Thursday, December 28, 2023

MFAW - Chapter 80 - Wen Li gained Ten Million Followers (Face Slap #6)

 At twelve o'clock at noon, at KRTAE restaurant, it is the time for office workers to have lunch after getting off work. This restaurant is located in the largest central square in the center of Ningzhou. Next to the square is the pedestrian street, which is a place with a huge flow of people.

The restaurant advertises a star rating, and a well-known intercontinental food appraisal agency has come to taste food here and has done a series of surveys and star standards. The restaurant's food is high-quality, and the price is naturally not low.

In addition, the restaurant adopts an advance reservation rule, so even if it is in a place with excessive traffic, it can still maintain a quiet dining environment for customers.

Wen Li sat on the left side of the restaurant's entrance, looking at the bustling flow of people passing by outside the window.

After the waiter brought the coffee, he turned around and left. He looked back at the girl with a delicate profile. This girl seemed familiar. He just can't remember where he saw her, maybe she was a customer who came before.

Wen Li looked at the time, it was twelve ten, and she took a slow sip of coffee.

It's almost time to arrive.

A woman in a blue dress arrived belatedly at the door. She wore a pair of eight-centimeter high heels, which stretched her body proportions. The skirt reached her ankles, but there was a slit on the side. 

Her upper body is quite normal. She wears a black wide-brimmed hat and black sunglasses on the bridge of her nose. Half of her face is painted with exquisite makeup, and the color of her lips is the most popular red nowadays.

Full of aura, the woman saw Mu Wen Li sitting by the window as soon as she entered the door. She smiled and walked straight over.

The platinum chain handbag was thrown aside casually, and Tong Jingshu looked at the woman in front of her through her sunglasses.

"Third Miss Mu came to me for something important? I remember that our relationship was not good enough to meet alone." Tong Jingshu had a flamboyant smile on her lips.

Nowadays, there are more and more insults on the Internet, and everyone thinks that Mu Wen Li robbed her sister's things.

Mu Nuanxi, who was posting comments to defend her sister because she deleted her social information, has deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, her kind image of a person who was hurt by the person closest to her but still worked hard to protect her sister.

Comparison will only hurt. In addition to the media supported by Tong, the news will become bigger and bigger in the next few days. Mu Wen Li will be completely unable to turn around this time.

She felt extremely happy when she thought of this as if she could get back all the humiliation she suffered from Mu Wen Li this time.

"The seeds have been sown. After spending so much time irrigating and growing, don't you have to taste the harvested fruits?" Wen Li threw another sugar cube into the coffee cup.

"What do you mean?" Tong Jingshu narrowed her eyes.

This damn girl said unfathomable things for no reason.

"After all the trouble and effort in setting up such a big trick, don't you want to see how decadent I look now?" Wen Li took a sip of the coffee, but it was still bitter.

After understanding what she said, Tong Jingshu turned her head and looked out the window. There was a constant flow of people coming and going.

No matter how much commotion there is on the Internet, people in real life still maintain their own rhythm of life without being disturbed at all.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Tong Jingshu snorted coldly.

Wen Li threw another sugar cube into the cup, "I originally thought you were at least a daredevil person, but I didn't expect that I think highly of you. And you, Tong Jingshu, are nothing more than that."

Tong Jingshu sneered and wanted to swallow her rebuttal. Yesterday, Nuan Xi had specifically told her not to admit in front of anyone that it was them who instigated it.

"Mu Wen Li, it's your unkindness that has aroused such a big public opinion. If you had been more conscious and stayed away from Nan Sheng, it wouldn't have become like this."

Tong Jingshu is full of irony. If it weren't for the appearance of this wild girl, she wouldn't have lost such a big face in Seeking Jade Relic. What's even more ironic is Luan Pei's photoshoot this time.

Why does Mu Wen Li, get to have the right to be the main model, while she, Tong Jingshu, has actually been reduced to the status of a green leaf serving as a foil for Mu Wen Li.

She couldn't swallow this breath no matter what.

"That's right. You can't think of such a way in your head. You probably did what others said. You are just an appendage without an opinion of your own. I look up to you." Wen Li raised the corners of her lips, with a hint of mocking.

Tong Jingshu seemed to have seen that night. She gestured calmly and looked at her clothes being torn off with an expressionless face.

The scenes overlapped, and she felt extremely humiliated as if she had never existed in Mu Wen Li's eyes.

"Mu Wen Li, don't be so arrogant here. I'm not afraid to tell you that it was indeed the draft I had someone send out. This is also thanks to your participation in the domestic competition. Your name has made you famous. It's easy to pull such a person into the abyss." Tong Jingshu took off her sunglasses, her eyes staring straight at the person across from her, her face full of arrogance.

"But I shouldn't say anything more to you. You, a wild girl who grew up in the countryside, do you know what the operation of capital is? How many specialized trolls and marketing accounts does Tong have under her name? People like you will never never understand."

Tong Jingshu felt proud when she said this. Public opinion can destroy a person, especially a big family like the Mu family, who cares about the outside world's opinion.

No matter how strong your heart is, you can't be unswayed when you see those insults and curses being casually speculated on.

"Tong's biggest business is the media. It's normal to have some special marketing accounts. It's also a skill to be able to make such a big noise. But I'm curious, what kind of deep hatred exists between you and me that makes you dead set on me?" Wen Li laughed lightly.

Tong Jingshu's hand holding the cup tightened, "You ask me? Mu Wen Li, you really have a bad memory. I will never forget the humiliation you gave me. You should repay it well now. if you kowtow and kneel down to me now, I can still consider letting you go, otherwise, you'll be waiting for a thousand years of stench."

Wen Li held her head and looked at her, seeming to be very interested in this topic.

"Oh, besides kneeling and kowtowing?"

"Leave Ningzhou City forever and never step foot back again."

This was the first time Wen Li was amused by such an idea. Not everyone cared so much about public opinion on the Internet.

The information age can indeed make information flow more smoothly and bring many trivial matters to thousands of households.

Those outbreaks of public opinion are indeed terrifying. Ordinary people can't stay away from the Internet completely, and that information will make people collapse, breaking down people's psychological defenses bit by bit.

But for Wen Li, they are just ridiculous methods.

I have seen hell on Earth where there are rivers of blood and corpses on the ground. Such methods are not even comparable to losing one's hair.

"This world is very complicated. It's not something a wild girl like you can handle. Even if you are the number one hacker, you still can't hack everyone's system. Just accept your fate. you can't fight me, and you don't want to be spat on as soon as you go out in the future."

"Either you kneel down and apologize to me now, or we continue to see what will happen in a few days. You have also seen now how crazy those crazy fans are. As long as there is a little spark, they can follow closely. All you can do now is to bow your head and give in."

Tong Jingshu felt quite proud, and her already domineering temperament was now clearly revealed.

Public opinion can drive people to death.

The waiter observed the two of them from a distance. They both had good temperaments, but the woman who came in later seemed to be a celebrity.

That face couldn't be more familiar.

Wen Li put down the coffee in her hand gently, "I want to know if what you said now is known to others, how would you explain it?"

Tong Jingshu snorted, "Do you think I'm afraid? I, Tong Jingshu, have never seen any big storms. As long as I don't admit it, no one can do anything to me."

The largest media company in Ningzhou is Tong's. As long as the Tong's are around, she, Tong Jingshu, will never fall.

If one's character can be established, one who has been blackened can naturally be whitewashed. This is the case in the entire circle. Those who are black are not black, and those who are white are not white.

Wen Li slowly released the pendant beside her, and a connected Bluetooth speaker appeared.

The expression on Tong Jingshu's face exploded, and her tone suddenly increased, "You dare to record!"

This wild girl actually dared to trick her.

"With Tong's public relations skills, you can also clean up the recording." Wen Li said.

Tong Jingshu calmed down and said, "You wouldn't dare to do anything to me!"

Wen Li pointed to the side, "I'm live broadcasting."

Tong Jingshu looked along her hand and saw Xia Chen, wearing black sunglasses and fully armed, sitting on the side table.

Qing Guo loosened the gauze scarf she had been wearing, and Xia Chen went over to pick her up early in the morning, saying that he had thought of a way to directly put an end to rumors.

Didn’t expect such a method to be used. Isn’t it fashionable nowadays to make videos of uncivilized phenomena and put them online?

With the supervision of public opinion, we can better reduce the recurrence of these uncivilized phenomena.

"You!" Tong Jingshu covered her face with her handbag, and her face that had been domineering just now suddenly turned pale.

Wen Li made a gesture, and Xia Chen obediently turned off the phone.

"Don't worry, I'm not as stupid as you. I limited the number of people who can watch the live broadcast to only 500 people. However, these 500 people seem to be your biggest fans. I heard that your influence is quite large." Wen Li reminded her.

What is the concept of die-hard fans? The operation of many fan groups is indispensable for the existence of these die-hard fans. They will be responsible for organizing fans to support them, turning the originally unorganized fans into an organized and disciplined team.

For public figures, fans mean the influence of the artist, and die-hard fans are the main figures who intend to lead some of the younger fans. If they lose their followers, it will affect other fans.

If there is a large-scale loss of fans, half of the artist's career will be ruined.

"You just said that I am a hacker. It is not difficult to find some people. Besides, how many marketing accounts and media channels can the Tong family support? As long as you give me a computer, my number will only be more than yours. Do you want to try?"

Xia Chen put a computer in front of him, and according to Wen Li's request, Su Jingjing had already begun to control it.

Qing Guo patted her head. Wen Li was right. They were the first place in the network information security competition. Who else in Ningzhou could operate more smoothly than them.

When it comes to network issues, no one is more authoritative than them, so just casually conquer the system websites of the two companies.

"What do you want!" Tong Jingshu stared at her.

"I just want to ask you, do you know what the penalty for defamation is?" Wen Li sneered, "You have sued a total of fifteen marketing accounts and netizens since your debut, and you have taken a persona of truthfulness because of it, now let me see your persona crumble, what else can you do, knowing the law and violating it, I am afraid you will be sentenced heavier."

Tong Jingshu was so frightened by her that she panicked a little.

"Secretly photographed and secretly recorded videos cannot be used as evidence in court, but if they are circulated on the Internet and asked to be taken out by others, they may have a certain value as evidence. I want to see how strong Tong's ability is. How well could they be able to pull you out of the muck this time, and clean up the mess."

Xia Chen glanced at the computer screen for a reminder, "We have temporarily controlled their accounts and there will be no circulation."

"Do you know what to do?" Wen Li looked at her.

Tong Jingshu knew that the current situation was not good for her, and she must stabilize Mu Wen Li first no matter what, otherwise everything would be over.

"I'm sorry." Tong Jingshu lowered her head, pretending to be sincere.

Wen Li moved her cup on the table. A lot of sugar cubes were added to the coffee, which was not her favorite taste.

"You don't have to do this unscrupulously. I don't want anything that is not sincere. I will ask you to remove all hot searches today and restore everything to the original. The same goes for those marketing accounts. Otherwise, I am afraid that the person who will be criticized tomorrow will not be me but you.

Tong Jingshu stood up holding her handbag, and she suddenly understood why Mu Nuanxi wanted her to control her emotions. If she had been cautious about her words and actions from the moment she entered the restaurant, she would not have led this wild girl by the nose.

It was always a bad move on her part.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

‘"This is my last warning to you. If it happens next time, you will not be the only one who suffers. Think twice before doing anything."

When Tong Jingshu walked out of the restaurant, her eyes were full of hatred, but she couldn't express her anger at Mu Wen Li.

"Boss, are you going to let this woman go like this?" Xia Chen held the computer and sat down opposite Wen Li, "It would be too easy for her."

Qing Guo knocked Xia Chen on the head, "You're stupid. Wen Li only said what she wouldn't do, but she didn't say what others wouldn't do. This video won't be known to the entire Internet, but can you guarantee that there will be no fans among the 500 fans who will stop being a fan and forward it? When the time comes the fandom will cause a lot of sensation, which is also Tong Jingshu's self-inflicted trouble. "

"Such a woman should really have a layer of their face skin torn off so that she doesn't have to keep using that layer of skin to lie to people."

This kind of woman who looks beautiful on the outside but is ugly on the inside should be struck by lightning.

"The list of marketing accounts has been released, and Luan Pei Studio has also sent it out. Boss, would you like to send one with your account too?"

Qing Guo looked at Wen Li calmly. In the morning, Wen Li used IO's identity to register the account on the social platform where Tong Jingshu and Luan Pei were.

It didn’t matter if the big guys settled in. What’s even more terrifying is that it attracted the attention of major technology companies, and it successfully topped the list of hot searches in an instant.

The number of fans has increased to 30 million. An account without posting anything or even changing a profile picture can have 30 million fans.

It even attracted the attention of many foreign fans.

Wen Li turned on her phone and saw the statements from Luan Pei and the Nan's. Luan Pei listed all the marketing accounts and issued a legal statement.

Nan's also officially clarified the relationship between Mu Nuanxi and Nan Sheng. After all, Nan Sheng was famous and there were many women around him in recent years, but the Nan's had never officially issued any clarification text.

It was because of Mu Nuanxi that she officially went online.

Wen Li reprinted several photos sent by Luan Pei's studio, with very simple text.

There is no need to use anyone to hype me up, I am the influence myself.

This sentence is a naked satire on those who say that she uses her status as the daughter of the Mu family to promote herself.

If we really talk about influence, ten Tong Jingshu and Mu Nuanxi cannot compare to one Mu Wen Li.

As soon as the photo was posted, it received over 10 million comments and 10 million reposts, and the number of fans increased exponentially.

"I think the reason why the number of fans has increased so quickly now may be related to the photo Wen Li posted. This photo has completely proved the lies those people said. Looking at it, Mu Nuanxi and Tong Jingshu are wearing this dress together. 

Qing Guo held her phone and swiped the screen. With the speed of her popularity, people in the entire network information security circle of G Country must have paid attention to her.

Also, the top 1 boss in God's Domain is parachuted in, so of course she has to show off.

The whole comment line is lining up to welcome the arrival of the big boss.

"Boss, we have 50 million fans now."

Xia Chen snorted, these people were definitely attracted by the boss's beauty.

Talking about Internet technology: Oh my god, welcome to the boss.

Throw away your past: Originally, I was talking about why no photos of IO were leaked after the National Science and Technology Competition. She was wearing a hat the whole time, so I couldn’t tell what she looked like. It’s okay now. I declare that this is my computer screen saver from today on. 

Pertyui: The one upstairs, plus one.

Bridesmaid Diary: I just want to know who else can filter out all the marketing accounts in such a short time. If you dare to play with our ancestors with network technology, you are probably going crazy.

Beep beep, your beep beep: It doesn’t matter if you have excellent skills, but you still look so beautiful, it’s really amazing.

IO is my ancestor: Go to Luan Pei and ask if there are any frontal photos. Why are the faces taken sideways, and the rest are blurred, and the face is blocked by the beads hanging down from the phoenix crown.

It’s time to go home after twelve o’clock: I’d like to ask the person upstairs to add one and ask for a high-resolution picture.

Give me a crescent knife: Hug my boss in front of me, will this be a special account of the boss from now on? I don’t want much, just post once a month or a year, and don’t disappear...

Little Orange Cat: I would like to ask, who does this male model belong to? He is a perfect match for the boss, right?

Nuonuojiji: I am not from the Internet information circle. I was deceived by this photo. I declare that this is my goddess.

Seize the tail of summer: I also ask, who is the male model? 

The looks of these two are stunning in today's entertainment industry.

Qing Guo closed her phone and said, "Some people are going crazy now, but I rather don't look at it. Compared to the number of fans we have at Dream, you are simply killing us."

Comparisons are odious.

"Now that the matter is done, it's almost time to leave."

The two obediently stood up and followed Wen Li out of the restaurant. The waiter stepped forward to clear the table and looked at the coffee on the table strangely.

"What's wrong with you?" The other waiter looked at the waiter.

"That little girl just now asked for a lot of sugar cubes to put in her coffee, but she didn't take a sip. Do you think it's weird or not?"

"What's weird about this? Maybe she suddenly feels like she doesn't want to drink anymore. Isn't that the case all the time?"

As more people come to such a high-end restaurant, their strange habits are exposed.

"Are we going back to school now?" Xia Chen looked back at the two girls in the back seat.

Seeing Wen Li nod, he turned the steering wheel and headed towards the University of Science and Technology.

"I was originally asking Tang Xiao and the others to figure out how to deal with this matter, but then I received news from you. Xia Chen, you actually don't know how to start a live broadcast!" Qing Guo was dumbfounded.

Today’s young people still don’t know how to do this?

Those five hundred die-hard fans never had the right to choose from the beginning. Wen Li successfully controlled their mobile phones. Once they opened them, they would definitely enter the live broadcast page.

Coupled with their concern for Tong Jingshu, they must be curious about what happened.

"But to be able to control their equipment at the same time, Wen Li is really amazing."

Through this incident, it has been confirmed that their strength is really not at the same level, in the sky and on the earth, if it is different, it is not the same level.

It’s no wonder that such a person would become the top one in God’s Domain on the Intercontinental Alliance’s hacker list.

Sure enough, as they suspected, after the marketing account was uncovered, Tong removed all the marketing drafts written about Mu Wen Li, and sensible netizens could distinguish between good and evil.

Qing Guo found the fan community of Tong Jingshu and Mu Nuanxi, and there were already fans who were removing their followers and backing them, typing out what Tong Jingshu said when she faced Wen Li.

Many sane people also discovered that something was wrong.

Some people like Mu Nuanxi's fairy character, but naturally some people hate it.

Many people exposed Mu Nuanxi's inconsistent words and accused her of being scheming. If she was really a good sister who took care of her sister, she would not have posted the so-called makeup photo.

Knowing that Luan Pei would release photos of the main product during the later promotion, she urgently deleted the social media information after causing public misunderstanding and explained and posted a post to protect Wen Li's reputation.

But people who think deeply can also make judgments on these tea words.

The most obvious point is that the photos taken by Mu Wen Li are indeed several times more beautiful than Mu Nuanxi.

In Tong's Building, Tong Jingshu sat at her desk and watched the conversation on the Internet turn around. After withdrawing all the drafts, no one was looking at Mu Wen Li anymore.

On the contrary, it is the fans of her account. Obviously, a newly opened account can actually increase to 50 million fans in one day, and those photos are posted on the Internet, and many people line up to praise her.

The entire trend of public opinion suddenly changed.

"What is going on? Isn't it foolproof as you said?" Mu Nuanxi slammed the door as soon as she entered.

"How do I know she is so difficult to deal with? Her number of followers on one account is several times that of yours and mine. Moreover, I was tricked by her, and now she still holds the handle!"

Especially now that she is facing a large-scale loss of fans, and her agent's phone number is almost inundated with calls.

"She cannot be dealt with by ordinary means." Mu Nuanxi stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the tall buildings in the distance, with a bright light in her eyes.

In this case, don't blame her for using unconventional means.

Mu Wen Li, you should never have come to Mu's house from the beginning, and now it's time for you to leave Mu's house.


Mu Nuanxi, keep dreaming, Wen Li is sooooo not interested in staying at your house. 

Have a Happy Day today!

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Follow the Rabbit