Tuesday, December 5, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 56 - One Minute to Restore the Video, Five Seconds to Attack (Face Slap #3)

 At the beginning of the event, the vice-principal sat at a table covered with white tablecloth. There were seven seats on the stage. The vice-principal was in the middle. There were four or five microphones in front of him. Next to him sat the department head and other members of the school's leadership team. 

In the middle of the audience, Professor Lei was sitting on a soft chair. He was wearing a smoky gray suit. The cuffs and collar were worn to a certain extent. He looked old. Compared to those glamorous and successful people, the old man was more unpretentious.

His short gray hair is neatly combed, and his black glasses have thick lenses. He is already over seventy years old, but he is still very energetic. His face is full of fine lines. Perhaps because he has been in the laboratory all year round, his complexion is whiter than others. 

Mu Nuanxi changed places with the teacher next to her and sat down next to Professor Lei.

"Thank you all for coming here. At this reception, we will explain the broken exhibits on campus. It is a pity that Professor Lei's latest work was damaged due to our negligence. Here again, we express our deep regret...."

The vice-principal read along the words on the manuscript with great emotion.

Mu Nuanxi leaned over and greeted Professor Lei next to her, "Hello, Professor Lei."

Lei Yuan nodded slightly, and he naturally knew that this was Mu Nuanxi, who is now a counselor at the School of Computer Science and the eldest daughter of the Mu family.

"Professor Lei, the person who ruined your work is my sister. I originally wanted to take her to your door to apologize to you in person, but the principal said that you don't see people easily, so it was postponed until today."

Seeing that Lei Yuan had no intention of speaking, Mu Nuanxi continued, "She will apologize to you later. I hope you can forgive her."

"Apologise, here?" Lei Yuan said and looked at the crowd of people around him.

The teacher next to him came over and whispered, "I wanted to tell you just now, but there were too many people around you."

In a moment, Wen Li will apologize to Professor Lei in front of everyone, which would bring an end to this matter, but Professor Lei himself didn't know.

If the principal hadn't come to ask for help three times, Professor Lei wouldn't have come. He never liked crowded places, especially in public in front of the camera.

"Still a little girl but apologizing in front of so many people." Lei Yuan frowned.

The school did this a bit unkindly.

Li Mengluo came to Wen Li with a lollipop in her mouth and said impatiently, "Sister asked me to come over and take you there. Come with me quickly."

Wen Li stood up straight and followed her to a position near the front of the podium. From this position, she could see the entire venue clearly.

Naturally, she can be seen clearly by the people around her. As soon as they saw that face, many people confirmed that it was Mu Wen Li.

"You guys see if that's Mu Wen Li."

The crowd suddenly began to have a commotion, and the lively atmosphere even overshadowed the principal who was speaking affectionately.

"She is really beautiful. I thought Mu Nuanxi was already pretty, but I didn't expect her sister to be even more stunning. Look at that face."

"What's the use? It's just an embroidered pillow and a bag of straw. It's worse than a vase."

There were many people watching the excitement. Seeing this, Director Li winked at the vice principal.

Lei Yuan was also attracted by the commotion in the crowd. He looked up and saw the girl standing not far from him.

She was leaning on a white square pillar on the side, wearing simple short-sleeved jeans. Just like an ordinary college student, her delicate face was extremely attractive. As she moved, her enchanting face became more intuitive. 

She is indeed a stunning beauty.

"Next ......"


All the LCD screens in the Science and Technology Museum flashed in unison. A total of five LCD screens were installed in the entire hall of the Science and Technology Museum, each with its own function depending on its placement.

At the top of the podium, there was a display screen that occupied half of the wall and was suspended in mid-air. It started to play after a flash of electricity.

"Look!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

The same video is playing on all the display screens in the entire science and technology museum. Both the picture quality and smoothness are extremely high.

Mu Chenxing and Pu Xi looked up and clearly saw the content of the video.

"This is a surveillance video from the exhibition hall!" Mu Nuanxi said in surprise.

The female curator and the department head were almost crazy with fear. They hurriedly found the main switch and recreated the situation that day in front of so many people.

Doesn't this make it clear that Wen Li is not the culprit, but someone else is the culprit?

"Where is the switch? Find it quickly!"

Lei Yuan stood up and looked up at the content on the display screen. The video was very short, one minute was enough to display it. Although Wen Li was standing in front of the exhibition cabinet that day, she was standing outside the red-line safety area.

There was no possibility of contact. The iron ball flying out from behind her hit the glass cabinet, causing the exhibit to break.

"What's going on? Hasn't the video been deleted?! Why does it appear here?" the vice principal yelled at the people around him in a low voice.

"I don't know, I've obviously watched them destroy it." The dean's voice was softer, and his face turned red with impatience.

Who knows how this video appeared.

"What's going on? It's said that Mu Wen Li broke it, but she didn't touch the display cabinet in the video!"

"Yes, didn't you say that Wen Li broke it on purpose? She was so far away, did she break it with her mind?"

Fans of Professor Lei who were waiting aside were also stunned. This video clearly shows what happened that day. There is no more direct evidence than this.

The crowd was already in chaos. By the time the curator cut off the power supply, the video had been played several times, and people who didn't want to see it could clearly see it.

Mu Nuanxi looked at Wen Li subconsciously. For some reason, she had a strong feeling in her heart that this matter must be related to Wen Li.

Under her gaze, Wen Li stepped onto the podium in two steps, walked to the vice principal's side in a leisurely manner, and took a microphone from him.

"What are you going to do?"

In front of everyone, everyone looked at the girl who stood on the stage and became the target of public criticism.

"The video has shown what happened that day. Find the culprit by yourself. With all this fancy time you spared, the culprit should already have been found." Wen Li glanced at the surrounding cameras.

There was no lengthy explanation, nor was she crying bitterly about being wronged. She explained the matter in just one sentence.

"Since you didn't do it, why haven't you explained!!" Someone from the crowd yelled.

Some people are like this. Even if the truth is revealed to others, they still only want to believe what they want to believe.

“Yes, we have the right to question the authenticity of this video!”

Wen Li raised her hand and rubbed her ears impatiently, "The school said that the surveillance camera was automatically destroyed after the time. It took a while to restore it, and it didn't have the school's management rights. It also took a while to upload, so it was a bit slow."

The vice-principal suddenly jumped up, "It's actually the video you restored!!"

Everyone present widened their eyes in surprise. Ningzhou University of Science and Technology is considered cutting-edge in the field of Internet technology. Although it is not as good as the Imperial Capital, it is also on the list in the entire G country.

The school's network infrastructure was built by famous teachers. If a destroyed video was deleted, it could not be easily restored by rewriting the program. What's more, she was able to avoid detection by the school's equipment and directly upload the video to the Science and Technology Museum.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

"You're lying. Just how can you restore the video and put it into the school network? You may not be able to do it even if you give it decades!" A student from the School of Computer Science stood up and questioned.

This is simply an insult to USTC, especially to their computer science department.

Wen Li explained to him with great interest, "It did take me a long time. It took one minute to restore and five seconds to upload."

This is true, but the defense system of the USTC is really worthy of praise.

Is this what people say? Although many students question the authenticity, the ability to restore videos that have been destroyed by the system is already beyond the reach of all of them.

Not to mention that she can avoid the defense system and directly enter the network system of the science and technology museum.

They obviously came here to see Mu Wen Li become a joke, so how could they be despised for no reason.

Mu Nuanxi raised her eyebrows. This situation is now more difficult to solve than before. I wonder what the principal will say in the meeting later.

Wen Li was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, threw the microphone in her hand back on the table, and slowly walked off the stage to leave.

"Wait, you can't leave!" The female curator was furious and wanted to chase after her.

"Catch her and don't let her go! Security!!" the department head yelled.

Mu Wen Li slapped them hard in front of everyone, how could they let her leave so easily.

"Vice Principal Lin." Lei Yuan, who had been silent until now, spoke out.

Vice Principal Lin heard his voice and hurriedly got off the stage, "Mr. Lei, we can explain this matter."

Lei Yuan waved his hand, "Everyone has deep feelings for their own works. I do regret my hard work, but I am not an indiscriminate person. I hope the school can handle it fairly and not wrongly accuse good people."

The noisy curator and department head were pulled back. The protagonist said so, so what reason could they have to cause trouble.

"Yes, we must deal with it seriously and find the culprit who destroyed your work."

Pu Xi was stunned in place. As a person who studied computer programming, he certainly knew how difficult it was to restore videos.

Mu Wen Li actually has such an ability.

"I can't find anyone in Ningzhou who can break into the USTC system. The little girl is very powerful and a talent." Lei Yuan's words were neither light nor serious, even with some praise.

His words also successfully stunned everyone present.

Even Professor Lei admitted that Mu Wen Li was really powerful.

Li Mengluo ran to Mu Nuanxi with an unwilling expression on her face, "Sister, what should we do now?"

Mu Nuanxi took a deep breath to calm down her restless mind, "I still have to stay and deal with the rest of the matter. You should follow Wen Li to check on her. It's best to bring her back."

"I don't want to go." Li Mengluo muttered in refusal.

"Hurry up and get there!" Mu Nuanxi couldn't help but raise her voice.

The originally gentle sister changed her demeanor, and Li Mengluo was so frightened that she hurriedly ran out of the hall.

Mu Chenxing kicked the chair next to him, and his face changed with anger. Mu Wen Li could hide so well.

She has been lying to people since she entered the Mu family. She clearly knows that the three siblings are all studying computer programming, and Mu Chenyu specializes in energy.

As a result, she hid her good skills and watched them show off with cold eyes.

Mu Chenxing felt like he had been tricked.

"Your second sister is very powerful. She is not simple since she can open Violet Jade. I didn't expect her to be so complicated. The best programmer in your Mu family is probably not as good as her." Pu Xi looked at Mu Wen Li. 

The Mu family really picked up a good treasure.

"It's a little trick, you think there is no one in our Mu family. Any Mu family's programmer you can find is better than her."

"That's right. Two of the top ten hackers on the hacker rankings work for the Mu family. It's natural for you to look down on her."

"I have to go back and say it properly in front of Grandpa." Mu Chenxing gritted his teeth.

When Mu Wen Li made such a fuss today, she got into the limelight, and she also slapped the school leaders and Mr. Mu hard. After all, the old man also agreed to let Mu Wen Li be the scapegoat.

She is throwing everyone's faces on the ground and stepping on them.


The video was also uploaded to the school forum. At this moment, everyone was quarreling on the floor. Some were scolding the school for its inaction, but a very small number of people still insisted on their original views.

Wen Li's attack on the school's network system was also uploaded. Many people were skeptical about this good-for-nothing second daughter of the Mu family.

It takes one minute to restore the video and five seconds to enter the campus network.

She would be bragging about her reputation. If it were any other school, she would be able to brag about it, but this is the University of Science and Technology of China.

With the best network security system in the entire G country, how could it be attacked so easily?

For a while, there were a lot of curses on the forum, clamoring for Wen Li to participate in the network security competition held at the school a few days ago. Only official certification can prove her boast.

But also because of Professor Lei's words, a small number of people supported Wen Li.

However, all these disturbances had nothing to do with Wen Li, who liked purity. After coming out of the Science and Technology Museum, she planned to find a place to eat.

As soon as she arrived at the small garden beside the artificial lake next to the Science and Technology Museum, Wen Li heard a series of footsteps following closely behind her.

It was very hurried. The footsteps seemed to be those of a boy. The steps were heavy.

She turned around and saw the person walking out of the tree-lined path. After the person saw clearly the appearance of the person in front of him, his eyes were dull for a long time and quickly turned into a state of ecstasy.

"Boss! "

The visitor quickly knelt down on one knee in front of Wen Li and saluted.

Wen Li sat on the stone chair and looked at the inconspicuous tattoos on the sleeves of the person in front of him. "You came very quickly. Who contacted you."

The man's back was stiff, "It's Boss Shi."

Wen Li raised her hand to her forehead. Ever since she entered Ningzhou, Su Jingjing has been receiving news continuously. Shi Yi wanted to strangle Su Jingjing to death, but he could not get any news out of Su Jingjing's mouth, but Wen Li didn't expect these people to move so fast.

"Why are you here?"

"Boss Shi said to let us protect your safety at USTC."

Wen Li was so angry at these words that she had a headache. This Shi Yi had never given up looking for her in the past few years. It was rare that she arrived at Ningzhou, so he would definitely not let her go.

The entire G country Jiangbei district is within his sphere of influence, according to the management system she laid out before, and she has no intention of hiding her traces.

It was not difficult for Shi Yi to find her, but it was just the difference between having a heart and not having a mind.

However, this person is really persistent.

"You should get up first." Wen Li rubbed her temples and said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Xia Chen." The boy's eyes sparkled when he looked at Wen Li.

This is the boss, the big boss of their Evans. She established the world's largest mercenary organization at the age of fourteen. In two years, Evans' popularity was raised to an unprecedented level. She ended the civil strife in continent S in one fell swoop and allowed Evans to remain in power. 

The leader of the organization is "Wen", and her personal record is still outstanding. She has never failed in any assassination or commissioned task.

If she hadn't quit the organization due to injury and handed over the leadership position to others, they would have met Evans as soon as he joined, a figure who was enough to be worshiped as a god.

But he didn't expect that she was such a beautiful girl, and she was similar to him in age.

Suddenly he felt ashamed.

"How old are you this year?" Wen Li looked at the boy in front of her.

Xia Chen lowered his head and said, "Eighteen years old."

After knowing that Wen Li was enrolled in school, Boss Shi selected a few of them and sent them to the University of Science and Technology in order to be able to protect Wen Li's safety by her side.

But looking at today's situation, the boss doesn't need their protection.

"Take your people back and ask Shi Yi to come over to see me tomorrow."

Xia Chen nodded obediently and retreated. Perhaps in the eyes of the boss, they were a burden.

Even a little girl of the same age as him is completely different from him. Evans' first rule is that the commander's orders must be obeyed unconditionally without question.

When Xia Chen left the small garden, he was so excited that he wanted to shout to the sky. He could guarantee that he was the first person sent to USTC to see the boss.

Boss Shi didn't give them any photos of "Wen". He only knew about Wen Li's past achievements and training records, as well as what he heard from some old members.

He has absolutely never seen what she looked like.

But Xia Chen has collected all the information about Wen Li in Evans. He is a proper little fanboy and is absolutely keen on his idol.

He was just guessing earlier, but he soon found Ms. Su's contact from the communication amplitude provided by Boss Shi, and was able to connect it to the communication equipment on Wen Li.

This must be the boss.


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