Sunday, December 10, 2023

MFAW Chapter 61 - Who are You Trying to Kill? (Master Fu Protects his Wife)

 Wen Li chose to join the Dream Club, which surprised Xia Chen. The boss had such a temperament that she was not someone who would be moved at all. It was impossible to successfully convince a little girl just because he said a few words in a low voice. 

Moreover, although he doesn't know much about this industry, he also knows that there is such a thing as strength, and he also has some relevant knowledge.

These people are a bit too weak, and they are completely inferior compared to the boss.

Could it be that the boss has a habit of leveling up and fighting monsters? Her greatest pleasure is to train with ordinary people to reach the top.

Sure enough, the boss's thinking is not understandable by ordinary people. This is not a routine operation at all. She sympathizes with the weak. He might believe it in other people, but it is a bit strange when it comes to Wen Li.

With these doubts, Xia Chen and a few others arrived at the place to eat.

Qingguo looked at the hotel in front of her. If she remembered correctly, this hotel was very expensive, one of the best in the entire Ningzhou.

To welcome Wen Li's arrival, Tang Xiao really spent a lot of money.

"The president is going to do a lot of bloodletting today. Take us to eat at such a good place." Fang Qing eagerly geared up.

"I haven't had a meal here yet." Tong Lin'an looked yearning.

The Imperial Seal Hotel is the oldest hotel in Ningzhou City. You can taste all the major cuisines in G Country, and the chefs hired are all famous chefs from all major cuisines.

Any dinner here can cost four figures. If you are not a serious kid from a rich family, you really can't come to this place.

They are all children from ordinary families, and their parents are ordinary working-class people. Only Tang Xiao's family is better off and can support the consumption in this place.

The Tang family is not as good as before, and Tang Xiao's food and clothing expenses are also worse than before. They all know this.

Now that he is willing to bring Wen Li to this place for dinner, one can imagine how much he values ​​Wen Li.

"Let's go inside. ”

Several people headed to the magnificently decorated hotel, Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an walked at the front, warning themselves in their hearts.

You can’t get excited and you mustn’t be embarrassed.

"Hello sir, may I ask how many you are?" The waiter stepped forward and spoke respectfully.

"Six in total."

The seats here are all reserved in advance, and people who come will tell their names directly.

"This is your place."

The table is by the window on the left side of the hall. The entire hall covers an area of ​​1,000 square meters. In the middle, there is a flowing stream pond for koi fish. There are three intricate winding paths paved with cobblestones. A total of seven tables are placed on the edge of the hall.

From the moment they entered, Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an looked around like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

This dining environment is amazing.

The waiter led them to the table, where each table was simply separated by a wooden low fence.

Koi were swimming under the fence. Qingguo was lying on the fence, and with the fish food on the side began to feed the fish. The fat koi carp gathered in front of her and stuck their heads out vigorously. They looked so cute.

"Since I'm entertaining you, it's up to you to decide what you want to eat." Tang Xiao handed over the menu.

Wen Li looked through the menu. Each dish was accompanied by a picture. Just looking at it makes people salivate.

Wen Li was not polite, and slowly announced the names of several dishes. Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an were busy looking around, not paying any attention to what she ordered.

"Hey, it's really weird to meet you here." A male voice came.

Wen Li was sitting with her back to the center of the hall. From her perspective, she could not see the few people standing in the middle of the staggered stone road.

Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an stopped talking and looked quietly at Mu Chenxing and others who appeared.

"Isn't this your last dinner? Can you come to such a high-end place to eat? Can your club's funds be enough? You will be disbanding after this meal?"

Several people burst into laughter. Everyone in the entire USTC knew that Tang Xiao's club could no longer survive and was about to break up.

Fang Qing clenched his fists angrily. These people are just pugs who rely on Mu Chenxing. Why are they so crazy?

Mu Chenxing and Pu Xi stood closest to Tang Xiao's box, so they could naturally see the back of the girl sitting with her back to them.

Pu Xi, who had suffered a loss at Wen Li's hands, naturally recognized her.

"You guys eat more. After all, with your ability, you can't get into big competitions, and you can't get much prize money in small competitions. I'm afraid it's only once in your life that you can come to this place to eat." Said the yellow-haired boy beside Pu Xi.

"Zhou Xiaoyun, don't be so proud. You sound like you are noble by eating here. Some people, no matter how gorgeous they are in a house, still can't hide their dirty hearts." Fang Qing said coldly.

"Yes, we have dirty souls, but we are much more expensive than those poor souls. Can you compare?" Zhou Xiaoyun counterattacked unceremoniously.

"Xiaoyun." Mu Chenxing called.

Zhou Xiaoyun obeyed and shut up. There was a long way to go, so there was no need to have a verbal dispute with them.

"Your tables are here." The waiter pointed to the table next to Wen Li and the others with some embarrassment.

The straight-line distance between these two tables is only five meters, and there is a fish pond in the middle. The distance is quite close. It would not be that much trouble for ordinary guests.

But these two groups of young people don't seem to be very peaceful.

"Go and sit down first, aren't you all hungry?" Mu Chenxing said.

The people behind him obediently walked over to the table. Pu Xi took a step forward and stared at Tang Xiao, who had not spoken a word, and Wen Li, who had not looked back.

"It seems that you have gathered together the number of people to participate in the competition, but even if you gather together the people, they are still a bunch of rabble, and it is difficult to be elegant." Pu Xi said sarcastically.

Thinking of the last time he was beaten by Mu Wen Li, he still felt a pang in his heart. No matter what, this revenge must be avenged. Pu Xi has grown up but never suffered a loss at the hands of a little girl.

After listening to what the two of them said, Xia Chen subconsciously threw out the cup in his hand. He dared to say that their boss was just a rabble and what a joke.

I'm afraid these people don't know how to die.

Wen Li glanced at him indifferently, Xia Chen retracted his movements and sat quietly beside her.

"Tang Xiao, I still have to congratulate you for gathering the number of people for the competition. We will see the real results this time, but with your strength, I'm afraid you won't even be able to qualify for the school selection."

In the face of absolute strength, any opportunism is just a show, a completely crushing existence.

Tang Xiao looked up and saw that compared to Mu Chenxing's arrogance, he seemed much calmer.

"Okay, let's wait until the competition to see who is more powerful."

There was a tense situation between the two. Although there was no physical contact, it seemed that a fight would start in the next second. The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Pu Xi glanced at Mu Wen Li who never looked back. This girl must be afraid of seeing Mu Chenxing.

"Don't think that you can sit back and relax if you find some useless foreign aid. Only useful people can play a supporting role. Are you afraid of using useless people to cause trouble?"

These words are about Mu Wen Li. Who doesn't know that Mu Wen Li is a loser? The difference from ordinary losers is that she is a lucky loser.

Xia Chen really couldn't help it this time, and turned to look at the two people who didn't know the heights of the world.

When the time comes, these two people will definitely be beaten so hard that the boss doesn’t even know who they are.

"Stop talking. I'm hungry after training all day. Let's go over and eat."

There is no point in having too many verbal disputes with these people.

When Qingguo saw them sitting in the box next door, she also sat down angrily. Every time she met them, they were so yin and yang, as if these people couldn't eat without sarcasm.

"Really, I just want to have a good meal and ended up meeting them." Fang Qing sat down angrily.

The good mood of the day was ruined.

"This Mu Chenxing is really the most annoying person," Qingguo said.

Tong Lin'an gave her an elbow and motioned to Wen Li opposite.

"Wen Li, that's not what I meant." Qingguo hurriedly explained.

After all, Mu Chenxing is still Mu Wen Li's younger brother. Even if they are at odds with each other, they should not speak ill of Mu Chenxing in front of Wen Li.

This is not good.

"Just say what you want, don't worry about me." Wen Li picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

She doesn't really want to know about these people's grievances, and she doesn't need to let anyone care about her.

"These bullies dare to be so arrogant because of Mu Chenxing and Pu Xi." Fang Qing became angry when he thought of Zhou Xiaoyun's words just now.

"Isn't it just that they won a few games? As for being so crazy, it's really abominable." Qingguo agreed.

Mu Chenxing and Tang Xiao had a feud, so every time they met, even if Mu Chenxing didn't say anything, the people around him would take the initiative to provoke him. However, Tang Xiao was not a talkative person, so he always swallowed his anger.

"Absolute strength can crush all problems. If you are strong, you will naturally not be provoked." Wen Li suddenly said.

Fang Qing, who was talking angrily, stopped. This is the truth. Compared with Mu Chenxing's club, they are indeed very weak.

But don’t say it so bluntly.

"Yes, if we are really more powerful than them, naturally they will lose their pride when they come in front of us." Tang Xiao agreed.

The truth is always the most hurtful, but also the most motivating.

A large part of those people's arrogance is also due to their own strength.

"In other words, the cause of this situation is yourselves, not others." Wen Li continued.

Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an looked at each other and rubbed their heads in embarrassment.

"Okay, we get it, there's no need to say it in such a hurtful way."

If you know you are weak, you will start working hard.

There is still a week left before the on-campus selection, and the next step will be to increase the intensity of training.

Even though they hugged Wen Li's thigh, they couldn't do nothing.

The ordered dishes were quickly served. There is no question of whether anyone likes or dislikes the dishes here. From the taste to the presentation, it can be said to be excellent.

It's full of color, and flavor, and just looking at it makes people have a good appetite.

"It looks good!" Fang Qing held the chopsticks and his mouth was almost watering.

"It's really the most expensive hotel in Ningzhou, it looks different." Qingguo also praised it.

When the three of them saw the food on the table, they almost turned into greedy cats.

"Eat more, this is your last normal meal before the game." Tang Xiao looked at the three of them and spoke.

Fang Qing, who originally planned to be more polite, started to devour the food after hearing these words.

He knew very well what the president's attitude was when training them, and he would never be soft-hearted, especially now that the team had added fresh blood like Wen Li, and the hope of winning the championship was even higher.

The president will not let them go and will definitely train them to death.

Wen Li started to move her chopsticks, and Xia Chen followed suit. How should I put it, this was the first time he and BOSS sat together to eat.

There is still a little excitement in his heart. He must pay more attention to it. He must observe the dishes that the boss likes and cannot use more chopsticks.

"Wen Li, please eat more, I think you are too thin." Qing Guo warmly took a piece of fish to Wen Li, "This one also tastes good."

Tong Lin'an felt comforted in his heart. They were all big boys. To put it bluntly, they were a bit straight and couldn't take care of girls.

With Qing Guo in the club, she can take good care of Wen Li so that she will not be alone.

What would have been a good meal would have been a very warm meal if there hadn't been the constant noise from the people next door. However, there are always people who don't want you to eat well.

Because we were sitting too close together, the voices speaking over there could be transmitted, and this was even when the other party deliberately raised their volume.

All the chatter and laughter there were heard.

The noise was so loud that people couldn't eat properly, and Xia Chen's patience was almost at its limit, but Wen Li didn't speak, so he couldn't do anything but lower his head and eat in silence.

"It's really ridiculous. Do they think they can defeat us by finding Chenxing's sister?" Zhou Xiaoyun glanced over.

"Chenxing, I read the forum. Did your second sister really hack into the campus network?" Yan Heng asked curiously.

They had always wanted to ask about this matter, but Mu Chenxing didn't like Mu Wen Li very much, and his face turned dark whenever she was mentioned, so they couldn't bring it up.

But today we met impartially, and Wen Li was rumored to be amazing on the forum, so even people who were not interested became interested.

Some of them were really curious.

"Who knows, if a wild girl who grew up in the countryside knows what computers are and what network security is." Mu Chenxing said with a cold face.

Seeing his appearance, the people on the side remained silent and changed the topic.

"Isn't Tang Xiao's family completely bankrupt? How could he bring those losers here to eat?" Yan Heng said.

"That's right, the Tang family is borrowing money from everywhere and can't survive anymore. A table of food here is very expensive. He must have other agendas."

Zhou Xiaoyun touched his chin and stared at the people across from him, "You think, if Mu Wen Li wasn't so powerful, Tang Xiao might have other motives for recruiting her."

Mu Wen Li's appearance is outstanding. Not to mention the entire USTC, even in Ningzhou one can't find a few faces that can compete with hers.

"I understand, he is trying to save the country through a curve." Zhou Xiaoyun laughed maliciously as he spoke.

Even if Mu Wenli is not liked by the Mu family, she is still the daughter recognized by the Mu family. In a family like the Mu family, even if someone else marries an unloved daughter, the little oil leaking from the cracks of the fingernails will not matter. 

Several people understood the meaning of Zhou Xiaoyun's words and looked at the table next to him with ill intentions.

"It's true, Chenxing, he really wants to be your brother-in-law." Pu Xi said with a smile.

Mu Chenxing glanced at the person sitting over there and said coldly, "He deserves it too."

"But Mu Wen Li is really good-looking. If you can marry her, even if you don't get anything, you won't suffer a loss."

"Hmph, Mu Wen Li is quite capable. He was able to connect with Tang Xiao so quickly. Sure enough, good-looking people have the capital to make men fascinated." Pu Xi looked at the girl over there with disdain in his eyes.

"Don't say that, maybe Mu Wen Li doesn't use beauty at all."

"Without beauty, it can't be wisdom?" Zhou Xiaoyun said with a smile, "Don't be ridiculous, she looks like that idiot. If it weren't for the strength of the Mu family, she wouldn't be able to get into USTC even on her knees!"

"In short, Tang Xiao made a profit this time. Even if he gets nothing, it will still be the same if he is kicked for fun." Pu Xi said with a smile.

Who doesn’t know what the Tang family is doing now? Tang Xiao wants to reduce the burden on his family.

Mu Wen Li is so good-looking, much better than those models.

The words over there are getting more and more ugly, and the laughter is getting more and more wild.

Tang Xiao frowned, he was fine if it was just him, but this involved Wen Li, and those words were getting more and more unpleasant, these people were going too far.

"Are you going to argue with them?"

Wen Li took the last bite of the dumpling and put her chopsticks aside.

"This is too much." Tang Xiao looked at the people over there,

Mu Chenxing didn't even refute such excessive words. He hated this sister so much.

No matter what, Mu Wen Li is still his biological sister. This is the family tradition of the Mu family. Can anyone let others bully her?

"What do you think are the chances of those people listening to your preaching?" Wen Li looked at him with her chin propped up.

Tang Xiao paused. After dealing with those people for such a long time, he naturally knew what they are like.

You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.

"Since you know that's impossible, just use my method to shut them up." Wen Li said and looked at the people in front of him, "Are you full?"

Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an nodded. Qing Guo had eaten the least and had already stopped using her chopsticks to wait aside.

"Only when you are full can you be in the mood to watch the show." Wen Li said and snapped her fingers.

"What are you going to do?" Tang Xiao had a vague premonition in his heart.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Wen Li's lips, "The method that can be solved once and for all is the most straightforward."

After receiving her order, Xia Chen turned around, stepped on the fence, and jumped over. At a distance of five meters, the young man's skills were as strong as if he were flying over.

He landed firmly in the middle of the table, and two of the plates on the table were broken by his step.


"Oh my crap."

The people sitting around the table were so frightened that they stepped back, and Zhou Xiaoyun was so frightened that he fell off his chair.

"Wash their mouths carefully. Remember to wash them thoroughly." Wen Li turned around and looked at them.

Xia Chen's face was full of excitement, "Understood."

These rubbish, who speak unclearly, dare to arrange their boss, really have never died.

Xia Chen, who was squatting on the table, made a fuss, and Yan Heng and Pu Xi were kicked into the pool next to them.

"I think you talk the most and are the most verbose." Xia Chen grabbed Zhou Xiaoyun's collar and unceremoniously pushed him directly into the soup basin on the table.


Zhou Xiaoyun was so burned that he screamed.

Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an were so excited that they almost danced. This was so relieving. Xia Chen still had such ability.

Qing Guo had never seen such a battle before. She was so frightened that she hid behind Tang Xiao and stuck her head out. Xia Chen's attack was a bit too cruel.

"Tell him to stop! Mu Wen Li, what are you doing!" Mu Chenxing ran over angrily.

"You won't make him stop by yourself?" Wen Li glanced at him.

Mu Chenxing was blocked by these words. Xia Chen's skills were not something they could easily defeat. Mu Chenxing still knew his abilities clearly.

"And you, I think you should change your mind." Xia Chen grabbed Yan Heng and immediately buckled him to the wooden pillar next to him.

Visible blood gushed out, and Yan Heng cried out in pain. A trace of scarlet appeared in the young man's eyes, and he became even more excited.

"Mu Wen Li, are you trying to make things worse?" Mu Chenxing stared at her.

"You can go back and tell the old man and see if these words reach his ears will he will help you or me."

After hearing Wen Li's words, Mu Chenxing was stunned.

The Mu family's family motto is that brothers and sisters are united to the outside world. If those words just passed into Grandpa's ears, he would indeed have nothing to gain.

"What do you want?"

We can only adopt a roundabout strategy, not force.

"If you don't want to do anything, let's watch the show." Wen Li put her head on one hand and looked at the person opposite.

At this time, Pu Xi had already led them to fight back. However, Xia Chen was also professionally trained. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was someone who had licked blood from the tip of a knife.

How could these flowers in the greenhouse be his opponents?

There was such a big commotion, and the lobby manager and waiters hurried over. Everyone who could come to this place to eat was rich or noble, so they couldn't call the police rashly.

But at least you have to go over and try to persuade him. If these rich kids are together, things will easily get into trouble.

But Xia Chen was so noisy that plates and chairs were smashed on the floor. Pu Xi surrounded him several times, but he was no match for him.

He was crushed like a chicken.

"Let him stop, someone will be killed." Tang Xiao also stepped forward to persuade her.

Wen Li looked at the young man who was standing on the fence and kicked Pu Xi down, and stopped him, "Xia Chen."

As soon as these two words were shouted out, Xia Chen, who was still taking action, stopped his movements neatly, as obedient as a controlled robot.

"If you fail to teach your subordinates well externally, it will give people the illusion that birds of a feather flock together. Today is a lesson. Next time, you know the consequences." Wen Li looked at Mu Chenxing and spoke.

This was a warning, and Mu Chenxing heard it.

"Mu Wen Li, today's business is not over yet!" Pu Xi got up from the ground and roared angrily.

His clothes were crumpled and a few green cabbage sticks were hanging on his face, making him look extremely miserable.

This is the second time that he has suffered defeat at the hands of this dead girl, and this time he has been humiliated so much in front of so many people, even if Mu Chenxing is protecting him today.

"Look how I will kill you!"

"Who are you going to kill?" came a very shallow male voice.

Wen Li looked sideways and saw the man slowly walking in from the entrance of the hotel.

Several people looked back and saw a man dressed in black walking in. The man was tall and slender, and his height of 1.9 meters made him feel like he stood out from the crowd.

Under the bright light, you can see the glimmering color of the crystal lamp on his face. When the man raised his eyes, those black eyes seemed to contain bright stars, but if you look closely, you can see the dark current surging.

As he moved closer, the man's handsome face became clearer and clearer, like a god.

Qing Guo's face turned red and her eyes were filled with little stars.

This man is so handsome. She had never seen such a handsome man before.

Almost instantly, the men in black poured in from behind him and pushed several people to the ground. Pu Xi was controlled by Fei Ran with one hand and knelt on the ground.

"Let me go."

Lu Min brought a chair over, but Fu Yuxiu didn't move and walked directly to Wen Li.

"It's quite lively. "

Wen Li took a deep breath, there was another troublesome person.

"Why don't you say anything? The food here is better than the one at my place?" the man said, glancing at the teenagers around her.

Just a casual glance can make the person in front of you lose the strength to move.

Fang Qing swallowed. This was such a trembling momentum. Just standing here was already full of oppression.

The overwhelming pressure makes people have no courage to even move.

"What are you doing here?" Wen Li looked at the sinister man in front of her.

Fu Yuxiu shrugged, "If you don't come to me, I will come to you."

Lu Min looked up at the sky. Tonight, the young master specially ordered the kitchen to cook Miss Mu's favorite dishes. When he asked him to go to USTC to pick up someone, Miss Mu ruthlessly refused.

Asking again, Miss Mu went out to eat with four boys.

When he went back to report, he didn't dare to look at the young master's face, for fear that if the young master was unhappy, the innocent would be implicated.

They checked where Miss Mu was and came over.

And he still came here and was gloomy all the way. He didn't dare to take a breath.

Mu Chenxing stared at the person in front of him. After all, he had experienced many big scenes with Mu Chenyu, and he could tell at a glance that the man in front of him was no ordinary person.

But among all the famous families in Ningzhou, there is no such person.

Where did Mu Wen Li provoke such a person?

"Who said you wanted to kill her just now?" Fu Yuxiu turned around.

Pu Xi was stared at by such a pair of eyes, and he could not say anything. He felt so oppressed. The person in front of him was obviously very careless, but he felt very oppressive.

The entire hall has now been cleared, and the lobby manager does not dare to approach easily.

"You're brave enough." Fu Yuxiu said, raising his hand, Fei Ran squeezed Pu Xi's hand and started to exert force.

Pu Xi cried out in pain, but couldn't move.

"Okay." Wen Li grabbed his hand, "My people have already taught them a lesson, so you don't need to interfere with this again."

The game had just begun, and she was kicked out of the finale without even feeling the fun. This person was here to cause trouble for her.

"Let him go?" Fu Yuxiu looked down at the little girl beside him, and did not struggle with the hand held by her.

"It's a small fight and it won't reach this point." Wen Li said.

When Nan Sheng hurried over, he happened to see Pu Xi being restrained by Fei Ran.

"Let the man go, it's not a big deal."

Their family, Mu Wen Li, had already asked for it back on her own, but he would interfere like this again.

No one here knows Fu Yuxiu, but everyone knows Nan Sheng, and judging from Nan Sheng's appearance, the three of them know each other.

"Are you going to let him go?" Fu Yuxiu confirmed with Wen Li again.

After listening to the man's words, Fei Ran exerted force on his feet and heard the sound of bones dislocating. Pu Xi felt a sharp pain and fell to the ground.

The cold and ruthless look made everyone around him take a breath. How could anyone watch someone's legs being broken like this?

"This is a little punishment. Stay away from our little girl from now on." Fu Yuxiu said.

He stood up neatly and came to the two of them. Dislocating the bones of his left foot is already a light punishment for the young master.

This was the first person to escape alive from his hands.

"These are all children, so it would be too cruel to attack them." Nan Sheng clicked his tongue.

Now that this matter has come out, Nan Sheng can only arrange for his own people to send these children back, and deal with Imperial Seal's side at the same time.

Mu Chenxing had imprinted the image of that man and Mu Wen Li in his mind and wondered what kind of relationship they had with Nan Sheng.

Who is that man?

A good welcome banquet turned out like this. After seeing such a scene, Tang Xiao didn't know what to say.

"Are they your friends?"

At the entrance of Imperial Seal, Fu Yuxiu looked at the people who were following him and asked this sentence.

Wen Li looked back at them, "That's right."

At least for the time being.

"Wen Li, we'll go back first." Qing Guo stepped forward and said.

This night was shocking, and they still haven't gotten over the bloodshed just now.

Wen Li nodded and asked Xia Chen to take them back. Xia Chen happened to be driving when they came.

"Then don't forget about training tomorrow."

After Qing Guo said these words, several people walked quickly, especially Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an, who did not dare to look back.

Mu Wen Li knew these dangerous people.

Tang Xiao looked back at Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu who were standing at the door. When Pu Xi's foot was broken just now, he didn't see any emotion in Wen Li's eyes.

It's almost like a robot.

The people were sent away, and Wen Li looked at the big trouble coming to her.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" She crossed her chest and stood.

Fu Yuxiu nodded and said seriously, "Eat with me, I haven't eaten yet."

Wen Li stared at him. Did he come here specifically to let her accompany him to dinner?


He raised his hand, his fingertips touching hers, hooking them slightly.


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