Tuesday, December 26, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 52 - Do you Interact with Xu Yuanqing in Private?

 Marquis Jiang's face turned dark and felt pity.

A poor young man whom he helped casually became a scholar and came to the capital to repay his kindness. This was a good reputation for him. If word of this spread, it would make his reputation even higher.

He originally wanted to cultivate Xu Yuanqing, but unfortunately...

If such a scandal comes out, Xu Yuanqing can only be driven out of the capital. After some time, people will forget about it.

Marquis Jiang asked someone to call Xu Yuanqing and prepare to give him some money to send him away.

Xu Yuanqing stepped into the door of the Marquis Mansion tremblingly. Thinking back to what happened at noon today, the Marquis must have come to him to question the matter. He stepped into the hall uneasily.

Marquis Jiang looked at him with some regret, sighed, and stopped the thoughts in his heart.

Xu Yuanqing bowed and shouted, "Lord Marquis."

Marquis Jiang waved his hand and asked his servants to give Xu Yuanqing some money.

Xu Yuanqing was stunned, with a confused look on his face. He didn't know why the Marquis suddenly gave him such a large sum of money.

Lord Jiang said quietly, "Take this money and leave the capital. Never enter the capital again."

Xu Yuanqing felt a buzz in his head and went blank. How could this be possible? He came to the capital to enjoy the glory and wealth. He was used to the prosperity of the capital, so how could he bear to go back to the countryside.

"Lord Marquis..." he said hurriedly.

But Marquis Jiang interrupted him, "After what happened today, we can no longer allow you to stay in the capital. Take the money and leave!"

Xu Yuanqing felt cold all over and his hands were trembling slightly. The Marquis wanted to drive him away just because of what happened in Dingfeng Tower today, but the person he was meeting was not Second Miss Jiang!

Xu Yuanqing felt that his mind was in a mess. If he was kicked out like this, he would not be able to make a future in the Marquis Mansion!

No, no...

He gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Master Marquis, it was purely a coincidence that I bumped into Second Miss Jiang today. The person I made an appointment with... was actually Miss Jiang!"

He thought to himself that when they met on Qingcheng Mountain and at Wenmo Shop, Miss Jiang gave him a sum of money, Miss Jiang must have him in her heart. 

Mr. Jiang's face darkened, "What did you say?"

Xu Yuanqing made up his mind that as long as he married Jiang Ning, he would be the son-in-law of the Marquis family. He didn't mind bringing this matter to light as soon as possible.

"The person I am meeting is Miss Jiang. To be honest with the Marquis, I have had several contacts with Miss Jiang in private." He said sincerely, without blushing or heartbeat.

Marquis Jiang's face was extremely dark, and the veins on his forehead were pulsing. He knew that Xu Yuanqing didn't have the guts to lie, so what he said would be true.

Jiang Ning is the daughter he brought back from the countryside. Marquis Jiang actually doesn't care much. He has never seen his daughter before, so where does his affection come from.

But it's different if you commit a crime. Now that you've arrived at the Marquis' Mansion, you must abide by the rules of the Marquis' Mansion.

He said coldly, "Call Jiang Ning over."


Ning'an Courtyard.

Jiang Ning didn't change her clothes after she came back from outside. She sat calmly on a chair and read books.

After a while, a servant from the main hall came over in a hurry and said, "Master, please go to the main hall."

Jiang Ning put down her book and stood up slowly as if she had expected it and didn't need to prepare. She could just get up and go over.

The servants were slightly startled. They didn't know the new lady well. Now when they took a look, they saw that this young lady was cold and quiet, her face was expressionless and very calm.

"Let's go." Jiang Ning said.

The servant finally came to his senses and led the way.

After walking out of the gate of Ning'an Courtyard, Chun Lan ran over panting not far away and wiped the sweat from her forehead, "Miss!"

Jiang Ning stopped and said, "Wait a minute."

Chun Lan ran over, lowered her voice, and said something in Jiang Ning's ear.

Jiang Ning nodded slightly, frowned, and praised, "You did a good job."

The thing is done, and then there will be some ups and downs.


In the main hall, Marquis Jiang's face became darker and darker.

When Jiang Ning walked into the main hall, the atmosphere inside was depressing and heavy.

When Xu Yuanqing saw Jiang Ning walking in, his eyes lit up and his heart skipped a few beats.

Marquis Jiang glanced at Jiang Ning, his eyes showing no emotion at all, and said in a deep voice, "I heard that you and Xu Yuanqing had several contacts in private, but is it true?"


Marquis Jiang is a bit foolish and easily swayed by words.

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  1. This Xu guy is really annoying. Sigh

    1. Right! He is Delulu for even thinking of having Jiang Ning as his wife. He really matches Jiang Mengyue.

    2. Yes he had nothing to offer, just a gamboling addict.

  2. Jiang Meng Yue is evil. She should be grateful that the family keeps her.


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