Sunday, December 31, 2023

ARDA - Chapter 61 - I'll Pay You Back a Hundred Times

 Madam Lin was so angry that she was shaking all over and her face was livid, "Okay, it seems that you won't know your mistake without being punished. Go to the ancestral hall and kneel down! When you know you are wrong, come and admit it to your sister!"

Jiang Minglan gritted his teeth and gave Jiang Ning a cold look. He did not apologize and went straight to the ancestral hall to kneel.

Even if he kneels down and destroys his legs, he still won't apologize to Jiang Ning!

"You, you..." Madam Lin was furious, her legs and feet went weak, and she almost fell over. Jiang Ning went over in time to help Madam Lin, "Mother, don't be angry, and spoil your body..."

"My brother is young and ignorant. Besides, I just arrived at the Marquis' Mansion, so it's understandable that my brother won't accept me."

Jiang Ning helped Madam Lin sit down and poured a cup of tea so that Madam Lin could relax.

Madam Lin's hand holding the teacup was still trembling. It was because she doted on her little son too much and never beat or scolded him, which made him develop a lawless temper.

While Madam Lin was disappointed, she also felt deeply guilty for Jiang Ning. She originally brought her daughter back intending to make up to her, but she didn't expect that so many things would happen and she would be wronged.

"Ning Ning, you have been wronged..."

Jiang Ning shook her head and held Madam Lin's hand. Her mother's hand was warm, and her eyes were full of heartache when she looked at her.

"No grievance."

Just having a mother is enough.

She also has a mother who loves her deeply.

Jiang Ning put her face on the back of Madam Lin's hand and said in a serious tone, "Mom, don't feel bad for me. I am contented to be able to return to the Marquis Mansion and stay by my mother's side."

Madam Lin hugged Jiang Ning gently and said, "My dear baby."

Madam Lin pulled Jiang Ning and spoke thoughtful words for half an hour to comfort her.

"My mother didn't think carefully. You usually need money to take care of the servants in the yard..." Madam Lin said and asked Aunt Gui to bring over a box with two thousand taels of silver notes in it.

"You can keep these for later."

Jiang Ning subconsciously refused, "Mom, this is too much..."

"If you are asked to accept it, then accept it." Madam Lin forced it to Jiang Ning. "There will be a lot of money to spend in the future. When you and Weilan go out to play, you have to buy a few pieces of jewelry, clothes and so on."

Madam Lin insisted again, Jiang Ning couldn't refuse, so she had to accept, "Thank you, mother."


At the same time, Jiang Mengyue’s yard.

Jiang Mengyue's face was gloomy, twisted with anger, and she gritted her teeth.

The servants in the room did not dare to breathe, for fear of offending the second lady at this time.

Jiang Mengyue didn't throw anything this time. She was currently under grounding. If she dared to lose her temper, the impression she would leave would be even worse if word spread to the Marquis.

"Bing Lan." Jiang Mengyue shouted coldly.

Bing Lan, who was standing aside, trembled all over and walked over lightly, "Miss..."

"What's going on with this earring?" Jiang Mengyue held the earring tightly, and the sharp part of the earring pierced her palm, oozing blood.

Bing Lan's face was horrified, "I don't know this either... The earrings given by the Imperial Concubine were clearly kept well, but somehow they appeared in the bag... I made sure before taking them away that there was only silver in them, no earrings!"

Damn it, how could the earrings be put together with the silver for no reason.

Jiang Mengyue gritted her teeth and made a squeaking sound.

Bing Lan suddenly remembered and raised her face suddenly, her face turned pale, "By the way, I accidentally dropped the bag. The maid named Shuang Yue next to Miss Jiang picked it up and gave it back to me..."

However, the time it took to pick it up was so short, it was impossible to put the earrings in.

Besides, the earrings were stored in the box. How did the maid get the earring?

Bing Lan felt that this was impossible and lowered her head deeply, "It's all my fault. I didn't confirm the bag..."

A cold look flashed in Jiang Mengyue's eyes, and she was certain in her heart that it must be that witch Jiang Ning! t was her who did all this, including the matter of the handkerchief!

At this moment, the hatred in Jiang Mengyue's heart was twisted.

"Jiang Ning..."

"What I receive today, I will repay you a hundred times in the future!"


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