Wednesday, July 3, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 88 - Look for People with Wounds Inside.

Now that the truth of the matter has been found out, let's go see who really has the innate medicinal blood.

She has to go to Villa.

Jiang Ning raised her face and said to Yu Er, "Hire a carriage and wait nearby. When it gets late at night, I will come out to find you and take me to that Villa."

"Miss, are you going out?" Yu Er looked at Miss Jiang in surprise, wanting to ask her how she was going to get out. Rich families would lock their doors at night, and there were gatekeepers, so it was not easy to go out at night.

Jiang Ning nodded slightly, "Yes, I want to go there myself."

In the end, Yu Er didn't ask any more questions and responded, "Okay, I'll go prepare the carriage now!"

Jiang Ning turned around and walked into the Marquis Mansion and returned to Ning'an Courtyard as if nothing had happened.

She took a bath and freshened up as usual, burned incense, and lay down on the bed to prepare for rest.

It's quiet at night.

By the time the servants in the Marquis Mansion had all returned to the servants' courtyard to rest.

Jiang Ning opened her eyes, quickly got out of bed, and called Shuangyue.

Shuangyue was already prepared. She took out two sets of night clothes and handed one to Jiang Ning.

Once again, Jiang Ning quickly put on the night clothes. From the initial discomfort, to now she is extremely adapted.

"Let's go when you're ready. Use Qinggong to climb over the wall through the back door." Jiang Ning said.

Shuangyue nodded.

The two walked to the door of the house and prepared to push it open.

Suddenly there was a creak before Shuangyue's hand touched the door, the door opened by itself, and a figure came in.

Jiang Ning and Shuang Yue's expressions changed slightly. Shuangyue immediately raised her hand, preparing to stun the person who walked in with a hand knife.

Jiang Ning thought everything was ready, but she didn't expect someone to walk into her boudoir late at night. If she was seen like this...

"Ah..." Chunlan's eyes widened. She was shocked when she saw the two people in black clothes in the room. She was about to shout, but Shuangyue quickly covered her mouth with her eyes and was about to slash her with a knife.

"Wait!" Jiang Ning shouted in time.

Shuangyue stopped, and then she saw clearly that the person in front of her was the maid in the yard.

Chunlan's eyes widened and she looked at the two people in horror. It took a while before she recognized them.

It seems like... her own lady?

Chunlan blinked, "Hmm..."

"Chunlan, it's me." Jiang Ning said softly, waving her hand to ask Shuangyue to let go of her.

Shuangyue let go of Chunlan, and Chunlan opened her mouth in shock, "Shuangyue, Young Miss, why are you dressed like this? You almost scared me to death. I thought there was a thief!"

Jiang Ning put her index finger on her lips and made a silent gesture.

"Shh, I'm going out with Shuang Yue. You stay here and don't let anyone discover that I'm going out at night."

"What? You want to go out? No... no, it's too dangerous at night!" Chunlan shook her head and subconsciously wanted to stop her, but Jiang Ning had already made up her mind and did not explain, calling Shuangyue to act quickly.

The two left the yard quietly.

Chunlan watched the two people leave with worry. The night was dark, and she stamped her feet anxiously.

Then she remembered what the lady had ordered, and immediately looked to the left and right. After making sure no one saw her, she immediately closed the door.

People in the house cannot know about the young lady going out at night.


Jiang Ning and Shuangyue moved in the night, using Qinggong to climb over the wall of the Marquis Mansion with quick movements.

After quietly leaving the Marquis Mansion, she quickly found the carriage parked in a remote alley.

Yu Er is bored waiting. He waited here for two hours, wondering when Miss Jiang would come.

Miss Jiang said she would come at night, but... can she really go out that easily?

"Shuuu..." he whistled, holding the horse's reins.

At this moment, two men in black fell from the sky and jumped onto the carriage. The two men were approaching fiercely, covering their faces. Yu Er's heart skipped a beat and his face instantly turned pale.

"You, who are you?"

His legs were shaking with fear.

He was just waiting here according to Miss Jiang's order. He didn't expect to encounter a thief.

There was a chuckle, and the man in black pulled down his mask, revealing his face.

Yu Er stared blankly at the person in front of him and blinked hard, "Miss Jiang Ning?" He couldn't believe it. The person in black clothes in front of him was actually Miss Jiang, and he didn't know where these two people came from. 

Jiang Ning raised her eyebrows, "You're so cowardly, it's a wonder you can still follow Jiang Mengyue."

Yu Er suppressed his blush and wanted to refute, but after holding it in for a long time, he couldn't utter a single word.

"Miss Jiang, please stop teasing me, you'll scare me to death..."

"Okay, let's go quickly and go to Villa where Jiang Mengyue visited today." After Jiang Ning ordered, she opened the curtain walked into the carriage, and sat down.

The carriage lurched along.

Yu Er recalled the route he had followed during the day, drove the carriage and drove over quickly.


At the same time, the Chu family.

The oil lamp in the study was still on, the light flickered, and the figure reflected on the window paper also swayed.

Yuanfeng walked over and knocked on the study door, "Sir."

A faint voice came from inside, "Come in."

Yuan Feng walked in and said with a serious face, "We found out that there are fifty-two people with birthmarks on their faces in the capital. Excluding men, old women and children, there are only six people left."

"Among these six people, only one met the refugee requirements back then."

Chu Yunli raised his face after hearing this. He was wearing white clothes and was as gentle as jade. Under the light of the lights, his face showed a warm color.

"Who is it?"

Yuanfeng replied, "It's a woman named Axiu. She was sold into the Marquis mansion as a maid. Within two years... she was driven away to a Villa."

"Marquis Mansion?" Chu Yunli was slightly stunned, thinking of the Jiang family.

Yuan Feng scratched his head and felt strange. After searching for a long time, he found the Marquis Mansion and got involved with Miss Jiang.

Chu Yunli quickly came to his senses and without thinking too much, "Where is the Villa?"

"On the outskirts of the city, my subordinates have confirmed the location."

"Okay, go over now." Chu Yunli stood up.

Yuan Feng was stunned, "Sir, do you want to go in person? Just let your subordinates handle such small matters. I will definitely bring the woman named Axiu here."

"No need, I'll go there myself."

Chu Yunli spoke calmly.

He wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong. If that woman was really the granddaughter of the miracle doctor, he would bring her here intact.

Yuan Feng was a little dazed, but he didn't say much and responded, "I'm going to prepare now."

The two quietly left Chu's house.

When going to Villa on the outskirts of the Marquis Mansion, they don't need to bring too many people, as more people will only attract attention. 

If this matter is known to the Marquis Mansion, there will only be trouble.

Chu Yunli and Yuanfeng quickly rushed to the Villa.

On the same road, Jiang Ning was driving a carriage.

As she got closer and closer to the Villa, Jiang Ning pulled up her mask to cover her face. Even if she was accidentally seen by the Villa servants, they would not be able to recognize her.

Shuangyue also covered herself tightly.

Jiang Ning said, "Look for people with wounds on their bodies. Most likely there are wounds on their palms or arms."


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