Saturday, December 2, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 21 - A Minor Slip may Cause a Major Setback

 "It's all my fault for being careless. When I was placing the rouge, I accidentally knocked it over and it landed on this young master who was passing by."

Baili Shuangxue's face was full of apology, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and everyone who looked at them couldn't bear to blame her.

With this explanation, Murong Yun simply accepted the defeat and called out how awesome it was. 

Is this the power of heaven? With such a small chance, Li Su just happened to pass by and was caught by Rouge?

"It's not a problem."

Li Su looked calm and flicked the rouge on his body casually.

In fact, he had already said that it was okay, and it was not a big deal after all.

"Young master's clothes look very luxurious. I'm afraid I won't be able to pay for them. Only the ointment I made is useful."

Baili Shuangxue said, finding a bottle of ointment from the bottles and jars and continued:

"Young master, if you don't dislike it, why don't you use this to offset this incident?"

When Murong Yun saw this, she couldn't help but complain, how could he dislike it? 

You are the heroine of this book, and he is just one of the male protagonists of this stock-buying novel.

There are several popular male protagonists, and the number one one is always Li Su.

Although the author stubbornly wants everyone to buy stocks, he still refuses to rectify the male protagonist's name.

But in the latest chapter of the serialization, Li Su, who has become the new emperor, asked his confidants to prepare things.

If it's not a confession, what else is it?

However, Li Su, who had been focusing on Murong Yun, did not become interested in Baili Shuangxue's ointment and shook his head gently at her:

"No, the clothes will just be washed."

Li Su actually refused?

Murong Yun couldn't believe it, and opened her mouth subconsciously. After noticing that her expression was different, she quickly lowered her head and touched the rouge powder.

"Then, thank you for your righteousness, sir."

Baili Shuangxue took back the ointment with a slight embarrassment. This young man's temperament is the same as his appearance.

Like the moon in the sky cannot be touched...

But why is she so sad in her heart? There seems to be a force that keeps driving her closer to the other person...

"Hey, these rouge powders are very beautiful."

Murong Yun looked at it casually, but she didn't expect that she was worthy of being the heroine, and the rouge she casually made was also as good as it boasted.

"The color, the fragrance, all top quality."

She is a beauty lover, and when she saw this kind of rouge refined in ancient times, she just couldn't put it down.

"Princess likes it, why don't you give it a try?" Baili Shuangxue thoughtfully handed over a bronze mirror so that she could try the color.

"Okay. ”

Murong Yun became interested and completely forgot about her purpose. She picked out a bright red color and picked some with her fingernails, then carefully put it on her lips.

The lipstick is bright red and the color is rosy. Together with the original owner's extremely beautiful appearance, it adds to the radiance.


Murong Yun put down the bronze mirror and showed it to Baili Shuangxue with confidence.

"Extremely beautiful."

Baili Shuangxue revealed a stunned look.

In terms of appearance, this Shaohua princess is as beautiful as a gorgeous peony in full bloom. She probably has no rival in Liu Jing.

"Brother Li Su, tell me, how beautiful is this color?"

Murong Yun suddenly became evil-minded after thinking about Li Su's shy look after being teased by her.

The plot wants to force her to break, so she teases the male protagonist, even in front of the female protagonist!

Anyway, there are vicious female supporting characters, who is afraid of whom? She is just looking for excitement!

Li Su looked at the face of someone who had come closer to him. Thinking of the scene last time, a strange color flashed across his face quickly.

“...... It's okay. ”

"Oh? Is it just okay?"

Murong Yun's eyes flashed, and she was quite disappointed with this answer.

Her hands slid over the rouge, and she was about to pick another color to try. Unexpectedly, her feet suddenly went numb, and the person rushed towards Li Su uncontrollably.

Damn it, it’s all because Mu Nian training her every day, causing her muscles to become stiff, and now she has cramps!

"County Princess!"

Amidst Xiao Cui's exclamation of surprise, Murong Yun steadily pounced on Li Su.

Li Su subconsciously caught the person coming. Unexpectedly, there was a loud sound in the sky, and the familiar purple thunder struck Murong Yun fiercely.

When Li Su saw this, his years of spiritual and martial arts cultivation made him subconsciously dodge aside with Murong Yun.

The thunder sharply slashed down the rouge stand, and there was a burst of ping-ping-pong, and the colorful powder filled the entire air.

But, the worst part is ......

Two soft places touch each other, and the indifference on Li Su's face is completely shattered. His gray-blue eyes met the equally shocked beautiful eyes.

"I, I, I didn't mean it, really!"

Murong Yun crawled up from Li Su's body, her thin legs trembling unsatisfactorily, and she wanted to cry but had no tears.

She was just teasing, she really didn't mean to do anything!

Dog Heavenly Way, striking her every day, and now something big happened!

"Are you two alright?"

Baili Shuangxue was equally shocked.

According to legend, wherever Princess Shaohua is present, she may be struck by lightning. She has now experienced this.

Moreover, that young master, who was like the moon in the sky before, a fairy-like person, is like this, in front of everyone... She simply couldn't describe it...and for some reason, this scene made her feel inexplicably irritable.

"...No problem..."

Same answer, different context, Li Su stood up with a complicated face, and his white robe had turned into a colorful one.

Above all, he pursed his lips, that touch, and ......

Murong Yun looked at the other party's movements. That perfect fairy-like face, with the lips stained with red lipstick, brought an inexplicable temptation, which made it even more beautiful...

"I'll wipe it for you!"

Murong Yun quickly stepped forward and wiped the evidence of guilt from Li Su's mouth with her hand.

Li Su's lips were sore from being rubbed by the other party's strong movements, and he quickly retreated.

Murong Yun looked at his swollen lips, as if something had bothered her, she quickly looked away and retracted her hand.

What a crime, a good male lead is ruined by her.

"No, I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you."

Li Su half-covered his face with his long sleeves unnaturally, and his ears were red.

His feet moved, he shrunk to an inch and quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

The familiar rumble of thunder sounded again, more intense than before.

"What's all this bad luck."

Murong Yun resignedly pulled out the bone staff and accepted the wrath of the Heavenly Way.


"It's none of my business!"

Amidst the bursts of thunder, Murong Yun retorted unconvinced, followed by more violent lightning strikes.

Xiao Cui looked at the person who had overcome the tribulation with admiration.

As expected of the County princess, she doesn’t do ordinary things!

However, I am afraid that soon, the people of Liu Jing will spread the news again that the vicious princess molested a weak and beautiful man in the street, and was brutally punished by thunder...

"This old lady is still aggrieved!"

When the thunder strikes were over, Murong Yun took a breath and blew the smoke from the top of the stone staff. That was her first kiss!

After all this, she had no intention of getting close to the heroine. After apologetically giving her a bag of gold leaves, she was helped back home by Xiao Cui.

"Why is this lightning strike so strange?"

Baili Shuangxue held the gold leaf, but she was not happy about making money. Instead, she looked at Murong Yun's back and frowned deeply.


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