look back. Not only was this couple very eye-catching, they both ate the same snacks and drank the same coffee.

What kind of divine affection is this to be able to like all the same things.

"Brother Sheng, my dad will be back soon." Mu Nuanxi suddenly said.

Nan Sheng put down the cup, looked at the girl in front of him, and asked seriously, "And?"

Nan Jinchuan and Mu Kun knew each other, and in the past two years, Nan Jinchuan also wanted to make Mu Nuanxi his daughter-in-law.

The rumors outside are not groundless. When Mu Kun comes back, this matter should be put on the agenda.

"I want to ask you, do you like Wen Li?" Mu Nuanxi asked this question.

Nan Sheng's drinking of coffee stopped for a moment, then a smile appeared on his lips, "Why do you think so?"

"Since Wen Li came back, you have never been as good to me as before, and I have seen your love for Wen Li since I was a child."

It wasn't that Mu Nuanxi was worried about gains and losses. She had seen with her own eyes how far that young man had gone to find the lost Mu Wen Li.

If Mu Wen Li hadn't gotten lost, in the past fifteen years, it might not be her who would eventually become Nan Sheng's fiancée.

Mu Nuanxi still has this kind of consciousness.

"You know the situation between us better than anyone else." Nan Sheng suddenly said, "I need a gentle and generous wife who can support the position of the Matriarch of the Nan family, and your husband must be able to make the Mu family more powerful. 

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of interest.

His Nan Sheng's wife could be either Mu Nuanxi or another famous lady. There are countless educated and well-established girls in Ningzhou, and it doesn't necessarily have to be Mu Nuanxi.

But because they have known each other since they were young, and know the basics, and Nan Jinchuan also has a good impression of Mu Nuanxi, that's all.

Mu Nuanxi clenched her hands hard, and the sharp pain made her wake up. Nan Sheng's words were the truth, but they were also the most unpleasant words.

"I need a wife, and you need a capable husband. Even if there is a relationship between us, it can only be a relationship of cooperative interests, and there will be no emotional disputes. You should understand this."

Mu Nuanxi tightened her fingertips, "So, you have no feelings for me at all, right?"

"People like us are a little too greedy when talking about emotions."

Mu Nuanxi thought about Nan Sheng's behavior during this period. There were no problems between them before Wen Li came back, and she was not afraid of this.

Everything changed after Wen Li came back. A man like Nan Sheng could defend Mu Wen Li at the dinner. During this time, Mu Wen Li frequently visited Nan's house. She didn't believe there was nothing between the two.

"Then between Wen Li and I, have you finally chosen?" Mu Nuanxi seemed to have stabilized her mind, her eyes calm, "Since we are both daughters of the Mu family, who are you going to choose as your fiancée?"

Nan Sheng propped his chin up, with a bright smile on his handsome face, and his eyes were as bright as stars, "Of course I choose you."

Mu Nuanxi laughed out loud, but she couldn't tell whether it was from the bottom of her heart or sarcastic.

"Is it because of knowledge and culture, or is it because of experience?"

The mistress of the Nan family and Nan Sheng's wife cannot be tainted. Mu Nuanxi is more suitable than Mu Wen Li.

"It's not about these." Nan Sheng shook his head.

"Why? You are obviously nicer to Wen Li."

Even if she stayed with Nan Sheng for fifteen years, it was not as good as Wen Li's few words. In this case, what she did was nothing.

"There are other more important reasons. In short, don't touch her." Nan Sheng's face was cold, unlike the casual and joyful manner he had just now.

This was a warning, and Mu Nuanxi naturally saw it.

Nan Sheng was warning her not to do anything to Mu Wen Li.

"She is my sister, what can I do to her."

Mu Nuanxi lowered her head and spoke in a low voice. The ends of her eyes were red and she looked a little aggrieved.

Nan Sheng smiled and said, "Some things need not be explained. All of us are clear in our hearts. Nuan Xi, after so many years, don't think that I am as easy to deceive as your Mu family."

Mu Nuanxi's heart skipped a beat and she no longer dared to look up at him. What did Nan Sheng mean by this?

Does he know something?

Impossible, how could it be?

"I'm leaving first." Nan Sheng threw two banknotes from his wallet on the table and turned to leave.

Mu Nuanxi's hand holding the coffee cup was shaking a little, and the waiter on the side looked at the girl who stayed behind curiously.

"Bang ......"

The coffee cup in Mu Nuanxi's hand hit the table hard, and brown liquid flowed all over the table. She held the pieces of the porcelain cup in her right hand.

"Why..." Something crystal flickered in the corner of Mu Nuanxi's eyes.

"Why do you have to come back? I'm obviously so good to you, but why do you always want to steal my things?"

At least before Mu Wen Li came back, it was impossible for Nan Sheng to say such things to her. The initiator of all this was Mu Wen Li.

"Miss, do I need to take you to the hospital?" the waiter said anxiously.

The fragments in Mu Nuanxi's palm had cut her skin. The scarlet liquid mixed with the coffee looked shocking.

"No." She looked up, with a decent smile on her face, "Thank you."

It was as if the embarrassment just now was just someone else's illusion. As long as she was given time, she could clean up and return to the dignified and generous Mu Nuanxi.


At seven o'clock, the finals of the school selection competition began.

Compared with the packed seats in the morning, the venue was even more lively and full in the evening because Wen Li's game in the morning attracted a lot of spectators.

Many people wanted to see what the group that defeated five teams in one instant looked like and also wanted to see what kind of wonderful performance Mu Wen Li and Mu Chenxing could put on tonight.

The entire venue was packed with spectators, and those who couldn't fit in the seats stayed in the corridor. Originally, half of them were ESD's light signs and Mu Chenxing's name, but now the words "Dream" and Mu Wen Li appeared on the supporting light signs. 

The three decisive teams were already standing on the stage, and the host introduced each player enthusiastically.

Mu Nuanxi entered the guest seat and took her seat. The teacher on the side came over to greet her enthusiastically.

"Ms. Mu, we were just talking about you."

Mu Nuanxi distributed the coffee she brought to everyone, "What's wrong?"

The teacher took the coffee and said, "Everyone is envious of you. The two groups that qualified are your younger brother and sister. It turns out that Mu Chenxing is already very good, but I didn't expect Mu Wen Li to be even more powerful."

"You are so lucky. Your younger brother and sister are so promising. Worthy of being a child of the Mu family."

Mu Nuanxi looked up at the stage, her eyes full of pride, "As their sister, I feel a little ashamed."

"Thank you, Teacher Mu, for the coffee."

Mu Nuanxi's eyes fell on Mu Wen Li, who was standing in the middle of the stage. From the day she returned to Mu's house, she had this indifferent expression.

"It's finally the much-anticipated finals. The three teams that qualified in the morning were An Yin, Dream, and ESD. They are all the most popular teams in our school trials. Tonight they will adopt an offensive and defensive battle to determine the champion and runner-up." Commentator Xiao U was filled with excitement and anticipation.

"By the way, Mu Wen Li from Team Dream who gave us a wonderful performance today is Mu Chenxing's sister!" Pippi said excitedly.

"Really, Mu Chenxing is ranked number one in the school. I didn't expect his sister to be so good!" Xiao U said with a smile, "I hope these two siblings can give us a unique competition."

Mu Chenxing glanced sideways at Mu Wen Li, who was not far away from him. She never glanced at him from beginning to end.

She was even more nonchalant about playing tonight than she had been in the morning.

"Chenxing, what are you thinking about?" Pu Xi tugged on his sleeves.

It's now time, absolutely don't be disturbed by outside sounds.

Mu Chenxing turned around and saw the people sitting at the guest table. Mu Nuanxi gave him an encouraging smile.

As if he had taken reassurance, Mu Chenxing's originally uncertain eyes became determined.

“The finals uses an offensive and defensive battle mode. Defenders are randomly selected from the three teams. The defenders and attackers fight one by one. If you defeat the attacker, you become the champion. The losers compete to determine the runner-up and third runner-up. 

The rule is very simple. There are two matches. If you win two, you will be the champion. If you win one, you will be the runner-up. If you lose two, you will be the third runner-up.

"Okay, without further ado, let's see which team will become the defenders!"

The names of each team were circulated on the big screen. After jumping for half a minute, the word "Dream" finally appeared.

"The defender is Dream!!" the host shouted excitedly.

The audience also cheered. They could see Dream's game from the first game. Some people in the stadium even started shouting Mu Wen Li's name.

"Mu Wen Li!!!"

"Mu Wen Li!!!"

The teacher next to Mu Nuanxi sighed, "This popularity is not false."

The performance in the morning helped Wen Li accumulate a lot of popularity, and now it has all exploded.

Soon the name of the attacker came out. The first game was the match between Dream and ESD.

"I didn't expect to see the battle between Mu Chenxing and Mu Wen Li in the first game!" Pippi's passionate voice sounded in the venue.

"Follow the plan." Pu Xi put on the headphones.

Mu Chenxing glanced at Mu Wen Li's face on the big screen, raised his hand and put the black headphones on his ears.

All four screens were connected, and the competition page was switched out, with codes constantly floating away.

"The game has started. Pu Xi took the lead in launching the attack. Tang Xiao here has also started."

"Zhou Xiaoyun successfully penetrated through the loophole, Tang Xiao followed closely, Fang Qing has already begun to disintegrate, and the code writing sequence is very fast!"

"Zhou Xiaoyun is out. This is a trap. He blew himself up and kicked Fang Qing out."

Fortunately, they lured the snake out of the hole, but they lost one person right after the opening.

"Our Mu Chenxing, is moving very quickly. Qing Guo is still working hard to repair it."

Wen Li didn't move much. She watched half of the scene in the morning and confirmed the strength of these people, and she was almost there.

Everyone in both teams was eliminated one by one, and soon only Mu Chenxing and Mu Wen Li were left on the field.

"This is an interesting situation. Now only the two siblings of the Mu family are left! We saw that Mu Wen Li, who had been lazy, also started to take action!"

"How could I lose to her!" Mu Chenxing said this through gritted teeth.

But even though Mu Chenxing tried his best to stop her, he was still too slow. For an opponent like Wen Li, he was indeed too weak.

"The winner of our first game was successfully decided! Team Dream!!"

There were cheers at the scene, and the voices calling Mu Wen Li's name became louder and louder.

"Chenxing." Yan Heng went over to comfort him.

It feels uncomfortable to fall from a high altitude. Mu Chenxing must be uncomfortable now.

"We still have another game."

After all, they can still participate in the national competition, so they can't languish because of this failure.

"Mu Chenxing is not very willing to accept his failure." Fang Qing said.

Tang Xiao stared at the young man who stepped down, "It's not that he can't accept his failure, it's that he can't accept being defeated by someone he looked down upon."

Fang Qing nodded understandingly. Mu Chenxing had been fighting with Tang Xiao for so long, and he didn't originally respect Mu Wen Li as a sister.

Now that he had lost to two people he didn't like, the gap in his heart was naturally bigger than usual.

"I don't know why, but I feel a little pitiful about Mu Chenxing." Qing Guo said.

"There are more powerful characters coming up to the national competition. Even if he doesn't lower his proud head now, he will still be beaten to the ground then. It's just a difference between earlier and later." Tong Lin'an can see clearly.

Even if they have Mu Wen Li's support, they still have to be prepared to be defeated when the time comes.

These are the psychological pressures that a player needs to endure. Mu Chenxing has just fallen from the altar back to an ordinary person.

There's nothing to be sorry for.

Mu Nuanxi witnessed the whole process and held the bandaged hands tightly. She didn't expect Mu Wen Li to be so powerful.

She actually defeated Chenxing.


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