Friday, November 24, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 13 - Give One's Best Shot

 The Luan guards protect their Master and keep getting injured, and it makes her feel bad!

Therefore, she wanted to bring Murong Jia to the Lake's center pavilion and attract most of the assassins.

Then set fire, ah, set thunder to destroy!

Murong Jia didn't understand what she was thinking. Seeing that this waste was about to die, he quickly tried to break free.

MFAW - Chapter 45 - This is a Glass Violet (Second Slap)

 Soon all the guests in the hall knew about the bet between Mu Wen Li and Tong Jingshu. In order to expand its influence, Tong Jingshu naturally arranged for people to spread the news quickly.

What if she doesn't let everyone know about it, and then when that girl loses she might renege on her bet.

The bet was opened, and many people were joking about it. Although Mu Wen Li's identity was there, and the Mu family's status in Ningzhou was not low, Tong Jingshu was not someone to be trifled with.

The Tong family was not an ordinary family originally, and now Tong Jingshu entered the entertainment circle and became a top-notch person in the industry, so her influence is naturally quite large.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 12 - Life Changing Process

 "Princess Princess, as ordered, Yingyue Tower has been purchased by us with a large sum of money!"

Xiao Cui carried out two boxes of gold to the shopkeeper, with a look of confidence that everything was under control.


Murong Yun nodded with satisfaction: "Xiao Cui, serve the food and make sure everyone is full. We will do something big tonight!"

"Yes, Princess, but forgive Xiao Cui for talking too much. You want to take the eldest prince tonight~!"

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 44 - Gambling on Stones, If You Lose, Kneel Down to Me

 People from the entire hall were wandering around the rooms where the rough stones were placed. The waiters standing at the door were responsible for distributing the tools needed to observe the rough stones.

The larger stones are as big as a basin, while the smaller stones are as big as a human fist. But these stones are all brought out from extremely rare mines. The probability of finding priceless jade is higher than other ordinary ores. There is a price tag under each stone, and the price is not low.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

TVSWWD - Chapter 11 - Sure Enough, Not the Life of a Heroine

 "If Murong Jia, your eldest son, had not died during the Ghost Month Lantern Festival, with his strength, he might still be able to stop this King. It is a pity."

Such a peerless handsome man actually lives in just one sentence!

Murong Yun beat her chest and sighed, it was indeed a pity.

But then she realized that this extremely handsome man had not received his lunch box yet.

MFAW - Chapter 43 - Master Appraisal, Wen Li Makes a Comeback (First Slap in the Face)

 The deafening drum beats resounded throughout the hall, one after another as if they were beating on everyone.

Those who can come to Seeking Jade Relic will certainly know the function of the big drum above, but since the establishment of Seeking Jade Relic, the sound of the drum has never sounded.

Not only that, in recent years, the prices of the artworks that most people have purchased here are much higher than the actual prices.

Even if some serious collectors come here, they will be intimidated by the way these people bid up the price.

When Tong Jingshu listened to the sound of drums from all around, her originally arrogant face suddenly collapsed.

MFAW - Chapter 42 - Drum Roll, Unexpected Reversal

 Everyone in the hall was attracted by Wen Li's words. To be honest, not all people here don't understand antiques.

There were a few knowledgeable people among them, and even they scorned the jade ring. The youngest daughter of the Mu family was really unconventional in holding up a sign at this time.

"Dad, is that something good?" Pu Xi asked Pu Jianchuan curiously.

The auction was in full swing just now, why has it suddenly cooled down?

"It doesn't have much value. It was used as an accessory for literati throughout the ages. It doesn't look like an accessory at first glance. Besides, it's not a fine jade, so naturally no one would want it."

Follow the Rabbit