Tuesday, July 2, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 68 - You Wait For Me

 "If A'Yun can't leave, how about eldest brother carrying you?"

Thanks to Murong Yun's efforts to impress him, Hua Fu completely treated her like a younger sister and became intimate with her when talking.

If he says that he will carry her on his back means that he is really ready to move.

Murong Yun looked at Hua Fu who was squatting in front of him, with a smile on her face and a bit of mischief: "Okay, A'Yun is not heavy anyway."

With that said, she carefully lay down on his body, while Hua Zhu on the side also helped her stabilize her body.

What a deep brother-sister relationship, Murong You couldn't help but turn his head.

This time, with many guards protecting the way, the ferocious beasts in the forest did not dare to go out again after being washed with blood.

Therefore, everyone left the forest without wasting any effort.

Only Li Su, when leaving, moved the fingers on his back slightly, signaling to the subordinates who found him not to show their heads.

Today, because of Murong Yun's trouble, the traces of the Taichuan King's hidden pillar were destroyed and obviously cannot be found.

Not to mention the hidden pillar, under such a large force, even Qin Lian, who fell with Murong Yun, was not found, so it can only be said that this forest is deep.

Outside the forest, a carriage that had received the news was waiting, and the group returned to Liujing overnight.

At the gate of Liujing, the steward of Baili Mansion had been waiting there for a long time. When he saw Baili Shuangxue, he was relieved.

Now, in the heart of the Prime Minister, the young lady who has just returned to the palace is more important than the young lady and young master who were his direct descendants. If something unexpected happens, the palace will be in chaos again.

"Miss, please go back home with me quickly. The prime minister heard that you haven't returned home yet, but he was very angry."

Baili Shuangxue also respected the prime minister's steward very much. When she saw him coming, she nodded to Murong You.

At this time, she also politely replied to the steward: "Thank you. I will go back to my house right away. I will explain it to my father."

After saying that, she turned around and waved to Murong You before leaving.

Murong You didn't understand the meaning of waving, but he raised his hand to imitate it slightly clumsily.

Unfortunately, Murong Yun's carriage whizzed past him and fed him a mouthful of flying dust.

Murong You took a deep breath and still couldn't help but cursed loudly: "Murong Yun! You wait for me."

On the large carriage, there were Hua Zhu, Hua Fu, and Li Su. Murong Yun didn't show any particularity. He just stuck his head out the window and smiled provocatively at Murong You: "You are the one waiting for me, this County princess." 

"Why do you always have trouble with him?"

Hua Fu smiled helplessly and shook his head, with a hint of endearment on his face.

"Who asked him to meddle in other people's business and cause this princess to fall off a cliff? He still thinks he is right."

Murong Yun pouted, with a childish look on her beautiful and delicate face: "Do you really think everyone is afraid that he is a king?"

"Today, I will teach him what the sky and the earth mean."

Murong Yun said, with a smile on her lips, a little bit vulgar...

"If you have any good ideas, tell me and I'll laugh."

Hua Zhu didn't mind seeing the excitement, especially King Qi, who was very unhappy with it.

"You all know how to write a memorial, right? Just like Imperial Censor Li impeaching this princess."

"It needs to be both emotional and vocal, something that resonates with the reader."

As Murong Yun spoke, her eyes rolled around, as if she was about to cause trouble.

Hua Zhu understood her intention immediately: "Are you going to impeach?"

"Will this work?"

It's not that he doubted it. God has seen that Imperial Censor Li has been impeaching Princess Yunhua every day for many years, but Princess Yunhua has no pain except for losing some unnecessary money.

"Why not? Impeachment depends on who impeaches!"

Murong Yun was confident and made a bold move: "Before the morning court, I can get a 180 copies, is that okay?"

"This County Princess has come out and ask all those in the capital who can write to write!"

"It's okay..."

Hua Zhu's mouth twitched. Fortunately, he had several bookstores under his name and had a lot of eloquent people. It would not be a problem to issue some impeachment memorials.

However, one hundred and eighty copies is an exaggeration?

Or is he worthy of being Murong Yun? When impeaching an individual, the memorial must be based on the number of copies?

The two of them whispered to each other for a while. When Hua Fu saw this, he sighed, but he knew that according to Murong Yun's character, she would have to make trouble if she didn't say this.

That's all, anyway, His Majesty treats her like jewels and jade, and she can do whatever she wants.

"By the way, you have to pass the note to the eldest prince to get some air first."

What Murong Yun was thinking was that raising troops for a thousand days was just for this moment?

"You mean..."

Hua Zhu immediately understood her intention and came closer, murmuring again.

At the end of the sentence, the two looked at each other and smiled, feeling a kind of sympathy for each other...

Furthermore, when the carriage arrived home, Hua Zhu was the first to get out of the carriage, and he reached out to support the injured Murong Yun very carefully.

Li Jiang, who heard the sound and came out to greet him in person, was stunned for a moment.

She did not expect that the two people who usually have the worst relationship would now wear a pair of pants.

"Princess, wuwuwuwu~"

Xiao Cui and Li Yunjin were waiting eagerly. The moment they saw Murong Yun, they immediately rushed over with distress.

She was crying and wiping away her little tears, which were still sticky.

She originally went with him to find him, but later she fell down and was frightened by a ferocious beast in the forest, so she was sent back by Hua Zhu to wait for news.

"Okay, okay, be good."

Murong Yun patted her little head. As an injured person, she had to comfort this loyal maid: "Isn't this princess okay? Stop crying. If you cry again, you will become ugly."


Xiao Cui cried even louder when she comforted her. In the end, Li Yunjin dragged her aside and wiped her tears.

"A'yun, please let your elder sister-in-law take a look. You went through a lot of hardships."

Li Jiang was like a mother to all the sisters and brothers in the General's Mansion. When she saw that Murong Yun's pretty little face, which was usually red and vermilion, was still covered in dust, she quickly took out the handkerchief in her arms and wiped it for her.

"It's okay. It's so late. Why would my elder sister-in-law have to wait for me in person?"

Murong Yun looked at the tiredness that could not be concealed on Li Jiang's face and was moved and worried at the same time. These days of reporting and getting along with each other every day are no longer the same as before, which was just a simple favor.

She is not a hard-hearted person. If someone treats someone with true feelings, she will certainly cherish the other person's feelings.

"Sister-in-law, I won't feel tired when I see that you are well."

With a soft smile on Li Jiang's gentle face, her eyes glanced at Hua Zhu, who was wearing wrinkled red clothes, and Li Su, who was stained with blood.

She muttered in her heart, Hua Zhu is one thing, how come even Little Su...

But it was late at night, she was pregnant, and she was really tired. Besides, it was not easy for the whole family to discuss things at the door.


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