Monday, July 1, 2024

MFAW - Chapter 86 - The Third Miss is Wen Yanxing’s Granddaughter (The Truth about Wen Li’s Life Experience!)

 At night, the midsummer sky has passed and gradually turned into an autumn night sky with sparse stars. It is not as bright as midsummer. The sparse stars hang in the sky accompanied by the light-colored crescent moon.

The bright moonlight shines on the earth, illuminating the entire campus along with the street lights. As darkness approaches, the number of people coming and going on campus gradually decreases.

During this time, except for the few roads to and from the dormitories, laboratory building, and library where there were still many students coming and going, the rest of the roads were already quiet.

From time to time in the school, you can hear the rustling of leaves blown by the wind, and the shadows of trees shaking on the ground under the street lights.

The black car entered from the school gate drove to the southeast corner of the University of Science and Technology and stopped in front of the research institute.

The car door opened and the driver stood aside respectfully. Mu Kuiyuan was helped out of the car by Mu Ting.

The old man stood still at the door and looked at the sign hanging on the side of the door. There were a few shining golden words on it, Lei Yuan Research Institute.

"You said there was no need to contact in advance, but I don't know whether Professor Lei will see you or not." Mu Ting supported the old man and stood in front of the door.

Mu Kuiyuan stepped up the steps and said, "No matter what, he won't want to see me. In this case, I should come directly."

As soon as the two walked onto the steps, a fence raised from the ground blocked their way.

The staff who came after hearing the sound came out and were stunned when they saw the two old people in front of the fence.

Why did two old people come during this time?

"Hello, what can I do for you?" he asked politely.

Mu Ting took a step forward and said, "Please tell Professor Lei that Mr. Mu wants to see him."

The staff quickly realized what Mr. Mu was saying. No wonder he looked familiar. This old man had been to the school twice to cut the ribbon for the newly completed laboratory building.

He is the grandfather of Mu Nuanxi and Mu Chenxing and the founder of the Mu family.

"You guys wait here, I'll contact Professor Lei."

The staff member walked to the side and flipped the headphones on his ears, explaining the situation in a low voice. At this moment, the lights in the entire institute were on.

The street lights were bright in the open-air courtyard. The three-story building directly opposite the two people was a bit strange. There was no window on the entire second and third floors.

Only through the glass door of the entrance hall on the first floor can you see the washing equipment hanging at the entrance above, which is neat and tidy.

The staff quickly turned off the headset and walked up to Mu Kuiyuan.

"Professor Lei invites you to come in."

The fence in front of the two people lowered. Mu Ting helped Mu Kuiyuan enter. The staff led the two people to the sitting room on the right and sat down.

Mu Kuiyuan has a prominent status in the industry, and various energy companies and people from all walks of life come to visit from time to time, so the reception room that should be set up will also be placed here.

The first thing you see when you enter is a round black sofa, with a fruit plate placed on the coffee table in the middle.

The staff took out water glasses from the refrigerator nearby and poured water for the two of them.

"Sorry, except for coffee, there is only water."

The rest are the tea leaves collected by Professor Lei. Except for himself, few other guests can drink it.

He quickly exited, leaving only the two of them in the living room.

Mu Ting looked around. The area here was not large. It could be seen that it was used as a pure reception room. Apart from a few paintings hanging on the wall, there was a sofa. The latest refrigerator was placed on the left-hand side of the door. The furnishings of the entire space are very simple.

As time passed by, Mu Ting sat next to the old man and looked at his watch.

Thirty minutes have passed, but Lei Yuan still has no intention of showing up, but older people always have better patience.

There was no trace of impatience on Mu Kuiyuan's face, but he drank two glasses of water happily.

Mu Ting looked at the old man's face. He didn't have any dissatisfaction. Naturally, he followed and waited. However, Lei Yuan and Mu Kuiyuan had never dealt with each other. They made a special trip to visit today, so it was not surprising that they would be treated like this.

About an hour and a half later, Lei Yuan came belatedly. He was wearing a white lab coat. He handed the signed documents to his assistant and walked into the reception room.

"I thought I wouldn't see you tonight." Mu Kuiyuan looked up and Lei Yuan sat down opposite him.

Lei Yuan patted the folds of his clothes and looked at the wrinkled old man opposite him. After all, he hadn't seen Mu Kuiyuan for a long time.

"The last time we met was when we were in school when Chenyu was still in school. Four or five years have passed in the blink of an eye." Mu Kuiyuan sighed.

Mu Ting still remembered that when Mu Chenyu entered USTC, he accompanied the old man to meet Lei Yuan. They were kicked out before they could finish three sentences. The meeting could be said to have ended on bad terms.

Lei Yuan snorted coldly, "If you have anything to say, just say it. I'm very busy."

Mu Kuiyuan was not angry at his bad attitude. Instead, he spoke in a gentle tone, "We are all so old, but your temper is still so impatient. It hasn't changed at all."

Lei Yuan looked at the old man in front of him. After so many years, they looked at each other now. They were no longer the same as before, but some things remained unchanged.

"I can't help it. I was born with a life of hard work. I am not like Mr. Mu, who can enjoy a happy life and have children and grandchildren around me. I don't like to get along with others when I am alone. Of course, my temper is not as easy-going and lovable as the old man." Lei Yuan looked at Mu Kuiyuan and spoke with thorny words.

Mu Ting listened to Lei Yuan's words. He had been with Mu Kuiyuan for so many years, and of course he knew that the second wife Mu Kuiyuan married was Lei Yuan's girlfriend.

Mu Kun and Mu Jing'an's mother died after giving birth to Mu Jing'an. Later, Mu Kuiyuan married Lei Yuan's girlfriend. That woman only lived in the Mu family for ten years before she died of illness.

But Lei Yuan never married and had no descendants. In his heart, Lei Yuan hated the fact that Mu Kuiyuan had taken away his beloved.

"You were like this when you were young, but it has nothing to do with whether you have children or not." Mu Kuiyuan replied.

"If Mr. Mu is just here to quarrel with me, I'll leave first. There's still a lot of work waiting in the laboratory, and I really don't have time." Lei Yuan stood up.

Mu Kuiyuan let go of the cup in his hand, "What's the rush? I'm here to thank you for accepting Wen Li as your apprentice. I didn't stop looking for you for Chenyu. Now that this kid has become your apprentice, I naturally have to come over in person to thank my old friend for taking care of the child. 

His words successfully stopped Lei Yuan.

"But some things still have to be said clearly. Otherwise, if someone with ill intentions makes a fuss about it, it will not be good to disturb the relationship between us."

Mu Kuiyuan's words, which were neither serious nor serious, successfully changed the expression on Lei Yuan's face.

"What do you mean?" Lei Yuan narrowed his eyes at him.

Mu Ting took out the cell phone from his arms and clicked on the video to play. The man in the video had a bald head, and the tattoos on his head extended to his neck, which looked shocking.

"Do I need to say more?" Mu Kuiyuan looked at him with cold eyes.

Lei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in a more comfortable position on the sofa.

"So you already know. It is rumored that that girl is Mu's illegitimate daughter, a wild child brought back from somewhere. If I succeed today, wouldn't I be equivalent to helping you clean up Mu's family?" He said in a casual tone.


The cup in front of Mu Kuiyuan shattered on the ground. The broken pieces of porcelain flew in the air and two pieces fell on Lei Yuan's pants.

Seeing Mu Kuiyuan's suddenly cold face again, Lei Yuan felt no emotion at all.

"I understand your temperament. Although you have hated me for so many years, you would not use children as bargaining chips to threaten me. Otherwise, you would have accepted Chen Yu and Chen Xing as your apprentices long ago, and you would definitely not wait until now."

After spending so many years together, no one knows Lei Yuan's temperament better than Mu Kuiyuan. Lei Yuan hates him to the core, but he is willing to stay at the University of Science and Technology funded by Mu just to collect information and evidence on Mu.

If he really wanted to hurt the child to the point of harming him, Lei Yuan would not wait until now to take action and target a rumored illegitimate daughter.

Lei Yuan, no matter how much he hates others, still has a bottom line that he abides by and will not hurt an innocent child.

From the interrogation of the bald man, we learned his purpose. Lei Yuan indeed hired them. He only said that Wen Li would be kidnapped and if anyone asked, he would frame the blame on Mu Nuanxi.

The purpose is obvious. To alienate the relationship between Wen Li and the Mu family, he asked Wen Li to join the research laboratory.

"How do you know I'm not taking revenge on you? How do you know I don't want to kill your granddaughter?" Lei Yuan suddenly laughed out loud, "You are too conceited, Mu Kuiyuan, you also know that I hate you. The hatred of taking away my wife is irreconcilable. I am alone, but you have many descendants, so I will kill one of you. 

Mu Ting frowned. After so many years, Lei Yuan still couldn't get out of the shadow of the second wife.

"I know you hate me, and I can't help you, but you can't touch this child!" Mu Kuiyuan looked cold.

Lei Yuan sneered, and the wrinkles at the end of his eyes became more and more obvious, "At the beginning, you wanted me to accept the children of your Mu family as your disciples. I just obeyed your opinion. If you are not satisfied,  I can expel her from the institute. 

After getting to know countless people over the years, Lei Yuan has seen through the warmth and coldness of human emotions and has also developed a pair of eyes that can distinguish people's hearts. When he first saw Mu Wen Li, he confirmed that this child was someone who could achieve great things.

Her ability and talent will definitely contribute to his success and fulfill his long-cherished wish.

"Why are you scared?" Lei Yuan laughed even more crazily, "When I first saw her, I felt that it was not simple. If that child really wants to do something, she will definitely be able to do it. As long as she stirs up the hatred in her heart for the Mu family, I don't even have to do anything, she will definitely make your Mu family collapse. 

Lei Yuan hated the Mu family for being like this. It was impossible that he had not cultivated his informants for so many years. Just like Mu Kuiyuan placed everyone around every child, he raised his own people in the Mu family.

Since this child can be bullied and humiliated by everyone in the Mu family, then this child is different from other people.

"Lei Yuan!" Mu Kuiyuan's tone was even higher than before, "After all these years, you still cannot forget..."

"Don't mention that name casually!" Lei Yuan clenched his fists with his fingers, interrupting Mu Kuiyuan, "You don't deserve to mention that person."

Seeing him like this, Mu Kuiyuan remembered that that woman had taken the initiative to find him, the second year after she met Lei Yuan.

But I have to admit that she is a very beautiful woman, capable of seducing and captivating, and can indeed make men fascinated.

Perhaps it was for this reason that she died of illness ten years after marrying into the Mu family.

Mu Kuiyuan took out a photo from his arms, put it on the table and pushed it over, "Then do you still remember him?"

There are three young men in the photo, the one on the far left is Mu Kuiyuan, and the one on the far right who can still vaguely distinguish is Lei Yuan.

The man in the middle has a clear face, gold-rimmed eyes, and an elegant temperament. His white shirt is buttoned to the highest position meticulously.

Lei Yuan's eyes were pierced, and the sarcasm on his lips became more and more obvious, "What, do you want to reminisce about your youth with me now?"

Mu Kuiyuan tapped the face of the man in the middle with his fingertips, "Since you have accepted that child as your apprentice, you naturally have a lot of contact with her. Haven't you noticed that her gestures are somewhat similar to Yanxing?" 

However, an understatement made Lei Yuan's pupils dilate, shattering all the calmness and composure on his face.

"What did you say??"

"Her name is Mu Wenli, and her last name is from my Mu family, but I never gave her this name."

A fleeting thought burned in Lei Yuan's heart, but he still couldn't believe it. 

"Impossible..." He took the photo with trembling hands.

When Mu Ting saw Lei Yuan's look, he breathed a sigh of relief and spoke out the answer unceremoniously, "The third Miss is Wen Yanxing's granddaughter."


It was like something exploded in his brain, with a shocking but bitter taste, which made Lei Yuan's head confused.

"Hah..." He fell on the sofa and took out a bottle of spray from his pocket while breathing heavily. The bitter and irritating gas slowly calmed him down.

"So, when I saw that child, I felt familiar because..."

At the reception at the University of Science and Technology, Lei Yuan saw Wen Li for the first time. He always felt that he had seen that beautiful face before, but he could never remember it.

Mu Kuiyuan reacted after hearing his words, as if he was remembering something from a long time ago, "Yan Xing's daughter-in-law is also an extremely beautiful person."

He had seen her once, and it was only that kind of woman who could pass on such good looks to Wen Li.

Lei Yuan clutched the clothes on his chest tightly, and looked at Mu Kuiyuan with more hatred in his eyes, "Mu Kuiyuan, how many more evils are you going to do!"

Mu Ting suddenly became unhappy after hearing this, "Professor Lei, how can it be the old man's fault that the Mu family took in Dr. Wen's granddaughter and raised her?"

"Fifteen years!" Lei Yuan's voice suddenly increased, "That child has been wandering for fifteen years! Don't tell me that your Mu family hid her and took care of her during these fifteen years!"

Lei Yuan met Jin Lewei, and Jin Lewei found him the day after he announced that he would accept Wen Li as his apprentice.

She very solemnly asked him to take good care of Wen Li. Only then did Lei Yuan know that Wen Li was lost from the Mu family at the age of five and adopted by the Jin family at the age of seven. The child had suffered a lot in these years.

Jin Lewei said that Wen Li had a bad temper and was not easy to get along with, but she was very smart and could endure hardships. She hoped that he could take good care of the child and train her well.

The young woman sincerely begged him and hoped very devoutly that he could take care of Wen Li.

"If she is really Brother Wen's granddaughter, how did she get to be with you?" Lei Yuan stared at him.

Of course Mu Kuiyuan knew that he would get to the bottom of it and leave nothing out.

"When the Wen family was suddenly in trouble, Yan Xing took Wen Li to find me, hoping that I could take her in, hide her life experience, and protect the child's safety." Mu Kuiyuan spoke calmly as if recalling the past many years ago, 

"So the original energy chip was given to you by Brother Wen?" Lei Yuan's mocking tone became even more serious.

"I know you haven't believed me all these years. He gave me the original energy chip. This was the contract signed at that time and the certificate he gave me!" Mu Kuiyuan took out a yellowed piece of paper from his pocket and spread it out. 

Lei Yuan squatted in front of the table and read the content clearly word for word. It was written very clearly that the original chip was voluntarily given to Mu by Wen Yanxing.

"I didn't let you read this before because I wanted to protect Wen Li. If those people can kill the Wen family, they will inevitably find you through their connections. Now take a good look at this agreement to see if there are any mistakes!"

Lei Yuan confirmed again and again that the handwriting on it was clearly Wen Yanxing's, something Lei Yuan would never admit was wrong.

Wen Yanxing used this as a condition, in exchange for the Mu family to protect Wen Li's safety.

"This child is already suffering a lot. I feel guilty for letting her get lost and not taking good care of her, so I want to make it up to her. No matter how much you hate me, you shouldn't use her as a bargaining chip to deal with me!"

The three of them had gone through an unforgettable period back then, but everything was torn apart. Lei Yuan hated his own cowardice and missed the past.

They were both scientific researchers, but Wen Yanxing was more powerful than him and gave him a lot of help.

Wen Yanxing's reputation had already surpassed him before his death. One can imagine what would happen if he lived to this day.

"She is Brother Wen's granddaughter."

She is Wen Yanxing's granddaughter...

Mu Ting clearly saw the tears in the corners of Lei Yuan's eyes. To be able to get such news today is something that Lei Yuan could never have dreamed of.

"In any case, it's not beyond my expectation that you can accept her as your apprentice. After all, you and him were the best partners back then." Mu Kuiyuan said.

Mu Ting looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to leave. He stood up and helped the old man. Such big news always gives people a little buffer time.

"That child has suffered too much, and it is not easy to live a good life now. I will transfer the shares in my name to her to make up for my guilt over the years and let her have a worry-free life, so your conversation with me today..."

"I know." Lei Yuan supported his body and stood up, and then looked at Mu Kuiyuan who was calm, "She is a descendant of Brother Wen. Of course, I will protect her. No matter what, the dispute between you and me will not affect her."

Mu Kuiyuan nodded with satisfaction. He knew that Lei Yuan was reasonable and emotional.

"If Yan Xing knows that the child finally became your apprentice, I guess his spirit in heaven will be happy."

These were the last words Mu Kuiyuan said.

The two walked out of the door side by side. The staff looked curiously at the glass door of the living room that was reopened. It was said that Professor Lei did not close the door when the guests came and met. Why are these two people here tonight? 

Mu Ting helped the old man get into the car. He never understood why. Mu Kuiyuan said that he wanted to keep Wen Li's life experience in his heart, but he told Lei Yuan.

"Lei Yuan has a better relationship with Yan Xing than he does with me. He will be happiest knowing Wen Li's identity." Mu Kuiyuan looked at the scenery gradually receding outside the window with a relaxed smile on his face,  "In addition, if Lei Yuan knows Wen Li's life experience, Lei Yuan can also help me take care of this child after I leave.  If she really can't get along with her family,  she will have someone to rely on."

Mu Kuiyuan chuckled, "Maybe I'm really old. Recently, I always dream about the past, Lei Yuan, Yan Xing. And I always dream about the way Yan Xing came to me with Wen Li, cough cough..."

The past seems to be before my eyes, so clear.

"I've been sorry to Yan Xing and Lei Yuan all my life. Now that I'm old, maybe my end is approaching, and I always think of things from the past."

Mu Ting poured out the pills from the bottle and handed them over, "You are thinking too much. Now that Wen Li has finally been found, you can also fulfill your promise to your old friend.  It just takes some time to integrate her into the family, but it can still be done. 

"The eldest lady did indeed do something wrong at the beginning, but fortunately she has been recovered now. All children are blessed. Besides, children never make mistakes. The eldest lady was still a child at that time. 

Mu Kuiyuan closed his eyes. Since Wen Li came back, he dreamed of Wen Yanxing more often, and every time he could see his face full of blood questioning him.

Asking him why he did not take good care of Wen Li, why...

"You should rest for a while. You will be home soon." Mu Ting covered him with a blanket.


After Mu Kuiyuan left, Lei Yuan stumbled up and walked out holding on to the door frame. In the past two years, his health had gotten worse and worse, and he had taken more medicine with him.

His heart seemed to be pressed tightly by something. Lei Yuan tried hard to control his breathing and dropped the medicine bottle he brought out with his hand.

The white bottle rolled around twice and then stopped. Lei Yuan leaned down and a white palm stretched out to hand the bottle to him.

Following that hand, Lei Yuan raised his head.

In a daze, he seemed to see many people, and the one that finally settled on him was Wen Yanxing's face.

"Child..." His lips moved, and after a while he uttered these two words.

Lei Yuan now has no face to see Wen Li again. Although his plan never intended to harm Wen Li, he really wanted to take advantage of her.

"When... did you come?" He still had some hope in his heart.

Maybe the kid didn't hear it.

"Before Mu Kuiyuan arrived."

Wen Li's words shattered all Lei Yuan's illusions. He raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of disbelief.

"I sent the message to Mu Kuiyuan to lure him here." Wen Li spoke out without hesitation.

Lei Yuan stood up straight, "You..."

Wen Li placed the same photo in front of him and pointed at the person in the middle, "I want to know about him."

Lei Yuan and Mu Kuiyuan both have the same photo, and it is not difficult to get it as long as they investigate carefully.

"" Lei Yuan stared at her and hesitated to speak.

Wen Li's memory of the dream of being trapped was indeed missing, but she was originally a doctor and could investigate. She spent time returning to the laboratory to conduct a detailed examination of her own body, and she was able to understand. 

Someone had changed her memory, just like Lu Xue's genes had been changed to match hers, and the drug-induced sleep repair treatment during this period had successfully allowed her to see the face covered in blood mist in her dream.

Although there were wrinkles and gray hair, she could still tell that the man who pushed her forward desperately to keep her alive was the man in the middle of the photo.

And if she wanted to know the truth, she could only find it when Mu Kuiyuan and Lei Yuan met. Unexpectedly, it was exactly what she expected.

She used Lei Yuan to successfully attract Mu Kuiyuan's attention, and she also successfully drew out the past story.

This trip was quite rewarding.

"Child, I'm sorry for you." Lei Yuan raised his hand, trying to touch the face of the person in front of him with his trembling fingertips, "I'm sorry."

"Who is Wen Yanxing?" Wen Li looked at him.

As if he was remembering something from a long time ago, Lei Yuan has not mentioned this name for many years, "He is your grandfather, the most famous scientist in the entire G country in the past era. If he can live to this day, I, a leading figure in the energy industry, will never be on par with him." 

Wen Yanxing's research was all underground research, so many people in the G country did not know him. However, Wen Yanxing's research in the field of mechanical automation supported the sky and laid the foundation for a strong military in the G country.

In the second half of his research career, he turned to chip research and successfully produced original chips, successfully breaking the current situation of lack of chips in the entire G country. Although the final chip was sold by Mu group, the contribution it can make cannot be underestimated.

"Actually, I don't know much about him, but he has always been the big brother who takes care of me." Lei Yuan had tears in his eyes.

If he knew that Wen Li was Wen Yanxing's granddaughter, he would not hurt Wen Li even if he killed himself with a gun.

"Child, I know you may not believe me now, but you have to remember that you are in the Mu family, so don't trust Mu Kuiyuan too much. He is not a good person." Lei Yuan grabbed Wen Li's shoulders and expressed his emotions. 

Wen Li looked at the emotion in his eyes, such strong and rich worry, it was not false.

"You don't believe what he said?"

Lei Yuan nodded and held Wen Li's hand tightly, "I don't believe a word he says. You must remember that you must not believe them..."


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