Monday, July 1, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 67 - This Moon is Big and Round

Since entering the palace, Hua Zhu has never seen him show up except during holidays.

It was quite unexpected to meet him in this remote forest at this time.

After that, he saw the blood stains on the other party's white clothes, and his expression became solemn. Although Li Su was fostered at the general's residence, he had a good relationship with everyone in the general's residence.

Especially the eldest sister-in-law, she is very fond of the youngest in the family, even if he is withdrawn.

Hua Zhu thought, this person had a mediocre talent in spiritual cultivation. Could it be that he had an accident? There were many ferocious beasts in the forest and he was injured?

"It just...happens..."

Li Su had to come up with the excuse that he used with Baili Shuangxue. As for the blood on his body...

"That's this princess's blood. Fortunately, I met Li Su under this cliff, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to wait for you to save me."

Murong Yun naturally knew that Li Su would not come here for no reason. He was probably in this forest and had something to do.

Seeing that he had saved her, she would help him.

"Maybe it's because the moonlight is good in the forest. Look, the moon is big and round..."

Hua Zhu: "..."

With this rhetoric, do you think he is a fool?

Or is it that Li Su has a lump on his head and traveled all the way to such a dangerous place to look at the moon?

And doesn’t the moon look the same everywhere?

However, the next second, in his eyes, Heir Li Su, although not strong enough and withdrawn, was a smart person.

He nodded, and his immortal and otherworldly face actually matched Murong Yun's nonsense and said: "The moonlight is indeed extraordinary."


Hua Zhu felt that these two people probably is hiding something.

Before Hua Zhu could speak, someone was the first to complain.

Murong You turned over and fell down, with a sneer on his face. He turned to Hua Zhu who looked like he was trying to trick me and said, "Murong Yun, your ability to tell lies is getting better and better."

"It's a pity that you've been looking for her for hours."

After hearing these words, Hua Zhu's delicate and handsome face darkened. He became more and more displeased with King Qi, and was not afraid of him. He directly retorted: "This is a matter between our siblings. King Qi is too lenient." 

"Oh, you treat her as a sister, but does she like you, a bastard?"

King Qi Murong You had the same arrogance as the original owner, and of course, he would not let someone of Hua Zhu's status disgrace him.

He was still in need of a beating, so he added: "Oh? The title of concubine son is not quite right, it should be, a son from outside."

As soon as this title came out, Hua Zhu clenched his fists in his sleeves, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his back was extremely straight. In this life, he hated this title the most.

But reason told him that King Qi was indeed not someone he could offend.

King Qi's biological father was His Majesty's biological brother, and he died of illness at an early age. His Majesty's love for King Qi is no different from that of his own son.

The current status of the General's Mansion does not allow him to compete for his power...

He couldn't embarrass his eldest brother and sister-in-law because of his impulsiveness. Anyway...he had endured it for so many years.

He could bear it, but Murong Yun, who had just dragged Hua Zhu, a bastard, into her camp, couldn't bear it.

She directly kicked Murong You in the calf, her beautiful face clearly showing displeasure and judging from her posture, she was a bit more arrogant than him, King Qi.

Murong You didn't pay attention for a moment and were actually kicked by her. Although it didn't hurt very much, it was not very harmful but extremely humiliating.

However, Murong Yun had a straight face and glared back at him with angry eyes.

"What are you looking at? Your mother didn't teach you what respect is? Do you need me to write a letter to remind you?"

"According to this princess, Hua Zhu, my younger brother, is much more well-behaved than you, a cousin."

"If you have time to talk to him, you should first learn what it means to respect the elderly and love the young. It's a shame that the Murong Imperial Family has such a fool like you!"

"Moreover! It's not your turn to point fingers in front of this princess."

This series of words suddenly came out, and there was a moment of silence in the whole place. Among them, Murong You's expression was undoubtedly the most colorful.

In all these years, no one has ever spoken to him like this and looked down at him.

He picked up the spear, his face was terrifyingly gloomy, but even so, Murong Yun was not weak, of course, it was just on the face, and her feet were still honest and moved towards Li Su.

The other person who had the biggest ups and downs was Hua Zhu. He looked at Murong Yun blankly, and the grudges he had felt in the past finally began to loosen at this moment.

At the same time, he also unfolded his silver shell fan and took a step forward to prevent Murong You from attacking.

Murong You did want to take action for a moment, but when he saw the group of guards standing up behind Murong Yun, his anger calmed down.

The cost of taking action was too high, and there was no guarantee that he would win. He couldn't bear the accountability from His Majesty and his mother.

The reality is always so cruel, and Murong Yun is the only woman left in Nan Chu who can compete with him in the family world.

Therefore, in the end, Murong You just got angry and swiped his spear, destroying seven or eight trees in a row.

Throwing countless fallen leaves and dust...

Murong Yun looked at the trees that fell to the ground instantly and swallowed, but she was not afraid!

But she was unhappy, why was everyone at the sixth level, and Murong You and her attack power were not on the same level!

It was Murong You's sweep that attracted a wave of people.

It was another wave of people looking for Murong Yun in the forest, the eldest son of the General's Mansion, Hua Fu and a group of guards.

It was really great... As a result, more people were protecting Murong Yun, and he had no choice but to endure this anger completely.

Fortunately, Baili Shuangxue also handed him the steps in time. She pulled Murong You's sleeve and advised:

"The princess is your cousin after all, and she is a woman. How can you get angry with her?"

There was a ladder, so Murong You reluctantly snorted.

However, no one cared about his reaction at this time. Behind the trees destroyed by Murong You, Hua Fu listened to the sound, and his worry and anxiety turned into joy the moment he saw Murong Yun.

"It's good to be alive."

Hua Fu strode over. The usual gentleman look was a little embarrassed at this time. There were beads of sweat on his temples. He gently touched Murong Yun's head. Seeing that her dress was damaged, he took off his cloak. 

"Eldest brother."

Murong Yun also called out very obediently. Compared with the previous confrontation with Murong You, she was just like a sheep now.

All in all, Murong You rolled his eyes when he saw her change of expression.

Naturally, Hua Fu also saw Li Su who unexpectedly appeared here, but he knew better than Hua Zhu and did not ask.

He asked in a gentle voice how Murong Yun's injury was and whether it was serious. Murong Yun shook her head one by one, and then he spoke:

"Although it is getting late, the night in this forest is cold and there are many ferocious beasts. If possible, it is better to leave now."

"Furthermore, His Majesty is very concerned about your fall from the cliff. And so is your sister-in-law. If you can't go back tonight, she may not be able to sleep."


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