Monday, July 1, 2024

ARDA - Chapter 86 - To Detoxify Fire Poison, a Special Medicine is Needed

 "Why hasn't the medicine worked yet?" Lord Marquis asked anxiously.

Jiang Minglan frowned and fell unconscious. A large amount of sweat flowed down her face, looking very painful.

He drank the medicine, but it had no effect at all.

Madam Lin clenched the handkerchief tightly, her hands trembling, "At the beginning, it was obvious that a dose of medicine would have an effect..."

The Marquis frowned and said solemnly, "Maybe the condition this time is different from that then, and it will take a few doses of medicine to take effect."

Madam Lin nodded and tears fell. Now they can only wait for the medicine to take effect. They have searched all the doctors in the capital but can't diagnose the disease. Now they can only pin their hopes on the medicine.

A group of people were waiting in the room, paying attention to Jiang Minglan's situation.

After two hours, the Marquis ordered, "Go and make another bowl of medicine!"

Nanny Qin went to make medicine.

Soon, the prepared medicine was brought over.

Madam Lin quickly took the medicine bowl and fed Jiang Minglan to drink it.

But after Jiang Minglan drank the medicine, he still had a high fever and his whole body was burning hot. It seemed to have no effect at all.

"Lan'er..." Madam Lin's eyes were red and her tears couldn't stop falling, "Why, why is the prescription not working? What should I poor Lan'er!"

Everyone was paying attention to Jiang Minglan's situation. Jiang Ning lowered her face and frowned slightly.

No, it will be very dangerous if it continues like this.

Although I don't know who left the prescription, it is obviously ineffective. If it is Doctor Xue... he may know what kind of disease it is.

But taking Jiang Minglan to see a doctor is not good.

The old lady and the Marquis would not allow her to take Jiang Minglan out.

Thoughts flashed in Jiang Ning's eyes, what should she do?

She was not anxious because she was a biological sibling of Jiang Minglan, she just didn't want to watch people die, which was no different from killing someone.

Besides, if Jiang Minglan dies, Madam Lin will be severely hit. Madam Lin is already weak. If she is hit too hard, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Jiang Ning thought deeply and maybe take Jiang Minglan's blood out to Doctor Xue for examination.

The blood oozing from the wound will boil...

This symptom is very strange.

But how to get Jiang Minglan's blood?

Jiang Ning stared at the group of people surrounding the bed and frowned.

At this moment, Jiang Mengyue suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

The maid was startled, "Second Miss! Second's not good, Second Miss has fainted!" the maid shouted in panic.

Lord Marquis and Madam Lin turned around and saw Jiang Mengyue's face was bloodless and fell to the ground. They immediately panicked and said, "Hurry and help the lady back to the room, and then call the doctor!"

"There is also a century-old ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum in the warehouse, take them out!"

Madam Lin was heartbroken. Seeing the haggard faces of the two children, her heart felt like it was clenching. "Yue'er, Yue'er..."

Everyone's attention turned to Jiang Mengyue.

Taking advantage of this moment, Jiang Ning quietly walked to the bedside, opened the gauze bandage on Jiang Minglan's hand, and began to take blood with a porcelain bottle. After taking a little, he put the gauze bandage back on.

The blood has been obtained, and she needs to go to Doctor Xue as soon as possible.

She was about to turn around and leave, when someone suddenly grabbed her sleeve.

Jiang Minglan unconsciously grabbed the sleeve of the person next to him.

Jiang Ning lowered her head and saw the sleeve that was grabbed. She pulled it... but failed to break free.

An unconscious person has quite strong hands.

She tried a little harder to shake off the hand on the bed, but still couldn't. At the same time, she heard a slight squeaking sound, as if... her sleeve was torn.

"Let go!" Jiang Ning lowered her voice.

The man on the bed showed no reaction.

Jiang Ning did not dare to forcefully pull out her sleeves for fear of tearing them. If the sleeves were torn at this time, it would attract the attention of the old lady and the Marquis.


She reluctantly grabbed Jiang Minglan's hand and spread his fingers bit by bit.

His hands were hot, like burning coals.

I don't know if Jiang Ning's hold on his hand had an effect. Jiang Minglan let go of his hand and murmured in pain, "Sister... don't go..."

Jiang Ning looked at Jiang Minglan.

She seemed to...hear her being called sister?

He must have called her by mistake, mistaking her for Jiang Mengyue.

Jiang Ning let go of Jiang Minglan's hand and turned to leave. After she left, Jiang Minglan subconsciously wanted to grab the person next to her and murmured in a weak voice, "Sister..."


Now everyone in the house is paying attention to Jiang Minglan and will not notice her.

Jiang Ning left the house, got on the carriage and went straight to the house where Divine Doctor Xue was staying.

"Grandpa Xue!"

Arriving at the door of the house, Jiang Ning jumped out of the carriage.

Doctor Xue was having a drink in the courtyard at the moment, sitting on a stone bench, picking up the wine jug and about to pour a glass.

"Grandpa Xue..."

When Doctor Xue heard the shouting, his hands shook. Although his apprentice would buy wine and meat to honor him, he was only allowed to drink one pot of wine every day, not more.

This is his second pot today...

Doctor Xue subconsciously hid the wine bottle behind his back and said, "I, I didn't drink!"

Jiang Ning found Doctor Xue and took out a white porcelain bottle from his sleeve, asking Grandpa Xue, do you know what kind of illness this is? When the disease occurs, the whole body will be hot, the pulse will be strange, and the blood flowing from the wound will boil..."

"This is the blood taken from that man."

Doctor Xue's face became solemn, and he put down the wine bottle, "Bring it here."

Jiang Ning handed the porcelain bottle to Doctor Xue.

Doctor Xue uncorked the bottle, smelled it, and poured some out onto the stone table. After looking at it for a while, he murmured, "It turns out that there really are such weird illnesses in the world..."

"What kind of disease is it? Does Grandpa Xue have any way to cure it?" Jiang Ning asked.

Doctor Xue stroked his beard and said, "This is fire poison."

"Fire poison?"

Jiang Ning read many medical books, but never seen this kind of disease.

Divine Doctor Xue nodded, "Fire poison is rare in the world. You can't find a few in the whole world. This is related to the innate bloodline."

"Then, is there any way to treat it?" This is what Jiang Ning is concerned about. She is worried that Jiang Minglan won't last a few days, and if the fever continues like this, his brain will be burned out.

Doctor Xue was silent for a while and shook his head, "There is no way."

"How could this happen..." Jiang Ning felt her hands were cold and could not help but tremble slightly. She thought of something and quickly said, "A charlatan once left a prescription that cured the fire poison, but it relapsed a few years later. 

"This fire poison shouldn't be incurable, right?"

Doctor Xue raised his face and looked at Jiang Ning, "I'm not saying it can't be cured, but that there is no way. To detoxify the fire, you need a special medicine."

"Medicinal blood?"

"Yes." Doctor Xue nodded, and was a little surprised the next moment, "How did you know?"

"Medicinal blood is rare, and it is even harder to find than fire poison. Before we find someone who is born with medicinal blood... he will probably be dead."


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