Wednesday, December 13, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 64 - Marrying Mu Wen Li to Soya.

 The training was in full swing for four or five days. Wen Li made certain modifications to Tang Xiao's training methods. Although the intensity was a bit higher, it did improve the overall strength a lot.

During this period, they participated in team battles together, and the entire team cooperated very well. Although Wen Li joined later, her skills and strength level determined everything.

However, Wen Li has her own way of training and is not in the school system. It is rare for them to fight against her in five days, and she has only played twice in the past few days.

After the group stage, there is the individual competition. Interested individuals can let the system match players to fight against each other. Compared with the battle organized by the team, the individual battle can better see the strength of a player.

It is also an important opportunity for players to win the favor of many technology companies and get offers.

When it comes to their own interests, almost all club members are training like crazy, especially the juniors and seniors.

After all, these are the last two years in which they can shine as students. Their future and glory depend on it, and their success or failure depends on it.

The training in the morning had just ended. Xia Chen stayed in the activity room after delivering lunch. He had become quite familiar with several members in the past few days. He could come and go freely and consciously took on the responsibility of delivering meals to them. 

Xia Chen knew in his heart that these people work as hard for a competition as they did during their training, to improve their abilities so as not to lose their lives during missions.

"The food these two days has been so good, I feel like I've gained weight." Qing Guo sat next to Wen Li, looking down at the meat on her belly while talking.

Fang Qing got himself a braised lion's head and said nonchalantly, "You're not that thin at all."

She is not tall and has no chest. A normal girl should be curvy, just like Wen Li.

"Fang Qing, are you looking for a beating?" The girl said, raising her hand and about to hit him.

Fang Qing pretended to hide, "No, your hands are valuable. If they get damaged before the competition, you cannot play with them."

"I'll take care of you after the game is over."

Compared with the liveliness of the two people, Tong Lin'an and Tang Xiao seemed to be worried.

Wen Li sat alone. When Xia Chen bought food, he divided hers alone. She took small bites and ate very seriously.

"President, what's wrong with you two?" Fang Qing asked.

Tong Lin'an put the lunch box on the table and stood up, "I'm full, let's go for a walk."

Anyone with discerning eyes might have noticed that he was not in high spirits. The more Tong Lin'an trained in the past two days, the less he talked. Maybe it was because of too much psychological pressure.

"Wen Li, after eating, can you help me practice again?" Fang Qing also stopped his playful smile and looked seriously.

"It's almost enough at this point." Wen Li replied.

"Knock knock......"

Xia Chen stood up and went over to open the door, and saw the silver-haired man standing at the door with a black mask on his face. He was clearly ten years older than these eighteen or nineteen-year-old boys, but he looked no different from them.

"Hello, kid." Soya greeted Xia Chen warmly.

In the past two days, Soya has been in and out of the building. Apart from wearing a mask, many people know that Soya is a silver-haired man.

Several people who were eating quickly stood up, but only Wen Li moved his chopsticks slowly.

Xia Chen turned sideways to block the room, "What do you want?"

Compared with those who were obsessed with Soya, Xia Chen did not admire him. In his eyes, this person was just a shameless old man who pestered their boss.

"I'm here to see Li girl." Soya said and looked over, seeing the person eating in a lunch box.

He walked straight in. Xia Chen came over and blocked the man, "Why are you like this?"

"Xia Chen." Wen Li called.

Xia Chen pushed back, Soya glanced at him triumphantly and then knelt down in front of Wen Li.

"Why are you just eating these? See what delicious food I bring you." Soya said, unfolding the exquisite lacquered wood box in his hand.

The box has three layers in total, and the food on each layer is very delicately arranged. It can be seen that it has been prepared with great care.

"Try to see if it tastes good." Soya placed the box in front of Wen Li and squatted on the ground, keeping eye level with her, full of eager anticipation.

Wen Li closed the box in her hand and glanced at the things in front of her lightly, "Are you looking for me for something?"

"I can't come over if I have nothing to do with you? I made this myself. Try it." Soya said and pushed the contents of the box forward in a serious manner.

The people behind them blinked, what kind of operation was this? Soya came here specially to deliver food to Wen Li, and he made it himself.

The great god actually knows how to cook.

One more plus for the heart.

"No, I'm full." Wen Li looked at him.

Soya looked calm, snatched the box from her hand, and stuffed a pair of chopsticks into her hand, "Try it, I know you must not be full yet."

He made this himself, so she had to eat it no matter what.

Qing Guo looked at Wen Li with envy. Although she couldn't see what Soya looked like wearing a mask, she knew it must not be bad just from his height and clothing.

And he is also a great person. Such a person especially came to give her a love lunch, and he made it by himself.

He simply fulfilled all the criteria of an ideal partner.

"I'm full. Either I throw this thing out, or you take it away yourself." Wen Li said and stood up.

It was so shameless, and it was in front of the club members, but Soya didn't get angry and followed her out the door.

After the two left, Fang Qing leaned over and looked at the food box on the table, "Oh my god, the food cooked by the boss is indeed different. Look at the standards."

The exquisiteness is comparable to what is sold in the store. The craftsmanship of Soya is really beyond praise.

After Wen Li went out, she went to the small garden next to them. The closer they got to the competition point, the greater the pressure on everyone. At this time, no one came out to relax outside the Building 2.

"Don't walk so fast, wait for me." Soya complained but followed her step by step with long legs.

Wen Li chose a secluded place to sit down. Just when she was leaning against the foot of a tree and about to sleep, the person came over.

"You don't want the arm, do you?"

With those words, Soya, who was close to her, took the initiative to withdraw his hand.

"I came here specially to find you. Why are you so heartless towards me?" He said aggrievedly.

"Are you angry that I trained Mu Chenxing?" Soya said, "As long as you tell me, I will definitely not help him."

Wen Li glanced at the watch on her wrist, "I need fifteen minutes of rest. If I am disturbed by anyone again within these fifteen minutes, I will break his hand."

It was an emotionless sentence, but Soya also listened to it.

He sat aside obediently, waiting for the girl next to him to wake up.

The afternoon sun was always blazing. Even if she was hiding under a tree with dense leaves, she would still be dazzled by the light shining in the gaps. The sunlight pouring from the top of her head hit Wen Li's eyes.

Seeing the girl's eyelids moving, Soya smiled and raised his hand to help her block the ray of sunlight that was randomly swaying.

Without that dazzling light spot, the girl's frown relaxed.

Not far away, Mu Chenxing was standing on the roadside. From his angle, he could see the two people under the tree. Soya's move of raising his hand to shield Wen Li from the sun was particularly obvious.

"Is that Soya?" Zhou Xiaoyun couldn't believe his eyes.

During this period, Soya did give them some advice, but he was not so kind in talking to them.

This person is not easy to get along with, but now he humbly helps to protect Mu Wen Li from the sun.

"I kind of know why he agreed to train us. Maybe he's taking care of his brother-in-law." Yan Heng said matter-of-factly.

Maybe the Mu family can get Soya to cooperate because of Mu Wen Li. It's common for heroes to turn to beauties.

Zhou Xiaoyun winked at him and noticed Mu Chenxing's gloomy expression. Several people shut up and did not dare to speak.

"You go and eat, I have something else to do."

Seeing Mu Chenxing walking further and further away, they did not speak. Ever since they found out Mu Wen Li and Soya knew each other, Mu Chenxing was not feeling well.

Especially in the past two days, when Soya was in their club, he would ask questions about Mu Wen Li, but Mu Chenxing couldn't say anything.

Mu Chenxing has been feeling angry these past two days.

When Wen Li woke up, she received a message on her phone. According to what she promised the old man at that time, Mu Kuiyuan sent a message urging her to go back to Mu's house.

Turning around, she saw Soya's hand that had just been withdrawn, and a bright light hit her face.

"Did you receive the news that you are going back to Mu's house tonight?" Soya approached her with a mysterious look on his face.

"Did you do this?" Wen Li looked at him.

After she moved out of Mu's house, Mu Kuiyuan sent news. Logically speaking, today is not the weekend, so Mu Kuiyuan should not be looking for her.

"What? I happened to receive a message from Mu Chenyu, saying that he warmly invited me to be a guest at Mu's house. He probably wanted to use the whole family to warmly welcome me, so he let you go back." Soya looked innocent but correctly analyzed.

According to Wen Li's understanding of Mu Chenyu, he is the best at using all possible factors to achieve his goals.

Now that it is known that she and Soya know each other, it is natural that her acquaintance also needs to be present. If necessary, some sacrifices may have to be made.

Wen Li felt speechless for a moment. If she didn't go back to Mu's house for dinner, Mr. Mu would probably have people come over to pester her, and things would become more troublesome.

"I'll pick you up and go to Mu's house tonight." Soya said, taking out two white candies from his pocket and placing them in Wen Li's palm. "Wait for me, and I'll give you candies."

Watching the man walking away, Wen Li lowered her head and looked at the white milk candy. Although she liked desserts, she didn't like candies very much. The only candy she often ate was this brand of milk candy.

After such a long time, his memory is pretty good.

On the way back to Building 2, Wen Li saw Tong Lin'an lying on the lawn. He looked up at the sky, his face was not very good, and he seemed to have been here for a long time.

Just as she was passing by, Wen Li was stopped.

"Wen Li."

During this time of being together, they also followed Qing Guo and directly called Wen Li by her name.

Compared to Fang Qing, Tong Lin'an has a calmer personality. Perhaps because he is one year older than them, he doesn't have much time to laugh and play and spends most of his time practicing.

Wen Li stopped and looked back, and the person on the lawn sat up, "Can I ask you a question?"

The competition is about to begin. Compared to Fang Qing and the others, Tong Lin'an is under much greater pressure. He has been desperately telling himself not to be nervous these past two days, but there is still nothing he can do.

"Do you think we can win?" Tong Lin'an was shocked at himself when he asked this question.

Fortunately, Wen Li didn't dislike him. She raised her head and thought about it seriously.

"What do you mean by winning?"

This made him stunned. To what extent should he be to consider it a win? To be the first in school to defeat Mu Chenxing, or should he shine in the national science and technology competition?

No matter which of these things you do, it is extremely difficult.

"How far do you think you want to go?" Wen Li asked.

Tong Lin'an seemed to have thought for a long time before standing up and clenching his fists, "I want to get ranked in the top ten. In that case, good companies will be willing to hire me."

Many computer science students have worked hard for so long just to achieve such a hope.

Perhaps seeing the indifference in Wen Li's eyes, he lowered his head and said, "You are talented, you have such powerful operating skills, and are also a child of the Mu family. You may not need to consider such practical issues as work because even if you don't work, you will be able to get by better than anyone else, whereas there is a lot for us to think about."

The daily necessities of life such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea can make people collapse. In many cases, the saying that the children of the poor will become in charge early can be applied to everyone.

"In this case, you should stand at the top rather than belittle yourself every day." Wen Li rarely advised a frustrated young man, "What belongs to you must be held tightly in your hands. Don't expect someone else to save your life." 

After saying this, Wen Li turned around and entered Building 2.

"Who you want to be is up to you, not anyone else."

Tong Lin'an stood there, confused by Wen Li's words, but they were the most correct.

Yes, why should he put his fate in the hands of others instead of holding it tightly in his own palms?


Mu Chenxing drove to a restaurant not far from USTC. When the waiter took him in, Mu Nuanxi had already ordered a table full of food.

She has a good memory and can remember what everyone in her family likes to eat. Mu Chenxing also likes the dishes on the table.

"What's wrong, Chenxing? You look depressed?"

Mu Chenxing pulled out the chair and sat down, throwing the car keys on the table with a loud sound.

"Sister, what exactly is Mu Wen Li's charm?" Mu Chenxing suddenly said in a confused manner.

Mu Nuanxi smiled and said, "What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

"Soya seems to like Mu Wen Li very much." Mu Chenxing gritted his teeth.

Mu Nuanxi was stunned when she was about to take the chopsticks, "What did you say?"

"I said Soya likes Mu Wen Li very much."

Mu Nuanxi put down the chopsticks in her hand. She had been busy with a lot of things in the college these past two days, but she still knew more or less the corresponding news.

Many teachers and students congratulated Soya for joining Mushi. Correspondingly, Mushi's stock also rose, reaching the highest market value in the past two years.

But unexpectedly, Soya actually fell in love with Mu Wen Li.

"They seem to have known each other before. The eldest brother suspects that the reason why Soya chose our Mu family is because of Mu Wen Li." Mu Chenxing said this gloomily.

"Are you sure?" Mu Nuanxi was surprised.

Wen Li actually knew Soya, and he had known her a long time ago.

"Yes, but you said that besides Mu Wen Li being a little prettier than ordinary people, what else does she have?"

She doesn't understand the rules, behaves vulgarly, and is useless just like a vase. How can she be liked by so many people?

Mu Chenxing suddenly thought of the man in the Imperial Seal Hotel that night, that oppressive man.

The person who finally sent Pu Xi to the hospital to deal with the subsequent problems was someone from Nan Sheng.

In short, that man has something to do with the Nan family.

"But why does Wen Li know Soya?" Mu Nuanxi asked with doubt.

Soya has always been like a dragon. No one knows what he looks like, and there is no fixed working environment.

How could Wen Li, a child who grew up in the countryside, have the opportunity to meet such a person.

"I don't know, but I can see how Soya feels about her."

That kind of unabashed love cannot be faked.

"That's strange." Mu Nuanxi's doubts grew.

Mu Chenxing hasn't told Mu Nuanxi about what happened that night. After all, the person who defended Wen Li knew Nan Sheng, but what exactly did Nan Sheng think of Wen Li?

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now. I'll ask my eldest brother. You can eat first." Mu Nuanxi took a piece of fish to Mu Chenxing, "How was your training these two days?"

Mu Chenxing bit the fish and said, "It's not bad. Everyone else's school rankings have improved to a certain extent."

The last period is when training is the most intense. The school ranking will be based on the competitive records of each person logged into the system to make a comprehensive ranking.

Mu Chenxing remained at the top of the list, but the people below started fighting.

"I remember you said that Wen Li also participated in this competition, so what's her ranking?"

When this was mentioned, Mu Chenxing almost laughed.

"She hasn't moved from the bottom of the list! Last time she said she conquered the campus network, but after training for so many days, she is actually at the bottom. I don't know how she did it."

Because of this matter, many people scolded Mu Wen Li on the forum for being ignorant, but now her bullshit has been blown, and a person ranked last on the ranking list has the nerve to participate in the competition.

Mu Chenxing felt happy, but he also felt that this person had embarrassed the Mu family.

"Help Wen Li when you are fine. Although she doesn't understand anything, you still call her sister after all. Our Mu family has earned honor because of you, but don't let others laugh." Mu Nuanxi reminded him. 

Especially now that Mu Chenxing has the guidance of Soya, with such technical support, it is absolutely impossible to lose.

"It's okay to let her lose. I want to see what Grandpa thinks." Mu Chenxing snorted.

Who doesn't know that Mu Kuiyuan's preference for Mu Wen Li is almost as wide as the Pacific Ocean?

"Sister." Li Mengluo happened to hear these words when she came over.

She has been busy with the school art exhibition these two days and hasn't seen Mu Chenxing for a long time, but the relevant news comes faster than anyone else.

"Sister, aren't we worried that we can't solve Mu Wen Li's matter? This is an opportunity." Li Mengluo stared at Mu Xuanxi and spoke inscrutably.

"What do you mean?"

"Instead of guarding Mu Wen Li from letting her come into contact with Nan Sheng, it is better to deal with it once and for all. This Soya is the best opportunity."

Mu Nuanxi understood what Li Mengluo meant and remained silent.

"So what if Grandpa spoils her? Now that Soya has arrived at the Mu family, he is the person that my cousin is trying to keep. If we marry Mu Wen Li to him, won't all the problems be solved?"

There is nothing simpler than this method to retain Soya. Since Mu Wen Li has such a use, they must use her well.

"Don't mess around. Grandpa has to do this at most. Besides, Mu Wen Li's character is not something that can be manipulated by others." Mu Chenxing reminded.

With Mu Wen Li's character, as long as she didn't want to marry, no one could force her to marry.

"Yes, Luo Luo, after all, Li Li still has to choose her marriage partner." Mu Nuanxi also spoke.

"Sister. Aren't you afraid that she will choose Nan Sheng in the end?"

Li Mengluo's words shattered Mu Nuanxi's confidence.

"For a child from a family like ours, Mu Wen Li is the last bargaining chip in marriage. In the end, Grandpa can choose a boss of a small company for her to marry. If she is allowed to marry Soya, her level will rise immediately. and Soya happens to like her, isn't this a good thing?"

Originally, Li Mengluo didn't want Wen Li to marry Soya. It is advantageous for someone like Mu Wen Li to marry Soya.

But considering the Nan family, they can't lose sight of one thing or the other, otherwise, they won't even have a place to cry in the end.

"But..." Mu Nuanxi wanted to say something else.

"Stop it, sister, if you are afraid, I will talk to Grandpa myself. Together with my eldest cousin, if Mu Wen Li can help exchange for a grandson-in-law like Soya, Grandpa may be happy."

Li Mengluo successfully convinced Mu Nuanxi, but she was too scared. She had always been afraid of Nan Sheng's aloof attitude toward her.

Now that Mu Wen Li was around, her originally restless heart became more and more irritable.

"I'm curious as to how you are going to convince Mu Wen Li?" Mu Chenxing asked curiously.

"Her surname is Mu, so she has to listen to her grandfather's words. She can only marry whoever her grandfather tells her to marry!" Li Mengluo said this with confidence.

I believe Mu Chenyu and Mu Kuiyuan know how important Soya is to the current Mu family, so Mu Wen Li can be considered to be of some use to the Mu family this time.


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