Tuesday, December 26, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 51 - This is a Misunderstanding

 Jiang Ning looked at him with an indifferent expression, as if looking at a stranger.

Xu Yuanqing was a little at a loss. He clearly made an appointment with Miss Jiang, and Miss Jiang sent someone to reply, saying that she would definitely go to the appointment. How could it be like this...

Seeing that Xu Yuanqing was still there, Jin Weilan took a step forward and said sarcastically, "What? It's not enough to pull Second Miss Jiang, but you also have to involve Aning?"

"Aning, let's go and ignore this kind of person!"

Jin Weilan pulled Jiang Ning into another private room.

Not far away, Chu Yunli witnessed what happened, his eyes were interested and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly.

He walked slowly into the crowd, walked behind a woman, and said in a cold voice, "Give me the token."

Shuang Yue's body trembled, and she subconsciously wanted to take action, but when she realized it was a familiar voice, she put away the sharp dagger in her sleeve. "My Lord."

Shuang Yue handed over the token honestly.

She stole Master Jin's jade pendant. No, it should be said that the young lady asked her to steal it.

She stole Master Jin's jade pendant and led him to the private room.

Chu Yunli said quietly, "I will take care of the rest. You go back and protect her."

"Yes, sir." Shuang Yue responded and quickly returned to the private room where Jiang Ning was.

Chu Yunli walked up to Master Jin and waved the token in his hand, "Master Jin, is this token yours?"

Young Master Jin's eyes fell on the token and he looked at it carefully for a while, "Yes, it's mine! It's the token I lost! Mr. Chu, where did you find it?"

"I just picked it up on the ground."

Master Jin took the token and murmured to himself, "It's strange. Someone obviously stole my token and ran here. How could it have fallen to the ground..."

But he didn’t think much about it, as long as he got the token back.

Jiang Ning and Jin Weilan ordered a large table of dishes and had a satisfying meal.

With the excitement just now, Jin Weilan was in a good mood and had an extra bowl of rice.

On the way back to the Marquis Mansion.

Jiang Ning looked at Shuang Yue sitting aside and asked, "Has the token been returned?"

"It has been returned." Shuang Yue nodded slightly. She thought for a moment whether she should tell the master's matter, but she didn't say it in the end.

Jiang Ning put her hand on her chin, turned her face, and looked out the carriage window.

There will be some storms when she returns home.

She curled up the corners of her mouth slightly with a cold smile.


After Jiang Mengyue returned to her room, she smashed everything into pieces and was so angry that she didn't even care about her image.

She was seen with Xu Yuanqing today. What would people think?

She trembled all over and clenched her fists.

Soon, the matter spread to the ears of the Marquis Jiang Yuanshan. His usually pampered daughter actually had a private meeting with a man. If this matter spread, where would the Marquis's face be put at?

Jiang Yuanshan immediately called Jiang Mengyue and asked what was going on.

Jiang Mengyue bit her lower lip lightly and put on a pitiful look. She must clear up this matter no matter what. This time she admitted defeat, but she must not get involved with Xu Yuanqing.

"Father, this is a misunderstanding..."

Jiang Mengyue's eyes were red and her face looked aggrieved, which made people feel heartbroken.

"What on earth is going on?" Mr. Jiang had a serious face. The Marquis family has always been strict in discipline, and the children he has taught know the rules and will never do anything disgraceful to the family.

"This is really a misunderstanding. I accidentally walked into the wrong room and was seen by others, rumors are spreading..." Jiang Mengyue was so aggrieved that tears fell down.

Seeing Jiang Mengyue crying and feeling aggrieved, Mr. Jiang's heart softened for the most part, and his anger was almost gone. Yue'er was his pampered daughter, well-behaved and sensible, how could she do something that would disgrace the family.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, but why is Xu Yuanqing there?"


Did you guys have a fun Christmas?
 This holiday season made this rabbit fat. Still, this is my favorite season so let's chomp some more!


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1 comment:

  1. Kind of resting. Nothing special. Hope to see more interaction between the couple …


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