Showing posts with label TVSWWD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TVSWWD. Show all posts

Saturday, December 9, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 28 - What Does it have to do with this Princess?

 Baili Shuangxue was completely embarrassed now. What kind of luck is this? This person's clothes get dirty every time...

Li Su's face was calm. Even after such an accident, he still sat upright. There was no change in his beautiful face, and he looked like a jade person.

His gray-blue eyes fell on Baili Shuangxue's face, then moved to her hair, and suddenly stretched out his hand.


Friday, December 8, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 27 - The book's Father and Daughter Recognize Each Other

 The original owner has watched the Moon Worship Dance every year and is extremely familiar with this dance, but this year is different.

The five women in white, representing the five spiritual energies of the Five Elements, each danced in the air with their sleeves flying. Among them, Baili Shuangxue, who represented the woody green aura, borrowed the auras of the remaining four dancers to dance from the round stage. 

Just like Chang'e flying to the moon, carrying a long white silk and green gauze, she seems like a goddess heading towards the bright moon in the sky.

Even the moon cooperated extremely well, blooming with the brightest moonlight tonight, covering the goddess.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 26 - Extra Plot

 What a nice...tea art.

There is no blindness in your eyes, you are clearly just being foolish...

Murong You pretended to be sorry and embarrassed and looked away, and secretly gave the Empress a look. Mother and daughter had been together for many years, and the Empress immediately understood.

And she is also the most suitable person to speak at this time.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 25 - Gossip

 But today, he can't say for sure.

"No need, I will take Ayun there. You can inform the Empress to go there herself."

The Emperor thought that the Empress' natal palace, Taichuan King's Mansion, had been restless recently, so he pulled out several hidden stakes in Taichuan, just to take this opportunity to give her a warning.

To avoid forgetting who the ruler is and who is the minister.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 24 - One Word from the Emperor

 Murong Xia is over forty years old. Perhaps because of his spiritual cultivation, he looks like he is only around thirty. He is a very charming and handsome man.

Between his eyebrows, he actually looks a bit similar to Murong Yun.

This is also because Murong Yun's mother, the Eldest Princess, and Murong Xia are from the same mother. The two siblings look alike. Murong Yun, who inherited 60% of her mother's appearance, naturally looks similar to him.

"Hehe, It is still Uncle who loves Ayun."

Monday, December 4, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 23 - Emperor Uncle

 "Your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time."

The eunuch said and waved quickly. It turned out that he had a palanquin behind him. It seemed that he was waiting for her here especially.

Thinking about it, it was her uncle, the Emperor, her iron backer, who must have wanted to meet her in advance and have a chat with her.

"Uncle wants to see me?"

Sunday, December 3, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 22 - Mid-Autumn Festival Palace Banquet

"Eh, Princess, look!"

Xiao Cui carefully supported Murong Yun, and with her sharp eyes, she saw a plainly dressed man over fifty years old, who was furiously writing at a hidden corner.

"It's that old stubborn Imperial Censor Li!"

Xiao Cui is angry, the county princess is already in such a miserable state, and this person comes to add insult to injury. He was clearly trying to impeach the princess again!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 21 - A Minor Slip may Cause a Major Setback

 "It's all my fault for being careless. When I was placing the rouge, I accidentally knocked it over and it landed on this young master who was passing by."

Baili Shuangxue's face was full of apology, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and everyone who looked at them couldn't bear to blame her.

With this explanation, Murong Yun simply accepted the defeat and called out how awesome it was. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 20 - How Can the Princess Make Progress?

 "Princess, just call me Mu Mian. I'm not qualified to be your master."

Mu Mian, whose outlook in life was refreshed, smiled stiffly.

She was afraid that this person would reach level seven tomorrow, and the master would be worse than the apprentice.

Hey, I can't afford to lose face.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 19 - One of the Original Owner's Dark History

 Xiaocui tilted her head, thought for a while, and replied:

"It's not a big deal, it's just that you said he has a low bloodline and it is an insult to the royal bloodline.".

"Then His Majesty sent him out of the palace to pay homage to the Buddha."

This...Original owner, come back, I have a meal of fried meat on bamboo boards that I want to treat you to!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 18 - Dare to do Next Time



Li Su shouted in a low voice and turned away in a panic. His jade-white face was instantly stained with red, and even the roots of his ears that were infected with Murong Yun's breath turned red.

At the same time, the identity of the other party was also confirmed again, because Murong Yun once peeked at him bathing... 

She was the only one besides his mother who knew the location of his birthmark!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 17 - Suspicions

 Hua Zhu looked at Murong Yun with a gloomy expression.

Not noble because of birth, not humble because of poverty.

What a nice statement, but in this country, it is a sarcastic statement. 

"I'm afraid the princess has forgotten, South Chu is a country of slavery. Aren't the slaves you beat to death human beings?"

"The slaves used their flesh and blood to achieve the luxury of the powerful, but the powerful looked back and laughed, despising the slaves for being humble and an eyesore."

Monday, November 27, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 16 -Troublesome Little Brother.

 "Fourth brother, you and I are siblings. From now on, just call me Second sister."

Murong Yun got off the Luan carriage and looked at this beautiful young man with an affectionate face.

Start thinking about how to increase your favorability.

"Princess, you are of noble birth, but Hua Zhu has a low status. How can you be called Second Sister?"

Sunday, November 26, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 15 - Then You Die.

 Guo Kui smiled grimly and asked the officer behind him to hold down Hua's armrest with the ink pads, and then pressed it on the confession that had been drafted long ago.

Hua Fu struggled hard, but unfortunately, even though he had the strength of sixth-level wood spiritual cultivation, he could not break free from the special soul-locking iron chain in the prison.

In Guo Kui's proud voice, the confession was forcibly fingerprinted.

It's over.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 14 - Humiliation in Prison

 When she was held hostage by the surviving assassins, Li Su rescued her. The two also got closer to each other. 

And now, the first encounter is gone, and the time when Li Su saved her again made the second encounter gone again.

Simply, fantastic!

Murong Yun looked at Baili Shuangxue with burning eyes, successfully preventing the plot again.

Friday, November 24, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 13 - Give One's Best Shot

 The Luan guards protect their Master and keep getting injured, and it makes her feel bad!

Therefore, she wanted to bring Murong Jia to the Lake's center pavilion and attract most of the assassins.

Then set fire, ah, set thunder to destroy!

Murong Jia didn't understand what she was thinking. Seeing that this waste was about to die, he quickly tried to break free.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 12 - Life Changing Process

 "Princess Princess, as ordered, Yingyue Tower has been purchased by us with a large sum of money!"

Xiao Cui carried out two boxes of gold to the shopkeeper, with a look of confidence that everything was under control.


Murong Yun nodded with satisfaction: "Xiao Cui, serve the food and make sure everyone is full. We will do something big tonight!"

"Yes, Princess, but forgive Xiao Cui for talking too much. You want to take the eldest prince tonight~!"

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 11 - Sure Enough, Not the Life of a Heroine

 "If Murong Jia, your eldest son, had not died during the Ghost Month Lantern Festival, with his strength, he might still be able to stop this King. It is a pity."

Such a peerless handsome man actually lives in just one sentence!

Murong Yun beat her chest and sighed, it was indeed a pity.

But then she realized that this extremely handsome man had not received his lunch box yet.

TVSWWD - Chapter 10 - Murong Jia

 "Princess, the private room is full today, why don't you just make do with it and have a meal in the lobby?"

The waiter almost cried when he finished speaking. Murong Yun couldn't help but touch her face when she saw that the child was almost losing his golden bean tears.

The original owner was indeed tyrannical. The last time a waiter said this, the grass on that waiter's grave had now grown twice.

However, the private rooms on the first floor are not allowed for walk-ins and can only be booked in advance.

Monday, November 20, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 9 - Digging the Heroine's Corner

 "We have to keep a low profile, let's go, we're going to eat melons, ah no, we're going to watch. ”

Murong Yun found the gap and squeezed in flexibly.

"What's wrong with you, you're squeezing--" The melon-eaters were dissatisfied with being squeezed. They turned around and saw Murong Yun. They automatically muted their voices and said incessantly:

“Squeeze well, please!”

Follow the Rabbit