Tuesday, December 12, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 63 - Li Girl (Soya is Here!)

 The sun was shining brightly in the morning. At USTC as early as seven o'clock, students were already arriving at the library with books and laptops. There is never a shortage of people here all year round. It is no exaggeration to say that it is brightly lit.

There are many serious academics in this place, but the more powerful people are, the harder they work. The environment can affect a person. In such a learning atmosphere, even the lazy person can be driven to dance.

Many students have already finished their breakfast while walking on the road. The cafeteria of USTC is famous for its delicious food in Ningzhou schools, and the prices are not expensive, making it suitable for students to consume.

Wen Li entered through the school gate on her skateboard and arrived in front of Building 2.

To prepare for the on-campus trials next week, many clubs have already started intensive training, and the entire club has been staying together for food and accommodation.

It happened to be the time to buy breakfast. Some of the better clubs ordered delivery without any hesitation, and the ones delivered were also breakfasts from famous tea restaurants and hotels.

Some clubs whose financial strength does not allow it choose to buy breakfast in the school cafeteria and bring it over. Many clubs have very high staffing, unlike Tang Xiao and others who have few people. To ensure training, they also have logistics personnel. 

Wen Li had just put away the skateboard under her feet when she heard Xia Chen's voice.


The young man spoke cheerfully and ran over with two white paper bags in his hands. He was so excited that he didn't care about the people on both sides who were looking at him.

"You got up quite early." Wen Li looked at the bag in his hand.

"I bought you breakfast specially!"

To buy this delicious breakfast, Xia Chen woke up early and went to queue up. He picked out every kind of breakfast. Of course, he couldn't forget the people in the club.

"You look very idle."

Xia Chen followed her with a bag, "I don't have class in the morning, and you are about to start training today. I will seize the time to come over and see if I can help."

The important thing is that Shi Yi has given them a death order. They must take good care of the boss when they are at USTC. In order not to attract too much attention, the rest of them did not meet Wen Li directly.

They all chose to hide in the dark for protection, and naturally, he did the work in the open, such as serving tea and water and taking care of the boss's food, clothing, and daily life needs.

It's quite a joy to run so happily every day.

As soon as Wen Li opened the activity room door with a magnetic card, she heard the sound of typing on the keyboard. Qing Guo, who was just about to change her shoes and go out to buy breakfast, saw Wen Li, her eyes light up.

"Everyone here has breakfast!" Xia Chen stepped forward and waved the bag in his hand.

Fang Qing took off his headphones and came over, happily holding the soy milk he took out of the bag.

"I'm almost exhausted from hunger. The training intensity is too intense and I need to replenish energy."

Tong Lin'an also came out of the room, "Replenish life ah, replenish life!"

Seeing the two of them starving to death, Qing Guo scratched her head in embarrassment, "I was just about to go out to buy breakfast and you came back. They both make such a fuss all the time, don't mind them."

Fang Qing took a bite of the pancake and felt like he had come back to life. "We were picked up by the president at 4:30, please try to understand what kind of pain it is."

Even if it is to strengthen training, the president's training is too harsh.

"Wen Li, you don't know how ruthless the president is. To celebrate your joining our dream club, the president stayed up all night and completed all the training plans for the next week. Next, we will wait for death." Tong Lin'an said and took a bite of the fritters resentfully.

After last night, Xia Chen became very familiar with these two people. He sat next to them and asked curiously, "What about your president?"

"Going out for morning exercise."

Tang Xiao has an unshakable habit of practicing for an hour every morning. Only with strong physical fitness can he get anything he wants.

This is what Tang Xiao said himself.

"Training plan." Wen Li also rarely became interested.

Fang Qing said and handed over a piece of paper. The paper was marked with two colors of markers. The handwriting was neat and tidy, and the horizontal lines of the form were neatly drawn.

“The entire plan is detailed from getting up to going to bed, and the whole day is carefully divided.

There is also some time for them to relax and relieve their boredom, but the intensity of this training is indeed very strong.

"Wen Li, if you have any objections to this training plan, the president will definitely change it." Fang Qing leaned over and spoke.

In their case, strength determines the right to speak, and Wen Li's ability determines her status in this society.

Otherwise, with such 24-hour training day and night, he would have taken the lead before even going to the battlefield.

Wen Li put the schedule aside, "I think this plan is good."

Fang Qing stiffened and shook his head. It's over. This is another crazy person.

"Why don't you take another look and see if you might have missed something?" Fang Qing pulled her.

"Stop talking nonsense, finish your breakfast quickly, we have to form a group for training later." Qing Guo cleared the table beside her.

Wen Li officially came here today. The computer she wanted to use had been sent over by Tang Xiao and assembled last night.

Qing Guo originally wanted to buy breakfast and then wipe it with a wet wipe and tidy it up again, but she didn't expect Wen Li to come so quickly.

Tang Xiao walked in with a towel around his neck and saw a table full of breakfast and several people feasting on it.

"You came quite early." He looked at Wen Li.

The latter took the coffee handed over by Xia Chen, "It's better to be early."

Tang Xiao smiled and said, "I'm more used to morning exercises. You guys eat first while I go change clothes."

To facilitate training, a few of their change of clothes are often placed in the lounge, and there is one bed in the entire lounge. Generally speaking, the conditions are pretty good.

Fang Qing was eating and raised his hand to turn on the TV hanging on the wall. It happened to be the morning news.

"This breakfast is good, Xia Chen, you have a heart." Tong Lin'an said to Xia Chen while eating.

Xia Chen smiled sheepishly and raised his hands to scratch his head. Anyway, he bought it for his boss and bought them by the way, but this breakfast shop ranked quite high.

It's clean, hygienic and delicious. It has several snacks that are unique to Ningzhou. He originally wanted to buy them for the boss to try.

However, the boss also ate a few, and so far he has not been disliked. This is the best thing.

"Today, Mushi and Soya, the top hacker in the Intercontinental Alliance, reached a cooperation agreement. Soya will join Mushi as a programmer..."

The news with a female anchor attracted the attention of several people, and what followed was the picture played out.

At the gate of the Mu family, the Mu brothers were dressed in straight clothes. The man holding hands with Mu Chenyu was wearing a black peaked cap and a black mask covering half of his face.

Like every star being followed, it's unclear what his face looks like.

"Oh my god." The meat bun in Fang Qing's hand fell on the table.

"The Mu's and Soya are cooperating?" Tong Lin'an murmured.

That's Soya, the king in the hearts of these people, the upright boss is not hypocritical at all.

The most important thing is that he is a big boss who regards money as dirt and will not bow down to five buckets of rice. Moreover, for a person like him, his assets have exceeded 100 million at least in recent years.

Why do you have to condescend to cooperate with Mu's family now?

"Is that really soya? Could it be fake news?"

"Yes, doesn't Soya only cooperate with people who break their own positioning system and find themselves? As far as I know, Mu's programmers don't have such great programmers who can track Soya." Tong Lin'an obviously didn't want to believe this news.

When did Mu's have such powerful programmers who were able to find Soya's whereabouts?

Qing Guo was also stunned, "Do you think the Mu family is deceiving the people?"

Fang Qing shook his head, "No, a company as big as Mushi has to pay attention to its credibility. Besides, it was none other than Soya. If he saw that he was being counterfeited, he would get them."

So the credibility of this news is very high, after all, the other party is Soya.

"It's just that you didn't see how bright Mu Chenxing's smile was next to him, like a little red flower blooming." Tong Lin'an said with reluctance and a bit of envy.

Being able to stand with Soya is a typical case of successful star chasing.

Wen Li looked at the man who appeared on the news, and her temples jumped suddenly. Others might not be able to tell whether Soya was real or fake, but she could tell the difference.

It was confirmed that it was the talkative man. The troublesome things had increased again, and now she felt her head was starting to hurt.

Tang Xiao heard the news as soon as he came out of the lounge. He stood there and listened to it completely before coming over.

"Let's start training after eating."

Fang Qing pointed at the TV and said excitedly, "President, don't you want to express your opinion on this matter?"

That's Soya, the idol of many people.

"How else can they publish it and recruit Soya? That is Mu's own ability and has nothing to do with us."

What they have to do now is to concentrate on training intensively. Next week is the game, so they cannot let things slip at this juncture.

"Tell me, will Soya help Mu Chenxing train?"

Now that Soya has successfully joined the Mu family, it is not difficult to help the young master's small team train and become its coach. It is easy for Mu Chenxing to enjoy the shade against a big tree.

"That has nothing to do with you. Let's clean up and start training." Wen Li stood up and went to the computer. "After you are full, come and sit down. Let's form a group."

Fang Qing's expression changed, and he took the last bite of the meat bun angrily. What kind of luck did the Mu family have to be able to recruit Soya? Those people around Mu Chenxing were going to be arrogant again.


Xia Chen curiously stood in front of the computer and watched the battle between several people. Wen Li used tactical demonstrations and man-machine battles to show them some methods of patching loopholes and overcoming the system.

In the entire information security competition, to put it bluntly, you need to be able to see and listen in all directions and be able to clearly determine the opponent's intention to advance, attack, retreat, or defend.

None of their operations were very strong, and they failed to make precise division of work and did not utilize everyone's strengths to the fullest. This resulted in members of the club who were not weak in individual rankings getting together to fight in a team fight but the effect was very poor.

"Shall I do repairs?" Qing Guo pointed at herself.

After reading everyone's division of labor, everyone looked at each other. This division completely broke their previous combination.

In this case, it will take a long time to get familiar with it.

"Any comments?" Wen Li asked.

Tong Lin'an shook his head, "These are not our areas of expertise, I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of? What you should be afraid of is that if you fail again, you will be stepped on by others and never be able to stand up." Wen Li looked at the computer screen and spoke.

Last night was the most straightforward example. In this world, strength determines everything. Only if you are strong enough can you not be afraid of anyone.

Fang Qing gritted his teeth. Yesterday's duel had fully proved Wen Li's ability, which was indeed terrifying.

But they didn't expect that she could fight in a team fight in seconds. A few of them jointly attacked, but they couldn't beat Mu Wen Li.

One versus four is also her complete win.

Naturally, Wen Li and Tang Xiao are the main attackers, Fang Qing is the one who infiltrates alone, and Tong Lin'an is the assistant.

This arrangement is very convincing.

"Okay, I believe Wen Li." Tong Lin'an said.

He is determined to win this competition. Unlike several others, he is already a junior this year. For students from the University of Science and Technology, if they do not achieve good results in major competitions before graduation, it is very difficult to find a job. 

So he must achieve some results in this competition, otherwise, it will be difficult to get an offer.

His family situation is different from others. He has no parental background and can only rely on his own efforts, so he is more attentive than others.

Young people are always the easiest to get excited and enthusiastic. After training alone all morning, Wen Li watched them with interest, sitting in front of the computer and watching the data float.

At present, their abilities are not bad, but they are all talents with potential, but they need an opportunity to improve.

The school rankings have not changed much, but now that everyone is training intensively, the rankings will definitely change in the future.

"Boss." Xia Chen came close to Wen Li, "Which restaurant should I book for you at noon?"

Wen Li looked at him sideways, and Xia Chen's eyes glowed faintly. It was best to be a responsible logistics support person who could help the boss at this time.

"Whatever."Xia Chen ran to the side and started choosing a restaurant happily while holding his cell phone.

Time passed very quickly. After they practiced for a few games, it was time to rest soon. Fang Qing moved his shoulders, and his entire spine was probably going to be broken.

"Go for a twenty-minute walk before lunch." Wen Li looked at the watch on her wrist.

"Twenty minutes." Fang Qing snorted.

Isn't it just twenty minutes of rest time too little?

"Nineteen minutes and fifty seconds left."

As soon as Wen Li finished speaking, the people here rushed out quickly. Anyway, it was good to be able to go out for a walk.

There is an active cultural square and two small gardens near Building 2, where students can be seen coming and going.

To prepare for the campus science and technology competition, most students have suspended classes this week. Two teams were selected from the school to participate in this year's national science and technology competition.

This competition follows a mixed competition system, including a robot competition and a high-tech development competition. They belong to the computer category. This is also the first time that a science and technology competition has been held in Ningzhou City.

Many companies have also offered sponsorship. Teams from all over the country will come here to participate in the competition. As the host, USTC must also achieve good results.

"This morning, my waist can hardly stand straight." Fang Qing stood under the tree and stretched his waist.

Tong Lin'an smiled, being able to struggle with such hope is the most exciting thing.

"Boss, I bought the coffee for you." Xia Chen jumped up and delivered the coffee he bought.

Qing Guo looked at Xia Chen with some embarrassment, "I'm so sorry. You bought breakfast and coffee this morning. I'll transfer the money to you."

Originally, this was their club's own business, but it turned out that Xia Chen was involved in it, contributing money and effort, which seemed a little inappropriate.

"It's okay. I'm free anyway. You guys are too busy to do things. Besides, it's just about ordering something. How much more can you eat?" Xia Chen assured, patting his chest.

Tang Xiao stepped forward and handed over a bank card, "You can use this to make purchases in the future."

Xia Chen took a step back, "I won't come over if you are like this. I'm here to help."

"We can't ask you to pay. This is our club's activity."

Wen Li, who was leaning against a tree while replying to the message, tilted her head and glanced, "He has plenty of money, so don't worry about him."

Xia Chen suddenly started to tremble, "Our boss said you don't need to pay me."

Not to mention how much money he usually saved when he went on missions, this time Shi Yi allocated money just to take care of Wen Li.

Anyway, the wool comes from the sheep, and the food comes from the boss's money.

"Hey, you guys are quite idle."

Several people looked up and saw Mu Chenxing and Zhou Xiaoyun standing on the road.

"Of course, we can't compare to you guys. It must be very tiring running between the hospital and the association." Fang Qing said and winked.

Pu Xi heard these words as soon as he was pushed over, and he almost stood up from the wheelchair in anger.

"Fang Qing, speak properly!" Zhou Xiaoyun shouted.

Mu Chenxing took a step forward and blocked Zhou Xiaoyun who was speaking, "Stop the verbal quarrel. It's just a simple greeting."

There's no need to start another argument.

Pu Xi looked at Wen Li who was leaning against the tree, gritted his teeth. "Let's go."

When he went out in the morning, his father specifically warned him not to provoke anyone in the next two days, saying that someone had already arrived at Pu's house last night.

It seemed that Nan Sheng was specially sent to warn him not to provoke Mu Wen Li again.

This stinky girl has found a good backer.

"Chenxing." Mu Chenyu's call came from the distance.

He turned around and saw Mu Chenyu walking over with a group of people.

The most eye-catching thing next to Mu Chenyu was the man wearing a hat and mask, Soya who appeared on the news in the morning.

"Brother!" Mu Chenxing ran over, "Why are you here?"

Mu Chenyu patted the leaf on his shoulder and said, "I brought Mr. Soya here to have a look. He happened to be very interested in the computer club of college students, so I brought him here."

The University of Science and Technology is equivalent to a talent training base for Mu Chenyu. Every year when there is a new cooperation project, Mu Chenyu will basically bring its partners to visit.

"Why don't you introduce your teammates to Mr. Soya? By the way, take him to see your club. Maybe he can give you some advice on your training."

People from the club gathered around him urgently, their eyes filled with admiration when they looked at Soya.

Although they were full of envy, they couldn't go over. Now it was the people on Mu Chenxing's side.

Absolutely cannot pass.

"Mr. Soya, I am your fan."

Everyone looked at him with envy, and there were also students from other clubs who wanted to surround him, but were blocked by the bodyguards.

However, places with many people are also the most prone to gossip, and it didn’t take long for someone to see the problem.

"Isn't that Mu Wen Li? Why didn't her brother call her over?"

"I heard that she joined Tang Xiao's club. Tang Xiao and Mu Chenxing are at odds with each other. She treated her younger brother like this. No wonder Mu Chenyu didn't call her when he came over."

"Is Mu Chenyu blaming Mu Wen Li for bullying his younger brother?"

People around him began to whisper. They were both younger brothers and sisters, and the difference in Mu Chenyu's treatment was too great.

Perhaps because the people around him were talking too loudly, Mu Chenyu turned his eyes and spotted Wen Li sitting in the garden.

"Wen Li is here too."

Everyone looked at Wen Li, who was about to take a nap with her eyes closed. She was resting.

Xia Chen learned from Shi Yi that Mu Wenli would find a place to hide from time to time, which meant she could sleep anytime and anywhere.

Soya followed his gaze and saw Wen Li who didn't want to talk to anyone.

In full view of everyone, he walked straight over, surprising Mu Chenxing and others who were still trying to talk to him.

Watching Soya walking over, the man condescended to squat in front of Wen Li. Fang Qing was so excited that the coffee cup in his hand burst.

"Little girl." He called.

The person in front of him didn't move or pay any attention to him.

Soya said persistently, "Li girl?"

The crowd began to boil, what kind of operation is this, Soya knows Mu Wen Li? If he didn't know her, why would he call her so affectionately.

Mu Chenyu's eyes were full of inquiry, and he remembered what he said when talking to Soya yesterday.

Could it be that from beginning to end, Soya and Mu Shi cooperated just for Mu Wen Li?

"Hey..." Soya said, reaching out to touch her face.

The fingertips were clasped five centimeters away from Wen Li's cheek. Xia Chen stood aside with a cold expression.

He wanted to molest their boss in front of him, this man probably never died.

"If you can't control your hand, you're waiting for it be broken." Wen Li opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.

When Xia Chen heard Wen Li's words, he used some force.

"It's really the same incomprehensible style as before." Soya said in a relaxed tone, as if he was talking to an old friend.

Wen Li stood up and glanced at the stunned people, "It's time."

Tong Lin'an took a sip of coffee and said, "I... we'll go back right now."

Seeing Wen Li take steps, Xia Chen let go of his hand, and Soya rubbed his wrist to catch up.

"Are you training them?"

Wen Li looked sideways, looking at the person in front of her who was covered by a hat and mask, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Soya smiled and took two steps back, putting one hand on Mu Chenxing's shoulder, "Of course it matters, because I want to train them."

As soon as these words came out, the people around were in an uproar. If it was really Soya who was training Mu Chenxing and the others, they would have stopped playing this game.

Originally, this team was the top one in the school, and with Soya's powerful cheat, they were simply invincible.

Don't even compete, you lose right from the start.

Wen Li ignored him and turned around to continue walking into the building. Tang Xiao and Fang Qing chased after her. They were also extremely curious about the relationship between Soya and Mu Wen Li.

But you can’t ask directly.

Seeing that the little girl didn't pay him any attention, the corners of Soya's lips hidden behind the mask curled up slightly, with a smile spreading across his face.

"Mr. Soya, who are you?" Mu Chenyu came over, "Do you know Wen Li?"

"I'm lucky enough to have met her several times." Soya gave an answer.

No one dared to ask for detailed information, so Mu Chenyu naturally knew how to get to the point.

I'm afraid that Soya's relationship with Mu Wen Li is not as simple as just meeting him a few times, but that's fine, if Soya really joined the Mu family for Mu Wen Li, then he has a magic weapon to restrain Soya.

He didn't expect Mu Wen Li to have such a role.

"Young man, take me to see your team." Soya looked at Mu Chenxing and said.

Mu Chenxing, who had been elated just a moment ago, was puzzled now and could only half-push his way into the building.

"Check carefully, where did Mu Wen Li go after dropping out of school?"

"Yes. "

When he brought Mu Wen Li back, he arranged for someone to investigate, and the results showed the obvious.

That perfect resume showed Mu Wen Li's whereabouts, including where and what she did during that period, all clearly and in detail.

But why can Mu Wen Li know Soya?

After returning to the activity room, several people looked at Wen Li with a lot of curiosity and questioning in their eyes.

Wen Li is indeed a big shot in network technology, and can even be said to be incredibly powerful, able to kill several of them in an instant.

Soya, who is now a serious boss, showed Wen Li's "friendship" in front of so many people today.

Are all the boss's friends all bosses? But the background of Wen Li's friend is too shocking.

Fang Qing poked his head out from behind the computer and looked at Tang Xiao opposite him, making two glances.


Tang Xiao, who was repairing the loopholes, reacted and looked at him, "President, just ask."

If he didn't ask, he wouldn't have the motivation to train with so much questions.

Tang Xiao looked at the person sitting on the sofa over there who was reading a book.

"President, just ask for us. I'm really curious." Tong Lin An's head came out.

Tang Xiao threw away his headphones and walked over, took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and handed it over.

"What are you reading?"

Wen Li closed the book and took the unscrewed bottle, "Have you finished practicing?"

Tang Xiao has never been a straightforward person, and he understands the meaning of devious strategies.

"I haven't asked you where you learned this network technology. You can learn such powerful skills. Have you participated in any competitions before?"

Wen Li saw several people behind him trying to eavesdrop with their ears.

"Self-taught." Wen Li replied.

A few people here are worried. They are self-taught. They are professional and trained, and they are not as good as others.

"Competition." Wen Li seemed to be thinking seriously, "I guess I have participated in it."

"What game?" Tang Xiao became interested.

"WFRS." Wen Li remembered the name of the competition.

Fang Qing and Tong Lin'an hurriedly came over, and the chairs were knocked over.


That's a naked competition between masters. The internationally renowned competition is held once every five years and is organized by the Intercontinental Alliance. The top talents from each country may not be able to participate.

The top ten in the WFRS competition are eligible to become the top ten in the Intercontinental Alliance Hacker Competition, which is recognized as the world's number one.

This is what these people have been working towards all their lives.

"What about your ranking?" Tang Xiao choked.

Even if you are not famous in this competition, if you are qualified to participate in the competition, you can already look down on a group of people.

Wen Li glanced at him indifferently, and Tang Xiao smiled and said, "It's okay. It doesn't matter if you don't remember clearly."

In short, the strength is there.

"Then you and Soya met during the competition?"


This is the most words Wen Li has said to them so far, and Tang Xiao will not ask any more questions.

This person's temperament is not talkative to begin with. If he asks more questions, she might take action.

"President, I finally get it. You really have a keen eye for recognizing heroes." Fang Qing raised his thumb.

When he first spotted Mu Wen Li, he thought she must be a talent.

Being able to participate in the WFRS competition, a competition for serious god-level beings.

"But I don't think she and Soya are friends. Didn't you hear what Soya said just now? If Wen Li trains us, then he will train Mu Chenxing and the others."

To put it bluntly, they must confront each other.

Which friend can do this?

The environment in the activity room was not very good. Almost everyone was concentrating on training. Wen Li sat for a while and opened the door to get some air.

As soon as she leaned against the fence, a person came down from the elevator and came in her direction.

"I didn't expect you to come to Ningzhou."

Soya stood next to Wen Li. At this moment, he had taken off his mask, and his short silver hair could be seen under the brim of his hat.

"Didn't you come here too?"

"Li girl, do you really not know who I am here for?" Soya leaned forward, his handsome face very close to hers.

"You have been following me since I arrived in Wutong Town, and you have been following me around. Now that you have cooperated with the Mu family, you are really quite free."

This person's purpose cannot always be pure.

"Girl Li, I'm here just for you, so can't you be nice to me?" Soya leaned over and spoke pitifully.

Seeing that the person in front of him still ignored him, Soya shamelessly started chatting with her.

"I have promised to train those boys, and then we will have a good competition on the field."

"Don't you think you're bored?"

Soya leaned over with a smile on his face, "I want to play with you so I don't get bored, otherwise you will be bored without an opponent."

"I will be with you every day from now on, you're not happy?"

Soya followed her, his nose almost hitting the door frame...


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