Wednesday, December 6, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 25 - Gossip

 But today, he can't say for sure.

"No need, I will take Ayun there. You can inform the Empress to go there herself."

The Emperor thought that the Empress' natal palace, Taichuan King's Mansion, had been restless recently, so he pulled out several hidden stakes in Taichuan, just to take this opportunity to give her a warning.

To avoid forgetting who the ruler is and who is the minister.

Murong Yun watched the conversation silently. She was afraid that after this, the Empress who was not a good stubble in the book would find trouble with her.

But then she thought of her iron supporter, and she didn't panic anymore.

As long as the Empress is not stupid, she will not be cruel to her niece.

Since it was a Mid-Autumn Palace banquet, the banquet was held in the imperial garden. At this time, it had already arrived at the appointed time, but the Empress who had attended the banquet with the Emperor in previous years came over first.

Everyone stood up and saluted in confusion. Before they could stand up, the Eunuch's high-pitched voice shouted again:

"His Majesty the Emperor has arrived."

This was convenient, and everyone shouted Long live.

Murong Yun followed the emperor two steps behind, feeling a little numb when she saw the crowd of kneeling people.

But seeing these dignitaries with high status or high spiritual cultivation all bowing their heads at this moment, I understand a little bit why the dragon chair is so popular.

If you are an ordinary person, you need to kneel on both knees. If you are practicing spiritual practice, you need to kneel on one knee.

But those who have passed the seventh level of spiritual cultivation do not need to kneel.

However, at the top of the crowd, the pure white man was still kneeling on one knee, with his lowered eyebrows showing no expression.

As far as she knew... Li Su had an eighth-level spiritual cultivation level at this time, which was only one level lower than the ninth-level master Xie Guangyuan...

It's really forbearing to the extreme.

"Get up."

At this time, the emperor completely lost the cordiality and amiability he had shown to Murong Yun before, but with an imperial domineering attitude, he gradually rose to the top.

After he sat down, everyone took their seats one after another.

As the Emperor's most beloved junior, Murong Yun's position was second only to the only first-born princess Murong You. Opposite her was... Li Su who had just taken his seat.

In order to prove that he did not treat Prince Yong'an harshly, the emperor would never embarrass Li Su on such occasions, so his position was also extremely high.

Murong Yun secretly raised her eyes to glance at the opposite side and accidentally met Li Su's iconic gray-blue eyes. Her eyelashes trembled with fear, and she quickly picked up the wine glass to cover up her gaffe.

"Haha, Sister Yun is still in a hurry."

A chuckle like a silver bell came from the person who was the princess beside her, Murong You.

The other party had a friendly smile on her face and a dignified look. It could be seen that her manners were extremely well-bred. In terms of royal style alone, she simply surpassed Murong Yun by a dozen.

"Hehe, thirsty, thirsty."

Murong Yun also had a polite smile on her face. For the Emperor's direct princess, under the upbringing of the ambitious Empress, she did not look as dignified and kind as she appeared.

"Sister is a little curious. When did Sister Yun become friends with Eldest Imperial brother?"

Murong You looked at Murong Jia, who was sitting opposite the emperor in the first position, with vigilance in her eyes.

After finally scheming, Murong Yun drove that lowly bloodline out. Unexpectedly, he came back and got the favor of their father.

And all this is because of this stupid Murong Yun!

Murong Yun raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this straightforward question. Did she still regard her as the original owner who was irritable and easy to take advantage of?

Do you think you can command her to do this or that with just some coaxing?

"Sister, Uncle is still talking. It's not good for us to chat like this."

Murong Yun answered directly and unceremoniously. Anyway, her character is so brainless.

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Murong You's face froze, and then she gave her an apologetic look and then looked at the emperor with admiration as if she was listening attentively.

This acting skill is beyond compare.

Murong Yun shook her head, admitting that she couldn't do it. At this time, the Emperor's speech ended early and the boring toasting process began.

After three cups, it’s time for the singing and dancing that happens at every Mid-Autumn Festival banquet.

Under the peaceful sound of music, the dignitaries at the banquet began to relax a little.

In fact, the dignitaries who can come to attend the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet are not only the royal family members but also important ministers.

Fortunately, the Protector General's Mansion was also among them. Murong Yun tilted his head and looked towards the opposite row to find Hua Fu and Hua Zhu, who were almost squeezed into the corner.

That corner is still a vent, but the weather has turned cold now. Let alone eating, it is even colder just sitting alone.

It seems that it's time for her to improve her favorability again.

"Xiao Cui."

Murong Yun called Xiao Cui softly and gave instructions in her ear. Xiao Cui looked at her and nodded obediently to make arrangements.

She just murmured in her heart: isn't the princess too excessive? The two brothers are both spiritual practitioners, how could they be sick due to cold wind...

At this time, Murong You, who thought she had found an opportunity, brought up the old matter again.

"Sister Yun, you haven't answered my question just yet."

Answer? How can I answer this? Could it be that she wanted her to say she was counting on Murong Jia to face Li Su, the ceiling of combat power?

Otherwise, the Murong royal family would get boxed lunch together?

"It's probably because he is nice to look at."

Murong Yun thought about it and found that this reason was more convincing.

Murong You's smile froze again. Unexpectedly, this idiot fell in love with Murong Jia's face!

This was in accordance with the favor of his father. If Murong Yun married Murong Jia, he would have to pass the throne of South Chu to Murong Jia.

He already occupies the position of the Eldest son. The Fifth Imperial brother is only seven years old this year. How can he compete for it?

Murong You glanced at the little carrot Murong Zi who was opposite Murong Jia. Not to mention the age difference, even if Murong Zi grew up, he might not be as good-looking as Murong Jia.

Murong Yun was chewing the food while admiring Murong You's change of face, feeling a little comfortable.

However, Murong You was still the same Murong You. She quickly adjusted her mentality, her voice was neither too loud nor too soft, and the curiosity on her face was just right:

"But doesn't Sister Yun like Heir Li? I heard..."

Although there is music playing, which one of the people here is not a spiritual practitioner?

Everyone heard it clearly. Murong You also seemed to realize that she had made a mistake and quickly covered her mouth with apology in her eyes:

"I'm sorry, I said something I shouldn't have said."

The corner of Murong Yun's mouth twitched, she was careless...

She mechanically swallowed the food in her mouth, and eyes from all directions were focused on her.

Especially the cool, penetrating gaze from across her.

"What shouldn't be said? When did this princess say she likes Heir Li?"

Murong Yun held up her face and tried her best to imitate the arrogance of the original owner. At this time, she must not be vain or cover-up, she must make it clear.

Otherwise...even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to clean yourself!

"Ah, are they all rumors? They are all blinding me."

Murong You repeatedly admitted her mistakes, but there is no smoke without fire. This means that she refused to admit it.


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