Monday, December 25, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 50 - Hungry After Watching

 The timing is just right.

Jiang Mengyue originally wanted to leave quickly, but the appearance of Jin Jingxiu blocked her way.

She was so angry that she almost broke her silver teeth and cursed him as an idiot several times in her heart.

Jin Jingxiu showed up not too early and not too late. He showed up at this time and made a big fuss. His loud voice attracted a crowd of people to watch the fun.

At this moment, people watching the fun gathered on three floors inside and three floors outside, and it was packed.

"Who are you! Tell me your name!" Jin Jingxiu was furious, holding onto Xu Yuanqing's collar with all his strength, his eyes filled with rage, and he almost wanted to eat the person in front of him alive.

Xu Yuanqing was so frightened that he almost fell over when he was pulled by someone. He finally managed to steady his steps and said, "Let go. What a shameless scholar to tug people like this!"

This sentence touched on Jin Jingxiu's sore spot.

He had been unwilling to study since he was a child. The Jin family arranged for him to go to the academy, but he spent all his time eating, drinking, and having fun and was kicked out by his master within a few days.

Now seeing the elegant and scholarly person in front of him, he couldn't help but turn red with anger.

He turned around and looked at Jiang Mengyue, "Yue'er, who is he? Why do you want to be with him?"

Jiang Mengyue was almost going crazy, this idiot! 

"Shut up!" She couldn't help but curse.

Jin Jingxiu was stunned and lost consciousness for a moment, unable to react.

Jiang Mengyue's attitude seemed to be that she was speaking for this man. She actually told him to shut up.

"Yue'er..." He was stunned. He didn't know what he had done wrong and why he made Yue'er angry. Could it be that he was angry because he ruined their good deeds?

Jin Jingxiu glanced at Xu Yuanqing, then at Jiang Mengyue, "Yue'er, why do you want to speak for this person? Do you really have him in your heart?"

Jiang Mengyue was so angry that she almost fainted, and her vision turned black. She really regretted it. She thought that this idiot Jin Jingxiu was an easy pawn, but she didn't expect it to be a murderous knife.

"Shut up! He is just a student sponsored by my father and has nothing to do with me!"

Jin Jingxiu nodded in understanding, "Then why are you two together?"

Jiang Ning and Jin Weilan on the side couldn't help but want to applaud. Jin Jingxiu's stupidity came in handy at this moment, and his words were more lethal than anything else.

Jiang Mengyue's face turned pale, losing all color, and her throat felt fishy-sweet.

Bing Lan couldn't help but walk out, "Master Jin, stop talking! My lady went to the wrong room and accidentally walked in here. She has nothing to do with this person!"

Although Bing Lan explained this, everyone knew that many things could not be explained.

For example, if Second Miss Jiang really went to the wrong private room, why did she ask the maid to guard it outside?

Jiang Mengyue stamped her feet. She no longer wanted to be watched by everyone. She just wanted to leave quickly. She lifted up the hem of her skirt and left quickly. Bing Lan stood by her side, "Miss, be careful..."

When Jin Jingxiu saw Jiang Mengyue leaving, he didn't care and hurriedly chased after her.

"Yue'er, wait for me! I'll take you back!"

"Yue'er, don't be angry with me..."

Everyone found that there was no excitement to watch and dispersed one after another. However, the incident between Second Miss Jiang and Xu Yuanqing became an after-dinner conversation, and soon everyone in the restaurant knew about it.

Jin Weilan snorted angrily when she saw her brother running away with Jiang Mengyue so spinelessly.

However, he did a good job today. Jiang Mengyue's face turned green and white in anger at those words, and she almost lost her breath and vomited blood.

Jin Weilan took Jiang Ning's hand and said, "Aning, let's go eat too. After watching the fun, I'm a little hungry..."

At this time, Xu Yuanqing suddenly shouted, "Miss Jiang!"



This is another extra chapter today to celebrate!

Hope you are satisfied with these extra chapters today!

God Bless Everyone!

Till tomorrow!



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  1. Thanks for the extra chapter Runa! Merry Christmas and God bless you too!

    1. You're Welcome! Glad you enjoyed reading here.

  2. Thank you for your hard work. Love your translation


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