Monday, December 11, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 62 - Mushi and Soya Reach Cooperation

 Fei Ran and Lu Min never imagined that their young master would start acting coquettishly and pretending to be pitiful the moment he found Miss Mu, and he was getting better and better at playing this weak role.

Miss Mu's temperament is much colder than other girls, and she is not someone who will be soft-hearted casually, but their young master knows how to manipulate people's hearts very well.

If you know how to get close to her, no one will be wary of weak people. On the contrary, it will be more able to resonate with people's emotions.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening. Wen Li lowered her head and looked at the watch on her wrist.

The man in front of her was still holding onto the corner of her clothes. She turned around and took a look. After all, she was still at the entrance of the Imperial Seal. It was convenient to eat anything.

Isn't it just eating? He wants to eat ten cows.

"Isn't this a hotel restaurant? Let's go."

Let him finish the meal early and get the person to leave. It's almost time for her to go back and rest.

Nan Sheng came out of the hall just now and took everything in his eyes. He had known Wen Li since she was a child and knew what kind of temper this girl was like when she was a child.

Soft and waxy, very cute, sometimes a little confused and slow, but also very smart.

Compared with the cut girl when she was a child, Mu Wen Li now looks more indifferent and dismissive.

No matter who you face, it seems that there will be no more troubles. Fifteen years is really enough to change a person. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an earth-shaking change.

It didn't seem like a coincidence that Fu Yuxiu liked her. From what he knew about this man, the probability of love at first sight, a thing that only appeared in stories, happening to Fu Yuxiu was basically zero.

So, what exactly went wrong?

The most likely possibility is that Wen Li met Fu Yuxiu during the fifteen years she was wandering around.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this sinister and cruel man to become like this.

"It just so happens that I haven't eaten either, so let's go together." Nan Sheng walked up to the two of them and spoke unceremoniously.

Wen Li glanced sideways at him. At the party at the hot spring club, Nan Sheng was protective of her.

"Little Wen Li, you wouldn't refuse me, right?" Nan Sheng said with a wink.

Fei Ran and Lu Min both turned around, not looking at the dagger eyes of their young master.

Nan Sheng came over just now to add trouble. Is he not afraid that the young master would break his neck?

"Okay, let's get together." Wen Li nodded in agreement.

It’s not a big deal anyway, more people need more pairs of chopsticks.

"I don't agree." Fu Yuxiu spoke in her ear, his words full of dissatisfaction.

Wen Li glanced at him. The man's eyes were dark. The wind at the entrance of the hotel was still a bit strong. At this moment, the short hair on Fu Yuxiu's head was floating in the wind. He was very tall and held Wen Li's hand.

He lowered his head and spoke rather dissatisfiedly.

"Don't be so stingy. Little Wen Li and I have known each other since we were young, so we can be regarded as half-siblings. Besides, why don't I treat you?" Nan Sheng seemed to be doing it on purpose, and he approached Fu Yuxiu and said with a smile. 

Fu Yuxiu's eyes turned to him, his eyes were slightly cold, and there was a faint smile on his lips.

Lu Min's skin got goosebumps. The young master was about to get angry. Why did Nan Sheng still go over to pluck his hair out recklessly?

He definitely did it on purpose, definitely on purpose.

"Let's go." Wen Li turned around and went back.

Fu Yuxiu held her hand from behind and said suddenly, "I'm not hungry anymore."

Nan Sheng suppressed a smile. He wanted to see how Fu Yuxiu would explain it to Wen Li.

"Aren't you hungry?" Wen Li turned around and looked at the man who was standing still.

This person must have been here all night to cause trouble for her. He is not hungry anymore.

"Let's go and take you back."

Fu Yuxiu hugged her to the car. Nan Sheng stood alone at the door and laughed out loud. He said desperately, "Hey, I'm still hungry. You two don't care about me? Little Wen Li?"

"Fei Ran."

Hearing the man speak, Feiran used his backhand to pin Nan Sheng to the ground while he was still talking.

The man who was thrown heavily to the ground was not angry. Instead, he yelled, "Fei Ran, you are obviously very happy to watch, why did you throw me!"

As long as they saw Fu Yuxiu deflated, they all watched with great interest, and this man threw him to the ground with a backhand.

"The young master's orders." Fei Ran said without emotion.

"You all have no humanity." Nan Sheng covered his waist and stood up, "If something goes wrong with me, I will come to you tonight."

It's not good to move his waist if he falls, but it's very useful.

After such a night of trouble, Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu also embarked on their return journey. Xia Chen found the Hotel Apartment that Wen Li stayed in. He said it was the best in Ningzhou and the environment was quiet, which was very suitable for a boss like her who doesn't like to talk. 

The driver drove around and through the streets and alleys, moving quickly from places with many people to places with few people.

"Moved out of Mu's house?" Fu Yuxiu looked out the window and opened his mouth.

Wen Li, who was leaning back on the chair with her eyes closed, snorted as a response to him.

"Why?" the man asked happily.

Wen Li frowned, closed her eyes, and replied, "Too annoying."

Lu Min, who was in the passenger seat, didn't dare to look back. Their young master was usually a man of few words, but why did he seem to be a completely different person when he was in front of Miss Wen Li.

Could it be that the words are reversed and the two words Miss Wen Li just said that were too annoying, are referring to the young master?

Xia Chen also put a lot of effort into choosing a hotel, comparing various environmental factors before finally choosing one.

Of course, he adheres to the principle that the most expensive is definitely the best.

Wen Li stood in front of the pure white building, looking up at the three letters on the roof. She didn't need to bring luggage, she just received a message from Xia Chen in the morning.

The housekeeper stood waiting at the door. When he saw the car approaching, she walked forward politely and bowed slightly.

"Miss Mu, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The hotel has a pure rococo style. Most of the rooms have their own pool. From the huge window, you can see the entire river running through Ningzhou. At night, the riverside is brightly lit, which is particularly beautiful.

The place had been cleaned before Wen Li arrived, and Xia Chen also came in advance and bought all the daily necessities that should be arranged.

However, this place is expensive to live in. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is an apartment with a private butler. Clothing, food, housing, and transportation can be arranged properly. The restaurant downstairs is full of five-star chefs.

Life here does not have the atmosphere of fireworks, but it is most suitable for today's fast-paced young people.

"Ms. Mu, if you need anything, please ring the bell for me. We will come to your door every day to pick up a change of clothes. If you find it inconvenient, there is a washing machine in the house, you can use it by yourself. The cleaning of the room is based on your time. You can ring the bell if you need anything."

To put it bluntly, it's an all-in-one service.

The room is large, with two bedrooms and a living room, as well as a kitchen. When you open the glass door of the balcony, you will see the entire open-air swimming pool. The lights installed on both sides make the water clearer and cleaner.

"You go out first." Wen Li looked at the woman behind her.

The latter bowed politely and exited the room with a smile.

Fu Yuxiu walked around the room. It was clean and tidy, and the decoration style was simple, which was very suitable for the lifestyle of today's young people.

"Living here? You might as well move to my place." Fu Yuxiu sat on the sofa and looked at the girl standing in the kitchen.

Xia Chen was quite considerate. The entire refrigerator was filled with food, ranging from instant meals to vegetables and fruits.

Wen Li closed the refrigerator door and threw a bag of bread over.

The man stretched out his hand to catch the oncoming bread, "What does this mean?"

"Aren't you hungry? Go back as soon as you finish eating."

Fu Yuxiu almost laughed out of anger, waving the bread in his hand, "You're just going to get rid of me with this?"

Wen Li walked to the desk and opened the computer. Her eyes glanced at the news that popped up. "What else do you want to eat? This is the only thing here."

"You took others to eat good food, but you gave me this instead. Little girl, is this how you treat guests?" Fu Yuxiu stood up and looked at her face-to-face with his hands on the desk.

Wen Li glanced at him calmly with her head facing the screen, "You can go."

The man's handsome brows moved slightly, with a dangerous smile on his brows, "Start chasing people away?"

Wen Li clicked on the news that popped up. It was the most popular news and made the front page headlines in Ningzhou.

Mushi is about to cooperate with Soya, the top hacker in the Intercontinental Alliance!

The following is full of comments that rave about Rainbow Farts. Soya was originally the most powerful hacker, and he has reached cooperation with Mushi, a leader in the industry. Needless to say the Mu's has become even more powerful.

"Aren't you looking for Soya too?" Wen Li looked at the person at the table.

Fu Yuxiu naturally knew what she meant, so he took two steps back and sat on the sofa.

"Mu Chenyu is considered a capable person. He was able to track down the hotel where Soya was staying before anyone saw it. He released the news first to build momentum. He was quite skillful."

Wen Li closed the computer and, being in a rare good mood, rang the bell and ordered him a midnight snack.

"You're not in any hurry?"

"He's just a hacker. Do I need to pay so much attention to him?" Fu Yuxiu raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "I have more important things now."

Wen Li felt a little uncomfortable with his gaze, so she hugged the pillow and stared at him.

The housekeeper came very quickly and the prepared midnight snacks were served quickly.

Wen Li looked at the man who picked up the knife and fork gracefully. His table manners were impeccable. Such a man would probably be able to take small bites of food so gracefully even if he was hungry for ten days.

Some people's upbringing is innate. People who are nurtured by their innate environment will not change too much no matter how the environment changes later.

"The food here is not good, it doesn't taste good." The man pushed the plate away after taking two bites. He looked directly at Wen Li, coaxingly, "Come back with me, and I'll make delicious food for you every day."

The girl in front of him stared at him for a long time, looking up and down, but she remained silent.

It took a long time before she asked, "Have I seen you somewhere?"

After that dream, Wen Li felt that the person in front of her was becoming more and more familiar.

The person in front of her was stunned, but he still wiped his fingertips with a napkin slowly.


He raised his hand and lightly hooked the tip of her nose with his fingertips, making an intimate gesture.

Wen Li shook her head. The smile on his lips was overflowing with bone-crushing tenderness. His fingertips followed the tip of her nose, and he lifted his fingers and knocked her on the forehead unceremoniously.

"Then let's wait until you remember it."

Wen Li has always had a good memory, especially for someone with such a strong personality. If she had really seen him, she would definitely not forget it.

"Have a good rest, I'm leaving first."

The door to the room closed, and Fei Ran and Lu Min gathered around him.

"Young master. "

"Let's go."

Wen Li could hear the footsteps gradually leaving from the door. She raised her hand and stroked her forehead. The residual warmth from just now seemed to still be there.


The largest five-star hotel in Ningzhou, The Xilaer.

Fountain equipment is installed in the front center of the hotel. The white sculpture in the center of the fountain is Cupid, the god of love. It has white wings and looks into the distance. Clear water flows continuously from its feet. From time to time, the water sprayed from small nozzles entangled in the air.

The black sports car stopped in front of the door, a man in a suit got out of the car, and the doorman got in and drove away.

A Jing and his secretary Liu Fei followed closely behind, carrying two black boxes in their hands. Liu Fei was also holding a tablet computer in his hand.

The page of the tracking and positioning system is displayed above.

"Mr. Mu." Liu Fei called.

Mu Chenyu looked up at the words Xilaer Hotel in front of him, and adjusted the watch on his wrist, "Let's go."

The three of them walked in together, and the front desk stood up to greet them, "Hello, sir."

A Jing was very fast and quickly checked in for the room on the top floor. The three of them arrived at the room under the leadership of the manager.

After all irrelevant people were screened out, Liu Fei looked at the computer in his hand.

“It’s right next door.”

A Jing arrived at the door first. Just as he was about to raise his hand to ring the doorbell, Mu Chenyu stopped him. The two of them retreated some distance behind him and waited.

The doorbell rang for a while, and then with a click, the door was opened from the inside.

Looking at the door, which was only five centimeters open, Mu Chenyu narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to pull the door open and enter.

The lights in the suite were dim, and from the floor-to-ceiling windows, one could see the lights of thousands of houses in Ningzhou at night and the river in the distance.

The man in a white bathrobe stood with his back to the three of them. Red liquid was swaying in a transparent goblet. The five fingers holding the wine glass were as slender as bamboo. He wore a black Spar ring on his index finger.

Liu Fei didn't dare to speak, but he held his breath with excitement. This is the legendary Soya.

The famous Soya.

I don’t know how many people have been tracking Soya for so long but they can’t find him.

He is standing in front of them alive now, not computer data, photos or other things.

"Hello, Mr. Soya." Mu Chenyu opened his mouth first.

The man did not look back. He raised his head and took a sip of red wine. The appearance of the three people could be reflected on the glass in front of him.

"I came here at your invitation. I guess Mr. Soya has the intention to cooperate with the Mu family." Mu Chenyu said.

The man in front of the floor-to-ceiling window finally turned around. A Jing and Liu Fei stared at the man with lowered eyes.

The man in front of them was 1.85 meters tall, with a well-proportioned and slender figure, short bleached white hair, well-proportioned facial features, and a smooth jawline. However, with such an unruly temperament, his young face still looked like that of a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old.

But according to the information, Soya seems to be twenty-eight years old. This twenty-eight-year-old still looks like a teenager in school?

"Mr. Mu, please sit down." Soya raised his hand to indicate.

Mu Chenyu sat back unceremoniously, spread his hands on the back of the chair, and looked at the man in front of him with an indifferent expression.

"Since Mr. Soya already has the intention to cooperate with our Mu family, I will say so directly." Mu Chenyu raised his hand to signal.

A Jing placed the two boxes on the table and opened them. The two boxes were full of neat gold bars.

Even under such dim light, it still reflects a scorching light.

"I have always heard of Mu's generosity, but I didn't expect it to be so generous." Soya came over and put the goblet in his hand on the table.

"If you are willing to join Mushi, you will naturally get more than this."

The way businessmen talk is to always put interests first. Mu Chenyu has been in and out of shopping malls for many years. He naturally knows that problems can be solved with money, so there is no need to talk about other things.

Soya lowered his head, opened the red wine bottle on the side, and filled up the glass. The aroma of wine spread in the room, and he raised his hand to signal.

"Want a drink?"

Mu Chenyu refused, and Soya didn't care.

"I didn't seem to have said that I wanted to cooperate with Mushi, but now Mushi has even sent out a press release. Mr. Mu seems to be very sure that I will choose Mushi."

Mu Chenyu smiled and shook his head, "Although Mu is not a smart person, he can still catch those signals. Under the situation that all search forces are closed, only our Mu family can find where you are. How can we find you? Isn't that enough to explain the problem?"

If Soya hadn't deliberately cheated, how could they, the Mu family, have been able to find a hotel where the person was staying. 

And Soya's ability to do this shows that he has chosen Mushi as a partner. There is no doubt about this.

"Mr. Mu is naturally smarter than ordinary people, otherwise he would not be able to take care of the Mu family in an orderly manner."

After hearing this compliment, Mu Chenyu also expressed his thoughts.

"Then ...... I wonder what you think?"

Soya held up the wine glass and seemed to think about it seriously, and finally agreed, "Since Mr. Mu is so cheerful, I won't stop writing. I agree to join Mushi, but it will only last for two months."

Mu Chenyu nodded and agreed, two months is two months, as long as the person stays, there is no need to worry about being able to keep the person for a long time in the future.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate. Someone will come to pick you up tomorrow. I'm waiting for you at Mushi." Mu Chenyu extended his hand.

The two held hands and simply reached a cooperation.

Presumably, the headline news coming out tomorrow will be the overwhelming news of the cooperation between Mushi and Soya. Correspondingly, Mushi's stock price will double.

Mu Chenyu's move took everything into account.

The person on the front foot had just left, and the door to the room on the side of the back foot had been opened. Looking at the person who appeared inside, Soya put down the wine glass in his hand.

"You also heard that I just promised Mu Shi for two months. I'm afraid I won't be able to work for you for the next two months." Soya said and looked at the man in front of him with an innocent face.

Fu Yuxiu was sitting on the main seat, his fingertips carelessly flicking the lighter in his hand. The light was dim when he lowered his head, and he could see the darkness forming on the man's face, filled with unspeakable hostility and indifference.

Soya felt a chill down his back for no reason. When he sent the message to Mu, the signal was caught by these people.

After traveling around the world for so many years, he has come into contact with all kinds of people, no matter how dangerous they are.

But the person in front of him, although bright and beautiful, gives off a stronger smell than the bloody smell of the murderous gangsters who roam the mountains. Although they don't say a word, they can feel the suffocating oppression. 

When did such a dangerous person come to Ningzhou City?

"Fei Ran." Fu Yuxiu said.

Feiran stepped forward and handed the things he brought to Soya.

Looking at the locator in his hand, Soya sneered.

Heroes from all walks of life have always focused on persuading others with virtue. This man seems to be a little different.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't like others to lie to me. Besides, I can't let go of something I've already held in my hand." Fu Yuxiu lowered his head and stroked the silver lighter.

It is clear that he is restricting the freedom of others, but he can say such words without any feeling of guilt.

"What if I don't agree?" Soya weighed the things in his hands.

The man in front of him raised his head and said casually, "Then let's see if you can compete with the entire Dark Palace."

Soya's expression changed, and he felt as if he had made a mistake and regretted it for eternity.

The Dark Palace is the largest underground organization in the world. It is owned by the oldest and most powerful family in ancient Europe. It occupies 50% of the world's wealth.

The important thing is that the dark palace forces are spread all over the world, they are intricate and cannot be touched by ordinary organizations at will.

How could such a family come to a small place like Ningzhou?

He was not sure what position the person in front of him held in the Dark Palace, but he could understand that he was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

"It turned out to be someone from the Dark Palace, but I'm a little surprised. The Dark Palace has the largest intelligence network system in the world. Everything has matured a long time ago. The person who controls the information security of the Dark Palace must be a top talent. What use can I have if I go there?"

"Besides..." Soya stared at the person in front of him and spat out a few words in a pretentious manner, "There are people who are more powerful than me."

Fu Yuxiu looked at the unpredictable smile on his face, and there was no wave on his handsome face.

"Someone will send you there in two months, and I don't want anything to go wrong by then."

Fei Ran and Lu Min followed the man out and sighed inwardly. They originally planned to postpone their return, but now they have postponed it for two months.

I'm afraid they're going crazy now.

Soya was the only one left in the whole room. He stood there and looked at the positioning system that he was forced to accept.

He could handle such a positioning system casually, but the other party used absolute power and oppression, so he had to accept it.

"Alas..." Soya sighed, "I am a bit too expendable."


In the Mu Family.

It was already twelve o'clock when Mu Chenyu got home. He had just returned to the company and worked overtime to deal with a series of things.

In short, it is a great honor for them that Soya is willing to settle in Mushi.

Now that Mushi's overall strength has increased, a series of follow-up reactions after soya's arrival will require meetings to make plans.

Mu Chenxing and Mu Chenyu returned home one after another. Pu Xi's foot was seriously injured, so he went to the hospital with him to do some busy work and has only returned now.

"Where have you been at this time of the night?"

Seeing Mu Chenxing who had just walked in, Mu Chenyu frowned slightly.

"Something happened tonight, and I just came back." Mu Chenxing looked at his elder brother's tired look and raised his hand to pour him a glass of water, "Are you going to track Soya again?"

"Do you still know Soya?" Mu Chenyu asked with a smile.

Mu Chenxing snorted, despite looking at him like this, he was still paying attention to the company's affairs, and Soya came to Ningzhou. This was news that the entire Ningzhou City already knew, especially the entire computer department of the University of Science and Technology. 

The entire computer department students at USTC, especially the students in the club who participate in various competitions, worship Soya as the ultimate idol in life.

Not only major technology companies started looking for Soya with their equipment, but even a small number of students from the University of Science and Technology joined the search for Soya.

At least they can meet him.

"Brother, don't be too tired. Even if you can't find him, I'm still there. The science and technology competition is about to start. I won't embarrass the Mu family."

Mu Chenyu raised his hand and patted his younger brother on the shoulder, "The problem is solved. Soya will officially join the Mu family tomorrow. Don't you want to see him? I will take you with me."

As if being hit by a huge surprise, Mu Chenxing was dazed for a while, but he quickly came to his senses.


Mu Chenyu raised his hand and rubbed his ears, "Keep your voice down, You'll wake grandpa."

Mu Chenxing grabbed his arm excitedly, "Brother, you really saw Soya!!"

That's his ultimate idol, no joke.

"Yes, you will find out if you go to the company with me tomorrow."

It was not in vain that he had worked hard for so long.

Mu Chenxing was spinning around on the ground excitedly, but he quickly realized, "That's not right, brother, where does our company have such a powerful person who can capture and track Soya?"

When mentioning this, Mu Chenyu looked serious, "He leaked the news to Mu himself and wanted to cooperate with us."

Mu Chenxing has liked Soya for so many years and has naturally collected all the legends and stories about Soya. Of course, he knows that the unruly man in that story will not succumb to anyone's control.

Why, take the initiative to cooperate with Mushi.

"Didn't he say the reason?"

Mu Chenyu shook his head. If he knew the reason, he wouldn't be as worried as now.

"Anyway, the matter is settled." Mu Chenyu stood up and went upstairs.

While Mu Chenxing was happy, he also thought about what happened tonight and whether he should tell his elder brother about Mu Wen Li.


Mu Chenyu turned around, "Huh?"

Seeing the tiredness in his eyes, Mu Chenxing couldn't say anything.

"Rest well."

Mu Chenyu smiled, when did this brat start caring about people.

What happened tonight should not be hidden. After all, so many people in the hall saw it. If he didn't know the man, there would always be others who could.

Let's see tomorrow, who is that extremely arrogant man?


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