Wednesday, July 3, 2024

TVSWWD - Chapter 69 - Please Don't Push and Pull

 "Since you have nothing to do, this sister-in-law won't hold you back anymore. Go back to your house to clean up."

"And you, you will be punished for what happened today."

Li Jiang said the latter words to Hua Zhu. 

Fortunately, Murong Yun intervened in time, winked at Hua Zhu, and said, "Sister-in-law, why don't you hand him over to this princess for punishment."

Regarding this, Li Jiang was eager to see the relationship between the sister and brother get better, so she waved her hand and followed Murong Yun.

"Let's go, Hua Zhu, from now on, you have to listen to the orders of this princess."

Murong Yun smiled slightly, pulled up Hua Zhu's wrinkled sleeves, and walked towards the gate of the Princess mansion.

"Princess, please let me go back and change my clothes."

Hua Zhu touched his sleeve nervously. The mark of being bitten by a ferocious beast was still there.

"If you wait any longer, you won't be able to prepare for the memorial letters in time. Is it possible that your clothes will be missing from this princess's palace?"

Murong Yun disagreed. Li Yunjin, who was following him, has already received instructions.

The entourage went to the general's mansion to get Hua Zhu's clothes.

"This A'Yun can still make trouble even if she is injured."

When Li Jiang saw it, she smiled and shook her head. Hua Fu, who was beside her, supported her considerately and smiled helplessly when he heard this.

"Just let her be. It's not any better than before."

Having said this, Hua Fu turned to the side and said concernedly to Li Su, who had been silent all this time: "Xiao Su, it's getting late, you should rest early."

"For today's matter, I would like to thank you for your help on A'yun's behalf."

As the eldest brother in the family, Hua Fu naturally wanted to express his gratitude. After all, it could be said that Murong Yun survived because of Li Su.

Although he didn't know why Xiao Su was alone under that cliff, he certainly didn't believe the so-called talk about looking at the moon.

But Xiao Su was not like Hua Zhu. There were many things that he was not comfortable asking about.

Moreover, this child has been burdened with too much since he was a child, and his situation in Liujing is not really good.

Although he was residing in the General's Mansion, he could still say a few words, but in the end, he couldn't bear to say even one more word.

What's more, Xiao Su would save A'Yun, which really surprised him. After all, the relationship between the two...

"As it should be, brother, there is no need to say thank you."

Hearing this, Li Su bowed to the two of them, his tone was as clear as ever, and he looked a little indifferent. After he finished speaking, he turned around and entered the mansion.

Hua Fu and his wife both knew that Li Su was taciturn and stern by nature, but he was a good boy. If he became enthusiastic one day, something would be wrong.

In the princess's mansion next door, after Murong Yun had taken medicine and changed her clothes, Hua Fu had already called over everything he could write under his hands, preparing to help Murong Yun draft an impeachment memorial.

"Everyone, remember to speak with emotion."

Murong Yun waved his servants to carry two boxes of gold, opened them, and placed them in front of the common men.

"Once it's written, You will be rewarded heavily by this princess."

Once the gold came out, the effect was doubled. All the gentlemen wrote hard and showed their special skills.

Murong Yun sat up like this, with Xiao Cui serving her tea and water, while Hua Fu went down and looked at the writing one by one.

The two of them went to court at dawn and made a hundred and eighty memorial. Murong Yun stamped her own red seal on the memorial one by one, indicating that she was responsible for the memorial...

"Everything is installed, and not a single piece can be left behind."

Hua Zhu watched the servant put the memorial into a wooden box properly and nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Murong Yun was already in a semi-drowsy state, squinting her eyes and waving her hands wildly: "Reward, all rewarded heavily, Xiao Cui, call me at the right time. I will sleep for a while first, otherwise, I won't have the strength to fight Murong You." 

"Yes, County Princess."

Xiao Cui thoughtfully covered Murong Yun with a cloak, who had fallen asleep on the couch and did not forget to instruct the servants to go up to Murong Jia and explain what Murong Yun wanted to say before the morning court.

Seeing that Murong Yun had closed her eyes and went to meet the God of dreams, Hua Zhu couldn't help but stretch himself, inserted the silver shell fan into his waist, turned his head and said to Xiao Cui: "When your princess's impeachment plan is successful, you must notify me in time."

"Okay, Fourth Young Master."

The corners of Xiao Cui's mouth twitched. Her princess finally succeeded in leading this concubine's son brother astray.

It is foreseeable that if the two of them cause trouble together in the future, she doesn’t know how long King Qi’s side can resist.


At Chen time (7-9 am), Nan Chu's three-day morning dynasty began. Carriages were lined up neatly at the palace gate, and Murong Yun's Luan carriage also ran over to join in the fun.

Whether it was the original owner or now, this was the first time she would participate in the morning court, but it was not as mysterious as what was said on TV, and the time was not so exaggerated that it would come before dawn.

Moreover, here, the meeting is only once every three days. If something happens to the emperor and he cancels it. No one will say that the Emperor is fatuous...

After all, it is essentially a world of spiritual cultivation, and Nan Chu has relied on this system to survive for three thousand years.

It's a pity that this three-thousand-year regime has to end in the hands of the female protagonist and the male protagonist.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Thinking of this, Murong Yun couldn't help but sigh. Because she was coming to the palace today, she also wore the Imperial Princess clothes of the Palace and wore a bling bling golden crown with a tassel phoenix hairpin on both sides. 

The original owner's appearance was indeed bright and luxurious, and she wore it beautifully with such jewels.

"Princess? Did the crown overwhelm you?"

Xiao Cui was instructing the coachman to take down the box and give it to the eunuch attending the door. When she turned her head, she saw Murong Yun raising her neck and sighing.

It is true that in the past, the princess loved to wear these gorgeous hair crowns, but now she dislikes the weight of these crowns.


Murong Yun supported her big golden crown that felt like it was about to fall off at any moment. She can't say that she, a fake, is not used to it.

"Hurry in, don't be late."

Of course, she didn't just walk in. Murong Yun was already on the way, and someone quickly informed the palace. At this time, an impressive carraige had already stopped at the palace gate.

Murong Yun only needed to walk a few steps before she could get in the carriage again. 

These chamberlains in the palace are really good at conducting themselves, what a sinful class society.

Compared to the luan carriage, this carriage was carried by human hands. It swayed and swayed, almost lulling Murong Yun, who was already sleep-deprived, to sleep.

Just as she was supporting her chin and trying to raise her eyelids, they arrived at the Hall of Harmony.

This majestic palace on the main axis of the imperial palace is where Murong Xia usually receives courtiers.

However, it seems that she didn't make the trip on time...

On the stone steps of the palace gate, courtiers wearing court uniforms were already walking down one after another.

Seeing it, is it over?

Murong Yun frowned slightly, stood up and grabbed an official to ask.

"The morning court is over? Has the emperor left?"

What a coincidence, the person who was pulled was an acquaintance of Murong Yun.

Censor Li Qing, who had gray hair and the cuffs of his court clothes still had traces of sewing, looked very plain and looked at his hands on the clothes with a serious expression.

With an expression similar to that of a modern dean, he frowned and taught Princess Yunhua, and looked at her:

"Princess, please don't push and pull in public."


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