Thursday, December 7, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 58 - Miss Mu Cannot be Soya (Identity Guess)

 The noisy footsteps disturbed the peaceful night as if countless people were coming from all directions, with the sound of plant leaves scraping through the fabric of clothes. The overwhelming momentum was particularly heavy in the dark night.

The woman lying beside the table woke up from her dream. She frowned and stood up, opening the window in front of the desk. The lights under the eaves were bright. From her angle, she could see the figures walking through the rice fields in the distance.

The black clothes almost blended into the night, making it difficult to distinguish.

Birds kept rising from the nearby woods, flapping their wings away from the uninvited forest guests.

In the innermost part of the white wooden house, the little girl lying on the bed was picked up by a woman and quickly stuffed into a white wardrobe beside her.

"Mommy." The little girl was still sleeping but was awakened by her mother's hurried movements.

She sat inside the cabinet and smiled, looking at the frantic woman in front of her.

The woman leaned down, her long black hair falling to her waist. Her voice was gentle and urgent, "Baby, stay here and don't make a sound. No matter what noise you hear, don't come out."

"Mommy." The little girl was puzzled, but she could also feel her mother's fear.

"Be obedient and don't make a sound..."

The cabinet door was closed, followed by the sound of breaking in, and wood pieces flying in the air.

The little girl sat in the cabinet with her eyes wide open and covering her mouth. She seemed to hear the woman's cry, but she always remembered her mother's instructions.

There seemed to be some kind of argument happening outside, and a fishy smell mixed with rust filled the entire house.

The smell of blood was so nauseating that the little girl saw the woman lying on the ground through the small cracks in the cabinet. Her little body was shaking like a frightened animal, but she still gritted her teeth and made no sound.

The woman who fell to the ground had her pupils dilated, looked at the little girl in the cabinet, and desperately pressed the switch in her hand.

The woman covered in blood was dragged away, and a trail of blood stains spread on the white tiles. A hand holding a gun stretched out and made a motion to open the cabinet door.

Before she could cry, the wooden board beneath her body fell down, and almost at the same time as the cabinet door opened, the little girl was hidden in a hidden compartment.

The scene turned to a quiet and dark old street. The old man pushed the child forward hard and blocked the person who was chasing him.


"Live well..."

"Child, live well."

The old man, who was lying in a pool of blood, tried his best to get the little girl to a safe place.

Those two pairs of eyes stared until death, with dilated pupils, filled with reluctance and burning pain.

"Child, don't look back, keep moving forward..."

"Never look back..."

Fei Ran stopped the car at the door and turned around to see the girl who had fallen asleep leaning on the back seat. She seemed to not sleep very well, her brows were furrowed and sweat could be seen on her forehead.

She closed her hands tightly, her fingers clenching her clothes tightly, her knuckles turned white, and her body was shaking slightly.

"Miss Mu." Fei Ran tentatively spoke to wake her up.

The sleeping girl seemed to be trapped in a nightmare. He yelled several times but failed to wake her up.

Fei Ran could only take out his cell phone to call for help and then waited quietly outside the car.

Soon the man's figure appeared at the other end of the courtyard corridor, and Lu Min followed him. The man was slender and his steps were a little hurried.

"Master." Fei Ran lowered his head and stepped aside.

Fu Yuxiu moved forward, opened the car door, and looked at the girl with her eyes closed in the car seat. Her fingers were clenched tightly and her face was pale, as if she was trapped in a dream.

A light rain began to fall. Lu Min opened the black umbrella, took a step forward, and stood behind the man.

Fu Yuxiu bent down, took out a white silk handkerchief from his shirt pocket, and gently wiped the sweat off her head.

The moment the silk handkerchief touched the girl's forehead, her clear eyes opened, and her palms were raised, holding the man's stretched-out wrist.

Fu Yuxiu made no move to fight back and brushed her forehead with his other hand naturally.

"Having a nightmare?"

The tone was very intimate and gentle, like a friend who has been known for many years.

As he said that, he lowered his head and glanced at his wrist that was held by the girl. The hand holding him was very strong. Only at this time could her vigilance be reduced by half.

If she hadn't been trapped in a dream, she would have been awake by the time he arrived.

Her acumen has never been bad.

"Get up when you wake up, it's raining."

Wen Li looked sideways and saw the sparse raindrops falling. She felt that the weather was a bit hot just now, so the rain came at the right time.

Fu Yuxiu turned sideways and asked the girl in the car to get out.

He took the umbrella from Lu Min's hand naturally. Wen Li raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, then came down and followed him.

The two of them entered side by side, with Lu Min and Fei Ran following behind silently.

The dream just now was still lingering in Wen Li's mind. Since a year ago, this bright red dream has been appearing, no matter whether it is day or night, pestering her again and again, trapping her severely.

The faces of the woman and the old man in the dream seemed to be covered with a thick layer of veil, and their appearance could not be clearly seen, but those two pairs of eyes and shocking pupils were engraved in her mind.

The little girl in the dream looked like herself but also seemed not herself. She only remembered the fear, anxiety, blood, and scorched earth in the dream.

The two walked out of the corridor, and the originally large raindrops gradually turned into continuous rainlines. Fu Yuxiu opened his umbrella, covering their heads, and continued walking forward.

Noticing that the person beside him was in a low mood, he lowered his eyes and asked, "Why are you not in a good mood?"

Wen Li did not respond, lowered her head, and continued walking. The two soon arrived at the yard where Fu Yuxiu lived.

The entire Nan House is modeled after a small courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River, with streams crisscrossing the courtyard, well-trimmed green plants, and rare flowers imported from all over the world. The courtyard, which originally had the aura of Jiangnan, it becomes more hazy when it rains. 

Taking the person back to the courtyard, Fu Yuxiu placed Wen Li in a soft chair in the living room and then turned and entered the room next to him.

Wen Li looked sideways. She didn't get any rain on her body during the walk. On the contrary, his shoulders seemed a little wet.

"Child, live on, don't look back, you mustn't..."

"Go forward, don't look back..."

The old man's shouts in the dream kept lingering in her ears, like a locked curse.

"Although I don't know if it will help you, give it a try."

Fu Yuxiu came back and placed a cup of light pink milkshake in front of the little girl. Next to it was a piece of strawberry cake, also light pink.

In such a short period of time, Fu Yuxiu has already figured out her preferences. This girl has no hidden habits in life, and she doesn't mind being seen clearly.

"I'm not raising eyebrows, but it still looks like you are not in a good mood." Fu Yuxiu sat on his seat and stared at the little girl who started to pick up the fork.

He was talking about something at school. Things that caused such a big fuss naturally spread quickly.

Wen Li took a piece of cake and bit it into her mouth. The taste of milk could quickly revive her spirits.

"I heard that your network skills are good. I have a small problem with my computer. Please help me check it out."

Wen Li bit the strawberry on the cake, "Can't the big Nan family still find a good programmer? I'm here to help you see a doctor, not to let you do whatever you want."

This is like burning a bridge across a river.

"No, you have to look at it for me." Fu Yuxiu said this a bit unreasonably, and then quickly gave the reason, "You ate my cake."

Wen Li swallowed the strawberry in her mouth and put her fork on the empty plate. "Your Nan family is so poor that you can't even give cakes to your guests."

After eating sweets, her mood improved a lot, and the haze hanging over her head dissipated a lot.

While Wen Li was talking, Lu Min had already sent the computer over. The entire computer page had been filled with garbled characters, and the fancy lines were dazzling.

She looked at the chaos on the display. Is this...a small problem?

"Try it." Fu Yuxiu's words were not as full of confidence in her as others, but rather without any hope.

"If you can solve it, I'll give you a piece of blueberry cake." The man followed his lead and he almost coaxed her with the cake.

Wen Li took the computer and started typing on the keyboard with her index fingers.

After Lu Min exited, he went to the yard. A square pavilion was built in the yard. It had a traditional architectural style, black bricks, and white columns, and was supported by four pillars on the side. It was used to enjoy the shade in summer.

Now the stone tables and chairs in the pavilion have been moved away, and a wooden barrel that can accommodate one person is placed in the middle. The servants are pouring hot water into it back and forth.

The curls of smoke rose up and merged with the surrounding moist drizzle, making it look like a fairyland on Earth.

The drizzle outside the pavilion was clear and moist, and the rainwater dripped down along the eaves, hitting the bluestone beneath the feet.

"Sent in?"

Fei Ran watched Lu Min come out, the wooden stick in his hand stirring in the water.

Lu Min stood beside Fei Ran and threw the medicinal materials prepared in the sieve on the side. The things were put in, but there were always some things that the young man couldn't figure out.

"Why did the young master send the computer in like that?"

Moreover, he was specially asked to remotely find Brother Jiahe to do the garbled code implantation that disrupted the computer program.

Jiahe is one of the top IT masters, ranking third on the Intercontinental Alliance hacker list, second only to IO in the first place, and Soya in the second place.

However, according to the news from the past two years, IO has passed away, so Soya naturally became the first place, and Jiahe naturally became the second place. Such a top-ranked master was actually used to play with a little girl. 

"You didn't see that the young master was just trying to relieve her boredom." Fei Ran poured the potion prepared by the servant into the water with quick movements.

He rolled up his sleeves and kept stirring with the wooden stick in his hand to mix the liquid evenly. His hands were used to holding swords and guns, and he could now do this housework with ease.

"To relieve her boredom?" Lu Min was puzzled, "Use Jiahe's program to relieve her boredom."

Is there anyone who can coax girls like this? Although he has never been in love, he also knows how others coax girls.

Is there anyone who can directly explain computer viruses?

Aren't they all about eating and watching movies? The young master taught Miss Mu how to write last time, and now it's like this again.

"The most appropriate method is to do what she likes. Moreover, Miss Mu is quite capable and is a talented person in IT. It is easiest for people to forget their emotions when they are engrossed. The young master is trying to coax her."

The news about Wen Li at the Science and Technology Museum reached them this morning. Apart from being surprised by Miss Mu's ability, Fei Ran also thought a little more.

After all, the young master knows what's going on, so that's fine.

"But Jiahe's procedures may not be able to stop her." Fei Ran suddenly said.

Lu Min was a little surprised, and stopped holding the herb, "No way, no matter how powerful she is, she can't be more powerful than Jiahe."

After all, Jiahe is the person in charge of the entire underground system of the Dark Palace, and the entire Dark Palace information system was built by him.

"We don't need to worry about this. As long as it can make Miss Mu smile, the young master will not hesitate to use the entire organization's network system to play with her."

They don't have to worry about these related things anymore. The most important thing is to do the things at hand well.

On the other side, Fu Yuxiu handed the computer to Wen Li and stayed with the girl. The whole room was very quiet, and the sound of typing on the keyboard could be heard one after another.

Turning the pages of the book on his knee, the man glanced sideways at the girl next to him from time to time.

Her concentrated look was different from her depressed look just now. She was now alive, emotional, and vivid.

It's not as lifeless as it was before.

The garbled characters quickly retreated out of the display screen. After finally pressing the enter key, the computer page returned to normal. Wen Li raised her hand and handed the computer back to him.

"How?" Fu Yuxiu looked at her and asked.

Wen Li glanced at the computer and gave a fair evaluation, "The level is very high. An ordinary person wouldn't be able to handle it."

There are hundreds of loopholes and traps in the entire garbled program, and they are extremely detailed and top-notch. Once you accidentally fall into it, you may be hit by the backlash.

Of course, Fu Yuxiu understood Jiahe's level best, and Wen Li's level was not low either. He expected her to be able to break Jiahe's program.

"Are you in a good mood?" He looked at Wen Li, who was beaming with joy.

"Not bad."

Fu Yuxiu reached out, closed the book on his knees, and put it aside.

Through the glass, Wen Li saw several people preparing medicinal baths in the pavilion on the side of the yard. They were coming and going, so busy. She contacted Fei Ran last night and asked him to prepare things.

The working ability of these people is also first-rate.

"Come out as soon as you change your clothes. You can inject the antidote today."

There was a reason why she had not left the room in the past two days. Now that she knew that the toxin was a failed experiment of hers, she naturally compared the data and then tested what ingredients the other party added to the drug to make an antidote.

In addition, the man's physical condition is not very good, and the ingredients of the antidote should not be too overbearing to hurt the body, otherwise, it will not be good for him. This takes a bit of Wen Li's effort, but in two days, she was able to make an antidote based on the situation.

However one of the problems involved is that the dosage of this antidote has also been reduced. There is no problem if it is used on ordinary people. However, this man's physical condition is not very good. If the dose of the antidote is too overbearing, it can cause harm. 

Fortunately, the medicine made from his medicinal materials in the past two days has been warmed and replenished. The poison has been detoxified first, and then he can think about recuperating the body.

"Can it be solved today?" Fu Yuxiu stood up and looked down at Wen Li, who was sorting out the needle bag.

"The antidote has been made."

In short, the antidote is out, just put it in and that's it. From today on, we will not see each other again.

Seeing the young girl's high-spirited look, the man's eyes became darker and darker, like a black mist that could not be dissolved, and his handsome face was immersed in his own emotions.

"Take off your clothes, soak in the bucket, and then inject the antidote." Wen Li sorted out the things at hand and spoke.

A breeze passed by, and the man beside her turned around without mercy, "I'm tired."

Wen Li's movement to extract the antidote stalled, and when she turned around, she saw his handsome back.

"Wait. ”

The man who reached the door of the room stopped and turned around, "Is something wrong?"

The syringe in Wen Li's hand almost flew out. Is something wrong? 

"You asked me to detoxify you. Now that the antidote is made, if you don't follow my ideas, I'm afraid there will be some trouble." She said and moved the syringe in her hand.

"I'm tired now and need to rest."

The syringe thrown by Wen Li hit the closed glass door. Wen Li watched as the man closed the glass door and fell on the bed.

"Come out." Wen Li pulled the door handle and looked at the person on the bed inside the door.

The man was completely wrapped in white silk. He straightened the pillows unmoved.

Just when the girl outside was about to kick the door, Fei Ran walked in.

"Miss Mu."

He looked a little strangely at the two people who were separated by the glass door of the room. The curtain inside the door was not closed, and he could clearly see that the young master had leaned against the pillow and closed his eyes.

Miss Mu's action just now seemed like she was going to break down the door.

"Master, what's going on?" He asked in confusion.

Wen Li retracted her foot, her movements smooth and natural, "He said he was tired and wanted to rest."

Fei Ran looked back at Lu Min who was still adjusting the water temperature. Miss Mu said that the poison in the young master would be detoxified today.

They were so happy that they couldn't sleep well all night.

Master, what's going on?

"Go in, drag him out, and throw him into the barrel." Wen Li pointed to the door and spoke.

There was no anger on her face, but she said this in a very calm tone.

But even if he was given ten times of courage, he would not dare to go in and disturb the young master.

It looked like the two of them were quarreling. He didn't rush in because he was desperate for his life. He wasn't looking for death.

"Miss Mu, you'd better have a good talk with the young master. I'll wait for you outside."

Fei Ran slipped away very quickly, giving Wen Li no time to react.

The situation changed a bit suddenly. Wen Li looked at the door in front of her and didn't have the patience to persuade anyone.

As soon as Fei Ran arrived in the yard, he heard the sound of the door being kicked open and turned around to see Wen Li entering.

He sighed and said, "Miss Mu's temper is really bad."

She is also a twenty-year-old girl. Why can't she be seen as graceful and quiet as a girl? She gets violent when it disagrees with her, but she doesn't have the kind of flamboyant and willful temperament.

Wen Li walked in on the soft carpet and stood by the window looking at the person lying quietly on the bed.

"Reason." She stood with her arms crossed and looked down at the person on the bed.

"Ahem..." Fu Yuxiu covered his mouth and coughed a few times.

It was originally white satin, but now it made the man's already fair complexion look a little pale.

Seeing his words like this, Wen Li wondered whether there was really something wrong with his body.

Thinking of this, she reached out and held the man's wrist. His pulse was the same as last time, fluctuating but also showing strength.

There's nothing wrong.

"It's not that I am saying but, are you afraid of injections?" Wen Li raised her doubts with a frown.

The person on the bed closed his eyes and sank into the pure white pillow. The profile of his face was beautiful, and the slight smile on his lips made Wen Li stunned.

"I'm not a child." He replied.

"There has to be a reason."

He opened his eyes, his breath was weak as he spoke, and he raised his hand to hold the hand of the person beside the bed, but it fell down feebly.

The man who looked very energetic just now suddenly became so soft and weak. Wen Li knew his physical condition clearly.

"How much medicine did you take yesterday?"

She was referring to the pills she made.

"Two." He closed his eyes, unable to even speak this time.

He took two pills a day, which was enough to make up for the big loss. No wonder his body suddenly became like this. It was his own fault.

"Anyway, you've almost finished taking the medicine. If you stop taking it from today on, I will give you a new prescription, once a day, and inject the antidote in half a month." Wen Li could only settle for the next best thing.

He was so weak now that if he was forced to inject the antidote. The medicine was so powerful that it could detoxify him, but half of his life would be gone.

"I'll go first. ”

There's no way to inject the antidote, so it won't do much good if she stays here.

"Wait a minute, little girl, don't be so impatient all the time." Fu Yuxiu stood up and pulled the person who turned around back.

"If you feel bored, go out and find someone else. I'm not here to relieve your boredom." Wen Li looked down at his caught finger.

This person was afraid that there would be no one to talk to, so he kept dragging her away.

"The cookies prepared for you are still being baked, it will take about half an hour." Fu Yuxiu sat on the bed, shaking her palm and refusing to let go, and threw out his trump card.

I have to say that the biscuit Fu Yuxiu gave her last time really tickled her cravings. It was moderately sweet, crispy, and milky.

Cookies like that can't be eaten anytime and anywhere.

Sensing her hesitation, the man laughed out loud. She was really a young kid who loved sweets so much.

"Okay, I'll wait a moment." Wen Li gave in.

A smile appeared on the man's brow, and his whole body was immersed in light-hearted joy.

"You haven't finished practicing the handwriting I taught you last time. Let's continue this time." Fu Yuxiu said and pulled her out of the room.

The person who just said he wanted to rest was slapped in the face, and Wen Li was forcefully brought to the desk.

As soon as she picked up the brush, she heard inquiries from the person beside her.

"Do you know ASI?"

The ink brush tip stained the rice paper, and the black ink smudged out a mark.

"The poison I was poisoned came from this medical center. The price of one bottle has reached a sky-high price, but it was clearly marked when it was sold. There is no antidote, and their main pharmacist was not able to make an antidote for this medicine."

The dialogue between smart people is always clear.

Wen Li twisted the brush in her hand and wrote two words slowly, "I heard that the largest medical institution in the world produces corresponding drugs every year, as well as some poisons used in various ways. They have booming business, and the fame is not small, I heard that it is ranked the number one research institute."

Fu Yuxiu stood behind her, held her hand gently, and stabilized the brush on the paper, "That's half right. It is indeed the largest. It refers to the scale and the stable output of medicines every year, but it is not the most powerful pharmaceutical research institute, the powerful one is someone else."

"What are you telling me for this?" Wen Li looked down at the silent words that appeared on the paper.

"With your skills, have you ever worked in any research institution before?"

The entire world is not peaceful, local turmoil is frequent, and wars continue, these research institutions have become very popular.

"My poison comes from ASI and is sold by their organization." Fu Yuxiu said something in her ear.

"The person who adopted me when I was a child was a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. I studied traditional Chinese medicine with him for several years and then entered a clinic." Wen Li gave an explanation.

"That's why you know so much." Fu Yuxiu nodded as if he understood.

But Wen Li felt very uncomfortable. This man's eyes could see through people's hearts, and she could hear the hidden cruelty in his most gentle tone.

The poison did flow out from her, and Wen Li was responsible for this. No matter how powerful Fu Yuxiu was, he probably wouldn't be able to trace it to her.

"Write first, I'll go look at the biscuits for you." Fu Yuxiu rubbed the girl's hair and spoke softly.

After leaving the living room and going to the yard, Fei Ran stepped forward and handed over the phone.


The person over there said respectfully, "The attack method and decryption method have been confirmed. She should not be Soya."

Even if they are hackers like them who have never met before, the top experts on the ranking list have all fought against each other before. Jiahe and Soya are ranked the closest, and naturally, they have fought against each other the most.

No matter whose network system they are conquering, everyone knows what they are doing.

But Wen Li doesn't look like Soya.


"Sure." Jiahe over there gave a positive answer.

Fu Yuxiu hung up the phone and looked back at the little girl writing slowly in the room.

"Why do you suspect that Miss Mu is Soya?" Fei Ran was a little confused.

It is true that Mu Wen Li is very capable. She can cure diseases and save people, and she can also overcome many problems that many people cannot solve.

But no matter which aspect you look at, this Soya is probably not Miss Mu.

"Soya has a great reputation. If we look at it now, strictly speaking, she would be nearly thirty years old, but Miss Mu is only twenty years old."

Calculating it so strictly, I'm afraid it's impossible.

Fu Yuxiu stroked his cell phone, the smile on his lips was meaningful, "Indeed, she doesn't look like Soya."

Based on his young master's guess, Fei Ran said, "Do you think Soya must be related to Miss Mu?"

Fu Yuxiu turned around and looked at the girl who was paying full concentration on her work.

It is like a layer of fog shrouded her, like an unsolvable riddle.

Thinking of her being trapped in a dream in the car, the man's heart ached. He didn't know what she had gone through in the past few years to become what she is now.

Those years that he was not able to accompany her, now he wants to get them back bit by bit.

"The old man urged you to go back, saying that the situation has changed and asked you to go back and take charge of the overall situation."

There have been several calls from the Imperial Capital to urge them. Originally, they planned to stay in Ningzhou for a week, but due to Mu Wen Li's appearance, the time was postponed a lot.

The people in the imperial capital were also impatient, and people around the old man were almost bursting up his phone.

"Let them handle it themselves."

Fu Yuxiu left these words and walked into the house.

Fei Ran knew this would be the result before he said anything.

When Nan Sheng came and knocked on the door, Fei Ran and Lu Min had just finished cleaning the medicinal bath in the wooden barrel.

Nan Sheng was already used to the smell of medicine as soon as he entered the door.

"Where are they?"

Nan Sheng saw the two people in front of the desk from a distance. They behaved affectionately and looked like a talented man and a good-looking woman.

"The Mu family called to urge me to return the person." Nan Sheng leaned against the door, staring at the two people playing minister and concubine.

He's here to make peace and take the blame.

"What did the Mu family say?" Wen Li put down her pen and looked at Nan Sheng.

"Mr. Mu said that with so many eyes staring at you now, he asked me to avoid suspicion and not to ruin a little girl's reputation. If you have any ideas, wait until later."

Nan Sheng was also quite speechless. This call was actually made by Lu Xue himself. Her tone of voice was not bad, but it was definitely not good either.

She relayed what Mr. Mu said in a cold tone.

"Miss Mu, I'll take you back now. I'm afraid that any later than now the Mu family will come directly to ask for someone."

It is estimated that what happened this morning has already reached Mu Kuiyuan's eyes, plus a series of chain reactions caused by her being picked up by Fei Ran.

Originally, Mu Kuiyuan was afraid that he would not be able to control her, and Lu Xue was even more wary of her snatching Mu Nuanxi's things. When she encountered Nan Sheng's incident, she naturally added jealousy to the old man's face.

"I'll take you back." Fu Yuxiu said.

Wen Li raised her hand to refuse, "No, Fei Ran will give me a lift."

Even if Fei Ran sent her back, it would already cause quite a stir. If he, the adopted son of the Nan family, appears again, it will probably be even more troublesome.

After Wen Li left, Nan Sheng walked to the desk and observed the words they had just written.

"It's well written." He praised sincerely.

The paper in his hand was snatched away, and Fu Yuxiu lowered his head to fold the rice paper and put it away.

"Quite precious." Nan Sheng joked, looking at his serious look.

It's quite leisurely. Writing with the girl you like is much better than those simple and crude people.

Sure enough, the boss's love is different from others.

After Lu Min walked in, he looked at Nan Sheng and said without hesitation, "Master, we found the hotel where Soya is staying."

This is the address given by Jiahe."

Ningzhou City is really lively, with people from all walks of life gathering. Some people thought something big was going to happen." Nan Sheng sat on the sofa and laughed.


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