Wednesday, December 6, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 57 - DNA test of Lu Xue and Wen Li (Birth Secret)

 The original arrangement was for Wen Li to apologize to Professor Lei in front of everyone, and the matter would be over. However, the school leaders and the Mu family never expected that Wen Li would be able to use the destroyed video.

And she was able to hack into the campus network and show the video for everyone to watch. During this period, she didn't tell anyone about her plan.

Wen Li's series of operations has also called for a huge reversal in the school forum. In addition, Professor Lei Yuan also showed his attitude. The school leaders can no longer cause any trouble for Wen Li.

Li Mengluo finally found Wen Li on the edge of the sports field, half an hour later.

"Mu Wenli!" Li Mengluo shouted loudly, attracting the attention of people in groups on the edge of the sports field.

Wen Li, who was taking a nap under a tree, opened her eyes a little and saw Li Mengluo angrily running up to her.

"You come home with me right now!"

The person under the tree turned over and paid no attention to her.

When Li Mengluo saw this, she reached out to take her hand, but she kicked a heavy object under her feet, and the tip of her toe on her high-heeled sandals was hit hard

"Oh my goodness!"

The pain of split nails made her fall to the ground. Cold sweat broke out on Li Mengluo's forehead. When she lowered her head to check, she saw the black spherical object in front of her.

After seeing clearly what it was, her face became even paler.

"My feet!" Li Mengluo didn't dare to touch her feet.

Because of the toe kick just now, the nails and flesh were separated, and the flesh that was broken and turned out was stained with blood.

They say that fingers connect to the heart, but if your toes are really touched, the pain will be excruciating.

"You should be familiar with this thing." Wen Li said, moving her feet and gently kicking the iron ball out.

Li Mengluo stopped shouting and looked away, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You are very smart. You chose a bush where there are no surveillance cameras to set up the machine and with the power of the machine you projected the iron ball. Your fingerprints were not left on it. Even if we wanted to trace it, we couldn't find it on you."

The iron ball weighs one kilogram and is extremely destructive when thrown by a machine.

"What story are you making up? Why did I mess it up? Don't think that you can wrongly accuse good people if you restore the video." Li Mengluo denied it.

Anyway, the evidence has been destroyed. How could anyone find out? This dead woman must be defrauding her.

There is no way to get her to admit it.

Wen Li glanced at her and had no intention of arguing with her.

"If you don't have evidence, don't talk nonsense!" Li Mengluo sounded quite confident.

Anyway, she had already destroyed the throwing machine, and no one saw that she had done it, so she didn't believe it could be traced to her.

"The cameras near the Science and Technology Museum didn't capture you. It doesn't mean that the cameras elsewhere didn't capture you. If you have this time to keep an eye on me, why not go and see if you have been watched." Wen Li said and rolled over.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Li Mengluo's expression changed, and she limped away regardless of the pain in her toes.

Lei Yuan has already given a response. Even if the school fails to find the culprit, it will definitely try its best. She has reminded them that how to explain to Lei Yuan is their own business.

There are a total of five football fields in the entire USTC, which are paved with red and green plastic. Maple and ginkgo trees are planted on the edge of the field. This season, the branches are lush and form a shady area around the field.

College students in twos and threes shuttle back and forth between the field and the library holding books. You can see energetic boys sweating on the court.

This age group has troubles that are different from ordinary people, but also has its own charm and youthful memories.

For students of USTC, being admitted here is the beginning of their pride, and being able to successfully graduate from here and find a good job is another beginning.

But for some of them, this is just a good place to cope with their families. However, there are also children who are striving to make progress and enter this place with dreams in mind, eager to make great achievements.

When people are frantically searching for Wen Li, she is still asleep on the tree trunk.

The sound of players playing and shouting on the football field could not wake her up from her dream. This place was the most suitable place to sleep.

Following the directions given by all the witnesses, people arrived at the No. 1 football field. Four people dispersed at the entrance to search.

"Didn't that person just now say he saw Mu Wen Li here? Did this person disappear all of a sudden?"

"Who knows, the school is so big, she probably went somewhere else."

Two boys wearing black striped short-sleeves walked under the tree. They were both about the same height and looked about 178. They were dressed very plainly and simply, just like ordinary college students. Their appearance was not outstanding, their skin was quite white, and they looked delicate and clean.

One was wearing glasses and the other one is not wearing glasses.

The two boys were searching very seriously, and they would lower their heads to check on the ground from time to time. They always took this sneaky movement as if they were looking for money that fell on the ground rather than looking for someone.

"Why don't we stop looking for her? I'm a little hungry. Let's go to the cafeteria to eat first. Today, the third cafeteria is making braised lion's head and soy sauce beef." The tall and thin boy on the left stopped and spoke.

The boy wearing black-rimmed glasses who was trying to keep his eyes wide open looked back and glared at him, "You know how to eat. The president just said that you must find Mu Wen Li."

The boy who clamored for a braised lion's head drooped his head upon hearing this, like an eggplant beaten by frost. He picked up a branch from the side, squatted on the ground, and started drawing circles.

"Even if we find Mu Wen Li, given those wealthy personalities, she probably won't agree to join us."

To be honest, the strength of their association was average, and the best result they got from participating in all kinds of competitions in the past two years was that they got the third prize, and the rest are not impressive at all.

Compared with those IT masters who were superb when they were students, they really have no advantage at all.

If it weren't for the money provided by the president's family, this association would have been disbanded long ago. How can we convince people to join them?

"Don't be discouraged. If we talk about it carefully, we might be able to persuade her."

"But I heard that Mu Wen Li's personality is not very good. Maybe she is not easy to get along with. Don't rich people see people through their nostrils? Can she agree to us?" The thin boy said and looked up at his companion. 

When he said this, the man with glasses didn't know how to answer for a while. None of them had ever been in contact with Mu Wen Li.

"Besides, Mu Chenxing also has his own team. Mu Wen Li's best choice is Mu Chenxing." 

Mu Chenxing is Mu Wen Li's younger brother, so it would be better to choose her brother's team to join.

All in all, the possibility of their team being able to recruit Mu Wen Li to join them was basically zero.

"I heard that Mu Chenxing doesn't like Mu Wen Li very much. Maybe it's because they didn't grow up together. If it's true as the forum said, Mu Chenxing and Mu Wen Li are not close, there is a chance that they can still be separated.


There was the sound of leaves colliding and shaking above the two of them, and then a figure jumped down and directly landed between them.

Seeing the figure that suddenly fell, the two boys took a step back in unison.

Wen Li patted the dust on her body gently and glanced at the two of them.

She was quite curious as to how these two people planned to drive a wedge between her and Mu Chenxing.

"You, you, you..." The thin man who was almost hit raised his hand and pointed at her, with a horrified look on his face, "Why are you in the tree?"

This person suddenly jumped down from the tree. Oh my God, he was scared to death.

The man with glasses squinted hard to confirm that he was right, this seemed to be Mu Wen Li.

"You are Mu Wen Li."

The thin brother blinked and grabbed his hand, "Are you sure?"

"There are photos on the forum."

Moreover, people who have met Mu Wen Li on the forum say that Mu Wen Li is very beautiful, with a clear temperament and charming movements. The girl in front of them fits all their descriptions.

What's more important is that even though we searched the entire University of Science and Technology, we couldn't find a face like this. It must be Mu Wen Li.

"Hello, I am Fang Qing from the Dream Association." The little brother wearing glasses stretched out his hand.

"I am Tong Lin'an."

The two of them looked at the girl in front of them, and a blush appeared on their faces. Those eyes made people dare not look directly.

Wen Li glanced at the two people's outstretched hands and did not respond.

"You disturbed my sleep."

Hearing the accusation from the person in front of him, Fang Qing looked up at the ginkgo tree in front of him that had been growing for decades.

"You... are sleeping up there?" He raised his hand and pointed in disbelief.

This is not a joke, no one dares to sleep on a tree. This is a martial arts master from which dynasty who traveled through time to sleep on a tree.

"What do you want from me?" She looked at the person in front of her.

When she closed her eyes just now, she heard the words of the two people. These two people wanted to persuade her to join some association.

"That's it, we hope you can join our association..." Fang Qing stood upright and spoke out his demands in a precise manner.

"Not interested." Wen Li refused in one word.

Fang Qing went up to lobby hard, and Tong Lin'an hurried over there to find the president. Their president would definitely be able to convince Wen Li.

"Student Mu, let me tell you about our association. Our association was founded two years ago. There are four people in total. They are all students from the School of Computer Science. They specialize in the field of Internet security. They have also participated in various competitions in the past two years."

Fang Qing worked hard to start marketing, listing the benefits of joining the association one by one. He talked a lot and seemed to be trying to attract Wen Li to join the group.

There happened to be three chairs under the tree where Wen Li slept. She chose the one closest to her and sat down. As soon as she sat down, her feet stepped on a branch.

She looked down and saw the pattern outlined in the bare lawn.

A small computer drawing with ISC written in letters next to it.

Global Cyber ​​Security Association.

"Our situation is like this, do you want to think about it?" Fang Qing finished speaking in one breath, rubbing his hands secretly and looking at her.

"Not interested"

It was still three words, and the rejection was not sloppy at all.

Of course, Fang Qing also knew that Mu Wen Li, was not easily impressed, but there was nothing he could do.

Soon Tong Lin'an came back with a boy and a girl. Compared with the boy who followed him, Tong Lin'an was shorter.

The boy who came was tall, with healthy wheat-colored skin. He wore the same striped short-sleeves as the two of them. He had a handsome face and was a sunny and handsome type.

"President, you are finally here." Fang Qing threw himself back into Tong Lin'an's arms.

This person is too difficult to get along with, and he feels like she should not be approached by strangers. She is obviously a little girl of the same age as them, why is it so difficult to speak.

Tong Lin'an patted his back gently to show encouragement.

"Hello, I am Tang Xiao, the president of the Dream Association."

The outstretched hand has clear joints and slender fingers. He also wears a black watch on his wrist. His short hair is neat and clean without any impurities.

In short, he has everything a young man should look like.

"Mu Wen Li." Wen Li announced her name as a response.

Tang Xiao retracted his hand, there was no trace of embarrassment on his face, instead, he looked calm and generous.

"We would like to invite you to join our association."

Compared with Fang Qing's long speech, Tang Xiao was much more direct, stating his purpose clearly, without any evasion, concisely and clearly.

"Reason." Wen Li looked at several people and spoke.

Fang Qing puffed up his cheeks. He had just said so much, but all he got was two disinterests. Why did the captain come and give him different words?

"Our team participates in various competitions every year. I saw your performance in the Science and Technology Museum today. You are the talent we need."

In fact, Tong Lin'an had objections. On the school forum, he half believed Mu Wen Li's attack on the campus network. There were many people who objected and said that she was bragging.

There are also a small number of people who believe it, for example, they are that small number.

Just like their president, he felt that even if Mu Wen Li didn't enter the campus network for five seconds, he was at least a serious master.

It would be even more powerful if such talents could join their team.

"What conditions do you have to recruit me?" Wen Li sat on the stone chair with her chin in he hand, looking at them leisurely.

Everyone was stunned. They all knew that Mu Wen Li was from the Mu family, which had an unshakeable position in the field of high-tech.

One thing about having strong financial resources is that Mu Chenxing also has a club.

"I just said there's nothing we can do, so let's go." The little girl following Tang Xiao reached out and tugged on his sleeves.

She has short, ear-length hair, and a round face underneath, but a petite figure. She looks like a cute and lively girl.

"You can make your own terms." Tang Xiao was unmoved.

"It is true that we cannot bring you good resources like other clubs in the school and how much your monthly income can reach, but we can give you the greatest resources. Joining us will not make you restricted." Fang Qing spoke on the side.

This was discussed when we arrived.

USTC encourages students to engage in independent innovation. There are forty or fifty large and small online clubs in the entire Computer Science Department alone. They participate in competitions on campus every year, and then represent USTC in national competitions after deciding the winner.

How many teams have taken home trophies one after another, and these members, with these honors, have become more and more valuable, and have already received offers from major companies before they graduated.

Therefore, many newly admitted students with some abilities will be poached by clubs at high prices. Some teams organized by children from rich families are naturally not short of money.

Mu Chenxing is a typical example.

Noticing Tang Xiao's expression, Fang Qing raised his hand and dragged the two of them away. There was no way they could persuade Mu Wen Li.

But if Tang Xiao talks to her, the possibility will become very high.

"I have read reports about you. You are the lost daughter of the Mu family. The entire Mu family doesn't seem to care about you that much. Even Mu Chenxing has never called you sister." Tang Xiao paid attention to the woman in front of him as he spoke. 

But she didn't seem to care very much. If other people heard this, they would at least be sad, but she didn't care.

"All the children in the Mu family are excellent. In a family like that, if you don't think of ways to make yourself outstanding, it will be easy for others to ignore you. Besides, don't you want to show Mu Chenxing how good you are?"

Tang Xiao's words were persuasive, poking into people's hearts step by step.

Wen Li nodded as if she understood what he said, and raised her eyes to look at the young man in front of her, his eyes level, even though she was sitting on a chair and not at the same height as the person in front of her.

But when they looked at each other, there was no feeling of inferiority at all. Tang Xiao could even see her disdain in those light-colored eyes.

"You must have a grudge against Mu Chenxing."

A very definite word.

A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the young man in front of her, and Wen Li laughed out loud. It had been a long time since she had dealt with such a simple person.

But not all people in this school were those who worshiped others. At least the people she met along the way were not harsh or mean to her, that is, these few people.

"Yes, I did have issues with Mu Chenxing, but that doesn't make me invite you. I'm a very rational person who knows what's important. The campus network security competition is about to begin. Our club still needs one person."

Originally, they had been searching for a long time in the school, and those who wanted to come were incapable, and those who were capable were recruited away by several big clubs.

At present, Mu Wen Li is the most suitable one. She is in the Mu family. She is not short of money and may not put forward very harsh conditions. In addition, this person does not seem to be difficult to get along with. More importantly, her professional level is excellent. 

Maybe even more powerful than Mu Chenxing and Mu Nuanxi.

"This is my business card. If you think about it, just call me. I'll be waiting for you at any time." Tang Xiao gave her enough time to think.

After saying this, Tang Xiao walked towards the three people waiting for him in the distance. After listening to his story, the young man blushed with excitement. The little girl also jumped up and gave him a high-five, looking very energetic.

Wen Li lowered his head and glanced at the business card in his hand. She hadn't agreed yet, so why were they so excited?

What she stepped on was the simple computer drawing drawn by Tong Lin'an just now.


News soon came from the Red Mansion that Old Bu, who had been traveling, was back. Lou Qing called her as soon as Old Bu came back.

Fei Ran personally came to take her to Nan's house this time. After she rejected Lu Min, Fu Yuxiu also obediently removed the people who were protecting her.

According to Wen Li's request, Fei Ran still stopped the car when he arrived at the antique market and asked people to get out.

This place is a mixed place with dragons and snakes. It is very close to Seeking Jade Relic but the two places are worlds apart.

Fei Ran sat in the car and waited quietly. He glanced sideways at the sign at the antique market and wondered why Miss Mu, a young girl, liked to go to the antique market.

But I have to admit that her vision is really good.

It was still a bar open during the day, and it was still crowded. When Wen Li opened the door and walked in, he saw Lou Qing bartending at the bar and Lao Bu sitting at the edge of the bar waiting for a drink.

Old Bu is forty years old this year. He is of medium height and slightly fat. His most distinctive feature is his beard. His eyes are a bit small and look like two rat beans on his face.

But Old Bu is indeed a talented person, with a doctorate in pharmacy. He works under Wen Li and is responsible for disposing of the incomplete medicines that failed in her experiments. From time to time, he also helps Wen Li.

After Wen Li closed the research institute, Old Bu had nothing to do. He had been traveling in the past two years and would not return unless something important happened.

Seeing the girl entering the door, Old Bu put down the cup in his hand and stepped forward to salute respectfully.


Wen Li sat down next to him. Old Bu moved back and sat on the chair in a standard manner.

"Don't be so formal. I just want to ask you something." Wen Li put his hands on the glass table and pulled out a grape from the fruit plate.

Lou Qing placed the prepared cocktail in front of the two of them, "I just asked Old Bu and there was nothing left during his processing."

"Yes, Miss, I destroyed every medicine according to strict guidelines." Old Bu explained immediately.

Some of the defective products from Wen Li's failed experiments were poisonous, so the methods of destruction were also different.

"Are you sure the inspection is clean and there are no flaws?" Wen Li bit down on the strawberry on her fork.

Lou Qing looked at Wen Li and then at Old Bu beside him.

"I am sure……"

The hand wipe on Wen Li's hand flew out and hit the chair between Old Bu's legs.

"Think carefully and don't miss it."

Lou Qing could visibly see the sweat on Old Bu's forehead, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"I was wrong..." For two seconds, Old Bu knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, "At that time, the lady said that the batch of toxins needed to be disposed of, so I thought you wouldn't need it anyway, so I sold two bottles."

Lou Qing put his head on his forehead and closed his eyes, feeling a little resentful that iron could not become steel. "Old Bu, how can you do such a thing? Wen Li didn't give you less money. What's wrong with you?"

"The lady was very kind to me. It was me. I got addicted to gambling and lost all my money. The price offered by the other party was very attractive, so I agreed. I was also confused for a moment." 

"Miss, I know I was wrong. I really know I was wrong, miss!"

The girl whose trouser leg was pulled was unmoved at all and took a sip of the blue cocktail.

"Old Bu, who did you sell to?"

Two bottles were sold, so if the name of the lab is still attached to it, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble if it really makes a big mess.

"A pharmaceutical research center, two bottles for $50 million."

As Lao Bu said this, he could already feel the chill all over his body, crossing the black-and-white lines. I am afraid that no one knows about the pharmaceutical research laboratory code-named "Qi".

The drugs studied are never sold on the market and only serve specialized institutions and personnel.

The pharmacist "Li" has the reputation of the god of medicine, with a prominent reputation that shocks both right and wrong paths.

"Which pharmaceutical center?!" Lou Qing continued to ask.

Old Bu lowered his head and thought for a moment, then answered honestly, "ASI."

A typical pharmaceutical research center is not as famous as the pharmacist "Li", but it is still quite famous.

"I will immediately arrange for someone to go over to negotiate and confirm the subsequent flow of toxins."

"No need, arrange for someone to buy the latest poison from them and deliver it in two days." Wen Li said, interrupting Lou Qing's liaison movements.

It is now certain that the poison in Fu Yuxiu's body was the poison that leaked out from her.

ASI has made the latest poisons based on her toxins and is making profits from these poisons.

The more important point is that 80% of ASI's business is in Continent D, where wars are ongoing. If this poison is used by the commander of any party and used in the war, I am afraid things will not end so well. 

"Don't worry, they also know that this toxin belongs to you, so they won't be so bold as to do whatever they want."

Although no one on the entire road has seen the pharmacist "Li", everyone knows that there is a huge organization behind this laboratory.

ASI is not so bold as to gamble the entire institution.

Lou Qing glanced at Old Bu who was kneeling on the ground. After spending so many years with Wen Li, no one understood Wen Li's temperament better than him.

The same is true for Old Bu. When working under her hand, you must obey orders absolutely and must not violate the rules.

Especially things like betraying the master, I'm afraid Wen Li wouldn't tolerate it.

"Miss, I know I was wrong. I really know I was wrong..." Old Bu knelt on the ground, trembling and confessing.

Wen Li looked at the blue cocktail in the cup with a distant look, "Old Bu, how did we meet?"

The man kneeling on the ground was stunned, and his eyes were red.

"In Continent S, I accidentally entered the war zone and was hit by a stray bullet. When I was about to be dragged away by wild wolves, you saved me..."

He once wanted to be a doctor without borders, saving lives and healing the wounded, so he did not hesitate to cross the safe zone to the war-torn S continent. Along the way, he saved many people, and he also saw civilians who were bombed and cities that were destroyed and trampled. 

But if Wen Li hadn't saved his life, he would have died on the battlefield in a foreign country.

"You have been with me for so long and you know what my rules are. Do you want to do it yourself, or do they need to help you?"

Old Bu lowered his head. He thought of the past, when Wen Li, who rescued him, also spoke like this without emotion.

But that fifteen-year-old girl saved his life and took him by her side. Year after year, he gave his wandering heart a sense of belonging for the first time.

The people hiding in the dark were already ready to make a move. The hall had not dealt with rebels for a long time. It seemed that they smelled blood, which made them particularly excited.

"I broke the rules, and I am willing to accept any punishment." Old Bu knelt on the ground, his hands hanging down by his sides, standing straight and stiff.

Lou Qing closed his eyes, and the people hiding in the darkness rushed out. A ray of silver light passed by, and he could actually smell the fishy-sweet smell in the air.

Old Bu looked at his left hand which had been cut off with some disbelief and screamed out from the huge pain.

"From today on, there will be no relationship between us. Everything in the laboratory will be wiped clean from your mind." Wen Li looked at the person on the ground.

Old Bu's body trembled and he forced himself to kneel up. His mouth was already bleeding from his teeth, and he struggled to say a complete sentence.

"Thank you, Miss, for not killing me, and thank you for saving my life back then. Please take more care of yourself in the future..."

Old Bu was quickly taken out of the room, and the person responsible for cleaning moved quickly. In an instant, the ground was as clean as new, as if the scene just now had never happened.

"Old Bu has been with you for several years, and he made this mistake in a moment of confusion. He is not bad at heart." Lou Qing sighed.

"That's why I spared his life."

Knowing what she was thinking, Lou Qing also understood that no one could violate the rules set by Wen Li back then. Old Bu had no bad intentions and never thought of hurting Wen Li, so the result was good.

"This is not your fault. It's not too late to know now. Negotiate with ASI and ask them to stop selling."

The rules set by Wen Li back then were clear. The whole world was raging with war, and all the toxins in the laboratory were not allowed to be sold. The fear was that they would be used in war and harm the lives of innocent people.

If Old Bu does this, he is afraid of endless troubles.

"It's my fault if I don't know how to recognize and employ people."

Lou Qing also knew that she had a stubborn temper, so he didn't try to persuade her.

"By the way, the DNA test results you mentioned last time are out." Lou Qing handed her the sealed document bag.

Wen Li took the document and opened it. The identification result column at the bottom clearly showed that she and Lu Xue were biological mother and daughter.

"This is the second one, and the speed is getting faster every time, but are you really Lu Xue's biological daughter?" Lou Qing was suspicious.

Wen Li and Lu Xue were not even remotely similar, but the DNA test results proved this result.

"Then what's going on in my dream..." Wen Li murmured.

That dream full of scarlet blood didn't seem fake, it seemed like she had really experienced it.

"That's just a dream." Lou Qing reiterated.

They did two DNA tests with Lu Xue, and the results were always the same. Although Lou Qing had doubts, there was nothing he could do.

"I am certain that she is not my mother, and I am also certain that the Mu family has nothing to do with me." Wen Li gave a very positive answer.

"Then how do you explain this? This DNA test cannot be fake, right?"

It was as if something flashed through Wen Li's mind, "Reopen the laboratory and give me two more experiments."

No matter what, she must understand the problem that has troubled her for fifteen years and must find the answer.


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