Showing posts with label ARDA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ARDA. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 67 - Second Sister, Look what I Brought

 Chun  Lan on the side heard this and nodded, her face pale and ugly.

"Yes, everyone in the capital knows about this matter. How could the old lady and the master do that...isn't this pushing the young lady to death!?"

Jiang Ning's face darkened. The old lady's words meant that she had already made up her mind to send her there.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 66 - I'm going to Betroth you to Mr. Lu.

 Lord Jiang responded obediently, "This son will treat them well equally."

The old lady added, "Yue'er has been pampered for so many years. She is extremely talented and knowledgeable. She is also the companion of Her Highness the Princess. Among her peers, she is the only one who can be so close to the princess."

After Lord Jiang heard these words, he suddenly realized what the old lady was talking about.

Monday, June 3, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 65 - You Did Well

 Jiang Mengyue whispered, "It's all Yue'er's fault. I will be punished if I do something wrong..." She said it so softly and weakly that people couldn't help but feel distressed.

Jiang Ning, who was standing below, looked at Jiang Mengyue quietly.

On Jiang Mengyue's crying face, there were heavy traces of makeup powder where tears streaked her face.

That's how she is, she knows how to act.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 64 - Grandma will decide for you.

 Seeing Jiang Ning's face turn slightly pale, Aunt Gui comforted her with a warm voice, "Although the old lady is serious, she loves her grandchildren very much, and she will definitely like you too."

Jiang Ning came back to her senses and couldn't help but twitch her lips.

The old lady indeed loves her grandchildren, but she never took another look at her and always looked at her with indifferent eyes.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 63 - Old Madam Jiang is Back

 Jiang Ning was a little surprised. Why would her elder brother send someone to find her?

The servant continued, "The eldest young master said that he sent a copybook a few days ago, and now he wants to check how the lady's calligraphy is doing, so as not to waste the copybook."

Jiang Ning was silent. She didn't expect that her eldest brother would attach so much importance to her studies. She just gave him an inkstone, and he personally compiled calligraphy books for her and supervised her calligraphy practice.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

I am on Vacay!

Hi Dear Erudites~

Sorry for not updating for a few days now.
I am on a sudden vacation. I got swished away from my laptop. I will be returning after a week or two. I am not  dropping anything just taking a break. Please look forward to my return. I hope you all had a great holidays and may every one have a blessed year ahead.

Thank you! 

God Bless always!

With Love,

Sunday, December 31, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 62 - The Eldest Young Master Invites the Young Lady

 The backyard of the Marquis Mansion became much quieter.

The second young lady was grounded, and the third young master was made to kneel down. When the servants of the Marquis Mansion passed by Ning'an courtyard, they subconsciously avoided it, as if there was some kind of scourge in Ning'an courtyard, and anyone who got involved would not be treated well.

ARDA - Chapter 61 - I'll Pay You Back a Hundred Times

 Madam Lin was so angry that she was shaking all over and her face was livid, "Okay, it seems that you won't know your mistake without being punished. Go to the ancestral hall and kneel down! When you know you are wrong, come and admit it to your sister!"

Jiang Minglan gritted his teeth and gave Jiang Ning a cold look. He did not apologize and went straight to the ancestral hall to kneel.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 60 - Why?

 With a snap, Chun Lan turned away, her face burning with pain.

When Jiang Ning saw Chun Lan being beaten, her calm eyes gradually turned cold, and she looked at Jiang Minglan.

She won't be angry no matter what Jiang Minglan says, because she doesn't care about him at all, and he can say whatever he wants.

ARDA - Chapter 59 - How Dare You Speak Ill of Second Sister

This statement is tantamount to grounding.

Bad rumors are coming out of the capital now, so we have to wait until the outside calms down.

Jiang Mengyue's eyes were red and filled with tears, "My daughter knows, she can't live up to her parents and her sister."

Friday, December 29, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 58 - When Did Something Go Wrong?

 Boom - this sentence is like a huge thunder.

Jiang Mengyue's mind went blank. Why is it Xu Yuanqing again? 

Jiang Ning said leisurely, "My sister said she doesn't know Xu Yuanqing, so why does he have my sister's earrings? Could it be that he also stole these earrings?"

ARDA - Chapter 57 - Who Pawned the Earring?

 Madam Lin also looked at Jiang Mengyue with a worried look on her face. Her daughter had always abided by the rules and had never had any private meetings with men. But now... not only did she meet Xu Yuanqing in private, but after the incident was revealed, she also wanted to blame Ning Ning. 

Madam Lin was heartbroken. She always thought that the two sisters got along well with each other and Yue'er took great care of Ning Ning. She didn't expect that this was just the surface.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 56 - Don't Talk Nonsense

 Aunt Huang shook out the handkerchief. One corner of the snow-white handkerchief was embroidered with delicate plum blossoms. Jiang Mengyue was stunned when she saw it. Isn't that her handkerchief? 

"No! Impossible!"

"Why is my handkerchief there?"

ARDA - Chapter 55 - It's the Second Lady's Handkerchief

 Xu Yuanqing took out the handkerchief from his sleeve.

This handkerchief was accidentally dropped by Miss Jiang when they were in the pavilion. It was not a token of love for him at all. 

Although doing this would offend Miss Jiang, she doesn't care about that much now.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 54 - Token of Love

 Jiang Ning raised her face, her eyes were slightly red. She was originally cold and indifferent, but when she shed tears, she looked like a porcelain doll that was about to break, which made people feel sad.

"Sister, why are you slandering me? When did I tell you that Mr. Xu sent me back?"

ARDA - Chapter 53 - I have never seen Mr. Xu

 A cold voice, full of doubt.

Jiang Ning looked at Marquis Jiang quietly, her eyes flashing a little complicated, but in the end, she returned to calm.

The person in front of her is her father.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 52 - Do you Interact with Xu Yuanqing in Private?

 Marquis Jiang's face turned dark and felt pity.

A poor young man whom he helped casually became a scholar and came to the capital to repay his kindness. This was a good reputation for him. If word of this spread, it would make his reputation even higher.

ARDA - Chapter 51 - This is a Misunderstanding

 Jiang Ning looked at him with an indifferent expression, as if looking at a stranger.

Xu Yuanqing was a little at a loss. He clearly made an appointment with Miss Jiang, and Miss Jiang sent someone to reply, saying that she would definitely go to the appointment. How could it be like this...

Monday, December 25, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 50 - Hungry After Watching

 The timing is just right.

Jiang Mengyue originally wanted to leave quickly, but the appearance of Jin Jingxiu blocked her way.

She was so angry that she almost broke her silver teeth and cursed him as an idiot several times in her heart.

Jin Jingxiu showed up not too early and not too late. He showed up at this time and made a big fuss. His loud voice attracted a crowd of people to watch the fun.

ARDA - Chapter 49 - How could You Possibly be Worthy of Yue'er?

 Jin Weilan turned around and said, "Do you know him?"

Jiang Ning nodded, "Of course I know. Mr. Xu was a student sponsored by my father. He was admitted as a scholar and came to the Capital specifically to thank my father."

"Oh, really?" Jin Weilan looked at the two people with an interested expression.

Jiang Mengyue's face turned blue and white, and she clenched her hands, "Don't talk nonsense! I just walked into the wrong room and accidentally walked in here. I didn't have any private meeting with anyone..."

Follow the Rabbit