Tuesday, July 2, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 87 - Good at Deceiving for Many Years

 Jiang Ning frowned. She didn't expect Jiang Minglan's illness to be so troublesome. Even Divine Doctor Xue was helpless and had to use medicinal blood to make medicine.


She still had doubts about Jiang Mengyue being born with medicinal blood.

"Grandpa Xue, have you ever seen anyone who was born with medicinal blood?"

Doctor Xue was stunned, silent for a moment, and then slowly shook his head.

Jiang Ning's heart sank. Is there really nothing that can be done?

Jiang Ning returned to the Marquis Mansion.

There was a carriage parked at the gate of the Marquis Mansion. Nanny Qin was spreading soft bedding into the carriage, and tea and cakes were all ready.

Jiang Ning saw this and asked, "Who is going out?"

Chunlan went to the front door to greet the young lady. When she heard the question, she replied, "It's the second young lady who is going out."

"Jiang Mengyue?"

"Yes." Chunlan nodded, "The third young master is not recovering from his illness. The second young lady is going to the temple to pray for peace and blessings for the third young master."

As soon as she finished speaking, a frail and slender figure walked out, dressed in white clothes and a cloak, with a pale face and no blood on her lips.

She also needs help when walking.

"Second Miss, your body is still weak. It's better not to go. If anything happens..." Nanny Qin comforted her with a worried look on her face.

Jiang Mengyue's face was determined, "No, the third brother is still unconscious. How can I, the elder sister, do nothing? I want to go to the temple to pray for him."

Walking to the carriage, Jiang Mengyue covered her mouth and coughed twice.

"Help me up."

"Miss, please slow down..." Binglan helped Jiang Mengyue get into the carriage.

The servants in the mansion were moved when they saw this scene. The second young lady was so kind, she even didn't care about her own body for the third young master.

The carriage drove away.

Jiang Ning looked at the carriage going away, thought for a moment, and then whispered, "Chunlan, go find Yu Er quickly and ask him to follow Jiang Mengyue's carriage."

Chunlan was a little confused. What was she doing following the second lady's carriage?

However, she didn't ask any more questions, just responded, and immediately left the house to look for Yu Er on the street corner.

Jiang Ning narrowed her eyes, her eyes slightly cold.

Jiang Mengyue had just lost blood, and she smelled the smell of rouge and gouache. Jiang Mengyue looked weak, but in fact, she had applied a layer of rouge and gouache to make herself look pale.

She vaguely felt that Jiang Mengyue left the house for another purpose.

As for whether there is any purpose, just let Yu Er follow her secretly.

Yu Er had just bought sesame seed cakes, but before he could take a few bites, he was interrupted.

Come to work.

He hurriedly threw away the sesame cakes, took a horse, and secretly followed the Marquis's carriage.


Towards evening, Jiang Mengyue's carriage returned to the Marquis Mansion.

Her figure looked shaky and even weaker than when she went out. She immediately went to Jiang Minglan's yard to visit Jiang Minglan.

"Third brother, I prayed for peace and blessings for you. You must be safe, you will definitely get better..."

Jiang Mengyue took out the Peace Blessing and placed it next to Jiang Minglan's pillow. 

After seeing this, Madam Lin was both distressed and moved, "Yue'er, why are you doing this? Your body is weak and you should have a good rest."

Jiang Mengyue shook her head, "Mother, I'm fine. It's just a bowl of blood. It's nothing at all. The third brother is in the most pain. I asked the kitchen to boil a bowl of medicine and then give the third brother another bowl of medicine."

"Okay." Madam Lin nodded, her vision blurred by tears, and she wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

Soon, Nanny Qin came over with medicine.

"Madam, the medicine is here."

Madam Lin sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out her hand, "Come on, give it to me. I'll feed Lan'er."

The medicine is dark brown in color and exudes a faint herbal fragrance compared to the usual bitter smell.

No one else noticed, but the moment the medicine bowl came in, Jiang Ning suddenly raised her face and stared at the medicine bowl.

The smell of this bowl of medicine...is different.

It has a faint medicinal scent.

"It's the smell of medicinal blood..." Jiang Ning murmured. She remembered that she had seen people who were born with medicinal blood in her previous life. The smell was exactly the same as that one. This bowl of medicine contained real medicinal blood.'

How could this happen?

It's obviously the same prescription, so how could this bowl of medicine be different?

No...it's not the problem with the prescription, it's just that the blood is different.

Jiang Ning turned to look at Jiang Mengyue, her eyes darkened and full of inquiry.

Madam Lin fed Jiang Minglan some medicine, then paid close attention to his condition nervously, and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

Gradually, after a while, Jiang Minglan's high body temperature dropped and his breathing became steady.

Madam Lin looked at Jiang Minglan blankly, "Lan'er..."

"Lan'er's illness has improved and his body is no longer so hot..."

Madam Lin couldn't help but shed tears and cried with joy, "Great, God bless, Lan'er is safe and sound!"

"Is the third brother getting better?" Jiang Mengyue came over and held Jiang Minglan's hand, "Great... the medicine has finally taken effect!"

Everyone in the room was filled with joy. Only Jiang Ning stared at the medicine bowl, thoughtfully. This bowl of medicine contained real medicinal blood, so Jiang Minglan could control the fire poison after taking it. 

Where did this medicinal blood come from?

Jiang Mengyue is lying, she is not born with medicinal blood at all.

There is another who possesses medicinal blood.


After Jiang Minglan improved, everyone felt relieved.

Jiang Ning returned to Ning'an Courtyard.

It happened that Chunlan came over hurriedly at this time and said, "Miss, Yu Er is back and said that he has news to report to the lady."

"Yeah." Jiang Ning's eyes darkened slightly as she went to the back door of the Marquis Mansion.

Yu Er's carriage was parked at the back door. It was in a remote location and would not be seen by anyone. The servants of the Marquis Mansion would not pass by here either.

With a creak, the back door opened.

Yu Er's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he hurriedly jumped off the carriage and ran over, "Miss Jiang!"

Jiang Ning nodded slightly, indicating that he could speak.

Yu Er said, "I followed the carriage according to the lady's instructions. After the carriage left the city, it did not go to Dingyun Temple, but took another route."

Jiang Ning raised her eyes after hearing this, "Where has she gone?"

"The younger one followed quietly all the way and found the carriage parked in front of Villa."


"Yes! After inquiring, I found out it's a Villa of your family." Yu Er said seriously.

Jiang Ning frowned subconsciously, "Villa of the Marquis Mansion? What did Jiang Mengyue do in the Villa? Didn't she go to Dingyun Temple to pray for peace and blessings?"

Yu Er scratched his head, "I don't know about this... Guards are guarding the Villa. I can't sneak in, so I can only follow her to the door."

"By the way, Miss Jiang Er stayed in the Villa for about half an hour and then came out."

Jiang Ning was thinking in her mind that Jiang Mengyue lied about going to Dingyun Temple to seek peace and blessing, but in fact she went to Villa.

Putting it this way...

There is a person in that Villa who is born with medicinal blood!

Jiang Ning narrowed her eyes, and everything could be explained in this way. Jiang Mengyue left the capital for an excuse to get real medicinal blood. She used other people's blood to pretend it was her own.

"It can be surmised enough..."

"It's quite powerful to deceive the Marquis Mansion after so many years." Jiang Ning murmured.


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