Saturday, December 9, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 28 - What Does it have to do with this Princess?

 Baili Shuangxue was completely embarrassed now. What kind of luck is this? This person's clothes get dirty every time...

Li Su's face was calm. Even after such an accident, he still sat upright. There was no change in his beautiful face, and he looked like a jade person.

His gray-blue eyes fell on Baili Shuangxue's face, then moved to her hair, and suddenly stretched out his hand.


Baili Shuangxue thought that this handsome man who looked cold but was actually warm-hearted was going to help her stand up. She looked at the long white hand and was thinking about whether to reach out and hold it.

Unexpectedly, the other party silently took out a decorative vegetable leaf from her hair...


Baili Shuangxue, whose heartbeat was racing because of Li Su's actions, saw this, and her face stiffened for a moment.

Fortunately, I didn't reach out, otherwise, it would have been embarrassing...

Li Su threw away the vegetable leaves in his hand, his eyes only focused on Baili Shuangxue's face for a moment and then looked at Prime Minister Baili who was walking over.

"Girl, is this yours?"

Prime Minister Baili looked anxious and looked at Baili Shuangxue with almost certainty on his face.

It's so similar, she must be that child.

I just wonder if she, uh, is okay?

Baili Shuangxue looked over after hearing the sound. When she saw the jade pendant, her expression changed instantly. She touched her empty waist in panic and nodded: "It's my waist pendant."

"This...was given to you by your mother?"

Prime Minister Baili's voice was trembling, completely losing its previous calmness.

"How do you know?"

Baili Shuangxue just took the jade pendant and was shocked by the other party's words.

Although in the original memory, the biological mother who died young did not leave any news about her biological father, but only repeatedly told her not to enter Liu Jing.

Could it be related to this prime minister?

"Sure enough, you are my..."

Prime Minister Baili's eyes were bright and excited, and he was anxious to confirm before he finished speaking.

I saw the wood spiritual energy surging around him, and he quickly formed seals with his hands, forcing a drop of blood from his ring finger, and headed directly towards Baili Shuangxue's eyebrows.

"This is?"

Baili Shuangxue subconsciously wanted to resist, but her body couldn't move. She could only watch the drop of blood fall on her eyebrows. The wood aura around her body was unconsciously stimulated and merged with the aura of Prime Minister Baili.

"This is actually the art of attracting spiritual consciousness through blood! This dancing girl is the bloodline of Prime Minister Baili!"

"Great luck, this girl is going to soar into the sky."


Everyone around was surprised. Only Murong Yun's face remained as usual. She looked at this scene with a heavy heart. No matter how she changed, would these important plots still happen?

At this time, the cold gaze from the opposite side fell over again. This time, Murong Yun, who was in a irritable mood, did not give in. Instead, he glared back fiercely with beautiful eyes.

His gray-blue eyes met Murong Yun's round and fiercely beautiful eyes, and he was stunned for a moment, then moved away.

Murong Yun is the only one who refuses to let go, come on, let’s hurt each other! 

In fact, she didn't realize that she looked like a fried cat with her inked hair strewn about and a depressed face with what she thought were fierce eyes glaring round.

At this time, Prime Minister Baili, who was sure of his bloodline, withdrew his hand, knelt down to the Emperor, and begged with a moving expression on his face:

"Your Majesty, this girl is my daughter who has been missing for many years. For the crime of disrespect, Your Majesty, please be lenient."

It seems that the rumor is true. The prime minister did fall in love with a commoner's daughter before marriage, and he still had a blood relationship.

The Emperor kept thinking in his mind, but his expression was gentle. He raised his hand very generously and said: "Since she is the beloved daughter of the prime minister, and it coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival, it seems to be God's will, so this punishment will be enough."

"Thank you for your honor, Your Majesty."

Prime Minister Baili looked grateful when he heard this, and raised his hands to Murong Yun, who was sitting sideways: "My little girl offended Princess Yunhua earlier, and she will definitely come to apologize another day."

"The Prime Minister's words are serious..."

Murong Yun nodded mechanically, she didn't need it, she really didn't need it, she just wanted to be quiet now.

Here, the Mid-Autumn Festival Night Banquet with many twists and turns finally comes to an end.

When the banquet was over, all the dignitaries who had thoughts in mind were rushing home. However, instead of having a Mid-Autumn Festival family dinner, they were anxious to gather privately to discuss.

Only Murong Yun, who sat miserably until the end, stood up with a bone staff.

As the night fell, Murong Yun felt that her heart felt cold at this time.

Murong Jia originally wanted to say a few words, but the attendant beside him whispered, so he had to leave in a hurry to deal with something.

"Hey, Murong Yun!"

The delicate female voice was filled with dissatisfaction. It turned out that besides her, the Anping Princess Qin Qin had not left either.

At this time, the other party also asked her with a depressed look on his face: "Then the dancer hurt you? You just let it go?"

It turned out to be strange why she didn't lose her temper.

Murong Yun turned sideways and looked at Qin Qin. This second vicious female supporting character also met a miserable end. For a moment, she had the illusion of being a comrade-in-arms.

Although she didn't know when she and Baili Shuangxue became friends, she still wanted to give her some friendly advice.

"Sister, listen to my advice and don't get into trouble with her."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who is your sister? Is your brain damaged? Please find a doctor quickly!"

Qin Qin was shocked by the sympathy in Murong Yun's eyes, as if she had seen a ghost, and quickly distanced herself from them, fearing that the brain disease would be contagious.

"I'm serious, you can't beat her."

Murong Yun warned again, even with sincerity on her beautiful face.

As a result, there was a loud sound in the sky, which seemed to be a warning.

When Murong Yun heard the sound, a sarcastic smile appeared on her lips. Such a big change in the plot just now, Heavenly Way pretended to be dead, and she said a few words, but she came to warn?

Qin Qin also heard the thunder and took five steps back, fearing that the legendary thunder would strike her.

But she never gave up on her words.

"This dancer wants to seduce Li Su, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Aren't you angry?"

Hooking up with Li Su? Murong Yun raised her eyebrows, it seems that before that, the hero and heroine had other interactions.

Princess Anping has always had thoughts about the male protagonist Li Su. When she bumped into him, no wonder she would deal with Baili Shuangxue.

This seems to have taken over her plot.

However, what does this have to do with her eating melons to survive among the masses?

"The leader of this group is not angry. What does it have to do with this princess?"

"You? You really fell in love with the eldest prince."

Qin Qin screamed strangely, she did not expect that the recent rumors that Murong Yun and Murong Jia have an unusual relationship are true!

But for her, it's good to have one less competitor.

"Forget it, in that case, I'm too lazy to fight against you, just take care of yourself."

As long as she didn't compete with her for Li Su, she didn't bother to care about what was wrong with Murong Yun.

"Also, stay away from Li Su. Don't let anything frivolous happen again."

Finally, Qin Qin thought of this and threatened Murong Yun fiercely.


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