Tuesday, November 21, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 10 - Murong Jia

 "Princess, the private room is full today, why don't you just make do with it and have a meal in the lobby?"

The waiter almost cried when he finished speaking. Murong Yun couldn't help but touch her face when she saw that the child was almost losing his golden bean tears.

The original owner was indeed tyrannical. The last time a waiter said this, the grass on that waiter's grave had now grown twice.

However, the private rooms on the first floor are not allowed for walk-ins and can only be booked in advance.

Monday, November 20, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 41 - The Wild Girl from the Countryside may have been Frightened by the Price.

 The bronze Pixiu was finally sold for five million.

The hosts who reported the final figures on the stage smiled, gracefully pressed the button, and the platform descended.

This collection that has been sold will be placed backstage, and if the buyer is willing, it can be placed here for a second auction.

But these are all arrogant people, and there is more or less an element of showing off when bidding prices. How can the collections that have been obtained be taken out for auction again.

"Next up is our second collection."

TVSWWD - Chapter 9 - Digging the Heroine's Corner

 "We have to keep a low profile, let's go, we're going to eat melons, ah no, we're going to watch. ”

Murong Yun found the gap and squeezed in flexibly.

"What's wrong with you, you're squeezing--" The melon-eaters were dissatisfied with being squeezed. They turned around and saw Murong Yun. They automatically muted their voices and said incessantly:

“Squeeze well, please!”

Sunday, November 19, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 40 - She Came and did not Dare to Raise Price; Truly worse than Mu Nuan Xi

The manager took Wen Li through the long corridor with extravagant decoration, the walls of the long corridor were gilt, rich, and magnificent, and the paintings and calligraphy hanging were all world-famous paintings, such a place that is established by virtue of antiques, what is hanging naturally won't be imitations.

At the end of the corridor, the entrance opened up. Behind the strange-shaped door, there is a huge living room, showing a pure medieval decoration style. The entire hall starts from the first floor, and you can see the layers of pavilions upwards.

The crystal lamp hanging from the central skylight illuminates the entire hall. There are four or five circles of sofas placed in the center of the hall.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 8 - The Real Bigwigs are Facing the Thunder Head-on

 Murong Yun hesitantly picked up the bones in the box.

On this white bone, which was as long as her arm, there was a fist-sized jet-black stone tied with unknown metal wire.

"Oh my, Princess, this is a treasure specially selected by Your Majesty from the treasure house."

The eunuch who delivered the reward pinched the orchid with his fingers and introduced the item to Murong Yun in a high-pitched voice:

"This treasure, ah, is called Harnessing Thunder, it was the weapon of a Thunder Spirit Cultivation expert in the previous dynasty."

MFAW - Chapter 39 - Wen Li Threw a Box of Gold Bars A lot more Than the Membership Fee.

 Seeking Jade Relic is the largest antique trading house in the entire Ningzhou, and even the Jiangbei region of the entire G country. It was famous for its stone gambling in the early days. In recent years, its business expansion has also opened up many novel areas.

This place is the rich man's ghetto, the poor man's other side of the river, where there were once people who got rich overnight on a piece of ore, and there were also people who lost their homes because of a rock.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 7 - Lightning Protection Treasure

 "Hold the grass!!!"

Murong Yun was unprepared and was struck squarely in the face.

A head of silky black hair flew up with static electricity, and her luxurious clothes were completely charcoaled, and she fell to the ground with a black face.

Electricity surged throughout her body. Before she passed out, the thoughts in her mind were:

I'm afraid this time, it will really be spread throughout Liujing that Princess Shaohua has done many evil things and was struck by lightning, and there is even evidence!

Follow the Rabbit