Saturday, December 2, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 53 - Is the Mu Family So Poor That They Want to Steal Money?

 Since the old man mentioned going to school, naturally this matter also needs to be put on the agenda.

Mu Nuanxi has been nagging behind Wen Li for the past two days, wanting her to follow her to school. Since she promised the school to deal with this matter, she should hurry up.

However, Wen Li, the person involved, has never appeared. The matter of Professor Lei's works has become very serious on the school forum. If it is not resolved, the problem may become more and more serious.

"Li Li, you will go to school with me after breakfast soon. Professor Lei is back today, and I will take you to apologize to him." Mu Nuanxi spread cheese on the toast.

Aunt Ruan put the brewed black coffee in her hand and thoughtfully arranged the tableware in front of Mu Nuanxi.

"After apologizing to Professor Lei politely today, this matter is over." Mu Nuanxi said and looked at Mu Chenyu, "Brother, write me a check for 10 million."

When the school was promised compensation, the check had to be handed over to Professor Lei.

"Hey, sister, why do you need big brother to give you money? Mu Wen Li has a lot of money, so maybe she doesn't like what we give." Mu Chenxing said while looking at the girl who was eating porridge seriously.

Mu Chenyu took a sip of coffee and said, "It's you who caused the trouble. Since you want the Mu family to wipe your ass, you should show some attitude."

Mu Chenxing felt happy after hearing this, they should kill Mu Wen Li's momentum. If this continues, the entire Mu family will not be her world.

"Brother." Mu Nuanxi called.

Wen Li put down the porcelain bowl, and the porcelain spoon and the bowl and plate collided lightly.

"The breakfast is not bad, but the dining environment is not very good." Wen Li said.

Aunt Ruan on the side heard what she meant and echoed, "It seems that the third lady likes the taste. I was afraid it was not to your liking."

Mu Chenyu paused while holding the knife and fork, and moved slightly, "I never apologized when I got into trouble. Since you want your family to use ten million to solve your problem, you should know at least some etiquette and rules."

When Lu Xue heard her son's words, she nodded in agreement. After this girl came to Mu's house, she didn't care about the Mu family at all. Now that she needs money, she thinks of her family.

She would not like such a child, even if it was her own. How considerate Nuan Xi was.

"Did I tell you to get me money?"

The light words made everyone stop their movements.

"Overconfidence becomes arrogance."

Wen Li's words successfully ignited Mu Chenxing's anger again, and he soon reacted and opened his mouth in a strange manner.

"We have all forgotten that she is now a millionaire and has money. This is only ten million, but it is nothing in her eyes. She can afford to pay for destroying twenty more exhibits."

Hearing this, Lu Xue sat up straight and quickly switched to the posture of an elder.

"Wen Li, I have been busy the past two days and have no time to care about your affairs. I heard that you made some money gambling on stones in Seeking Jade Relic."

Seeing that the girl in front of her made no other moves, she continued, "The Mu family has family rules. Those who have not yet established themselves should not have too much property on them. Even when Nuan Xi and Chen Yu were as old as you, there was a certain amount of money that they spent each month, I heard that that stone was sold for five hundred and thirty million, and it is always not a good idea for you, a girl, to have so much money on you. "

What she said was very reasonable and justified.

It was clear that she wanted Wen Li to hand over the money.

Wen Li didn't stop drinking the juice. The taste of orange filled her mouth. It was sour and sweet, which made people feel good in the morning.

"Why should I give you my money?"

Lu Xue straightened her back and sat upright, "I am your mother, and this is the rule of the Mu family. Your brothers and sisters are all like this. You can't break this rule."

"The money I earn is owned by me. Even if I take it and scatter it on the street, it has nothing to do with you. As for them." Wen Li glanced at Mu Chenyu, who looked unhappy, "It's because they lack the ability and it has nothing to do with me."

Mu Chenyu slapped the fork in his hand on the plate with a stern expression, "You can't use your opportunistic skills for a lifetime."

Mu Nuanxi reached out and pulled her brother's sleeve, and she also heard what Wen Li meant. In short, it was not her problem that they were unable to make so much money.

This is quite unpleasant to hear.

But grandpa is still there, so it’s better not to make too much trouble.

"Mu Wen Li, don't go too far." Lu Xue said with a cold face. This damn girl really doesn't know what's good or bad.

"In short, the state has national laws and the family has family rules. I couldn't control you when you were outside. Now that you are back, you have to listen to my mother's words."

Lu Xue's attitude was bound to make Wen Li hand over the money.

Mu Chenxing couldn't help but applaud in her heart. She was truly worthy of being a mother. She was so angry like Mu Kun.

"Why? Is the Mu family is so poor that they want to steal money. The wife of the dignified chairman of the Mu family is forcing a daughter who was lost by her when she was a child to ask for money. If this news is released, it will be very big."

This is really the most unpleasant thing to say.

Aunt Ruan also frowned. The third lady looked at gentle and quiet but was also cold and indifferent, why did she say something so uncomfortable?

How can the madam listen to such words? Let alone the madam, even the old man cannot listen to such words.

"You unruly ......"

"Bang ......"

Mu Kuiyuan, who had been silent all this time, slammed the table, "What are you doing? It's so early in the morning. You have forgotten the rule of eating and sleeping quietly, haven't you?"

Lu Xue was shocked, and when she came to her senses, she hurriedly apologized, "Dad, that's not what I meant. You also know the rules of the Mu family. Chenyu and Nuanxi were like this in the past."

"Can Chenyu and Nuanxi be the same as Wen Li?" Mu Kuiyuan said angrily, "She grew up away from home. The Mu family has been indebted to this child for more than ten years. As a mother, you have to think about how to make up for the child, not trying to block the child." 

"I know, Dad, don't be angry." Lu Xue hurriedly stood up and went over to pour tea for the old man.

The tea was boiling hot, but Mu Kuiyuan never reached out to take it. Lu Xue could only grit her teeth and hold on.

"Wen Li can open that stone, so she deserves all the money she gets. Don't think about it. If you are envious, go and open one yourself." Mu Kuiyuan glanced at Mu Chenxing opposite.

The latter lowered his head with a bit of irritation on his face. Grandpa was telling the truth, and he was lying if he said he was not envious.

But why is Mu Wen Li so lucky that any stone she picks up can become a treasure.

"Grandpa, don't be angry. It's too late for all of us to be happy for Li Li. How can we think about anything else."

As she spoke, Mu Nuanxi leaned over and took the teacup that was almost slipped out of her mother's hand.

"Mu Ting." Mu Kuiyuan called.

Butler Mu came from the side and nodded, "Master."

"Give Nuan Xi a check and ask her to take it to school."

After finishing speaking, Mu Kuiyuan looked at Wen Li and said, "Li Li, follow Nuan Xi to school. We can afford the money. Let's solve the problem first. School is important."

The old man's words were coaxing, and he believed that the child could understand its importance.


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